Chat Tutorial

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1. Workflow screening 2.

First chat to understand the basic information

of the other party 3. The product is not disgusting-detailed chat 4. After
reaching the trust level, lay the groundwork 5. Choose the right time to
ensure that the other party is free to chat first and then cut customers

When you start adding people, what you must do on tinder is to know
whether the other party is a local. Only then can you know whether the
other party is suitable for recharging. When you ask the other party, you
can use your own whatsapp to pave the way

For example, if you ask the other party, are you a local? Self-
introduction, I am Chinese, I have been in France (where I belong to
whatsapp) for 2 years and then I have been in the UK for 2 years

Chat with each other in Tinder first to know the name and age of the
other person. Before you want to get other people’s information, you
should introduce yourself first. After chatting for a while, you should ask
them. How many Chinese people have you tried on Tinder before?

The purpose of chatting with people is to screen whether you have been
cut. If the other party says you are the first, then you can ignore the
question. If the other party says you have encountered 1, 2, 3, then you

To follow up do you still chat with them? They will answer, yes, or no, if
yes, then you can ask, how long have you known each other, and then

Decide whether the customer wants it or not. If the other party says that
there is no contact, then you have to ask what caused you to stop
chatting with him, and then judge whether the other party has been
blocked after hearing the answer.

People have cut it, if the other party says it is because of finance or
Bitcoin or investment, then give up the customer. Then after chatting for
a period of time or dozens of sentences, you can

Tell each other that I rarely use this software, do you have whatsapp?
On the first day of transferring to whatsapp, you must know who the
other party lives with, interests, and what countries they have traveled
At work, when the time is right, you can find out the qualifications of the
other party, and when the time is right, you can ask the other party
about the product to see if the other party is disgusted. When you
encounter problems you don’t understand, ask questions in time.

When investing, you can also add investment to hobbies. This is also a
kind of product promotion. When the other party is not disgusted,
continue to deepen the relationship and find out the bottom line. Talk
about things that the customer likes when you think you have a lot of
trust with the customer. degree

I will study the trend of BTC first, and post a profit chart in 1 hour. 2.
After a while, I need to make a transaction. After betting, I will show the
other party a countdown. After the countdown is over, I will show the
other party the profit result. look at each other's

Ask questions after responding, ask the team leader if you don’t
understand at first, and learn slowly by yourself

When I have a mutual feeling with the other party, I want the other
party to delete tinder to prevent customers from meeting colleagues. I
have an idea. I think I have found you. I am very content. I plan to delete
tinder. I hope you can do the same
I have a suggestion, let's delete tinder
together, what do you think, because I have found you

Work problems I work in XXX, but now because of the impact of the
epidemic, I temporarily stop business, so I basically do some side jobs at
home every day

My job is XX because of the virus, my main business lost some

money, and now I have to do some side jobs to make up for the loss
because of XXX (reason)
The bottom-finding plan is for reference only. You can use your own
thinking to find more ways to find out from the side. Sometimes if you
can’t get into that topic, you have to find a plan to get in.
talk about that

You can find out the other party's travel, working hours, how big a house
you bought, the other party's future plans, whether you plan to buy a
house, assets, parents' jobs, positions

Every industry needs to know how long someone has worked before
making a judgment
If you meet those 34-40 years old, you will only do this job for 1-3 years
now. May I ask do you like your current job? What was your previous
job? after reply
Were you unhappy at your previous job? so you changed jobs

(Try to have some hot chat first and then ask this question)
The salary of teachers in China is very low, maybe only 600 US dollars a
month, how is the salary in your country? Do you plan to set up your
own school in the future?

IT network industry

Now the network has an important position in the world, and its future
prospects are well developed.
I have a friend who is also engaged in web development. He develops
some games and earns 30,000-40,000 Euros (USD) a month. How about
you? Can you get more a month? (Try to have some hot chat first and
then ask this question)


How many national cuisines can you cook? Photos of the working
environment (see whether it is high or not) How long have you worked
in this hotel
Chef Sous Chef Head Chef Assistant Chef Judging by rank. (You can view
its position online)

It needs to look at the type of doctor the other party is, the size of the
hospital, and what department is mainly in charge of

Some of the above occupations are for reference only. Each occupation
can understand each other according to some lateral thinking.

