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acres 4047 square meters koal (kllocalorles) · 3.868 Bntlsh thermal units
Btu (British thermal unit; energy) 0.252 kilocalories kcal (kllocalorles) 4190 Joules
Btu (energy) 1.055 kilojoules kg (kilograms) 2.205 pounds
Btu (energy) 200 lumens k!)lm 3 (kilograms per cubic mete,) 1.686 pounds per cubic yard
Btu/h (power) 0.2928 watts kglm2 (kilograms per square meter) 0.205 . pounds per square foot
Btu/h•ft 3.152 watts per square meter kJ (kilojoules) 0.948 Britlsh·thermal units
Btu••F (heat capacity) 4.182 kllojoules per kelvin knvh (kilometers per-hour) 0.621 miles ·per hour
Btu/lbo°F (specific heat) 1.897 kilojoules per kilogram per kelvin kWh (kllowatt•hours) 3,142 Britis~ thermal units
Btunv•F•in (conductivity) 0.144 watts per kelvin per meter lb (pounds) 0.454 ·kilo-grams
Btulh•°F•ft2 (conductance) 5.673 watts per kelvin per square meter lb/ft2 ·(pounds per square foot) 4.882 kilograms per square meter
Blu-/°F•day•ft2 (load-collector ratio) 5.673 watts per kelvin L {liters) 0.03532 cubic feet
°C (Celcius degree) 1.8 plus 32 :a degree Fahrenheit langley .1:0 • calories per square ·centimeter
cd (candela) 0.00145 watts per steradlan langley 3.69 Btu per square fool
cd (candela} 1 lumen per steradian langleys/mln (langfeys per minute) ·o.0698 watts per square centimeter
degree (angulaF) 0.1745 radians lumen 0.005 British thermal units per hour
degree (solid angle) 0.0003 steradian lumen 0.00148 walls
°F (degree; first subtract 32) 0.5555 degrees Celsius Ix Oul<) 1 lumen per square meter
f13 (cublo feet) 0.028 cubic meters Ix (Ii.Ix) 0.093 footcandlas
ft (feel) 0.305 meters MJ (megajoules) 0.278 kilowatt-hours
fl/sec (feel per second) 0.305 meters per second m(meters) 3,281 feet
fl•lb/sec 1.356 watts m' (cubic meters) ·35.32 cubic feet
re (footcandte) lumen per square loot mis ·(meters per second) 196.86 feet per minute
fc (footcandle) 0.0014 langleys per hour mph (miles peF hour) 1.609 . kllometers per hour
fc (footcandte) 10.76 lux. ml (mllilitars) 0.061 cubic inches
fl (loollambert} 0.3184 candelas· per square foot mm (mllimeters) 0.039 inches
fl (toollambert} 3.426 candelas par square meter steradlan 3283 solid degrees
gal (gallon) 3.785 liters . ·tons (of.'refrfgeratlon) 12,000 Btu per hour
gal/h (gallons per hour} 0,00152 liters per second · therm 1 X 105 Brtllsh thermal units
g (grams) 0.035 ounces (avoirdupois) .W (watts)' 3.412 British thermal units per hour
hp (horsepower) 0.746 kilowatts W (watts) 683 lumens
in (Inches) 25.4 millimeters W (walls) 683 candelas per sleradian
In Hg (Inches of mercury) 0.033 atmospheres w1m2 (watts per. square meter) 0.317 Btu per square foot
in3 (cubic inches) 16.39 cubic centimeters yards 0.914 meters
Glossary of Renewable Energy Terms and Phrases
Absorption Biomass energy Conduction
The process of converting radiation into Changing farming wastes, grasses, trees, One of the three ways heat is transferred
heat when it strikes or passes through a bark, sawdust.and other things into energy (the others are radiation and convection).
substance. by burning it, changing it to a gas, or Conduction is the transfer of heat through
Absorptance converting it to a liquid fuel. materials (solids, liquids, or gases) by
The ratio of the radiation absorbed by a BTU molecular excitation of adjacent molecules.
surface and the total energy falling on that British Thermal Unit-A measure of heat Conservation
surface measured as a percentage. energy; the amount needed to raise the Achieving the use of less energy, either by
AC temperature of one pound of water by one using more efficient technologies or by
(Alternating current) Electrical energy degree Fahrenheit. changing wasteful habits.
which alternates cyclically between Calorie Convection
positive and negative in polarity. In many Metric thermal unit: a measure of heat One of the three ways heat is transferred
countries, including the U.S., the polarity energy; the amount needed to raise the (the others are radiation and conduction).
reversal is made to occur 60 times per temperature of one kilogram of water by Convection is the circulation of gasses or
second (60 hertz). one degree Centigrade. This is the large liquids. In natural
Acid Rain Calorie (used relating to food energy convection the movement occurs as a
Rain mixed with sulphuric, nitric and other content) definition. The "small" calorie of result of the tendency of hot fluids to be
acids which arise from emissions released fuel research is the amount of less dense and rise and cold fluids to be
during the burning of fossil fuels. energy needed to raise the temperature of more dense and sink. In forced
one gram of water by one degree convection, the fluids are moved by a
Active solar heating system
Centigrade. device such as a fan.
