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What do CNN neurons learn: Visualization & Clustering ROOT

C271C1 C100N0
Channel 6 C182N15
Neuron 10 … …

⇢ ⇢ C6N10

Haoyue Dai ROOT

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
arXiv:2010.11725v1 [cs.CV] 18 Oct 2020


In recent years convolutional neural networks (CNN)

have shown striking progress in various tasks. However,
despite the high performance, the training and prediction (a) original image (b) image after slightly
augmenting dog dimension
process remains to be a black box, leaving it a mystery to ex- (d) low convolutional layer’s feature map
of (a) original image
tract what neurons learn in CNN. In this paper, we address
the problem of interpreting a CNN from the aspects of the
input image’s focus and preference, and the neurons’ dom-
(c) grad-CAM (w.r.t cat and dog respectively)
ination, activation and contribution to a concrete final pre- for the upper two images

diction. Specifically, we use two techniques – visualization

and clustering – to tackle the problems above. Visualization
means the method of gradient descent on image pixel, and
(f) hierarchical prediction tree of cat category and the
in clustering section two algorithms are proposed to clus- (e) global “super-dog” images on different classification network
corresponding path (marked red) for (a).; critical filters (red
box) of layer4 and their maximum activated images
ter respectively over image categories and network neurons.
Figure 1. Some typical examples of visualization and clustering.
Experiments and quantitative analyses have demonstrated
(a) is a ground-truth cat image and its feature map of low convolu-
the effectiveness of the two methods in explaining the ques- tional layer is (d). By gradient descent on image pixels to augment
tion: what do neurons learn. dog dimension’s presoftmax output, (b) is generated and classified
as dog. (c) is grad-CAM [7] showing highly contribution fileds
in (a) and (b) for network to predict them as cat and dog, respec-
1. Introduction tively. (e) are the optimized “dogs” on different network. (f) is the
hierarchical prediction tree for cat category. By querying along
Nowadays CNN have obtained satisfying progress in re- the tree and checking filters activation, the prediction path of (a) is
search fileds and yielded promising application scenarios in marked red, and to explicitly show the semantic features, images
industry. However, despite the excitement in perfomance, max-activating the corresponding critical filters are shown (linked
due to the end-to-end method in both training and predic- to red box).
tion processes, CNN seems to be a black box: we know it
indeed learns something to be effective, but we don’t know Neuron knowledge visualization: With the intuition to
why or what do the neurons learn [1]. This basic question open the black box and disentangle the inner knowledge
forms the significant challenge in CNN interpretabily re- hidden in CNN, a direct and crucial method is to visual-
search: black boxes always tend to be inscrutable without ize the properties related to a neuron (a.k.a. filter) in the
transparent inner mechanism. To answer this basic ques- CNN [2, 3, 4]. The method we adopted is gradient descent
tion, many studies have been proposed from different as- w.r.t. image pixels and find the input image that maximizes
pects, such as features visualization [2], complex represen- the activation score of some “units”. More specifically, the
tations disentanglement [5], and explainable models [6]. term “units” can respectively refer to the softmax output
In this work, we focus on the image classification task. (class probability) of a class, the pre-softmax output (class
Rather than boosting the validation accuracy, we’re more logits), the output value of a middle layer’s whole layer,
interested in the corresponding CNN itself. Some typical some channel, or a concrete filter. With different optimiza-
examples of visualization and clustering in this work are tion goals, the problems tackled are also different:
displayed in Fig. 1. In the context of CNN used for image
classification, the subproblems we’re trying to explain can • Which features does the network use to recognize and
be roughly listed as below: discriminate a class, and how to visualize them? An in-

image after dog grad-CAM of grad-CAM of
initial image optimization initial image optimized image difference from low-level patterns to high-level compacted feature rep-
resentations. The clustering algorithm we proposed helps
solving the following two problems:

CAT (88.2%) DOG (79.6%)
• What’s the hierarchical order among all the categories
in images dataset? By the clustering algorithm, the im-
age categories are mapped to a dense graph with sub-
space distance between them quantitatively defined,
CAT (93.2%) DOG (69.0%)
and then a hierarchical tree (like taxonomy tree) is gen-
erated. This question is challenging and effective in
many AI researches: e.g. to design a rational and bal-
anced dataset, to classify CNN representations with re-

lationship to biology species.
CAT (95.4%) CAT (89.8%)
• Which filters are responsible for which features, and
how much does a filter contribute to the final predic-
tion? In this research we cluster the filters so that a de-
CAT (90.7%) CAT (81.2%) cision tree is formed, indicating the importance (con-
Figure 2. Optimize Φ(x) = net.presoftmax(x)dog , where net is tribution) of each filters and in which order they’re as-
a binary ResNet18 [11] trained on dogs and cats of CIFAR-10. sembled to the final decision. Filters are exactly related
Columns are respectively the initial images, optimized images, to the semantic-level activation over features, and by
grad-CAM [7] of initial images, grad-CAM [7] of optimized im- querying the decision tree of a category from root to
ages and difference between optimized and initial images. Rows leaves, it can be clear how an image is recognized, in
shows that with different starting images, after a slight gradient an convincing order of semantic fetures from common
descent, the upper two rows are fooled to be dog, while the lower to specific.
two rows are relatively robust.

