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d & f-Block (NEET Pattern) HH:MM

Important Instructions

This test contains 44 questions. Each question carries 4 marks. For each correct response the
candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect response, one mark will be deducted from the total
scores. The maximum marks are 176.

1. For a catalyst which condition is not essential :

(1) Variable oxidation states
(2) High ionisation energy
(3) Vacant orbitals
(4) Free valency on the surface

2. To which of the following series the transition element from Z = 39 to Z = 48 belong :

(1) 3d series
(2) 4d series
(3) 5d series
(4) 6d series

3. KMnO4 on treatment with conc. H2SO4 forms a compound (X) which decomposes explosively on
heating forming (Y). The (X) and (Y) are respectively
(1) Mn2O7 ,MnO2
(2) Mn2O,Mn2O3
(3) MnSO4 ,Mn2O3
(4) Mn2O3 ,MnO2

4. Which pair of ions is colourless ?

(1) Mn3+ , Co3+
(2) Fe3+ , Cr3+
(3) Zn2+ , Sc3+
(4) Ti2+ , Cu2+

5. (NH4 )2 Cr2O7 (Ammonium dichromate) is used in fire works. The green coloured powder blown in
air is :
(1) Cr2O3
(2) CrO2
(3) Cr2O4
(4) CrO3

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d & f-Block (NEET Pattern)

6. Cr2O72− Y
2CrO24− X and Y are respectively :
(1) X = OH− , Y = H+
(2) X = H+ , Y = OH−
(3) X = OH− , Y = H2O2
(4) X = H2O2 , Y = OH−

7. The higher oxidation states of transition elements are found to be the combination with A and B,
which are:
(1) F, O
(2) O, N
(3) O, Cl
(4) F, Cl

8. Magnetic moment of x n + is 24 B.M. Hence No. of unpaired electron and value of 'n' respectively.
(Atomic number = 26)
(1) 4, 3
(2) 3, 5
(3) 4, 2
(4) 4, 1

9. The product of oxidation of I− with MnO4− in weak alkaline medium is :

(1) IO3−
(2) I2
(3) IO−
(4) IO4−

10. Which of the following oxide of chromium is amphoteric in nature ?

(1) CrO
(2) Cr2O3
(3) CrO3
(4) CrO5

11. Compared to Cu2+ having 3d9 configuration, the stability of Cu+ having 3d10 configuration (aq.
solution) is :-
(1) More stable
(2) Equally stable
(3) Less stable
(4) Stability depends upon nature of copper salt

12. CrO3 is red orange in colour. The nature of oxide is :-

(1) Acidic
(2) Basic
(3) Amphoteric
(4) Neutral

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13. Maximum spin magnetic moment is shown by :

(1) d5
(2) d6
(3) d7
(4) d8

14. Disproportion can be shown by

(1) MnO24− in acidic medium
(2) Cu+ in aqueous medium
(3) Cl2 in alkaline medium
(4) All of these

15. Which of the following configurations of 3d series exhibits the largest number of oxidation states?
(1)  Ar 3d8 4s2
(2)  Ar 3d10 4s1
(3)  Ar 3d5 4s2
(4)  Ar 3d7 4s2

16. Which of the following pair of ions has same value of "spin-only" magnetic moment ?
(1) Cu+ , Cu2+
(2) Co3+ , Fe2+
(3) Ti2+ , v2+
(4) Sc2+ , Zn+2

17. Which of the following transition metal do not form amalgam with Hg ?
(1) Fe
(2) Co
(3) Ni
(4) All of the above

18. Highest fluoride and oxide of Mn are respectively :

(1) MnF7 , Mn2O7
(2) MnF5 , Mn2O7
(3) MnF4 , Mn2O7
(4) MnF6 , Mn2O7

19. Which is not a property of interstitial compound ?

(1) Non stoichiometric
(2) Harder than pure metal
(3) Chemically inert
(4) Having low melting point

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20. Which halide of copper does not exist ?

