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 Rolling Motion of a rigid object

 Using Dynamical Method
 Energy Method
Rolling Motion of a Rigid Object

Motion of an object that

roll smoothly along a
surface; that is, the objects
roll without slipping or
bouncing on the surface
Rolling Motion of a Rigid Object
Friction and Rolling

• If a wheel rolls at constant speed, it has

no tendency to slide at the point of
contact P, and thus no frictional force
acts there.
• If a net force acts on the rolling wheel
to speed it up or to slow it, then that net
force causes acceleration of the center
of mass along the direction of travel.
• It also causes the wheel to rotate faster
or slower, which means it causes an
angular acceleration a.
• These accelerations tend to make the
wheel slide at P. Thus, a frictional force
must act on the wheel at P to oppose
that tendency.
Friction and Rolling
• If the wheel does not slide, the force is a
static frictional force and the motion is
smooth rolling.

So, for smooth rolling we have 𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑚 =

𝛼𝑅 (smooth rolling motion).

• If the wheel does slide when the net

force acts on it, the frictional force that
acts at P in Fig. 11-3 is a kinetic
frictional force The motion then is not
smooth rolling, and above Eq. does not
apply to the motion.
Torque, Energy and Rolling
 Torque, moment of inertia
 Newton 2nd law in rotation
 Rotational Work
 Rotational Kinetic Energy
 Rotational Energy
 Rolling Motion of a Rigid

May 8, 2023
Rotational Kinetic Energy
 An object rotating about z axis with an
angular speed, ω, has rotational kinetic
 Each particle has a kinetic energy of
Ki = ½ mivi2
 Since the tangential velocity depends on
the distance, r, from the axis of rotation,
we can substitute
vi = wri => Ki = ½ miw2ri2

May 8, 2023
Rotational Kinetic Energy, cont’d
 The total rotational kinetic energy of the rigid object
is the sum of the energies of all its particles
 𝐾𝑖 = 𝑚𝑖 𝑣𝑖2
K R =  K i =  mi ri 2w 2
i i 2

1 2 2 1 2
K R =   mi ri w = I w
2 i  2

 Where I is called the moment of inertia about axis of


May 8, 2023
Rotational Kinetic Energy, cont’d
 There is an analogy between the kinetic energies
associated with linear motion
(K = ½ mv2) and the kinetic energy associated with
rotational motion (KR = ½ Iw2)
 Rotational kinetic energy is not a new type of energy,
the form is different because it is applied to a
rotating object
 Units of rotational kinetic energy are Joules (J)

May 8, 2023
Work done by a pure rotation
 Apply force F to mass at point r,
causing rotation-only about axis
 Find the work done by F applied to
the object at P as it rotates through
an infinitesimal distance ds
→ →
dW = F  d s = F cos(90 −  ) ds
= F sin  ds = Fr sin  d

 Only transverse component of F

does work – the same component
that contributes to torque
dW = d
May 8, 2023
Work-Kinetic Theorem pure rotation
 As object rotates from i to f , work done by the
torque f f f f f
W =  dW =  d =  Id =  I d =  Iwdw
i i i i dt i

 I is constant for rigid object

wf wf
1 2 1 2
W=  Iwdw = I  wdw =
wi wi 2
Iw f − Iwi

 Power dW d
P= = = w
dt dt
May 8, 2023
Total Energy of a System
 A ball is rolling down a ramp
 Described by three types of energy
 Gravitational potential energy
U = Mgh
Translational kinetic energy 1
 Kt = 2
1 2
 Rotational kinetic energy Kr = Iw

 Total energy of a system 1 1 2

E = MvCM + Mgh + I w

2 2
May 8, 2023
Work-Energy Theorem
 For pure translation
1 1
Wnet = Kcm = Kcm, f − Kcm,i = mv 2f − mvi2
2 2
 For pure rotation
1 2 1 2
Wnet = K rot = K rot , f − K rot ,i = I w f − I wi
2 2
 Rolling: pure rotation + pure translation
Wnet = Ktotal = ( K rot , f + K cm, f ) − ( K rot ,i + K cm,i )
1 2 1 2  1 2 1 2
=  I w f + mv f  −  I wi + mvi 
2 2  2 2 
May 8, 2023
Energy Conservation
 Energy conservation
Wnc = Ktotal + U
 When Wnc = 0,
K rot , f + Kcm, f + U f = K rot ,i + Kcm,i + U i