A solar water-heating or space-heating
system that moves sun-heated air or water DC
using pumps or fans. (Direct current) Electrical energy which
Clerestory does not cyclically alternate in polarity: e.g.
Ampere (amp) A window or windows that are placed electrical energy from a battery or solar
The measure of the number of electrons vertically (or near vertical) in a wall above cell.
flowing past a given point in an electrical one's line of vision to provide natural light
conductor in a given amount of time; this is and solar gain into a building.
Degree Day (cooing)
the electrical current. See degree day for heating, except that
the base temperature is established at 75
Azimuth A tool that uses lenses and/or mirrors to
degrees F, and cooling degree days are
The angular distance between true south focus and enhance the sun's rays onto the
measured above that base.
and the point on the horizon directly below photovoltaic surface.
the sun
Degree Day (heating) Energy-efficiency Fuel cell
An expression of a dimatic heating Using energy in the least wasteful manner. A device which produces electricity with
requirement expressed by the differences by example: Electrical lighting devices high efficiency (little heat) by using a fuel
in degree F below the average outdoor which produce the same amount of light and a chemical which reacts with it (an
temperature for each day and an (lumens) using less electrical energy than oxidizer) at two separate electrical
established base of 65 degrees F. (The incandescent electric light bulbs. terminals. An electric current is thereby
assumption behind selecting this base is Energy sources produced.
that average construction will provide
Energy sources are 1. fossil fuels (coal, oil, Fuel efficiency
interior comfort with no artificial heat input
gas); 2. nuclear (fission and fusion); The amount of work obtained for the
when the exterior temperature is 65
3. renewables (salar, wind, geothermal, amount of fuel consumed. Gasoline
degrees F). The total number of degree- biomass, hydro).
days over the heating season indicates the produces more energy per gallon than
Flat Plate Collector propane.
relative severity of the winter in that area.
A thin panel to absorb solar thermal Geothermal energy
Direct Gain energy, usually a black metal surface Heat generated by natural processes
A passive solar heating system type insulated on the back and enclosed with within the earth. Chief energy resources
consisting of south-facing windows that an air space by glass. For hot water are hot dry rock, magma (molten rock),
admit winter sunshine directly into the systems small copper tubing is integral hydrothermal (water/steam from geysers
interior where it is absorbed by thermal with the absorber surface. and fissures) and geopressure (wa1er
Fluorescent light satured with methane under tremendous
Efficiency A device which uses the glow discharge of pressure at great depths).
The ratio of desired work-type output to the an electrified gas for the illuminating Glazing
necessary energy input, in any given element rather than an electrically heated A covering of transparent or translucent
energy transformation devide. An efficient glowing conductive filament. material (glass or plastic} used for
LIGHT bulb for example uses most of the admitting light. Glazing retards heat
Fossil fuels
input electrical energy to produce light, not losses from reradiation and convection.
Fuels formed eons ago from decayed
heat. An efficient HEAT bulb uses most of Examples: windows, skylights, greenhouse
plants and animals. Oil, coal and natural
its input to produce heat, not light. and collector coverings.
gas are such fuels.
Emissivity Glazing, double or triple
The measure of the ability of a surface to A sandwich of two or three separated
A material which is consumed, giving up its
emit radiation at a given surface layers of glass or plastic enclosing air to
molecularly stored energy which is then
temperature.; the range of unitless values create an insulating barrier.
used for other purposes. e.g. to do work
is 0.0(no emittance possible) to 1.0(ideal
(run a Global warming
machine). The gradual warming of the earth due to
Energy the "greenhouse effect"; linked to the
The capacity to do work. accelerated burning of fossil fuels by
humans in recent years.
Greenhouse effect Inverter Radiation
The trapping of the sun's radiant energy, An electrical device which changes direct One of the three ways heat is transferred
so that it cannot be reradiated . In cars and current (DC) into alternating current (AC). (the others are conduction and
buildings the radiant energy is trapped by Direct current is created by photovoltaic convection). Radiation is the d;rect
glass: in the earth's atmosphere the modules or batteries and changed to AC transport of energy through space,
radiant energy is trapped by gasses such through the use of an inverter. needing no air or other medium for its
as CFCs and carbon dioxide. Nuclear fission transmission.