(1) CuF2
(2) CuCl2
(3) Cu2I2
(4) CuI2

21. Which order is correct for oxidising power ?

(1) Cr2O7−2  VO2+
(2) VO2+  MnO4−
(3) VO2+  Cr2O7−2
(4) Cr2O7−2  MnO4−

22. Permanganate titrations in presence of Hydrochloric acid are not satisfactory because :
(1) HCl is a weak acid
(2) HCl is a volatile acid
(3) KMnO4 will oxidise HCl into Cl2
(4) KMnO4 will show disproportionation in presence of HCl

23. Which of the following does not give chromyl chloride test ?
(1) NaCl
(2) KCl
(3) NH4Cl
(4) HgCl2

24. Which is correct match ?

(1) Brass ; Cu + Zn
(2) Bronze ; Cu + Sn
(3) Stainless steel ; Fe + Cr + Ni
(4) All of the above

25. Which of the following 3d series metal has positive value of E ( M+2 / M ) ?
(1) Zn
(2) Cu
(3) Mn
(4) Cr

26. Which compound does exist ?

(1) MnO3F
(2) K 2 CuI4 
(3) MnF7
(4) CrF7

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27. In the form of dichromate, Cr(VI) is a strong oxidising agent in acidic medium but Mo(VI) in MoO3
and W(VI) in WO3 are not because
(1) Cr(VI) is more stable than Mo(VI) & W(VI)
(2) Mo(VI) and W(VI) are less stable than Cr(VI)
(3) H.O.S. of heavier members of group 6 of transition metals are more stable
(4) L.O.S. of heavier members of group 6 of transition metals are more stable

28. Which of the following show +8 oxidation state ?

(1) Fe, Ru
(2) Fe, Os
(3) Ru, Os
(4) Mo, W

29. Which catalyst is used in contact process ?

(1) Ni
(2) V2O5
(3) Fe
(4) AlCl3 + TiCl4

30. Which of the element have highest density ?

(1) W
(2) Os
(3) Tc
(4) Mo

31. Which of the following actinide element does not found in nature ?
(1) Th90
(2) Pa91
(3) U92
(4) Lr103

32. Which element does not show +4 oxidation state:-

(1) Ce
(2) Ti
(3) Pt
(4) Eu

33. Which of the following ion is diamagnetic and colourless ?

(1) La+3
(2) Lu+3
(3) Zn +2
(4) All of the above

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34. The general electronic configuration of lanthanoid elements is :

(1) [Xe]4f 0−14 5d0−1 6s2
(2) [Xe]4f 0−14 5d1−2 6s1
(3) [Xe]4f 0−14 5d0−1 6s1−2
(4) None of these

35. Cerium can show the oxidation state of +4 because

(1) it resemble alkali metals
(2) it has very low value of I.E.
(3) of its tendency to attain noble gas configuration of xenon
(4) of its tendency to attain 4f7 configuration

36. The highest oxidation state shown by actinides is:

(1) +6
(2) +7
(3) +5
(4) +4

37. The electronic configuration of gadolinium (At. No. 64) is :

(1) [Xe]4f 7 5d1 6s2
(2) [Xe]4f 8 5d0 6s2
(3) [Xe]4f 8 5d1 6s1
(4) [Xe]4f 7 5d0 6s2

38. Which oxidation state is not shown by lanthanoids?

(1) +2
(2) +3
(3) +4
(4) +6

39. Which of the following species acts as a reducing agent ?

(1) Ce+4
(2) Lu+3
(3) Eu+2
(4) Ce+3

40. Which of the following pair have almost similar size?

(1) Ti22 and Zr40
(2) Nb41 and Ta73
(3) Y39 and La57
(4) Ca20 and Ir31

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41. An increase in both atomic and ionic radii with atomic number occurs in any group of the periodic
table. In accordance of this the ionic radii of Ti (IV) and Zr (IV) ions are 0.68 Å and 0.74 Å
respectively but for Hf (IV) ion the ionic radius is 0.75 Å, which is almost the same as that for Zr
(IV) ion. This is due to :-
(1) greater degree of covalency in compounds of Hf 4 +
(2) Lanthanide contraction
(3) Difference in the co-ordination number of Zr +4 and Hf +4 in their compounds
(4) Actinide contraction

42. When lanthanoid element is heated with sulphur then compound obtained is :-
(1) LnS2
(2) Ln2S3
(3) Ln2S
(4) Ln3S4

43. Formula of halide of lanthanoid may be

(1) LnX3
(2) LnX5
(3) LnX2
(4) LnX6

44. What is the composition of misch metal alloy?

(1) Lanthanoid metal (95%) + Iron (5%)
(2) Cu (69%) + Zn (31%)
(3) Al (20%) + Cu (80%)
(4) Cr (50%) + Zn (30%) + Cu (20%)

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 4 3
Question 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer 2 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 2 1 3 3 2 2
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Answer 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 2 2 1 1


1. High ionisation energy is not essential condition for catalyst.

2. Z = 39(y) to Z = 48(Cd) is in 4d series because last e– enters in a 4d orbital.

3. 2KMnO4 + Conc. H2SO4 ⎯⎯

→ Mn2O7 ⎯⎯
→ MnO2 + O2
(x ) (y )

4. Zn +2 & Sc+3 is colourless as they do not have unpaired e .

5. ( NH4 )2 Cr2O7 ⎯⎯

→ N2 + 2H2O + Cr O2 3
green powder

6. Cr2O7−2 2CrO4−2

7. Higher oxidation states of transition elements are found to be combination with F & O for
example Mn2O7 , CrO3 , CrF6 etc.