Sometimes there are some managers but they still have a meager salary.
Not all managers are rich.

1. I have been here for X years, and I found that people here do not like
to save money. Is this true?
2. What about you? How do you manage your wealth?
3. When talking about family, ask about the relationship between the
other party and their parents
4. I give XXX money to my parents every month, what about you? Do
you usually give some money to your parents to live on?
5. Is the house rented or bought? How big a house do you live in? If it is
rented, do you have plans to buy a house of your own when you own it?
i think every
Monthly rent payment is also a kind of pressure. For example, a client
said, I plan to buy a house next year. We can ask, do you have enough
money to buy yourself now?
6. If the customer has a car, try to find a way to set the brand and age of
the car. If it has been used for a long time, we can say that your car has
been used for so long. Don’t you plan to buy a new one?
In this way, we can also see if the customer has said when he intends to
7. See what countries the other party has traveled to. Do you travel once
a year? The other party has been to many countries
Look at which country do you think is very expensive to go there, and
ask, this country is very expensive, how much did you spend there
8. Is it expensive to get married in your country? It may cost 20,000 US
dollars to get married in China, do you have enough money to get
9. Do you have plans to own your business in the future?
10. When I meet someone who is ambitious, I want to create my own
company or other business in the future. Do you have enough money to
complete your plan now?
11. I need XXX euros every month to rent a house. Your rent is so
expensive, do you have enough money to live on your own?
12. Observe the other person's hobbies, quality of life, and shopping

If you combine the above content or other ideas of your own, go to

Video Questions (for reference only)

1. When I can share my emotional experience, I said that I once had a
certain experience, which caused me to be shadowed every time I have
a video with anyone.
2. When talking about family, I shared that I used to have a good cousin
or other identities, but when and what happened, he/she was in a video
with you and then got into a car accident, which cast a shadow on me
3. I don't like videos, but if I love you, I must have a video with you?
4. I have never tried to video with any man on the Internet, because I
prefer real love
5. I hope that our first meeting is in the real world, our first meeting is
romantic, impressive and unforgettable. So I hope you're a patient man
6. I also met a man on the Internet before. I had a video with him every
day. In the end, he abandoned me and hurt me deeply, so I will not do it
again. If you really like me, we can meet when the time is right

The other party asked you how to learn foreign exchange (btc
1. I used to study in finance university for 2 years and usually studied in
books, so I am quite familiar with this aspect
2. My uncle is XXX (work) XX years ago he taught me, every time he has
good news, he will tell me
3.3 years ago, I started to learn to read books and research in this area,
and I have mastered all this through continuous practice
The first step of the chat process
1: name
2: age
3: work
3: Screening
4:0, {My expectations for the future partner, to shape myself as a
protagonist with correct three views, mature, stable and upright, this
topic can talk about many things, for my own three views, personality,
etc., so that customers can quickly understand the character, Also
quickly understand the customer's personality and needs}
5: Interests and hobbies, foreshadow the trend or bitcoin {if the
customer is interested, explain to the customer, learn about bitcoin with
the brother-in-law, foreshadow the brother-in-law, introduce the
second step
1: After saying hello to customers, deepen mutual understanding
2: Emotional experience【Understand the other party's emotional
experience, state your own emotional experience, and shape your own
concepts and ideas about feelings】
: Pave the way for customers; [You can pave the way for customers at
night, for example, after work or fitness, you have nothing to do and go
home to check the trend.
Then just suspend the chat, and after an hour or half an hour, say that
the trend is good tonight and make a small profit, and introduce the
product to the customer.
Say you have time to take customers to experience it,]
third step
1: Talk about future plans, {expectations and ideas for the future. Until
the feeling is in place, make sure that the customer cuts the customer
during the idle hot chat
Words about the future partner
Get along well, get along well with each other, get along well, agree with
the three views, sensible, independent, filial

