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1 Look at the text. What is it?
a A blog b An article c A novel

Welcome to Fashion 101, the blog for creative fashion designers. Do you want to become a famous
designer? This is the blog to publish your work. We have millions of viewers, including celebrities. What
are you waiting for? Read about some of our top designers.
Hi! I love traditional materials for skirts and dresses: cotton, wool,
silk. They are absolutely elegant. I usually create in the morning,
right after I get up, at about 11 or 12. I think that is the best time
for me. Sometimes I work for 4 or 5 hours, and I am late for my
obligations. I am a teacher at the Lavender Design School. In the
evening, I usually go out with friends to fancy restaurants and
pubs, and I wear my creations. People like them, I think. Maddison
My friends tell me I am the best and youngest designer in the
world. I go red in the face when they say that. They’re great
friends, they wear everything I make. I love to give them my
creations. Sometimes I think they’re a bit shocked at some of my
designs, but, anyway, they put them on and go out. Not to work,
obviously, but when they go to the pub or dancing. I think they
prefer my leather creations. Some of my friends say that leather
trousers are comfortable. David
Hello! I’m an architect, but I am working as a fashion designer. I
like creating unusual clothes. Sometimes I use regular materials,
but I combine the patterns. One of my favourite creations is a
flowery cotton shirt with striped sleeves. What makes it perfect
is the combination of colours. Shoes are not my thing; I usually
wear traditional leather boots when it’s cold and sandals when it’s
warm or hot. I want to open my own boutique, be a designer for TV
and cinema and host my own TV show. Ivonne
Hello! I love creating clothes for myself, for my friends and for clients.
They are all very happy with my creations. I love combining materials
and patterns. And of course I also combine colours, except for black
and white. That’s for old people. My clients love me because I always
keep my promises in connection with dates. Do you want a dress for
the end of May? You got it! Do you want a special leather suit in two
months’ time? You got it. If I cannot make it on time, I tell them from
the very beginning, so, no surprises. Richard

2 Read the text and write the name of the designer. There’s an extra characteristic.
a This person is reliable: d This person is generous:
b This person is optimistic: e This person is ambitious:
c This person is unpunctual:

3 Read again. Are the answers to these questions in the text? Write YES or NO.
a Where are the designers from? c Are their creations expensive?
b What materials do they like? d Are they young?

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1 Write a post for the blog. Use the text in the Reading section as a model. Include the following information:
• Your job / studies
• Your favourite clothes, materials and patterns
• Who wears your creations

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1 Look at the text. What is it?
a A story b An article c A novel

There are earthquakes almost every year in Mexico. news about the devastation. He learned that his
Some are mild but others are extremely strong. parents were OK, but four relatives – an aunt,
Such was the case of the earthquake in 1985. It was an uncle, a cousin and the cousin’s son – were
one of the worst earthquakes in Mexico’s history. among the list of missing people. Domingo took
On the Richter scale, it had a magnitude of 8.0. a flight and arrived in Mexico 24 hours later. He
Between 5,000 and 45,000 people died, and around went directly to the place where his parents lived,
30,000 were injured. The number of dead people is which was completely destroyed, and started
not exact because many people disappeared, that’s helping rescuers. Some people were rescued alive
why the estimate is between 5,000 and 45,000. The a week after the earthquake. That was a miracle!
world was shocked. Many countries offered their “While I was helping in Mexico City, some
help in different forms: food supplies, medicines, reporters saw me and wanted to interview me.
rescue teams and equipment, and more. I didn’t want any cameras, but I realized that I
Placido Domingo, the famous tenor singer, sang could ask for assistance using the cameras, and
at concerts around the world to raise funds that’s what I did. It totally worked! Televisa, the
to help Mexicans. He did this for different Mexican TV network, put cameras at my disposal
reasons. First, though he was born in Spain, his any time I wanted to ask for help. I saw ABC
family moved to Mexico when he was eight. cameras and used them to speak to President
His wife was Mexican, and two of his children Reagan in the U.S. I asked for dogs which could
were Mexican, too. Although he was not living help to find survivors. It was very effective. The
in Mexico, his parents and some relatives were American ambassador phoned me and told me
residents there. While he was preparing for a the American embassy was ready for anything
concert in Chicago, a friend phoned him and told we needed. Petróleos Mexicanos and the national
him about the earthquake in Mexico. At first, he railroad also helped a lot. The experience of
did not worry much because earthquakes are course was tragic, but it was rewarding to see
very common, but after a few days, there was how many people were ready to help.”

