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Bridges Made of Roots

Like something out of a fantasy setting, some of the bridges in the

state of Meghalaya are made entirely out of roots. The purpose is to
prevent these bridges from rotting due to moisture, which is a
problem that traditional bridges face.

Bridges Made of Roots

Of course, it takes many years to grow a bridge out of roots, but
they are immensely sturdy and they look incredibly cool, so it’s well
worth it in the long run.

Extremely Unusual Post Offices

India has some weird post offices, much different than the ones
Westerners are likely used to. You can find one that floats, as it’s
carved out of a boat, or you can even find the highest one in the
world at 15,500 feet. You may not find these particular ones today,
but in the past, India even had mobile camel post offices.
Extremely Unusual Post Offices

In fact, as far as that floating post office is concerned, it’s the only
one in the world, so India is quite literally the only place you could
find one.

The World’s Largest Family

People all over the world have big families. Some people may have a
dozen family members when it comes to aunts, uncles, and siblings.
However, even such a number is nothing compared to this family in
Baktawng Village. The man of the house, Ziona Chana, has 39 wives, 94
children, 14 daughters-in-law, and at least 33 grandchildren.

The World’s Largest Family

They are the biggest family in the world, and they even live in one giant
house with 100 rooms. Why would anyone want a family this big? No
idea. But, at least you’d never be lonely.

Food for All

Religion is a fundamental and well-respected part of India and no
matter one’s socio-economic status, it binds the people together. At
the Golden Temple, which is a holy place in India, all visitors are
greeted with delicious foods.

Food for All

This is known as The Langar, where a community kitchen provides

special Indian food to anyone who wants it. So, there is such a thing
as a free lunch after all!
The Only Educational Toilet Museum

While visiting India, you’ll be educated on their unique culture,

cuisines, species, and of course toilets. Wait, what? Yes, you did
read that right. India has the only toilet museum in the world that
educates its people on how sanitation has evolved.

The Only Educational Toilet Museum

While visiting the museum, you’ll be acquainted with different toilet

seats from all over the globe and receive a history lesson on
sanitation. So, whoever thought museums were just for art, you can
flush that thought down the toilet.

Experience Fireflies

We might have all heard of fireflies but few of us have actually had the
experience to see them twinkle in real-life. Except, if you live in the land
of Purushwadi in India. The magical village is 180 kilometers from
Mumbai and is known for its sighing of the glow worms.

Experience Fireflies
If you go to the village at dusk, millions of flies sparkle in the sky. It’s said
to be a breathtakingly unforgettable sight and as Owl City put it, “You
would not believe your eyes”.

Oldest Flag in the World

Denmark claims to have the oldest known flag in the world, with
their red and white flag — the Dannebrog — having an 800-year
history. According to legend, it fell from the sky during the Battle of
Lindanise against the Russians in the year 1219, and it helped the
Danes win the battle.

Oldest Flag in the World

The style of this flag features a Nordic Cross, which is used by most
of the Scandinavian countries including Sweden, Iceland, Norway,
and Finland. Denmark had it first, though!

They Have a Happiness Museum

For a country that’s known for having a very happy populace, they
probably have a lot of things to go in their Happiness Museum, the
museum that recently opened in Copenhagen. It aims to share the secrets
of Danish happiness, which is currently ranked second in terms of the
happiest countries in the world.

They Have a Happiness Museum

Scandinavian countries are consistently ranked highly in terms of national
happiness, and the Happiness Museum is trying to help visitors understand
why that might be.

A Walkable World Map

As we’ve already mentioned, Denmark is home to some incredible

art. One man, Søren Poulsen, worked on Verdenskortet from 1944
to 1969 all by himself, building it entirely out of stone and soil. It’s a
replica map of the world, complete with the geographical features of
each of the seven continents.

A Walkable World Map

This is yet another example of the value that Danes put on art, it’s a
popular tourist attraction as well. Hopefully, you get to check it out
yourself someday!

The World’s Worst Electrician Hassle

When you have over a billion people tucked into one country, you’re
going to have issues with housing. Electricity is one such problem
that many people in India face, not because they don’t have it, but
because they need a whole lot of wires to make everything work.
The World’s Worst Electrician Hassle

Needless to say, we’re sure this is the worst place in the world for
an electrician to work. Sure, they may always have something to
do, but are they getting paid enough?

The World’s Tallest Statue

India holds the record for the world’s largest statue, that being a
statue that is 597 feet tall. It’s known as the Statue of Unity, and it
represents the Indian independence movement leader Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel, often called Sardar Patel.

The World’s Tallest Statue

Needless to say, such a huge statue is a major tourist attraction that

a lot of people go to India to see, or at least decide to visit while on
vacation there.

The World’s Richest Hindu Temple

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is the richest Hindu temple in the
world. Not only does it have that distinction, though, but it’s also the
richest place of worship to ever exist. In 2011, secret compartments
in the temple were opened to reveal items of gold, silver, and gems
worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

The World’s Richest Hindu Temple

Located in the capital of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, it’s a
destination that many people are eager to pay a visit to — which
isn’t surprising considering its reputation.

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