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Submitted to : Sir Sikander Riaz

Subject :Business Ethics

Assignment no : 02
Submitted by :Momina Yaseen
Roll number :20102001-090
Department :BBA 6th Grey

Question no 1 :
What is Whistle Blower Protection? Discuss Whistle Blower Protection laws of
Answer : Whistle Blower Protection :
The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 is a law that protects federal
government employees in the United States from retaliatory action for voluntarily disclosing
information about dishonest or illegal activities occurring in a government organization.
Whistleblowers are protected from retaliation should the information provided be confirmed to
be true. This protection includes prohibiting the accused company from taking adverse or
harmful actions against the reporter. Antagonistic activities include demotion, termination,
reprimands, and other punitive reactions. Whistleblower protection also prohibits the company
from pursuing legal action against the whistleblower to recoup losses incurred during the
investigation or imposed penalties. In certain circumstances, more protection may be offered
where threats of physical violence against the whistleblower or associates and family of the
whistleblower are found.

Whistleblower protection is a law that protects employees from retaliation when they report
illegal or unethical activities within their organization.Whistleblower protection laws vary by
country and state, but generally, they prohibit employers from firing, demoting, or harassing
employees who report wrongdoing. The laws also provide legal recourse for employees who
experience retaliation.
Whistleblower protections can apply to a wide range of activities, including reporting
environmental violations, financial fraud, and workplace safety hazards. These laws are designed
to encourage employees to speak up when they observe illegal or unethical activities, without
fear of retaliation.If you are considering reporting illegal or unethical activities within your
organization, it’s important to understand the whistleblower protection laws that apply to your
situation. You should also consider speaking with an attorney who specializes in employment law
to ensure that your rights are protected.If you believe that you have experienced retaliation for
reporting illegal or unethical activities, you should document the retaliation and speak with an
attorney who specializes in whistleblower protection. Your attorney can help you determine
whether you have a legal case, and can help you seek compensation for any damages you have

Whistle Blower Protection laws of Pakistan :

Whistleblower protection laws under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act):
Encourage whistleblowers to come forward with their concerns about misconduct or breaches
of the law and protect them when they make a disclosure. Promote good risk management and

corporate governance, and promote ethical behaviour by organisations and encourage them to
deal with disclosures of misconduct seriously. If whistleblower protection laws apply to your
organisation, your organisation will need to comply with the protection requirements including:

• Keeping a whistleblower’s identity and information confidential, unless the organisation

has the person’s consent to disclose the whistleblower’s information, and preventing the
organisation or an officer or employee of the organisation, causing detriment to or
victimising a whistleblowerYour organisation must have a whistleblower policy if it is a
public company (including a public company limited by guarantee), a large proprietary
company or a proprietary company that is the trustee of a registrable superannuation
However, there is an exemption for not-for-profit public companies limited by guarantee with
annual consolidated revenue of less than $1 million.
While not-for-profit companies limited by guarantee with an annual consolidated revenue of less
than $1 million are not required to have a whistleblower policy, they must still comply with the
whistleblower protection provisions in the Corporations Act. The best way to demonstrate
compliance may still be to have a whistleblower policy. Legal protections for whistleblowers are
necessary to:

• Encourage whisteblowers to come forward wth their concerns about misconduct or breaches
of the law and protect them when they make a disclosure
• Promote good risk management and corporate governance, and
• Promote ethical behavour by companies and organisations and encourage them to deal with
disclosure of misconduct serously

The whistleblowing protection laws recognise that whisteblowers take a significant personal and
professional risk when they choose to make a dsclosure. Disclosure can also risk their personal
safety or put them n a stressful and difficut stuation.
Having whisteblowng protection aws makes sure there are clear rules in place about
confidentiaity, Immunity and protection against harm or victimisation. Whistleblowing protecton
laws also set up penaties for failures by companies or organisations (or their officers) to comply
wth the protection requirements.

Are there any other whistleblower protections?

Yes, the whistleblowing protection laws protecta person who makes a whistleblower report from
certain legal actions related to making the whisteblower report, includng:

•Criminal liabiity (the whistlebower report can’t be used against the whistleblower n a
prosecution, Unless the report is false)

•Civil lability(the whistlebower can’t be sued for breach of an employment contract, duty of
Confidentialty, or other contractual obligations that it owes to its employer),and
•Administrative liability(this means discplinary action cannot betaken against the whstleblower
purey For makng a report)


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