2 Read the text and answer these questions.

a Was the 1985 earthquake mild?
b Where was Placido Domingo from?
c Was he married?
d Where was he when the earthquake started?
e What was he doing there?

3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

a This text is very informal. f He used the cameras to get help.
b Placido Domingo wrote the text. g Reagan was the president of the U.S. in 1985.
c This text is about Placido Domingo.
d His parents were on holiday when there was an h He got help from different people and organisations.
e He was worried from the very beginning.

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1 Write about a tragic event.

a Complete the chart.


When and where

Information about the event

Help from others

b Write the text. Use the information in the chart and the text in the Reading section as a model.

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1 Look at the text. What is it?
a A story b An article c A blog

Best time ever in Costa Rica. You can create your own journey. We wanted to see Arenal Volcano, but
When you arrive, you rent a car and travel to different destinations it was impossible. You can never see it,
and stay at a hotel there. You don’t like it much? You go to another except maybe twice a year, because of
one. There’s a list to choose from. Everything is near. From coast to the weather. You can hear it, though.
coast, it’s only 217km. Warm temperatures. People are fantastic! It roars all the time. At Volcano Arenal
Lucila, Barcelona. National Park the facilities are not
good. You can’t buy any food and the
bathrooms are not the best. At least
that was the case when we were there
four years ago. Get ready to walk and
walk. And the trails are full of stones,
rocks and vegetation, so you have to be
very careful. Not the best but not the
worst either. Malek, Turkey.

The brochures and webpages tell

Would you like to see an active volcano? Then Costa Rica is the place to you everything’s perfect, and that
go. Poas Volcano National Park is about 45 minutes from San José de you can drive everywhere. Well, you
Costa Rica, the capital city. You can go there by bus if you do not have can, but it’s all mountain road. Quite
a car. You can also use a taxi or Uber. The way up to the visitor’s centre dangerous, and many people get
is fantastic. The visitor’s centre is very good, and the facilities are good, dizzy. Take Dramamine or any other
too. The views are amazing. After you have walked for about 30 minutes, medicine for dizziness. Road 1 is not
you get to the viewing platform. That’s awesome! But if you carry on a mountain road, it’s quite straight
walking, you get to see the crater with its fumaroles, and Botos lake. but it’s full of potholes. Driving is
Unbelievable!!! Best experience ever! Hugh, Sydney. absolutely awful! Danielle, Paris.

2 Read the text and say who wrote each comment. There’s an extra comment.
a An unforgettable experience. d It was perfect for our honeymoon.
b Don’t get around by car. e I didn’t get what I wanted.
c I love creating my own holiday.

3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

a This text is for professionals.
b This text is very formal.
c Costa Rica is a small country.
d You have to book hotels in advance.
e It’s likely to be foggy and rainy at Volcano Arenal National Park.
f There’s an active volcano near the capital city of Costa Rica.
g You have to go by car to see the Poas.
h Brochures and websites offer very good and exact information about Costa Rica.

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1 Write a post for this site.

a Complete the chart.

What you wanted to see

Where it is and how you got there

Problems OR nice moments you had

Your opinion

b Write the text. Use the information in the chart and the text in the Reading section as a model.

