Modelo Transporte 4e

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Modelling Transport
Theory and Practice

Frank McCabe, Dublin Transportation Office


z Background to DTO Model.

z Transportation Modelling - The basics.
z Structure of Transportation Model.
z Running the DTO Model.
z Transport Models of the Future.

DTO Traffic Model - Overview

z Developed as part of DTI.

z Updated by DTO in 1996.
z Update of Trip Patterns in 1997.
z Covers Greater Dublin conurbation.
z Runs overnight on a Pentium PC.
z One of the largest Saturn models in Europe.

Modelling Transport - The Basics

z History of transport Models.

z Zoning Systems.
z Transport Networks.
z Structure of Transport Model.

Models - Historical Perspective 12/06/2005
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z 1970's - Modelling on Mainframes Only.

z 1980's - PC's Become Widely Available.
z 1990's - Practical Implementation.

Aggregate Models - Zoning Systems

z Define Area of Interest

{ Area within which trip patterns will be significantly affected by the implementation of transport

z Analyze Existing Trip Patterns in Area of Interest and Predict Future Patterns.
z Analyze Origin / Destination / Route Chosen / Mode of Transport / Trip Purpose.

Typical Zoning System 12/06/2005
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DTO Model - Zoning

z Hierarchical Zoning System.

z 432 Fine Zones - Fine Zoning in City Centre, coarser zones further out.
z 367 Zones based on DED's and used to compile planning data. 12/06/2005
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z 58 Strategic Zones.
z 20 Coarse Zones.

Transport Networks

z Defined in terms of nodes and links.

z In highway network, nodes are junctions, links are sections of road between junctions.
z In rail network, nodes are railway stations, links are sections of railway track.
z Public Transport services are defined in terms of frequency, speed, and routing through nodes.
z Highway networks are divided into a Simulation area where full junction details are coded, and a Buffer
area which is less detailed.

The Transport Network 12/06/2005
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Connecting Zones to Network 12/06/2005
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DTO Model - Networks

z Simulation and Buffer Highway networks (1,220 Simulation Junctions and 3,900 Links).
z Bus network coded as part of highway network with full Dublin Bus Timetable routings and services.
z All Suburban Rail, Dart and Arrow services coded as part of the Rail Network in accordance with current 12/06/2005
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Irish Rail Timetable.

Structure of Transport Model

Classic Trip Generation 12/06/2005
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Trip Distribution 12/06/2005
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Classic Trip Distribution 12/06/2005
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DTO Model - Trip Generation /

Trip Distribution

z Base Year Trip Generation and Distribution derived from multi-modal O/D surveys.
z Trip end totals validated against demographic / land use data. 12/06/2005
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z Trip demand forecast based on demographic, land use, macro-economic forecasts and expansion of base
year trip rates.

Modal Split 12/06/2005
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Generalized Cost of Travel 12/06/2005
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Modal Split - Logit Model 12/06/2005
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Hierarchical Logit Model 12/06/2005
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Combined PT Cost 12/06/2005
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Trip Assignment

z This is the final stage of the classic 4-stage modelling process.

z Following the modal split, each trip matrix is assigned to the appropriate transport network.
z This assignment is done on the basis of minimum generalized cost of travel between each i,j pair of zones. 12/06/2005
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Highway Trip Assignment

Speed / Flow Curve 12/06/2005
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Cost - Flow Relationships 12/06/2005
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Highway Trip Assignment

z Trips are assigned to the highway network on the basis of generalized cost of travel on each link.
z This generalized cost as defined earlier is a linear combination of the link journey time and the link
distance + fixed costs such as parking or tolls. 12/06/2005
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z The link journey time is calculated from the cost - flow curve for the link.

Wardrop Equilibrium

z The trips are assigned to the highway network using the "Wardrop Equilibrium Principle".
z The "Wardrop Equilibrium Principle" states:
"Under equilibrium conditions, traffic arranges itself in congested networks in such a way that no
individual trip maker can reduce his path costs by switching routes".
z If all trip makers perceive costs in the same way then the "Wardrop Equilibrium Principle may be re-
stated as follows:
"Under equilibrium conditions traffic arranges itself in congested networks such that all routes
between any Origin / Destination pair have equal and minimum costs, while all unused routes have
greater or equal costs."
z In practice, the assignment of trips to the highway network involves an iterative procedure until
equilibrium conditions are reached. Each iteration involves:
{ Doing an all-or-nothing assignment to the cheapest route.

{ Calculating the current flows as a linear combination of the previous flow + the flow from the all-or-

nothing assignment.
{ Re-calculating the travel costs on each link.

{ Repeating the three steps until the travel costs on each link are equal and the "Wardrop Equilibrium"

condition has been reached.

Combined Mode Split / Highway Assignment 12/06/2005
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Joint Assignment / Mode Split 12/06/2005
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Running the full DTO Model 12/06/2005
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DTO Model - Overall Structure

z Saturn - Highway Assignment.

z Satchmo - Mode Split + PT Assignment.
z Satwin - Windows Interface. 12/06/2005
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z Trip Attraction / Generation model.

z Evaluation Sheet, ArcView GIS - View model outputs.
z Utilities - Park, Compo, Mway.

DTO Model - Overall Structure 12/06/2005
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Model Runs - PC Resources

z Saturn Assignment - 2 Hours.

z Full Model Run - 6 to 8 Hours.
z DOS based Saturn / Satchmo uses full CPU resources.
z Multi-Tasking not possible.

Transport Models of the Future

z Graphical (not textual) inputs and outputs.

z Automation of Traffic, Planning and Census inputs.
z Geo-coding of trip origins and destinations (Zip codes).
z Full integration with GIS (Inputs and Outputs).
z Allow multi-tasking.
z Use full resources of networked PC's.
z Simulation of traffic flows in real time.

Modelling Transport
Theory and Practice
Frank McCabe, Dublin Transportation Office

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More information from Audrey Crosbie or Maria Treanor

ICeTACT HPCN TTN Network 12/06/2005

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