8. At. No. = 26 is Fe whose electronic configuration is [Ar]3d6 4s2 so if 24 B.M. is it magnetic

moment of 4 unpaired eΘ . So X n is Fe+2 So n = 2.

9. 2MnO4− + H2O + I− ⎯⎯
→2MnO2 + 2OH− + IO3−

10. Cr2O3 is amphoteric in nature as Cr is in +3 O.S which is intermediate O.S.

11. Hydration energy of Cu+2 > Cu+ so in an Aquous medium Cu+2 is more stable than Cu+.

12. CrO3 is acidic oxide in nature.

13. Spin magnetic moment  No. of unpaired eΘ . So d5 has maximum spin magnetic moment.

+6 +4 +7
14. (1) MnO4−2 ⎯⎯
→MnO2 + MnO4−

(2) Cu+ ⎯⎯
→Cu+2 + Cu0

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15. Manganese shows largest no. of O.S. i.e. +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7. So 25Mn – [Ar] 3d5 4s2 .

16. Spin-only magnetic of Co+3 , Fe+2 is same as their configuration is same i.e. [Ar] 3d6 .

17. Hg do not form amalgam with Fe, Co, Ni as they do not form homogeneous mixture with them.

18. MnF4 & Mn2O7 is the highest fluoride & oxide of Mn.

19. Interstitial compound have high melting point as they are hard compound.

20. CuI2 does not exist because it will immediately break into Cu2I2 & I2 .

21. VO2+  Cr2O7−2  MnO4− → reactivity or oxidising power.

V +5  Cr+6  Mn+7 → Stability

On moving left to right higher O.S. stability decreases because SRP in –ve decrease & reactivity

22. Permanganate titration means decolourisation of KMnO4 but if KMnO4 with HCl. It will produce
Cl2 which is yellow green in colour.

23. Only ionic & water soluble compound give chromyl chloride test So as HgCl2 is covalent it does
not give the test.

24. (1) Brass – Cu + Zn

(2) Bronze – Cu + Sn

(3) Stainless steet – Cr + Ni

25. ( )
Positive value of E M+2 / M is given by copper because hydration energy of Cu+2 is not
enough to compensate for sublimation energy.

26. MnO3F is the compound that exist.

27. As Higher O.S. of Heavier members are more stable the lower members that is why Mo(VI) &
W(VI) do not act as strong oxidising agent.

28. Ru & Os show +8 O.S.

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29. V2O5 is used as catalyst in contact process.

30. Osmium has the highest oxidation state.

31. Lawrencium is a man made element so it is not found in nature.

32. Europium only shows maximum +2 O.S. & it is also a strong reducing agent.

33. (a) La+3 − [Xe] 4f 0

Due to absence of unpaired e– they are
(b) Lu+3 − [Xe] 4f 14 diamagnetic & colourless.

(c) Zn+2 − [Ar]3d10

34. General Electronic configuration of Lanthanoid elements is [Xe] 4f 1−14 , 5d0−1 6s2 .

35. Ce+4 − [Xe] 4f 0 - It has tendency to attain noble gas configuration of Xenon.

36. +7 is the highest O.S. of actinides which is shown by NP & Pu.

37. Gd – [Xe] 4f7 5s1 6s2.

38. +6 is the O.S. is not shown by lanthanoids.

39. Eu+2 is a strong reducing agent.

40. Nb & Ta have almost similar size due to lanthanoid contraction.

41. Atomic radius of Hf & Zr is almost same due to lanthanide contraction.

42. Ln ⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⎯
heated with S
→Ln2S3 , (Ln+3 & S–2)

43. Ln ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
with halogens
→LnX3 , (Ln+3 & X–)

44. Misch alloy – Lanthanoid metal (95%) + Iron (5%)

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d & f -Block NEET PYQs HH:MM

AIPMT 2006
1. In which of the following pairs are both the ions coloured in aqueous solution ?
(At. no. : Sc= 21, Ti = 22, Ni = 28, Cu = 29, Co =27)
(1) Ni2+ , Cu+
(2) Ni2+ , Ti3+
(3) Sc3+ , Ti3+
(4) Sc3+ , Co2+