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1 Look at the text. What is it?
a A story b An article c A blog

When I was a little girl, my family used to go to Cordoba on holiday. My mother always said it was
a great place for a family with young children: hills, small rivers and creeks, lovely places for hiking
and picnics … and very good weather. The whole family package! We always had a good time, and I
remember my parents’ words: “If it is possible, we’ll come back next year.”
Once, while we were exploring the area around La Falda, my father read an article about Olaen
Waterfalls. The article said it was a beautiful place with an impressive waterfall and the possibility
to swim in the river. So one morning, we got everything ready and packed our backpacks – water
and sandwiches, towels, swimwear and sunblock cream – and off we drove to Olaen. In those
times, there was no technology, just maps, and they were not very precise. Maybe for main roads,
but not for dirt roads in Cordoba. Dad stopped a few times to talk to locals. Each of them gave us
different directions. And there were no signs on the road, just potholes and rocks!
While dad was driving, the car hit a big rock and pfffff! A flat tyre. Well, more than that: the whole
wheel was ruined! Dad changed it with mum’s help. “Can we get out of the car?” we asked. “Yes,
no problem,” was mum’s answer. There was nobody! While they were changing the wheel, my little
brother saw a huge black spider and a snake. My mum saw it too and screamed “Run into the
car!!!” “Close all the windows,” Dad said. It was very hot in the car. The sun was very strong and
there were no clouds in the sky. Outside: rocks and heat. Finally, my parents changed the wheel,
got into the car and we drove off. Do you think that was the end of our problems? No, it was not.
We heard a beep. What was that? I did not know, but mum was looking at the indicators on the
dashboard and was very worried. “It’s the oil indicator, it’s on,” she said. Dad looked back through
and was shocked to see small drops on the road. “We have to go back,” he said. Mum turned the
car and was driving back when the car hit another rock. This time, no problem with the wheels.
That was good, but, when Dad looked back, there were more drops on the road. After five minutes,
the petrol indicator was lower than before, and was getting lower and lower … The rock had hit the
petrol tank and we were losing petrol. Complete silence from my parents. I could see they were really
worried. No smartphones in those times either …
After some time, I honestly do not know how long, we got to a main road. That was great, because
we could ask for help. I saw a building in the distance. “Is that a petrol station? It looks like one,”
I said. It was! They fixed the petrol tank and the problem with the oil. My dad had forgotten to
change it, and the indicator showed it. It was a sad consequence of our failed visit to Olaen.
I haven’t been to Olaen, and I would love to go there. If I have some time next year, I will try
to convince my husband to go there. It will be a great place for the kids, and now we have our
smartphones with GPS. So what can go wrong?

2 Read the text and choose the best title.

a An unforgettable experience
b A great place for tourists
c Visit Cordoba
d I didn’t get what I wanted

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3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

a The writer of this text is the mum in the family.
b The family used to go on holiday together.
c They usually had a nice time in Cordoba.
d The family had seen photos of Olaen.
e The local people’s directions were very clear.
f The children ran into the car because it was very hot outside.
g The drops on the road were rain drops.
h The problem with the oil was caused by one of the rocks on the road.
i The girl has been to Olaen.
j She has her own family.


1 Write a story about an incident.

a Complete the chart.

When and where

Describe the problem

What you did

The ending

b Write the text. Use the information in the chart and the text in the Reading section as a model.

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1 Look at the text. What is it?
a A report b An article c An interview


Future Smart has interviewed a group of
secondary school students who are involved in
presenting projects to make the Earth a better
place. This is what they have told the magazine.

FS: Great to meet you!