1: No matter how many requests there are, if two people can’t get along
or chat, it’s all nonsense

2: What is the Three Views? You like to read books, and he likes to play
games. This is not called the Three Views. He said that you are not
pretending to be literary.
This is called disagreement. You like to eat steak, and he likes food stalls.
This is not a disagreement between the three views. But he said that the
thing is dead expensive and not tasty,
To say that you are contrived is to say that the three views do not agree.
In fact, the consistency of the three views does not mean that you are
exactly the same, but that you can agree with each other while reserving
differences, and understand tolerance and appreciation. Otherwise, if
you share happiness with him, he thinks you are showing off. in

3: Marriage is a matter that affects the second half of life. How can it be
possible to make do with it? You must choose a suitable partner.

4: The character of a filial person will definitely not be too bad

5: Two people tolerate each other, run in with each other, and
understand each other

6: I have heard Xu Zhimo’s words, I will visit my only soul mate in the
vast sea of people, I am lucky if I get it; if I don’t, it’s my fate, that’s all

Preparing for hobbies

1: I usually like to run, travel, drink tea, watch movies, read books and so
2: When I have nothing to do at home at night, I just listen to music,
read books, watch movies, watch trends or public welfare funds.
3: If the customer asks what is the trend or Bitcoin, introduce it to the
customer, if not, talk to the customer directly about hobbies.
Your own hobbies, and each other's hobbies.

{For example, do you like to travel, where have you been, why do you
like to travel, what to eat snacks, to see the scenery, travel can make
people relaxed}

Movie {what type of movie do you like to watch, what movie makes you
unforgettable} etc.

Emotional experience

1: Exchange their feelings with each other. {}

2: Tell your own views on feelings.

3: I think love is a very simple thing, that is, I like you, you like me, and
we want to live together

4: Good love means that I will have you everywhere in my future, and I
will be happy only when I have your future.

5: Two people tolerate each other, work hard, and enter the palace of

6: Love is the giving of two people. If you pay unilaterally, the

relationship will not last long.

7: People who want to be together, no matter how loud the noise is,
they will find their own way, and the speed will return to good; people
who are separated, no matter how small the awkwardness is,
Will also take the opportunity to find an excuse to slip away.

8: People who like you want your present. People who love you will give
you a future. And the person who can be with you forever is: understand
your past,
Trust your future and embrace your present.
future plans

1: The short-term plan is to find a partner and have a family

2: For the future, I want to have my own stable job and a happy and
ordinary family.

3: Three meals a day, after eating. Go for a walk nearby, and travel when
you have time.

Paving the way for customers

1: The market is very good today, how much money did I earn (attach
profit chart)

2 The trend is good tonight, I made a small profit, {add a happy


2: Send photos, luxury accessories or meals to customers. He said that

his brother-in-law recently took him to do a side job to make money, so I
should thank you very much.

3: I bought things for my parents, and said that I made a little money by
doing a side job recently,

cut customers
Last time I promised to teach you how to invest and trade BTC trends to
make money. The market is very good today, so I can teach you how to

I am going to join the market, I said to teach you before, now I can teach
you how to do it

The above words are not for you to copy one by one, but for the
application of some topics, remember to remember,
Don't just follow the process when chatting with customers, but follow
the process more naturally. Don't reply like a robot.

1 Questions you will encounter during the chat, reflect on them with
questions, and find answers from sharing.

Talk in detail about common troublesome topics of customers:

1. Can't keep up with the detailed chat and die too eagerly, how to avoid

2. Don't know what topic to use to introduce the product in the chat;

3. When encountering a big client, you can’t find the topic and get

4. In the detailed chat, when the other party is cold or the customer is
very indifferent, you can't find a good topic to continue the chat;

5. Customers have too many doubts, and they have no confidence and
are afraid of being cut to death;

6. There is a lack of routines in the process of cutting customers, and the

theme of cutting is too direct;