AIPMT 2007
2. Which one of the following ions is the most stable in aqueous solution ?
(1) v 3+
(2) Ti3+
(3) Mn3+
(4) Cr3+

AIPMT 2008
3. The correct order of decreasing second ionisation enthalpy of Ti (22), V(23), Cr(24) and Mn (25)
is :
(1) Mn>Cr>Ti>V
(2) Ti>V>Cr>Mn
(3) Cr>Mn>V>Ti
(4) V>Mn>Cr>Ti

AIPMT 2009
4. Which one of the elements with the following outer orbital configurations may exhibit the largest
number of oxidation states?
(1) 3d2 4s2
(2) 3d3 4s2
(3) 3d5 4s1
(4) 3d5 4s2

AIPMT 2010
5. Which of the following pairs has the same size ?
(1) Zn2+ , Hf 4+
(2) Fe2+ , Ni2+
(3) Zr4+ , Ti4+
(4) Zr4+ , Hf 4+

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d & f-Block PYQs

6. Which one of the following ions has electronic configuration  Ar 3d6 ? (At. nos. Mn = 25, Fe = 26,
Co = 27, Ni = 28)
(1) Co3+
(2) Ni3+
(3) Mn3+
(4) Fe3+

7. Which of the following ions will exhibit colour in aqueous solutions ?

(1) Sc3+ (z = 21)
(2) La3+ (z = 57)
(3) Ti3+ (z = 22)
(4) Lu3+ (z = 71)

AIPMT Pre. 2012

8. Which of the statements is not true?
(1) K2Cr2O7 solution in acidic medium is orange.
(2) K2Cr2O7 solution becomes yellow on increasing the pH beyond 7.
(3) On passing H2S through acidified K2Cr2O7 solution, a milky colour is observed.
(4) Na2Cr2O7 is preferred over K2Cr2O7 in volumetric analysis.

AIPMT Mains 2012

9. Which one of the following does not correctly represent the correct order of the property
indicated against it ?
(1) Ti < V < Cr < Mn : increasing melting points
(2) Ti < V < Mn < Cr : increasing 2nd ionization enthalpy
(3) Ti < V < Cr < Mn : increasing number of oxidation states
(4) Ti3+  V3+  Cr3+  Mn3+ : increasing magnetic moment

10. The catalytic activity of transition metals and their compounds is ascribed mainly to :
(1) their ability to adopt variable oxidation states.
(2) their chemical reactivity.
(3) their magnetic behaviour.
(4) their unfilled d-orbitals.

AIPMT 2015
11. Magnetic moment 2.84 B.M. is given by :
(At. no.), Ni = 28, Ti = 22, Cr = 24, Co = 27)
(1) Ti3+
(2) Cr2+
(3) Co2+
(4) Ni2+

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12. Which of the following processes does not involve oxidation of iron ?
(1) Decolourization of blue CuSO4 solution by iron
(2) Formation of Fe(CO)5 from Fe
(3) Liberation of H2 from steam by iron at high temperature
(4) Rusting of iron sheets

NEET-I 2016
13. Which one of the following statements is correct when SO2 is passed through acidified K2Cr2O7
solution ?
(1) The solution turns blue
(2) The solution is decolourized
(3) SO2 is reduced
(4) Green Cr2(SO4 )3 is formed

NEET(UG) 2017
14. Name the gas that can readily decolourise acidified KMnO4 solution :
(1) SO2
(2) NO2
(3) P2O5
(4) CO2

15. HgCl2 and I2 both when dissolved in water containing I− ions the pair of species formed is :
(1) HgI2 ,I−
(2) HgI24− , I3−
(3) Hg 2I2 , I−
(4) HgI2 , I3−

NEET(UG) 2018
16. Which one of the following ions exhibits d–d transition and paramagnetism as well ?
(1) CrO24−
(2) Cr2O72−
(3) MnO4−
(4) MnO24−

17. Match the metal ions given in Column I with the spin magnetic moments of the ions given in
Column II and assign the correct code :
Column I Column II
a. Co i. 8 B.M.
b. Cr3+ ii. 35 B.M.
c. Fe iii. 3 B.M.

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d. Ni2+ iv. 24 B.M.

v. 15 B.M.
(1) a → iv, b → v, c → ii, d → i
(2) a → i, b → ii, c → iii, d → iv
(3) a → iv, b → i, c → ii, d → iii
(4) a → iii, b → v, c → i, d → ii

NEET(UG) 2019
18. The manganate and permanganate ions are tetrahedral, due to
(1) The  –bonding involves overlap of p–orbitals of oxygen with d–orbitals of manganese.
(2) There is no  –bonding.
(3) The  –bonding involves overlap of p–orbitals of oxygen with p–orbitals of manganese.
(4) The  –bonding involves overlap of d–orbitals of oxygen with d–orbitals of manganate.