Paul: We are very happy to meet you too.
FS: Tell me about your project.
Mike: We were studying environmental
problems at school. The teacher asked us to
find out about any of these problems in our
neighbourhood or in the city.
Emma: First we told him that there were no
environmental problems here.
Lynn: Yes, there are no factories, so no chemical pollution. And no fumigation either.
FS: Did you do your homework?
Mike: Yes. And it was shocking!
Emma: We couldn’t believe how many problems there are. Visual pollution, air pollution …
Paul: Carbon dioxide, sound pollution …
Lynn: And what is worse, we are also contributing to global warming! And we didn’t know!
FS: What did you do next?
Emma: It was necessary to inform everybody in the community about this. It’s not that they harm the
environment on purpose, they, well, we do this because we do not stop to think about it.
Mike: True! The next step was to start a campaign to inform people.
Lynn: We included lots of photos which we took to show how much impact we are having on the environment.
FS: Was it effective?
Paul: Not at first, so we decided to start a blog.
Emma: But not many people read blogs, so we tweeted information …
Lynn: And we designed posters with the Arts and the ICT teachers.
Mike: One day, the whole school went out and pasted the posters all over our neighbourhood.
Emma: We had designed brochures with useful information and tips.
Lynn: We also sent emails to other schools to invite them to join the campaign.
Paul: It was so good!!! We had lots of help from a kindergarten. One day they came with us to give brochures to
neighbours. They were so cute!!! Everybody loved them!
Emma: And they were so effective! Many people joined the campaign thanks to the children.
FS: So what are you going to do next?
Mike: We are going to collect information with the results of the campaign and inform the community. If the
results are good, they will be better at protecting the environment.
FS: That’s a fantastic idea.

2 Are the answers to these questions in the text? Read and write YES or NO.
a What is Future Smart?
b Who were they studying environmental problems with?
c Why were the students shocked?
d Did they get in touch with other schools?
e How many students were involved in the project?
f Will the students share the results of the campaign?

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3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

a The students decided to investigate in their communities.
b The teacher is a woman.
c The students found serious problems.
d Lots of people harm the environment on purpose.
e The students were also damaging the environment.
f The photos which students used are an example of visual pollution.
g Online information was very effective.
h Other teachers collaborated for the posters.
i The young children helped with part of the campaign.
j Good results from the campaign will encourage people to protect the environment.


1 Write an interview. Imagine you are interviewing one of the neighbours.

a Complete the chart.

Questions asked


b Write the text. Use the information in the chart and the text in the Reading section as a model.

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1 Look at the text. What is it?
a An article b A story c A report

The annual local festival was held last night at the city’s open
auditorium in Central Park. It was an absolute success. About
20,000 people attended the festival, which started early in the
evening and finished after midnight when Figo, the lead singer
of Culture Rock, performed a solo of the national anthem. It
was a standing ovation.
The money raised will be donated to the local hospital to buy
a new MRI machine. The one at the hospital is so old that the
results cannot be completely trusted. The images in the new
unit are more exact and have a higher level of detail.
The local police were asked to patrol the area. Luckily,
no incidents were reported. There were no pickpockets or
muggers, which contributed to the wonderful atmosphere of
the place. The food stands operated all day long. The most
popular snacks were fruit packs and the combo fruit juice and
fruit pack, most probably due to the weather conditions.
The organisers consider this festival their best achievement.
They have informed us that thanks to the success of this
year’s festival they might organise another one to celebrate
the beginning of winter. People will not have to wait for the
following summer to have a nice time at the local festival.

2 Read the text. Match the meaning of the following phrases. There’s an extra meaning.
1 a standing ovation a because of
2 cannot be trusted b a result gained by effort
3 due to c a way to show dislike
4 achievement d prolonged applause with people standing up
e are not reliable

3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

a This text is very informal.
b We know who has written the text.
c The auditorium is probably a small theatre.
d Culture Rock is the name of a band.
e The organisers have collected money.
f The local hospital does not have an MRI machine.
g There were most probably pickpockets and muggers on other occasions.
h It was cold on the day of the festival.
i The organisers have already decided to organise another festival.
j The festival was organised in spring. _______

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1 Write a report on a festival or concert.

a Complete the chart.

Where and when


Attractions and activities

Food and drink

Your opinion

b Write the text. Use the information in the chart and the text in the Reading section as a model.

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