 The total mechanical energy is conserved and remains

the same at all times
1 2 1 2 1 1
Iwi + mvi + mgyi = Iw 2f + mv 2f + mgy f
2 2 2 2
 Remember, this is for conservative forces, no dissipative
forces such as friction can be present
May 8, 2023
Energy Conservation
 Energy conservation
Wnc = Ktotal + U
 When Wnc = 0,
K rot , f + Kcm, f + U f = K rot ,i + Kcm,i + U i

 The total mechanical energy is conserved and remains

the same at all times
1 2 1 2 1 1
Iwi + mvi + mgyi = Iw 2f + mv 2f + mgy f
2 2 2 2
 Remember, this is for conservative forces, no dissipative
forces such as friction can be present
May 8, 2023
Problem Solving Hints
 Choose two points of interest
 One where all the necessary information is given
 The other where information is desired
 Identify the conservative and non-conservative
 Write the general equation for the Work-Energy
theorem if there are non-conservative forces
 Use Conservation of Energy if there are no non-
conservative forces
 Use 𝑣 = 𝑟𝜔 to combine terms
 Solve for the unknown

May 8, 2023
A Ball Rolling Down an Incline
 A ball of mass M and radius R starts from rest at a
height of h and rolls down a 30 slope, what is the
linear speed of the ball when it leaves the incline?
Assume that the ball rolls without slipping.
1 2 1 2 1 1
mvi + mgyi + Iwi = mv f + mgy f + Iw f
2 2

2 2 2 2
1 1
0 + Mgh + 0 = Mv f + 0 + Iw f
2 2

2 2
2 vf
I = MR w f =

5 R
1 12 v 1 1 10 1/ 2
Mgh = Mv f + MR 2 2 = Mv f + Mv f v f = ( gh)
2 f 2 2

2 25 R 2 5 7
May 8, 2023
Rotational Work and Energy
 A ball rolls without slipping down incline A,
starting from rest. At the same time, a box
starts from rest and slides down incline B,
which is identical to incline A except that it
is frictionless. Which arrives at the bottom
 Ball rolling:
1 1 2 1 1
mvi + mgyi + Iwi = mv f + mgy f + Iw f
2 2 2

2 2 2 2
1 1 1 12 2 7
mgh = mv f 2 + I w f 2 = mv f +  mR  (v f / R ) = mv f
2 2 2

2 2 2 25  10
 Box sliding 1 1
mvi + mgyi = mv f + mgy f
2 2

2 2
1 7
sliding: mgh = mv f 2 rolling: mgh = mv f 2
2 10
May 8, 2023
Blocks and Pulley
 Two blocks having different masses m1 and
m2 are connected by a string passing over a
pulley. The pulley has a radius R and
moment of inertia I about its axis of
rotation. The string does not slip on the
pulley, and the system is released from rest.

 Find the translational speeds of the blocks

after block 2 descends through a distance h.
 Find the angular speed of the pulley at that

May 8, 2023
 Find the translational speeds of the blocks after block
2 descends through a distance h.
K rot , f + Kcm, f + U f = K rot ,i + Kcm,i + U i

1 1 1
( m1v f + m2v f + Iw f ) + (m1 gh − m2 gh) = 0 + 0 + 0
2 2 2

2 2 2
1 I
(m1 + m2 + 2 )v 2f = m2 gh − m1 gh
2 R
1/ 2
 2(m2 − m1 ) gh 
vf =  2
 1
m + m2 + I / R 

 Find the angular speed of the pulley at that time.

