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Book Title: The Red String

Authors: Olivia Marks, Miqi Lin, Karch Duong, Andy Li

Title “Secret meeting”
Kurohime walks and enters the secret base in a run-down building. This
organization is built for the most talented, strongest, and stealthiest
assassins and undercover spies to bring peace to Osaka, Japan. As she
enters she has been assigned a mission to become a confidential student
at Waterlily High School in Kyoto, Japan.
TITLE: The Meeting
Title: Day 1

The Main Leader's face is covered by the dimly lit room, covering his

face as he speaks to Kurohime.

MAIN LEADER: Here’s your next victim
Page 1 Panel 3
*Hands out documents filled with important info*

Primary Leader: This target caused 5 deaths of innocent people by stealing

a famous jewel in a museum in Tokyo, Japan. He’s also a principal of a high
school named WhiteLily High in Kyoto, Japan.
You have to be a student in order to assassinate our victim. Your
undercover name will be Lana Mikato.
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KUROHIME: Yes, sir. But will I have the school supplies and uniform?
MAIN LEADER: They have already been prepared and delivered to you.
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Kurohimes bows and takes her leave*

Fade in:
Ext: - First Day of School -
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*walks into the hallways finding her class*

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*bell rings*
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Kurohime gets annoyed as she continues walking the hall to find her

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Arrives at her class and knocks*

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Teacher: Come in!!
Kurohime opens the door and walks in while the students watch her*

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Teacher: Class, this is our new transfer student that will be attending
this class for the rest of the year. Now please introduce yourself.
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Kurohime turns around and wrote “Lana Mikato” on the chalkboard*

Kurohime: Hello my name is Lana Mikato. I'm transferring here from

California. It’s a pleasure to meet you and I hope we get along well
throughout the rest of the year.

She said as she bows*

Teacher: There is a seat in the back in front of Tamaki. Tamaki please
raise your hand.
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Tamaki raises hand as he smiles at her*

Kurohime’s POV: This will be bothersome

She starts heading towards her seat and got herself seated*

A Few minutes later

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Tamaki: taps on shoulder repeatedly when Kurohime didn’t look back*

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Kurohime gets furious but tries to stay in a calm composure*
Kurohime POV: Will this playboy idiot stop tapping me already...
(Olivia’s Part) \\

Kurohime slowly turns back*

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Kurohime: Do you need something?

She asked saying it in the calmest tone possible as she gave a awkward

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Tamaki smiles*
Tamaki: Im Souta Tamaki, what about you?

Kurohime: I already introduced myself so why bother asking again

Kurohime turns around with an annoyed face*

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Tamaki sighs and laid his head on the table*

-Bell rings-
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Kurohime gets up and leaves to her next class*
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Tamaki follows Kurohime persistently*
Kurohime: Stop following me
Tamaki: Why should I?
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Kurohime stopped in her tracks, turned around, and glared at him.Tamaki
shuddered feeling a chill run down his spine, and smiled awkwardly.

Kurohime walks away*

Kurohime’s POV: This guy is so bothersome…
Kurohime goes deep into thought of how she would need to find a time
where the principal would be alone and in a non-open area.

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Bumps into the principal*

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Pages of documents falling out of the principles hands*

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Kurohime: Ah. I’m so sorry
As she knelt down and picked up the documents.
Principal: No no it’s alright I wasn’t paying attention to where I was
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Principal bends down and picks up the remaining documents*

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Kurohime hands over the documents and noticed it was her target*

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Kurohime’s POV: Katsuro Souta… last name seems strangely identical to
that person’s name…

Kurohime: Oh my apologies Principal Katsuro

Principal: Aaa don't worry about it
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Principal leaving*
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Kurohime calls out to the principal

Kurohime: Um Principal Katsuro, would you happen to know where class B435

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As the principal led Kurohime to her class, Kurohime placed her hand on
her hidden dagger under her skirt.
Kurohime: wait… this is not the right time. What am I thinking, it’s broad

daylight and making a mess here would be even more noticeable.

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Principal: How’s your first day attending this school?

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Kurohime looked startled and in an awkward tone she replied.

Kurohime: uhm... It’s been going well so far.

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Principal: that's good to hear

The principal says while smiling*
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Principal: Here’s your class, enjoy the rest of the school year.
Kurohime: th-thanks... She said as she looks away awkwardly

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Agent: Eyes on target?

Kurohime: Yes sir.

High up on a building close to the school, Kurohime adjusts her focus on

the principal's office. The principal seemed to be alone.
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Agent: Permission to snipe

Kurohime: Copy.

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Just as Kurohime was about to shoot, the janitor rushed in and the
principal rushed out with him.

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Kurohime: tsk… abort the plan, target left.


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Kurohime: Sir, this seems to take longer than expected.

???: Take your time Agent Kurohime, you wouldn’t want to get caught if you
take steps quickly.
Kurohime:... yes sir.
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Lays down in bed*
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Kurohime’s POV: This became quite bothersome… that person’s also a bother
She said as she drifted off to sleep

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Throughout the whole day Kurohime thought of ways to eliminate her target
quickly and easily. As time passed, lunch came around the corner.
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Kurohime went up the stairs to the rooftop as she found it peaceful to
eat at. As she was walking up the stairs she bumped into Tamaki.
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For a quick moment their eyes met but
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Kurohime swiftly glared away at him and continued walking up the stairs.

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Tamaki stops in his track

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Turns around*

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credits : miqi (she carried fr)

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