7. Lose confidence and feel overwhelmed when talking to customers


8. Can't grasp the right time (timing) to cut the product when chatting in
9. Customers who don't like to play and are not interested don't know
how to deal with it;

10. No, customers who do not want to take the time to understand the
product do not know how to deal with it;

11. After downloading, the customer suspects that it is gambling, how to

deal with it;

12. The old-fashioned method of cutting products only knows this one,
and there is no other words to drive the cutting, so I am confused;

2 Situations When Chat Shouldn't Happen

1 Being too direct regardless of the other party's feelings

2 Can't find topics to chat with linear thinking

3 Don't know how to use emotions to drive chat

4 Not attractive enough toparty topic

5 will only open the surface layer of logical thinking

6 Don't get to know each other and chat emotionally

Chatting is not good

two reasons

1 There is no common language with the other party

2 Have something to say but don't know how to express it

3 The way of chatting is too single, and the chatting with customers is
not enthusiastic.

3 how to chat

1 Before chatting: Spend time getting to know each other’s circle of

friends and judging each other’s interests and hobbies, so that you can
know what topics to talk about with each other.
Know what to praise
Because ----- the more ideas and hobbies, the more topics of praise
Remember------chat skills are worthless by themselves. Only through
accurate, efficient and maximum understanding of the other party can
we persuade the other party more effectively.
Observing and collecting intelligence is the first step in attacking the
So ------- It is very important to understand the other party's thoughts
through the information of the circle of friends, and to adopt topics of

1 eat, drink and play

2 hobbies

3 tourism

4 jobs

same view

Outlook on life, outlook on the world, outlook on love

feel the same

feeling feeling memory experience

Ask the other party about topics that are not closed, let the other party
have imagination, are not fixed, and have many answers
error demonstration

You: what are you doing?

Her: Nothing.

You: Have you eaten yet?

Her: I have eaten.

You: What are you going to do this weekend?

Her: Shopping with my girlfriends.

The correct way to chat

You: What do you do on weekends?

She: Sometimes I go shopping with my girlfriends, buy clothes, eat

delicious food, watch movies and so on.

You: Where do you usually go shopping? Will there be boys accosting

you on the street?

She: I usually go to People's Square and Raffles City, where I met 1 or 2

inexplicable people who approached us, but they were all scared away
by us. Ha ha

You: Great, it seems that perverts are afraid to approach you.

Her: Yes. hehe.

You: By the way, what kind of movies do you like to watch?

She: I like romance and comedy.
You: Among the romance and comedy movies you have watched, which
ones do you like the most?
Her: "Titanic", "Pancake Man"...
Are you? I also like these few movies very much, and one of the plots is
very funny.
She: Yes, that big villain talks a lot every time he appears. You: Alright,
Avengers 2 is released recently, have you watched it?
She: Not yet, it is said to be good.
You: OK, you can go together in a team. I heard that in the 4D movie
theater, the chairs will move and water will be sprayed.
She: Ok, that sounds good, which movie theater has it?

way of speaking

Do you like going out to play? "This is an ordinary question.

Convert to cold reading: "I think you must like to travel, don't you?"
Another example: "What do you think of your personality?" Converted
into a cold reading: "If I read correctly, your popularity must be good,
Because I feel that you have a very good personality while chatting with
a. Asking the other party questions is insensitive and direct, so that the
other party can easily chat with you;

b. Have a sense of mystery, make the other party interested and willing
to continue chatting;

topic selection

1. Ask the other party about topics that are not closed, let the other
party have imagination, and have no definite and fixed answers
2 Grasp any topic or key word of the other party, let the association
spread out, and find the value of continuing the chat

1. Talk about the things you have lived together in the past, nostalgia,
talk about what you are doing, what you are doing, and talk about each
other (work, family, temper, grades)
2. See the changes in others and talk about the changes
3. Let's chat and cheer people up
4. Find a topic, change the topic to talk about
5. Tell an unforgettable story from the past
6. At the end of the conversation, remember to look forward to the
future. If the other party has something new to be proud of, express
your expectation and best wishes!
1. Take the set of food to get close, and use the second child to open the
fire to warm up the scene
2. Talk about the other party's hobbies, temper, personality, popularity,
show the other party's expertise, and talk about interesting things
3. After eating happily, the venue is warm and open, and we can talk
about career. Talk about the other party's achievements, start from the
unsatisfactory start of the other party, and talk about success
4. Make fun of yourself and adjust the atmosphere
5. Next, praise the other person’s merits, such as good luck, good family,
and good friends

chat story

1 dedicated love story

2 touching life

3 inspirational career

traction topic

This reminds me of.....