19. Match the catalyst with the process :
Catalyst Process
(i) V2O5 (a) The oxidation of ethyne to ethanal
(ii) TiCl4 + Al(CH3 )3 (b) Polymerisation of alkynes
(iii) PdCl2 (c) Oxidation of SO2 in the manufacture of H2SO4
(iv) Nickel complexes (d) Polymerisation of ethylene
Which of the following is the correct option ?
(1) i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b
(2) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d
(3) i-a, ii-c, iii-b, iv-d
(4) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b

20. When neutral or faintly alkaline KMnO4 is treated with potassium iodide, iodide ion is converted
into 'X'. 'X' is
(1) I2
(2) IO4−
(3) IO3−
(4) IO−

21. The oxidation state of Cr in CrO5 is :

(1) –6
(2) +12
(3) +6
(4) +4

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22. The aqueous solution containing which one of the following ions will be colourless :-
[Atomic n : Sc = 21, Fe = 26, Ti = 22, Mn = 25]
(1) Fe2+
(2) Mn2+
(3) Ti3+
(4) Sc3+

23. Which one of the following nitrates will leave behind a metal on strong heating ?
(1) Copper nitrate
(2) Manganese nitrate
(3) Silver nitrate
(4) Ferric nitrate

24. In which of the following oxidation state of Mn is six

(1) K2MnO4
(2) MnO2
(3) KMnO4
(4) MnO4−1

25. Which has maximum magnetic moment :-

(1) Co+2
(2) Mn +3
(3) Mn +2
(4) Cr +3

26. When hydrogen peroxide is added to acidified potassium dichromate, a blue colour is produced
due to formation of
(1) CrO3
(2) Cr2O3
(3) CrO5
(4) CrO24−

27. In which of the following oxy anion all X–O bonds are not equivalent. (X – Central atom)
(1) MnO4−
(2) CrO4−2
(3) MnO4−2
(4) Cr2O7−2

28. When Cu+2 solution reacts with excess of KI, then which option is incorrect ?
(1) Insoluble Cu2I2 is obtained
(2) I2 is liberated
(3) CuI2 is formed
(4) It is a redox reaction between Cu+2 & I−

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29. When MnO2 is heated with fused KOH then the product obtained is
(1) KMnO4 , purple
(2) K2MnO4 , green
(3) MnO2 , black
(4) Mn2O3 , brown

30. Iron exhibits +2 and +3 oxidation states. Which of the following statements about iron is incorrect?
(1) Ferrous compounds are more easily hydrolysed than the corresponding ferric compounds.
(2) Ferrous oxide is more basic in nature than the ferric oxide.
(3) Ferrous compounds are relatively more ionic than the corresponding ferric compounds.
(4) Ferrous compounds are less volatile than the corresponding ferric compounds.

31. Which of the following metal cation is reduced from its higher oxidation state (+2) to (+1) by
both KI solution and excess of KCN solution ?
(1) Zn 2+
(2) Hg2+
(3) Cu2+
(4) None

32. Cr2+ is reducing agent in nature because–

(1) In Cr2+ , configuration changes from d4 to d3 to achieve half filled t 2g .
(2) Cr2+ gain an electron to achieve d5 configuration
(3) Cr2+ give an electron to achieve d5 configuration
(4) In Cr2+ configuration changes from d4 to d3 to achieve half filled d-subshell.

33. Which among the following order of oxidising power is correct–

(1) CrO4−  MoO4−  WO4−
(2) VO2+  Cr2O72−  MnO4−
(3) CrO3  MnO2  Fe2O3
(4) Pb4+  Sn+4  C4+

34. Which of the following reaction is not correct ?

(1) Zn + dil H2SO4 ⎯⎯
→ ZnSO4 + H2
(2) Cu + dil H2SO4 ⎯⎯
→CuSO4 + H2
(3) CuSO4 + KI ⎯⎯
→ K2SO4 + Cu2I2 + I2
(4) Na2CrO4 + H2SO4 ⎯⎯
→Na2SO4 + Na2Cr2O7

35. More number of oxidation states are exhibited by the actinoids than by the lanthanoids. The main
reason for this is
(1) more active nature of the actinoids
(2) more energy difference between 5f and 6d orbitals than that between 4f and 5d orbitals
(3) lesser energy difference between 5f and 6d orbitals than that between 4f and 5d orbitals
(4) greater metallic character of the lanthanoids than that of the corresponding actinoids

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AIPMT 2007
36. Identify the incorrect statement among the following
(1) Lanthanoid contraction is the accumulation of successive shrinkages.
(2) As a result of lanthanoid contraction, the properties of 4d series of the transition elements
have no similarities with the 5d series of elements.
(3) Shielding power of 4f electrons are quite weak.
(4) there is a decrease in the radii of the atoms or ions as one proceeds from La to Lu.

