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Realize the point a and b

a. Match the job title to the picture

Environmental Auto mechanic

City tour guide engineer

Nail technician
Criminal lawyer
b. Complete the sentences with the name of the job.


1. Remember, animals have the same rights as humans. Become an

Animal lawyer
_____________ ____ and represent animals in court.
2. Become Genetic technician and collect and analyze samples of DNA to help
employers to decide who to hire.
Robot mechanic repairs and tunes up robots that
3. Good with your hands? A __________________
work around the house.
Teleport engineer designs and develops
4. Always wanted to go to space? A ______________
teleporters and teleport stations to transport people.
Space tour
5. And finally, a _______________
guide accompanies space tourist on trips to space.
City tour guide
A city tour guide refers to a tourist guide who provides tours of a city, offering
information about the places of interest, history, culture, and traditions of the city. The
tourist guide may take visitors to the major monuments, museums, restaurants, and
other tourist attractions in the city and may provide detailed information about each one.
The goal of the city tour guide is to provide an enriching and educational tourist
experience for visitors to the city
Anyone with a good knowledge of the city and its history, as well as communication and
organizational skills, can consider becoming a city tour guide. However, in many
countries, certification or a license is required to work as a tour guide. Additionally,
many tourism companies may have specific requirements for hiring tour guides, such as
previous experience in the tourism industry or fluency in one or more languages. In
summary, although anyone can offer a city tour, it is recommended that tour guides
have a solid and deep knowledge of the city and its history, as well as the necessary
skills to provide a high-quality tourist experience.
City tour guides are common in many cities and tourist destinations worldwide. In
general, places with a large influx of tourists are the most common to find tour guides,
as there is a higher demand for tourism services. Some cities and states known for
having a large number of city tour guides include:
New York, New York, USA, London, UK, Paris, France, Rome, Italy, Tokyo, Japan,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, Barcelona, Spain, Bangkok, Thailand, San Francisco,
California, USA, Washington D.C., USA.
These are just some of the many cities worldwide where it is common to find tour
guides. In general, any popular tourist destination can have a significant offering of city
tour guide services.
The salaries and schedules of City tour guides can vary significantly depending on
many different factors. It is best to research and inquire in the area where one wishes to
work as a City tour guide in order to have a more accurate idea of the working
conditions and remuneration.
Regarding gender equality, both men and women can work as City tour guides. Gender
should not be a determining factor for working in this industry, and anyone who has the
knowledge and skills necessary to provide a high-quality tourist experience can
consider becoming a city tour guide.
Nail technician
A nail technician is a professional who specializes in the care and beautification of nails,
both on the hands and feet. Services they offer may include manicures, pedicures,
application of artificial nails, nail polish application, and other treatments to maintain and
enhance the appearance of nails.
Anyone with an interest in nail care and skills in beauty techniques can consider
becoming a nail technician. Often, specific training in a cosmetology school and a
license to practice is required in most states and countries.
Nail technicians can work in beauty salons, spas, hotels, cruises, and other personal
care establishments. Some of the cities and states where nail technicians are more
common include Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Las Vegas, Houston, Chicago, among
Salaries for nail technicians may vary depending on experience and geographic
location. In general, salaries can range from $15 to $25 per hour. Hours may also vary,
but nail technicians often work weekends and evenings to accommodate clients who
work during the day. As for gender equality, both men and women can be nail
technicians, and there are no gender restrictions in this industry.

Auto mechanic
An auto mechanic is a professional who specializes in repairing and maintaining
automobiles, including cars, trucks, and motorcycles. They diagnose mechanical and
electrical problems, repair and replace parts, and perform routine maintenance to
ensure that vehicles are operating safely and efficiently.
Anyone with an interest in mechanics and technical skills can consider becoming an
auto mechanic. Some people may attend trade school or complete an apprenticeship to
gain the necessary skills and knowledge. Many states and countries require certification
or licensing to work as an auto mechanic.
Auto mechanics can work in various settings, such as auto repair shops, dealerships,
and gas stations. Some of the cities and states where auto mechanics are most
common include Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, Miami, New York, and Dallas.
The salaries of auto mechanics can vary depending on experience, location, and type of
employer. In general, auto mechanics can earn between $15 and $35 per hour, with
some experienced mechanics earning significantly more. The hours worked by auto
mechanics may also vary, and many work full-time, including weekends and evenings.
In terms of gender, both men and women can become auto mechanics, and there are
no gender restrictions in this industry.
Criminal lawyer
A criminal lawyer is a legal professional who specializes in defending individuals or
organizations accused of criminal conduct. They work in criminal law, which involves the
prosecution and defense of crimes against the public, including misdemeanors and
To become a criminal lawyer, a person must obtain a law degree and pass the bar
exam in the state where they plan to practice. They should also possess excellent
communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills to represent their clients
Criminal lawyers can work for law firms, government agencies, or establish their private
practice. They are more common in larger cities and states with high crime rates, such
as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Miami.
The salaries for criminal lawyers vary based on several factors such as experience,
location, and size of the firm or organization they work for. In the United States, criminal
lawyers' salaries can range from $60,000 to $200,000 annually, depending on these
The working hours for criminal lawyers can be long and unpredictable, depending on
the needs of their clients and the complexity of their cases. They may be required to
work outside regular business hours, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. Both
men and women can become criminal lawyers, and there are no gender restrictions in
this profession

Environmental engineer
An environmental engineer is a professional who works to solve environmental
problems and improve environmental quality. They may work on a wide range of
projects related to air pollution control, water treatment, waste management, renewable
energy, and sustainable development.
Anyone with a degree in environmental engineering or a related field and a passion for
sustainability and protecting the environment can become an environmental engineer.
Many environmental engineers work for government agencies, consulting firms, or
private companies.
Environmental engineers can be found in many cities and states across the United
States, but some of the most common locations for environmental engineering jobs
include California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Illinois.
The salaries for environmental engineers can vary depending on their level of
education, experience, and location. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
the median annual salary for environmental engineers in 2020 was $92,120.
Environmental engineers may work full-time and may be required to work overtime or
on weekends depending on the project and deadlines.
Both men and women can become environmental engineers, and there are no
restrictions on gender in this field.

250 palabras hablándome sobre su trabajo ideal y

porque lo consideran así
My ideal job would be one that allows me to apply my skills and knowledge to help
people solve problems and improve their lives. I would love to have the opportunity to
work in a creative and innovative environment that allows me to explore new ideas and
solutions for complex challenges. I value working in a collaborative environment, where
I can learn from my colleagues and contribute my own ideas and experiences.
In addition, I highly value flexibility in my work, as it would allow me to maintain a good
work-life balance. Being able to work from home or have flexible hours would be a great
benefit for me, as it would allow me to be present in my family's life while performing my

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