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Consultative Selling: Pre-Sales Preparation

Selling is an Art. Not everyone can shine well as a Salesman. But for those who do train and groom themselves as salesmen, the
career can be a rewarding as well as challenging experience. Selling in current times is definitely a challenge, especially when the
competition is very high and the customers are very choosy, demanding and informed.

With the multi media and technological advances, market characteristics have undergone changes. The customer or buyer behavior,
buying pattern as well as the process of buying too have changed. Apart from competing with others, every brand has got to prove itself
in terms of its superior value to the customers.

Today’s sales managers and executives are a breed apart. Gone are the days when the salesmen would carry their bag and make
several cold calls every day. Today’s salesmen are hi tech, technically qualified and position themselves differently from the earlier

Today, consultative selling has become the latest practice in engaging with the customers. To be able to sell a product, salesmen first
need to get to know all about the customer and his business first. Identifying the customer’s needs and building a solution using
the product or service being sold is the way that sales prospecting are being managed in recent times.

Consultative selling is not easy. It calls for thorough study, preparation and planning by the sales and marketing teams. The amount of
time that is spent by the sales and marketing managers in preparing the groundwork is significantly higher in consultative selling.

First and foremost, it is important for the sales and marketing personnel to study and understand all about their product or
service, its features, characteristics as well as advantages and usage etc. At this stage, an exercise to identify possible areas and
fields or target customers list should be drawn up in detail. In every identified customer segment, further detailing of how the product
could fit in and be useful to the customer needs to be enumerated. Take the case of insurance as a product. The product could be sold
to various segments including working women, adults, children etc . Each individual’s need for insurance would be different. Further,
insurance for each individual would need to be planned with his or her lifecycle and other factors. A good salesman will do his
homework well to understand more about each one’s life cycle, lifestyle, demographics and other socio-economic as well as cultural
factors that could influence their need for and decision for insurance, thereby equipping himself to be able to work with the individuals
and advise them on how to go about planning for their needs rather than just selling a product.

The next step in the homework would be to study competition and prepare a detailed chart comparing the competition product
visa vise the product that is being proposed. An informed salesman should know all about the competitor’s products as well. He
should be in a position to discuss meaningfully with the customers about his product and compare it with the competition and bring out
the advantages or disadvantages of choosing a particular product from the customer’s perspective. A customer who finds a salesman
discussing objectively about competition and keeping the customer’s interest at heart will appreciate the sincerity of the salesman and
is likely to trust his advice.

Many times it does happen that your product may not suit the customer’s needs. Instead of walking away a consultative salesman will
either choose a complimentary product that can be associated with your product and offer a workable solution to the customer. In
several cases, salesmen are known to go back to their management and canvas for a customized solution in order to win the customer
and not lose out on the relationship.

There are also cases where in the marketing and salesmen have advised customers on choosing a particular competitor’s product to
suit the customer’s needs. While one may be surprised, it is actually a very genuine right thought and action on the part of the true
salesman. Any professional and confident salesman will always place customer relationship and customer’s needs above everything
else. When one’s product is not suitable for the customer, he would rather become an advisor or sort of consultant to the customer and
guide him on choosing the next best alternative. Thereby one gets to build a relationship with the customer and wait for future
opportunities rather than give up on the customer. The sign of a good salesman is that he would look at losing out on one transaction in
order to gain a lifetime relationship with the customer.
8 useful Methods of Prospecting used by successful salesmen’s

The word prospecting means a search made underground treasure by a geologist. It may be oil, water or ore prospecting. In
salesmanship also, this term is used with a specific meaning. Prospecting is the first step in selling process. A prospect is a qualified
person or a unit that has the potential to buy your product or service. A prospect should not be confused with the term ‘lead’. The name
of a person or a unit, who might be a prospect, is referred as a lead. A ‘lead’ can be a ‘suspect’ indicating the person or a unit is suspected
of a prospect. Once the ‘lead’ has been qualified; the lead becomes a prospect to know whether a lead is a ‘prospect’ or a ‘suspect’, some
questions may be asked. If the answer is positive for each, then he is a prospect, otherwise a suspect.

The methods of prospecting are as follows:

(i) Endless Chain Method

‘Endless chain’ or ‘family tree’ method works on the principle of Multiplication of relations. The salesman collects the names and
addresses of friends and relatives and interviews the persons who are likely to be prospects. A person who is convinced or satisfied
readily recommends the names of his friends and relatives who according to him should also be benefitted by the proposition. This
method is most effective in development of prospects of intangibles like investments and insurance covers. Further, the salesman is
having easy access to these recommended person which is a special merit.