AIPMT 2010
37. Which of the following oxidation state is the most common among the lanthanoids :-
(1) 2
(2) 5
(3) 3
(4) 4

AIPMT Pre. 2011

38. For the four successive transition elements (Cr, Mn, Fe and Co), the stability of +2 oxidation state
in gaseous state will be there, in which of the following order ?
(1) Mn > Fe > Cr > Co
(2) Fe > Mn > Co > Cr
(3) Co > Mn > Fe > Cr
(4) Cr > Mn > Co > Fe
(At. nos. Cr = 24, Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27)

AIPMT 2015
39. Because of lanthanoid contraction, which of the following pairs of elements have nearly same
atomic radii ? (Nubmers in the parenthesis are atomic numbers).
(1) Zr (40) and Nb (41)
(2) Zr (40) and Hf (72)
(3) Zr (40) and Ta (73)
(4) Ti (22) and Zr (40)

NEET-I 2016
40. The electronic configurations of Eu(Atomic No 63), Gd(Atomic No 64) and Tb (Atomic No. 65) are
(1) [Xe]4f 7 6s2 , [Xe]4f 8 6s2 and [Xe]4f 8 5d1 6s2
(2) [Xe]4f 7 5d1 6s2 , [Xe]4f 7 5d1 6s2 and [Xe]4f 9 6s2
(3) [Xe]4f 6 5d1 6s2 , [Xe]4f 7 5d1 6s2 and [Xe]4f 8 5d1 6s2
(4) [Xe]4f 7 6s2 , [Xe]4f 7 5d1 6s2 and [Xe]4f 9 6s2

NEET-II 2016
41. Which one of the following statements related to lanthanones is incorrect ?
(1) All the lanthanones are much more reactive than aluminium
(2) Ce(+4) solutions are widely used as oxidizing agent in volumetric analysis
(3) Europium shows +2 oxidation state.
(4) The basicity decreases as the ionic radius decreases from Pr to Lu.

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d & f-Block PYQs

NEET(UG) 2017
42. The reason for greater range of oxidation state in actinoids is attributed to :-
(1) Actinoid contraction
(2) 5f, 6d and 7s levels having comparable energies
(3) 4f and 5d levels being close in energies
(4) The redioactive nature of actinoids

NEET(UG) 2019
43. Which of the following reactions are disproportionation reaction ?
(a) 2Cu+ → Cu2+ + Cu0
(b) 3MnO24− + 4H+ → 2MnO4− + MnO2 + 2H2O

(c) 2KMnO4 ⎯⎯→K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2
(d) 2MnO4− + 3Mn2+ + 2H2O → 5MnO2 + 4H
Select the correct option from the following :-
(1) (a) and (b) only
(2) (a), (b) and (c)
(3) (a), (c) and (d)
(4) (a) and (d) only

44. The correct order of ionic radii of Y3+ , La3+ , Eu3+ and Lu3+ is
(1) Lu3+  Eu3+  La3+  Y3+
(2) La3+  Eu3+  Lu3+  Y3+
(3) Y3+  La3+  Eu3+  Lu3+
(4) Y3+  Lu3+  Eu3+  La3+

45. The lanthanide contraction is responsible for the fact that

(1) Zr and Y have about the same radius
(2) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state
(3) Zr and Hf have about the same radius
(4) Zr and Zn have the same oxidation state

46. Which of the following element has maximum composition in misch metal ?
(1) La
(2) Fe
(3) Ce
(4) Lu

47. Which of the following lanthanoid ion has maximum spin magnetic moment ?
(1) Ce+3
(2) Pr +3
(3) Nd+3
(4) Pm +3

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48. Which one is related with lanthanoid contraction ?

(1) Radius of 4d & 5d series elements of a group is almost same
(2) IE of 5d series elements is very high as comapred to 4d series elements of a group
(3) Density of 5d series elements is abnormally high in its own group.
(4) All

49. The actinoids exhibit more number of oxidation states in general than the lanthanoids. This is
(1) Due to less energy difference between 6d & 5f
(2) The 5f orbitals are more buried than the 4f orbitals
(3) There is a similarity between 4f and 5d orbitals in their angular part of the wave function
(4) The actinoids are more reactive than the lanthanoids.