1/ 2
v f 1  2(m2 − m1 ) gh 
wf = =  
R R  m1 + m2 + I / R 2 

May 8, 2023
The combination of an applied force and a friction force produces
a constant total torque of 36.0 N -m on a wheel rotating about a
fixed axis.
The applied force acts for 6.00 s. During this time, the angular
speed of the wheel increases from 0 to 10.0 rad/s.
The applied force is then removed, and the wheel comes to rest in
60.0 s. Find
(a)The moment of inertia of the wheel,
(b) the magnitude of the torque due to friction,
(c) the total number of revolutions of the wheel during the entire
interval of 66.0 s.
An electric motor turns a flywheel through a drive belt that joins a pulley on the
motor and a pulley that is rigidly attached to the flywheel as shown in Figure
The flywheel is a solid disk with a mass of 80.0 kg and a radius R =0.625 m. It turns
on a frictionless axle. Its pulley has much smaller mass and a radius of r =0.230 m.
The tension Tu in the upper (taut) segment of the belt is 135 N, and the fly-wheel has
a clockwise angular acceleration of 1.67 rad/s2.
Find the tension in the lower (slack) segment of the belt.
Lecture 8:
• Energy Conservation in Oscillatory Motion
• Simple Pendulum
• Physical Pendulum
•Problem Solving
Oscillations about Equilibrium
Hooke’s Law

Hooke’s Law states Fs = - kx

 Fs is the restoring force.

◼ Itis always directed toward the equilibrium
◼ Therefore, it is always opposite the displacement
from equilibrium.
k is the force (spring) constant.
 x is the displacement.
Restoring Force and the Spring Mass
 In a, the block is displaced to
the right of x = 0.
 The position is positive.
 The restoring force is
directed to the left.
In b, the block is at the
equilibrium position.
 x=0
 The spring is neither
stretched nor
 The force is 0.
Restoring Force, cont.
The block is displaced to the left of
x = 0.
 The position is negative.

 The restoring force is directed

to the right.

Section 15.1
 When the block is displaced from the equilibrium point and released,
it is a particle under a net force and therefore has an acceleration.
The force described by Hooke’s Law is the net force in Newton’s
Second Law.
−kx = max
ax = − x
 The acceleration is proportional to the displacement of the block.
The direction of the acceleration is opposite the direction of the
displacement from equilibrium.
An object moves with simple harmonic motion whenever its
acceleration is proportional to its position and is oppositely directed to
the displacement from equilibrium.
The acceleration is not constant.

 Therefore, the kinematic equations cannot be applied.
 If the block is released from some position x = A, then
the initial acceleration is –kA/m.
 When the block passes through the equilibrium position,
a = 0.
 The block continues to x = -A where its acceleration is

Section 15.1
Motion of the Block
The block continues to oscillate between –A and +A.
 These are turning points of the motion.
The force is conservative.
In the absence of friction, the motion will continue
 Realsystems are generally subject to friction, so they
do not actually oscillate forever.

Section 15.1
Analysis Model: A Particle in Simple
Harmonic Motion
Model the block as a particle.
 The representation will be particle in simple harmonic motion
Choose x as the axis along which the oscillation occurs.
d 2x k
a= 2 =− x
dt m
We let
w =

Then a = -w2x

Section 15.2
A Particle in Simple Harmonic Motion,

A function that satisfies the equation is needed.

 Need a function x(t) whose second derivative is the

same as the original function with a negative sign and
multiplied by w2.
 The sine and cosine functions meet these requirements.

Section 15.2
Simple Harmonic Motion – Graphical
 A solution is x(t) = A cos (w t
+ f)
A, w, f are all constants

A cosine curve can be used

to give physical significance to

these constants.

Section 15.2
Simple Harmonic Motion – Definitions

A is the amplitude of the motion.

 Thisis the maximum position of the particle in either the

positive or negative x direction.
w is called the angular frequency.

 Units are rad/s

w =
f is the phase constant or the initial phase angle.

Section 15.2
Simple Harmonic Motion, cont.
A and f are determined uniquely by the position
and velocity of the particle at t = 0.
 If the particle is at x = A at t = 0, then f = 0
The phase of the motion is the quantity (wt + f).
x (t) is periodic and its value is the same each time

wt increases by 2p radians.