(ii) Center of Influence Method

Strictly speaking, every individual is the center of attraction or influence in one way or the other. Being the center of his or her own
worlds he or she has some influence on those who are in the orbit or world. This point is encased under this method. A salesman
develops a selected band of persons who serve as his center of influence in his own territory or the community. The more friends a
salesman has, the more center of influence he can tap in finding the prospects for his products. These selected persons are either the
customers or the influential friends of customers. Such persons may be ministers, MPs, MLAs, doctors, lawyers, bankers, professors,
club officials, business leaders, social workers and the community leaders.

(iii) Personal Observation Method

For a prospect minded salesman, prospects are everywhere. The salesman plays the role of a keen observer as if what is going on
ground. A salesman, who is agile and alert to identify the prospects, does it so easily and quickly. That is why, this method is popularly
known as “eyes and ears” inductive method. He observes keenly, meaningfully and meticulously. It may be a conversation – a street
comment- cinema house chitchat- office grape- wine- comments at public meetings- remarks at recreation- a close talk in a hotel- a
dialogue during a journey. As a creative professional, he makes an all out effort to explore such possibilities and exploit the
opportunities open. A shrewd salesman reserves some time daily for meaningful and purposive observation to gain prospects in normal

(iv) Spotters Methods

Junior salesmen are employed, many a time, to locate the prospects, in a particular territory of a specific social status. As these junior
salesmen are to spot or locate the prospects, they are called as spotters. These spotters move from house to house spotting out
prospects. The work of spotters is purely to locate the prospects and report them to the senior salesmen who would take over the
responsibility of selling as the experienced professionals. That is, a detailed survey is conducted by the juniors and follow up work is
taken by the seniors. Most of the people cooperate for such survey work. This method is lucratively used in case of products which are
attractive, useful and durable like automobiles, two- wheelers, TV sets, air-coolers, air-conditioners, vacuum-cleaners, sewing machines,
cooking-ranges, washing-machines, sound-gadgets and so on.

(v) Cold Canvas Method

This method works on ‘laws of averages. This method is also known as ‘cold turkey’ ‘survey’ or ‘’new account’ method. Here, the
salesman does not know the prospect even as a lead salesman takes a calculated chance by collecting the names and addresses of such
leads in a particular locality and meets them by canvassing. The thrust is on service than sales as he is meeting him for the first time.
The underlying idea is to benefit a person by calling on him. Salesman uses extensively ‘you attitude’ and is used in case of consumer
and industrial goods.

(vi) Direct Mail and Telephone Method

The salesman contacts the former and present users of the products by mail. The contact message covers the arrival of new products.
Circular and sales letter along with advertising folders are sent to both old and present and likely customers depicting the latest features
of the new line, advantages of new line and the benefits of the new line. This direct mail approach needs a selected mailing list which is
up-dated. This is better than a personal call, because it select best, uncovers the unknown prospects and makes prospect need-
conscious. In addition, telephone contacts can be established particularly, in city areas. It is a great time saver and has the same effect as
that of a personal call. Constant contact is possible with past, present and potential customers.

(vii) Exhibitions and Demonstration

Exhibitions and demonstrations take place from time to time at city, regional or national or international level. The selling houses
sponsor such trade-shows and demonstrations along with sales staff. As the visitors walk into the pavilion to examine the products, an
experienced salesman takes a few minutes to qualify leads, gets their names and addresses so as to contact them later on either at their
homes or offices for demonstration. Though salesman and prospect contact is quite brief, this type of gathering of special interest gives
salesman extensive contact with a large number of potential buyers over a very short span of time.

(viii) Bird-dog Method

Closely related to spotters method is that of ‘bird dogs’ approach. ‘Bird dog’ is the nick-name given to those persons who visit the houses
at a definite interval. For instance, we have electric or water meter readers, gas boys, milk suppliers, news-paper boys visiting in official
capacity many households in a particular locality. Even these may be watchmen, liftmen, household servants. These ‘bird-dogs’ or ‘sales
associates’ provide a good deal of demographic information relating to households on which the salesman can capitalize. This works out
as the most reliable source of information and economical too. The information is acquired without asking the prospects.