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d & f-Block PYQs

Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 2 4 3 4 4 1 3 4 1 1 4 2 4 1 2
Question 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer 4 1 1 1 3 3 4 3 1 3 3 4 3 2 1
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Answer 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 1 4 3
Question 46 47 48 49
Answer 3 4 4 1

1. Ni+2 = [Ar]3d8

Cu+ = [Ar]3d10

Ti+3 = [Ar]3d1

Sc+3 = [Ar]3d0

Co+2 = [Ar]3d7

So, the ions which have unpaired e are coloured in aqueous solution.

2. Cr+3 = 3d3 →

In Cr +3 there is half of t 2g So it is the most stable in aq. solution.

3. Ti+1 − 3d2 4s1 V +1 − 3d+3 4s1 Cr +1 − 3d5 Mn+2 − 3d5 4s1

Half filled

Generally, Left to right I.E. increases, So, 2nd I.E. is stable of Cr is maximum due to Half-filled
electronic configuration.

4. Manganese has highest no. of oxidation states.

25 Mn − [Ar] 3d5 4s2 (Shows +2 to +7 oxidation state)

5. Zr +4 & Hf +4 has same size due to lanthanoid contraction.

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6. (1) Co+3 = [Ar]3d6 ; (2) Ni+3 − [Ar]3d7

(2) Mn+3 = [Ar]3d4 ; (3) Fe+3 − [Ar]3d5

7. Sc+3 − [Ar]3d0

La+3 − [An]6d0 7s0

Ti+3 − [Ar]3d1

Lu+3 − [Xe]4f 14

Generally, ions having unpaired e– exhibit colour in aq. solution.

8. Na2Cr2O7 is preferred over K2Cr2O7 in volumetric analysis in wrong statement as K2Cr2O7 is

preferred over Na2Cr2O7 as Na2Cr2O7 is more soluble & it is hydroscopic in nature.

9. Ti < V < Cr < Mn : increasing melting point; this order is wrong as Mn has less melting point
than Ti, V, Cr because of its weak metallic bonding due to half filled configuration.

10. The catalytic activity of transition metals & their compounds is ascribed mainly to their ability
to adopt variable oxidation states.

11. Ti+3 = [Ar]3d1 →.p.e = 1 → = 1.73

Cr+2 = [Ar]3d4 →.p.e = 4 → = 4.89

Co+2 = [Ar]3d7 →.p.e = 3 → = 3.87

Ni+2 = [Ar]3d8 →.p.e = 2 → = 2.83

 = n(n + 2) where n no. of unpaired eΘ .

12. Formation of Fe(CO)5 from Fe does not involve oxidation of iron as oxidation state of Fe remain

13. H2SO4
K2Cr2O7 + SO2 ⎯⎯⎯ →Cr2 (SO4 )3 + K2SO4 + 4H2O

SO2 is oxidised to sulphuric acid. Potassium dichromate is reduced to chromic sulphate orange
colour of solution turns green.

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14. KMnO4 + SO2 + H2SO4 ⎯⎯

→ MnSO4 + K2SO4 + H2O
   
+7 +4 +2 +6

So, Mn reduce to Mn +7 to Mn +2 So it decolourise readily.


I2 + I− ⎯⎯
→ I3−

16. MnO4−2 → O.S. of Mn is +6

So, its configuration is Mn+6 = 3d1

So, it has 1 unpaired eΘ & also exibits d-d transition.

17. Co+3 → [Ar]3d6 → n = 4 →  = 24

Cr +3 → [Ar]3d3 → n = 3 →  = 15

Fe+3 → [Ar]3d5 → n = 5 →  = 35

Ni+2 → [Ar]3d8 → n = 2 →  = 8

n → no. of unpaired eΘ .

 = n(n + 2)

18. Manganate - MnO4−2 ; Permanganate - MnO4−

So, these molecule contain  -bonding which overlap of p-orbitals of oxygen with d-orbitals of

19. (i) V2O5 is used in contact process i.e. oxidation of SO2 in the manufacture of H2SO4 .

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(ii) TiCl4 + Al(CH3 )3 is Ziegler natta catalyst is used in polymerisation of ethylene.

(iii) PdCl2 is Wacker’s reagent is used in oxidation of ethyne to ethanal.

(iv) Nickel complexes is used in polymerisation of alkynes.