Speaking of this topic, let me recall the beginning......


do you know? I am very happy today, why...? because...........


really! I used to have something similar to yours:

situation/event/experience etc.
Remember to remember that the detailed chat is not in
place, and it is all in vain to cut into the topic
, communication will not be tiring
Import stories to find empathy, cut into the theme without disgust

For cut throw

For product entry, the most important thing is timing

Premature cut-in will cause customers to resist the product, so that you
must cut in tactfully when chatting.

When can cut customers

1 A sense of dependence on you, when I take the initiative to chat with

you every day

2 Miss the other party's busy time and convenient time

3 When the other party believes that you can bring him a change

4 When you trust each other and are willing to believe anything

5 When I am interested in you and talk about everything

6When the emotional foundation is relatively solid and unprepared

Applicable cut-in topic

Understand the customer's background (family, work, income,

communication), let the other party feel that you care, love, and think
about him (her)
(Live Improvement Act)
1. You work so hard every day, I feel tired after hearing it! Your monthly
income is not as much as my extra money sometimes! When you're not
busy with get off work, I'll teach you how to earn some extra money,
right? I have been in touch with this for more than a year, and it’s not
bad. This will allow you to easily increase your income;

2. I am envious of your leisurely work. What are you busy with when you
are not busy? .........
It's better to earn some extra money easily and improve your life when
you're free!

When customers rely on you, you can occasionally snub it out, so that
customers will curiously ask what you are doing (occasional snubbing

1 Sorry, just now my brother-in-law asked me to take out the money I

earned from my side job yesterday, and checked the trend by the way,
to earn some extra money, and forgot to reply to the message
(laughing) I'm sorry

2. Today's trend is good, much better than yesterday, wait for me for a
while, I'll take a look at the trend first

When a customer is chatting with you about a topic she is interested in,
when the conversation becomes very hot, find an excuse to interrupt the
topic (Interested Interruption Method)

1. I feel so happy chatting with you! Time flies so fast, I usually look at
the trend at this time,

2. I talked so much with you today, I feel like we have everything to talk
about! Nice to meet you haha! Actually, I'm sleepy today.
It was too late to watch the trend last night, but fortunately, I made a
small profit.
Notes on cutting topics

1. It must be in the process of chatting very easily, casually and naturally

according to the chat situation, quoting terminology to cut in
2. Open a customer, preferably on the second or third day of the
detailed chat
(Purpose: To increase mutual trust, to cut in without any precaution or

a. The other party is relatively cold when you cut in, so you should
change the topic immediately to strengthen the other party's trust and
look for opportunities later

b. Have the courage to discuss topics with customers, if you do not have
the courage, it is impossible to make money

c. Time nodes for cutting topics should be grasped and controlled

(staggered when the other party is busy)

d. Remember, before you have won the customer's feelings and trust in
you, don't cut

Doubt when cutting

I have been in contact with this for more than three years. There are
methods and methods for this, and it is not just for fun.

When you think it is gambling and have doubts, you have to answer like
this (investment with a plan, gambling without a plan) I will guide you
with a plan, skills and methods, and guarantee that you will make a
steady profit
I won't do things I'm not sure about

What is gambling? Gambling is small and big! Even marriage is a gamble,

and a loss in business is also a gamble!