(i) Lead from Sales-managers

Sales managers as a departmental lead has official and unofficial contacts with the people of the other departments of same
organizations and also other firms in whose contact he comes in personal as well as official capacity. The names and addresses of leads
provided by both intra-firm departments and extra-firm departments are a political source. Thus, an automobile sales manager would
give a list of leads to the salesman for its repairs and servicing, spare-parts and so on. The salesman will locate the likely buyers of new

(ii) Advertisements and Advertising Agencies

Today, spending on advertisements is increasing as it yields good results. It is an investment rather than expenditure. A well designed
and placed advertisement brings good many prospects. What salesman does by personal efforts is done by each advertisements as it has
need recognizing and need converting capacity at quickest span this has become much easier because of audiovisuals. In addition to
these advertisements, the agency or the advertising department of the business house has to provide the list of leads to the salesman
that enriches his reservoir of prospects.
7 essential objectives of pre-approach in salesmanship

‘Pre-approach’ means a salesman’ this preparation to approach a prospect that he can succeed in turning into a customer. At this stage,
the salesman collects information about his different prospects with reference to their age, education, social status, usual habits, likes,
dislikes, buying practices, etc. These additional information help a salesman to plan his ‘sales talk’, when he actually approaches the
prospects. To put it in other words, the preparation to meet the prospect is known as “Pre-approach”. By pre-approach, the salesman
tries to make successful presentation of his goods and services before the prospect.


The main objectives of pre-approach are:

(i) To provide additional information

Prospecting provides salesman only the names and addresses of prospects. But this information may not be sufficient to convert a
prospect into customer. The salesman, at pre-approach stage, requires some further information about the prospect- his likes and
dislikes, habits, types, economic status, behavior, nature, etc. As a result, it becomes easier for him to deal with the real potential buyers.

(ii) To select the best approach to meet the prospects

All prospects are not equal in all respects. That is, all prospects cannot be approached in one and same manner. Their nature is different
and hence need different treatment by salesman. Some are easy to meet; while others are quite difficult to contact. Direct approach is
suitable to some prospects, while some others prefer indirect treatment. In the light of these differences, the pre-approach aims at
selecting the best approach to meet his prospects. As a result, chances of returning empty handed are very less.

(iii)To obtain information for planned presentation

Effective sales depend upon effective presentation and demonstration. Intelligent pre-approach is the pillar of successful presentation.
A good pre-approach furnishes a salesman a clear idea into the buying motives of the prospects. As a result, he (salesman) approaches
the right motive of the buyer to seek right action. The sales talk is fabricated to suit the individual tastes. Thus, pre-approach helps the
salesman to make best presentation and proper demonstration of the product.

(iv) To avoid serious mistakes

By pre-approach, a salesman knows beforehand about the likes, dislikes, taste and temperaments of the prospects. For instance, some
prospects may not like smoking during sales- interview. This advance knowledge of prospects helps the salesman to avoid any serious
mistakes during sales talk. If he finds any fault with his pre-approach, he corrects it immediately to win the hearts of prospects.

(v) To meet the prospects with confidence and enthusiasm

A salesman, who presents his sales-talk without knowing prospect’s nature and the situation, may commit more mistakes out of fear
and uncertainty. But a salesman armed with all possible information of customers’ wants and desires to plan his sales campaign
intelligently. Thus person-approach makes a salesman more confident. It develops self-confidence and enthusiasm to convert a prospect
into a customer.

(vi) To save time and energy

Time and energy is valuable for all, but these are more valuable for a salesman. In the absence of pre-approach a salesman may have to
meet both prospects and suspects, fake buyers and genuine buyers, china-eggs and cold-turkeys. By doing so, he consumes more of his
energy and time. However, due to pre-approach, the salesman approaches only selected prospects who are most likely to buy.

(vii) To be successful in the sales-interview

Pre-approach also helps the salesman to come out successfully in the interview with the prospect. As we have stated earlier buying is a
mental process, therefore the mind of a customer moves in a definite direction from attention-interest –conviction-action- during the
process of selling. Any disturbance in this path distracts a customer and he (customer) finds difficulty in arriving at a conclusion. If the
salesman preplans his approach, he will definitely help the customers in his buying decision and will be successful in the sales-
5 Types of Customers and How to Approach Them

There’s no single right way to approach a customer. All kinds of customers will visit your website.
Each of them unique and requiring a different approach. You can tell that a support team knows
their stuff by looking at the way they approach different customers. If they work from a single
script no matter who comes to talk to them, well, they need to do some homework. A team
that changes their approach for different cases is the team that gets good customer service
results. They are able to handle all situations, no matter if they are pleasant or not. Read on to see
what types of customers you can meet when handling sales cases and what you can do to make
their contact with you helpful and memorable.

Types of customers from a sales perspective

You can segment your customers into groups based on their position in the sales funnel. You
basically go from someone who either is just looking and not really thinking about making a
purchase to a person that is a life-long fan of your brand and will always come back for more.
Depending on how far they went into your sales funnel, you will need to address their needs and
questions a bit differently. In addition to that, you should consider the reason why somebody is
buying from you. This will also change the conversation a bit and can help you move a customer
that is still on the fence further down the funnel and turn them into a loyal follower. Here are five
sales-oriented types of customers you will encounter.