Hydro Atomic nuclear processes which involve
A prefix meaning produced by or derived the splitting of nuclei with the Reflection
from water or the movement of water. accompanying release of energy. The process whereby, after striking a
Hydro power Nuclear fuel surface, radiation leaves the surface on
Power obtained from the natural Energy derived from atomic nuclear the incident side.
movement of masses of water. processes during fission or fusion. Reflectance
Incandescent light Nuclear fusion The ratio or percentage of the amount of
A bulb which uses the ohmic resistance in Atomic nuclear processes which involve light reflected by a surface to the amount
a conductor to produce light upon the the fusing of nuclei with an accompanying incident. The remainder that is not
passage of an electrical current through it. release of energy. reflected is either absorbed
The conductor is by the material of transmitted through it.
Nonrenewable fuels Good light reflectors are not necessarily
usually in the form of a wire or filament. Fuels that cannot be replenished within the good heat reflectors.
Infiltration timeframe of mankind. Oil, natural gas,
The uncontrolled movement of outdoor air and coal are nonrenewable fuels. Renewable energy
into the interior of a building through Energy from sources that cannot be used
Passive solar heating system up: sunshine, water flow, wind and
cracks around windows and doors or in A solar water-heating or space-heating
walls, roofs and floors. vegetation.
system that moves sun-heated air or water
lnsolation without using pumps or fans. Resistance (R)
The total amount of solar radiation-direct, Resistance refers to a material's resistance
Passive solar home to heat flow. (R) is the reciprocal of
diffuse and reflected-striking a surface A house designed to capture the sun's
exposed to the sky. This incident solar thermal conductance. The resistance of a
energy through direct and indirect gain.
radiation is measure in l<M/ per square series of different materials, all in thermal
meter, or BTUs per square foot per hour PV contact with each other, is the sum of the
per day. Photovoltaic; pertaining to the production individual resistances.
of electricity from light. R-value
Materials or systems used to prevent loss Photovoltaic cell A unit of thermal resistance used for
or gain of heat, usually employing very (see Solar cell) comparing insulating values of different
small confined air spaces to limit materials; the higher the R value of a
conduction and/or convection. material, the greater its insulating
Solar altitude Specific heat Thermal conductivity (k)
The angle of the sun above the horizon The heat capacity of a substance per unit The amount of heat in BTUs which can be
measured in a vertical plane. of weight. The specific heat of water is 1 conducted through a specific material, 1
Solar azimuth BTU per pound; the specific heat of rock is foot square, which is 1 inch thick and has a
The horizontal angle of the sun east or .22 BTU per pound. The higher the temperature difference of 1 degree F.
west of south. specific heat of a substance, the greater its between both surfaces. "k" is the symbol
heat storage capacity. for thermal conductivity. Most metals are
Solar cell good conductors and their conductivity
Device made of semiconductor materials Stand-Alone system
A PV installation not connected to a utility varies with temperature.
which produces a voltage when exposed
to light. power line. A 'direct system' uses the PV- Thermal mass
produced electricity as it is produced, e.g. The amount of potential heat storage
Solar constant pumping water when the sun shines. A capacity available in a given assemby or
The amount of radiation or heat energy 'battery storage system' stores the PV- system. e.g. Waterwalls; concrete, tile and
that reaches the outside of the earth's produced electricity for use a later time, stone floors; and adobe or masonry walls
atmosphere. e.g. at night or on cloudy days. Tracker
Solar collectors Sunspace An automated rack to follow the path of the
A device for capturing solar energy, (see solar greenhouse) differing in that the sun, primarily used for a PV panel or array.
ranging from ordinary windows to complex primary purpose is for passive solar
mechanical devices. heating gain to the incorporated home or Transmission
Solar cooling structure. The passage of radiant energy through a
The use of devices which absorb sunlight Suntempered substance.
to operate system similar to gas-fired Design description for a modest amount of
direct solar gain to slightly reduce the The ratio of the radiant energy transmitted
Solar electricity structure's dependence on other sources through a substance to the total radiant
Electricity produced directly by action of of space heat. energy incident on its surface. In solar
sunlight Thermal conductance (CJ technology, it is always affected by the
Solar energy The amount of heat in BTUs which will flow thickness and composition of the glass
General term used to describe energy from through one square foot of material in one cover plates on a collector, and to a major
the sun. hour, when there is a 1 degree F extent by the angle of incidence between
Solar greenhouse temperature difference between both the sun's rays and a line normal to the
A plant growing space that is oriented to surfaces. Conductance values are given surface.
maximize solar gain, usually with mass for a specific thickness of material, not per Trombe wall
added for heat storage. inch of thickness. A passive solar device that consists of a
Solar heating (thermal) narrow trapped air space between glass or
Processes, active or passive, which derive plastic and a dark colored mass that
and control heat directly from the sun. conducts heat through to radiate the heat
into the interior of the building in the
evening. 'Trombe" rhymes with "prom".

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