Section 15.2
Summary Equations – Period and
 The frequency and period equations can be rewritten
to solve for w
w = 2p ƒ =

The period and frequency can also be expressed as:

m 1 k
T = 2p ƒ=
k 2p m

The frequency and the period depend only on the

mass of the particle and the force constant of the
Motion Equations for Simple Harmonic

x (t ) = A cos (wt + f )
v= = −w A sin(w t + f )
d 2x
a = 2 = −w 2 A cos(w t + f )

Simple harmonic motion is one-dimensional and so

directions can be denoted by + or - sign.
Remember, simple harmonic motion is not uniformly
accelerated motion.
Section 15.2
Maximum Values of v and a
Because the sine and cosine functions oscillate
between 1, we can easily find the maximum values
of velocity and acceleration for an object in SHM.

v max = w A = A
amax = w2A = A

Section 15.2
The graphs show:
 (a) displacement as a
function of time
 (b) velocity as a
function of time
 (c ) acceleration as a
function of time
The velocity is 90o out
of phase with the
displacement and the
acceleration is 180o out
of phase with the

Section 15.2
SHM Example 1
Initial conditions at t = 0
x (0)= A
 v (0) = 0
This means f = 0
The acceleration reaches
extremes of  w2A at
The velocity reaches
extremes of  wA at x =
Section 15.2
SHM Example 2
Initial conditions at t = 0
x (0)=0
 v (0) = vi

This means f = − p / 2
The graph is shifted one-
quarter cycle to the right
compared to the graph of
x (0) = A.

Section 15.2
Energy of the SHM Oscillator
Mechanical energy is associated with a system in which a
particle undergoes simple harmonic motion.
 For example, assume a spring-mass system is moving on a
frictionless surface.
Because the surface is frictionless, the system is isolated.
 This tells us the total energy is constant.
The kinetic energy can be found by
 K = ½ mv 2 = ½ mw2 A2 sin2 (wt + f)
◼ Assume a massless spring, so the mass is the mass of the block.
The elastic potential energy can be found by
 U = ½ kx 2 = ½ kA2 cos2 (wt + f)
The total energy is E = K + U = ½ kA 2

Section 15.3
Energy of the SHM Oscillator, cont.
The total mechanical energy is
 At
all times, the total
energy is ½ k A2
 The total mechanical energy is
proportional to the square of
the amplitude.
Energy is continuously being
transferred between potential
energy stored in the spring and
the kinetic energy of the block.
In the diagram, Φ = 0

Section 15.3
Energy of the SHM Oscillator, final
 Variations of K and U
can also be observed
with respect to position.
The energy is
continually being
transformed between
potential energy stored
in the spring and the
kinetic energy of the
The total energy
remains the same
Section 15.3
Energy in SHM, summary

Section 15.3
Velocity at a Given Position
Energy can be used to find the velocity:

1 1 1
E = K +U = mv 2 + kx 2 = kA2
2 2 2

v =
A2 − x 2 )
= w 2 A2 − x 2

Section 15.3
Importance of Simple Harmonic
Simple harmonic oscillators
are good models of a wide
variety of physical
Molecular example
 If the atoms in the molecule
do not move too far, the
forces between them can be
modeled as if there were
springs between the atoms.
 The potential energy acts
similar to that of the SHM

Section 15.3
68. A block of mass m is connected to two
springs of force constants k1 and k2 in two
ways as shown in Figure P15.68. In both cases,
the block moves on a frictionless table after it is
displaced from equilibrium and released. Show
that in the two cases the block exhibits simple
harmonic motion with period
68. A block of mass m is connected to two
springs of force constants k1 and k2 in two
ways as shown in Figure P15.68. In both cases,
the block moves on a frictionless table after it is
displaced from equilibrium and released. Show
that in the two cases the block exhibits simple
harmonic motion with period
68. A block of mass m is connected to two
springs of force constants k1 and k2 in two
ways as shown in Figure P15.68. In both cases,
the block moves on a frictionless table after it is
displaced from equilibrium and released. Show
that in the two cases the block exhibits simple
harmonic motion with period

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