But you have to promise me that you can't operate without permission
to avoid loss of funds
A. What we package is a player. We bring customers to play as friends or
lovers, and we take them to play without making a profit.
So let customers know that we play this game unintentionally, instead of
emphasizing that we play this game intentionally or deliberately
(Because this will expose the purpose of a salesman and make
customers disgusted)
B. What we package is a capable character (remember the character we
created), who chats with you every day and can lead you to make
So when we let customers play with us, we don't let them play with us
with the mentality of asking for it.
It's about holding a mentality that it's up to you whether you play or not,
and it's not me who makes money anyway

some useful words

In the chat, no matter what opportunity you encounter, you can present
your own life thinking, and you must speak out when you think,
Only in this way can customers understand the real you, the inner you. If
you don’t talk about these customers, they will never feel how good you
The idea is so mature, what to talk about when chatting, talk about
housing prices, how much are the housing prices here now, fortunately I
bought [buy for mom and dad] filial piety last year,
Talking about opening a store, I am going to open an imported food
store with my sister. We must have a plan and a plan for everything, risk
assessment, profit value, all need to be done,
If you can’t do these things well, you’re gambling, and you can’t do
things you’re not sure about. Let's talk about changing cars. What car do
you drive?
It’s too uncomfortable to drive my current car like a self-driving tour. I
want to change to a car with more space. What kind of car should I drive
now? CLA, so rich,
No, I’m learning slowly from my sister and brother-in-law. It’s also very
tiring to look at pictures at ordinary times. It’s not easy to make money

I think it’s more important to be able to chat. Now that the traffic is so
developed, what’s wrong with the long-distance relationship?
Some people looked very suitable but they didn't end up together Some
people didn't seem so suitable but got together
It's about meeting the right person at the right time

What is gambling? Gambling is small and big! Even marriage is a gamble,

and a loss in business is also a gamble!

In the past, the omnipotent charge was great, but now it can’t charge
anything. If you don’t make progress, you will be left farther and farther

The ox has plowed the field all his life, and there is not a piece of field
that belongs to him until he dies!

A person who can't swim can't swim in another swimming pool. What
needs to be changed is his mentality!

Do simple things repeatedly Do repetitive things with heart

We live in a real society, and the premise of comfort is to have financial

backing! Today's basic necessities of life, housing, transportation and
medical care, who can afford it?

If we don’t think about ourselves, we should also think about our

parents. In the past, others looked at us according to our parents’
income, but now we look at our parents according to our income!

A person lives for a lifetime, we should enjoy life and look at this colorful
world, instead of working hard all our lives to live!
Even if you only save 24W a month and only 24W a year, you don’t have
much, and you can’t afford a house for 10 years. How many people have
10 years?

Earn 2W per month now. Buy a house in 10 years, but after 10 years can
you still guarantee a monthly salary of 2W?

You put your money in the bank until next year and it doesn’t cost you a
dime. Instead, it is used by the bank to make money as a credit card to
make money. Maybe there is one for you to use.
You pay the interest with your own money.

Money is earned, not saved. Now the rich are getting richer because
money makes money. We should at least keep up with it.
Don't say more than them.

I myself have suffered too much before and failed too many times, and
then I slowly learned from the rich, using credit card money and loans to
do things

The reason why you didn't make money is because you dare not think
about it, dare not do it when you think about it, don't know how to do it,
and worry too much.
So you have to change your mentality!

My plan may not be able to be done next year. Once the odds change, I
will not be able to make money so easily. How many opportunities are
there in life? To understand and grasp,
Others can earn millions or tens of millions with a single opportunity. If
you encounter such an opportunity, you will only earn a few thousand,
tens of thousands.
At that time, the most terrifying three words will appear: I knew it
earlier! At that time, don't blame God for treating you badly, and only
take care of the rich, then it will be too late!

There is a difference between thinking and getting, knowing the

mentality difference between the rich and the poor? Both of them only
have 10W, they are interested in the same project,
Rich people do it right away and solve problems when they encounter
problems, while the mentality of the poor is, what if they lose money! I
didn't do anything, I just thought about losing money,
Then dare not do anything, doomed to have no money!
There is a classic saying: If you are poor, you will become a rich man if
you do the right thing, but if you do it wrong, you will still be poor at
If you don't toss, you will be poor all your life.