20. KMnO4 + IΘ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ weak

alkaline medium
→KIO3 + MnO2

21. So, S.O. of Cr is +6.

22. Fe+2 − [Ar]3d6

Mn+2 − [Ar]3d5

Ti+3 − [Ar]3d1

Sc+3 − [Ar]3d0

Sc+3 will be colourless as there is no. unpaired eΘ .

23. At low temp.  h value for Ag2O & HgO is +ve hence they are unstable. So generally.

M. Nitrate ⎯→ M. oxide + NO2 + [O]

but in case of

AgNO3 ⎯→ Ag + NO2 + [O]

as Ag2O is highly unstable.

24. (1) K2MnO4 → Mn +6

(2) MnO2 → Mn +4

(3) KMnO4 → Mn+7

(4) MnO4−1 → Mn +7

25. Co+2 − 3d8 → n = 2 →  = 8

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Mn+3 − 3d4 → n = 4 →  = 24

Mn+2 − 3d5 → n = 5 →  = 35

Cr +3 − 3d3 → n = 3 →  = 15

n = no. of unpaired eΘ  = n(n + 2) .

26. 2H+ + Cr2O7−2 + H2O2 ⎯⎯

→ 2CrO5 + 5H2O
(Blue colour)

27. (1) MnO4− (2) CrO4−2 (3) MnO4−2 (4) Cr2O7−2

Cr2O72– → Bridging Cr–O Bond length > Terminal Cr–O Bond length

28. Cu+2 + KI ⎯⎯
→CuI2 ⎯⎯ →Cu2I2 + I2


29. MnO2 + KOH + O2 ⎯⎯

→K2MnO4 + H2O
(green colour)

30. In ferrous compound iron is in +2 O.S. & in ferric compound iron is in +3 O.S. So as charge in
ferric compound is more so it has more covalent character & degree of hydrolysis is directly
proportional to covalent character. So ferric compound is easily Hydrolysed than ferrous

+2 +1
31. CuSO4 + 2KI ⎯⎯
→ K2SO4 + CuI2 → Cu2I2 + I2
Highly unstable

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32. →3d4 try to attain 3d3 i.e Cr +3 because if attain t 32g which is half filled configuration. So,
Cr+2 ⎯⎯
Cr +3 is more stable than Cr +2 that is why Cr +2 act as reducing agent.

33. VO2+ → V +5

Cr2O7−2 → Cr +6

MnO4− → Mn+7

Oxidising power → VO2+  Cr2O7−2  MnO4−

O.S.  Oxidising power.

34. Cu + dil H2SO4 → CuSO4 + H2 is incorrect as ‘Cu’ cannot reduce ‘H’ as it comes lower than ‘H’ in
E.C.S. or +ve value of S.R.P

35. More no. of O.S. are exhibited by the actinoids than by the lanthanoids because lesser energy
difference between 5f & 6d orbitals than between 4f & 5d orbitals.

36. As result of lanthanoid contraction, the properties of 4d series of the transition elements have
no similarities with the 5d series of elements is wrong as atomic radii of 4d & 5d are nearly same.

37. +3 is the most common O.S. in lanthanoid.

38. 25 Mn+2 = [Ar]3d5

24 Cr+2 = [Ar]3d4
26 Fe+2 = [Ar]3d6
27 Co+2 = [Ar] 3d7

Due to stable half-filled electronic configuration of Mn+2, there is sudden jump in between IE3 &
IE2. So, Mn+2 is maximum stable in gaseous state in given species.

39. Zr & Hf have nearly same atomic radii due to lanthanoid contraction.

40. 63 Eu = [Xe] 4f 7 6s2

64 Yd = [Xe] 4f 7 5d1 6s2

65 Tb = [Xe] 4f 9 6s2

41. All the lanthanones are much more reactive than aluminium is wrong statement because their
reactivity nearly similar with reactivity of ‘Al’.

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42. Greater range of oxidation state in actinoids is due to 5f, 6d & 7s levels having comparable



Due to effect of lanthanide contraction.

La+3  Eu+3  Lu+3  Y+3

45. Zr & Hf have same radius due to lanthanide contraction.

46. Ce has maximum composition in misch metal i.e. 50%.

47. Ce+3 − [Xe]4f 1

Pr+3 − [Xe]4f 2
Nd+3 − [Xe]4f 3
Pm+3 − [Xe]4f 4
Pm +3 has maximum no. of unpaired e in this question. So, has highest spin magnetic moment.

48. All the 3 statement are related to lanthanoid contraction.

49. More no. of O.S. are exhibited by the actinoids than by the lanthanoids because lesser energy
difference between 5f & 6d orbitals than between 4f & 5d orbitals.

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