1. Potential customer – The Potential Paul

The Potential Paul is a type of customer that is on the very beginning of your sales funnel.
Technically, Paul is not your customer yet. However, you should give them the full treatment and
hopefully change that quickly. Potential Paul is a lead that needs nurturing and warming
up before making a buying decision. He already showed some interest in your business, either by
filling out a contact form, asking a question on one of your support channels, signing up for a
newsletter or came to your website as a result of other lead generation methods. That piece of
interest is what separates Paul from other website visitors. You can use that spark of interest to
convert him into a paying customer. It’s much more effective than carpet bombing all website
visitors with offers. How to deal with Potential Paul:

● Show him value: You can capitalize on his interest by clearly showing him what he can get from your product.
You can do this yourself or point him to a resource like a landing page or a case study that will do it for you.

● Reveal yourself: Make sure to let the potential customer know that they can ask for help or advice at any time.
Even if the customer won’t need it immediately, they will appreciate the offer.
2. New customer – New Neil

New Neil is the fresh customer that just bought something from you. He is still learning the ropes
of using your product. You need to do everything in your power to make that adoption period
smooth. Even though you already made a sale, you can’t leave Neil without any help. If he won’t
receive it, he may not find much success with your product. The time you save by not helping Neil
will be less valuable than the future business he may bring. You can make sure that doesn’t
happen with a proper user onboarding. After someone buys your product, you need to guide
them and show them how to use it. How to deal with New Neil:

● Guide them to success: You can earn a long-lasting customer by investing a bit of your time into explaining how
your product works and making sure the new customer knows how to use it. You can do that with a proper
onboarding process.

● Leave a contact option open: Even if you offer an automated onboarding to customers, have a live customer
service option available. It will go a long way in situations when a customer has a question that’s not covered in
the onboarding.

3. Impulsive Customer – Impulsive Iggy

This is the type of customer that can make a buying decision in an instant, provided that the
conditions are right. You see, Iggy doesn’t need much convincing to make a purchase. You don’t
need to warm this lead up with value proposition too much. What Iggy needs to buy something is
a clear and easy way to do that. The less steps involved, the higher chances that a customer like
Iggy will make a purchase. Clear the way for Iggy and get rid of any distraction he may face to
make sure you’re not wasting that buying impulse when it comes. How to deal with Impulsive

● Clear the way to checkout: Make sure nobody needs a manual to make a purchase on your website. The less
clicks and information needed to make a purchase, the better.

● Quick and concise help: If you get a question from Iggy, make the answer short. Stick to the brass tacks. You also
need to provide the response quickly. If you take too long, the buying impulse will fade and Iggy will leave your

4. Discount customer – Discount Dan

Discount Dan is the type of customer that sees value in your product but won’t buy it at full
price. Upselling your product to Dan is nearly impossible. Dan is usually looking for some extra
information on the exact conditions of the deal or discount you are offering. You can help him by
explaining the deal and what he needs to do to use it. Once the deal runs out, it’s hard to keep
Dan as a customer. If you are offering a service at a discounted price, Dan will usually leave once
the discount stops applying. To increase your chances of keeping Dan as a customer, you need to
show him that he is not only getting a product at a discount, but he also gets amazing customer
service bundled with his purchase. You need to provide added value that will make Dan think
twice before switching to another company. How to deal with Discount Dan:

● Explain the deal: Provide all the necessary details about the deal to avoid any confusion. Dan may also require
help with entering a discount code or using a coupon so make sure your team knows the deal’s details.

● Offer added value: To make sure Dan continues being one of your customers, you need to go beyond your initial
offering. Add the cherry on top of the deal. Something that they can’t get elsewhere. Stellar customer service
can be one of such advantages that will help you keep Dan as a customer.

5. Loyal customer – Loyal Larry

This type of customers keeps coming back for more. Apart from having a significant impact on
your revenue, Larry will be also your brand’s ambassador. Larry and customers like him help you
grow through word of mouth. He will recommend your business or product to his friends and
family, sending a healthy stream of new customers your way. You should try to leverage his
experience and learn what makes him so satisfied with your business. When you have the chance,
ask Larry which aspect of your product or business he likes the most. Take note and try to
replicate that experience so that other customers can become your brand ambassadors. How to
deal with Loyal Larry

● Give him a platform: You can help Larry spread the love and feature him in a case study. A bit of social proof like
that will make your landing pages much more appealing to potential customers.

● Learn from his experience: See what turned Larry into a loyal follower and make sure that happens more often
with other customers.

● Don’t mess it up: Whatever you do, make sure that Larry stays excited about your product and business.

Other types of sales customers

Know of any other types of sales customers? Feel free to pitch in and share your experience. The
list is definitely not final and there are more names we could add. And this is only the sales part.
Tune in next time when we will be discussing types of support customers and methods you can
use to make sure they have a memorable support experience.

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