If you fail, treat it as your wealth in life, and if you succeed, you will have
wealth in your life. Make money by yourself according to the 3 times
investment method, remember there is me!

Make more money if you have nothing to do, although it is not a

panacea, but it is the confidence to live alone in this world, it can bring
you dignity,
security and freedom

Time verifies people's hearts, money witnesses human nature, treats

everyone with sincerity, and does their duty well with a responsible
, with a grateful heart, thank all those who have helped you, and you will
give the best explanation of what you are and everything you do.

They say reality beats love. I've heard a lot of people say the term
money society recently. When love is impulsive and desperate, reality
has come
, complaining, withdrawn, aggrieved. At these times, what we tend to
ignore the most is feelings. Under the guise of reality,
lost love. Of course, everything changes, for better and for worse.

Success is using half of your own hands to win the other half in God's

The world is so big, and the same rice supports all kinds of people. You
can't ask everyone's three views to match yours. The only way is to
make yourself stronger.
Psychological invincibility can protect you from being hurt by those
selfish and narrow-minded people

Successful people learn from others, while unsuccessful people only

learn from themselves.

Many failures are not due to limited ability, but because they did not
persevere to the end.

Some people have no brilliance in their lives, not because they can't be
brilliant, but because they don't have the idea of brilliance in their
Or don't know how brilliant it should be.

Human beings can survive only when they have materials; human beings
can talk about life only when they have ideals.

Every step in your life must be done by your own ability. I have no
knowledge in my stomach, no skills in my hands, no matter how many
people I know, it is useless.
Networking will only give you opportunities, but seizing opportunities
still depends on real skills. So, cultivating yourself is much more
important than catering to others everywhere.

Even if the other party thinks that they can tolerate everything about
you, but they don’t know how to cherish it, they ask for it while they are
there, and they don’t know how to give. People’s desire is unlimited.
But tolerance is limited. Sooner or later, the other party will not be able
to help but explode, and with such a relationship, the marriage will be
So I think it’s good for people to be the truest self, don’t hide your
facelife. No matter what happens when two people are together,
All need to be spoken out, discussed and resolved, grasping the
contradictions in the cradle, turning a lot of contradictions into small
contradictions, and turning small contradictions into no contradictions,
This kind of emotional marriage can last forever.
All the past, for me, is a precious memory that will never go back,
It exists in a folder in my mind that will never be opened,
In the end, everything will settle down, how much I care and how sad I
am now, until the end is nothing,
Don't get entangled, don't think too much, do the current thing well, and
cherish the people in front of you.

You can get everything with your body, don't make fun of your body,
take a good rest when you are tired. The sky fell and there was a tall
man holding it up,
When you are tired, stop for a while, take a break, listen to music, drink
tea, go shopping, even watch TV, smile, and let your soul rest
Things are endless, and only with a good body can we better realize our

You can go to the gym, and the feeling of sweating in the gym can make
all your worries disappear. and strengthen your body,
You can read a few books to enrich your own connotation. You can make
more friends and talk to your friends. Maybe I used to have some
But it's not too late to pick it up, give yourself some space, find your
inner self, and you'll feel more confident.

Life is actually very simple, don't think that every day is so ordinary and
similar, change your thinking,
We will realize the happiness and joy of life!
Life is wonderful because of the pursuit, and the pursuit is successful
because of the guidance. The reason why people are able is to believe
that they can.
The things that make you miserable make you stronger.

To sum up, add more people every day, find out more, keep those who
are qualified, and quickly remove those who are not qualified, chat with
high-quality customers, and don't waste time on useless customers. You
must learn how to chat
Continuing the topic, don't let the customer lead you away, you will
agree to whatever the customer asks you to do, and you can't spoil the

Work attitude: Positive, optimistic, keep a clear mind at all times, control
your emotions, and don't work with negative emotions. Knowledge lies
in learning, and wealth lies in knowledge.

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