2. Neuron knowledge visualization

troducing question would be, how does a little kid, af-
ter reading several elephants’ pictures and being able In this section we describe the method of visualising
to recognize elephants, draw a stick figure of an ele- knowledge learned and memorized by a given CNN, some
phant? The knowledge that a network gains and re- layers or some filters. The correlative experiment results are
members from training can also be visualized. also attatched in this section. The algorithm is fomulated as
reconstructing an optimal image x∗ ∈ RH×W ×C that max-
• What features do the low, middle, and high layers in a imize some feature output score:
CNN extract? By sorting the ground-truth images that
x∗ = argmax Φ(x) (1)
highly activate a layer and estimate the critical features x∈RH×W ×C
this layer prefers, we find that convolutional layers in
different levels indeed pull out different scope of fea- where Φ : RH×W ×C → R indicates the objective to opti-
tures. mize, respectively as a given dimension of the pre-softmax
class logits, the average output value of a whole layer or a
• What is exactly activating a specific neuron? Or in channel of a layer, the output of a specific filter, or com-
a invertible perspective, which regions of the original posite sum of the objectives listed above, to examine the
image is corresponding to which neuron, and how to collaborative effect of optimizing over multiple goals.
quantitatively analyze this neurons contribution in the A local optimal x∗ can be found by back-propagation
global prediction [8]? This can be explored by opti- w.r.t. the input image pixels with weights fixed in the pre-
mizing the single or mutual filters output. trained CNN. As for the starting point x of searching, differ-
ent ground-truth images and the random noise can be cho-
Hierarchical clustering: After we extract and visualize sen. In practice, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is used
the receptive fields of filters from a local perspective, a nat- to prevent being stuck at a saddle point and reach the global
ural direction is to dig out in a global view, how does the optimal to the full extent [9].
network combine each filters from discrete features to a fi-
2.1. Pixel fooling and robustness of an image
nal prediction? By clustering the middle layers’ feature out-
puts of images and the corresponding filters, a path can be In the first experiment, a binary classification network is
defined to show how a specific category is predicted along trained using ResNet18 on cat and dog images in CIFAR-10
init lr=0.0005 lr=0.001 lr=0.01 lr=0.1 lr=1.0 init lr=0.0005 lr=0.001 lr=0.01 lr=0.1 lr=1.0

(a) Optimize over dog’s class logits, over cat-dog network, (b) Optimize over dog’s class logits, over plane-dog network,
optimized images after 1000 epochs with different learning rates optimized images after 1000 epochs with different learning rates

Figure 3. Left and right parts show respectively the network trained on cats&dogs and planes&dogs, and the optimization objective is the
dog dimension of presoftmax output. Initial images are 4 randomly sampled cat (or plane) images from CIFAR-10 and 1 random Gaussian
noise with the same channel-wise mean and standard deviation of CIFAR-10 dataset. Columns show respectively the initial images, images
after 1000 epochs with different learning rate. The optimized “dog” in the left are dog heads and faces, while in the right is a complete dog
with body, head, arms and legs.

dataset, achiving validation accuracy of 92.7%. The inter- 2.2. Discriminative evidence of a CNN prediction
esting intuition is that, how to make a cat look more like
Continuing with the cat-dog binary classification net-
a dog? So we optimize the pre-softmax class logits of the
work, we still optimize the dog class logits while increas-
dog dimension. Fig. 2 shows the images’ change with a low
ing the learning rate. As shown in Fig. 3, with the increas-
learning rate and training epochs (lr=0.0001, epochs=100).
ing learning rate, the visual modification becomes more
salient, and when finally the optimized logits converges,
From the human’s visual view the images are modified many head-shaped patterns appear on the image. One nat-
just slightly and remain the same as cats. However when ural guess comes to us that it’s because cats and dogs are
it comes to network prediction, some of the cat images so similar (both mammal pets, similar body, arms, legs and
are misclassified as dog, with a high convincing possibil- feather) that the discriminative evidence the network uses to
ity. By gradient-based localization, the receptive field on distinguish dogs and cats is their heads. Nowthat we want to
original image that highly support the prediction is also reconstruct a “super-dog” known by the network, the most
marked on grad-CAM [7] image. The difference diff be- discriminative features of dogs (i.e. dog head) will appear.
tween final image xf and the starting image xs (gradient To verify the guess, another binary classification network
accumulated) is also represented in heatmap as diff h,w =
q is trained on plane and dog images in CIFAR-10 dataset,
P 2
c∈C |xf h,w,c − xsh,w,c | . with the same architecture and training hyper-parameters.
As shown in Fig. 3, a complete dog (with head, torso, arms
and legs) appear from optimization. This maybe because
By observation, images with a messy and complex back-
planes and dogs are quite disparate in appearance, thus the
ground are more vulnerable to fooling (if the optimization
network memorize and distinguish a dog by its whole body.
also considered as fooling). Under the same learning rate
The guess we raised above that a CNN’s discriminative ev-
and training epochs, these images gain more gradient accu-
idence is related to the training dataset can be roughly veri-
mulated and are more likely to be misclassified. The dif-
ference image (gradient accumulated) of vulnerable images
seems to be randomly sampled, while that of robust images
2.3. Optimization in middle layers
tends to reflect the rough sketch of a cat. Furthermore, the
robustness of an image [13] over a network can be math- The experiments demonstrated above are optimizing di-
ematically defined, using terms of difference, learning rate rectly the class logits, that is to make something look more
and optimization epochs [10]. like a dog. Then what about just optimizing the middle lay-
bn1 layer1 layer2 layer3 layer4 Ground-Truth Generated Distribution over
Optimals Optimal all images




Figure 4. Examples of the images that maximize the activation

score of some filters in the 1-st batch normalization layer after
input transform, 1-st to 4-th convolutional layers. 10-classification
network trained whole CIFAR-10. With layer from low to high, Channel 5
Neuron 10
filters concern from color, texture to object, part.

ers (including channels and neurons)? By doing so the se- Channel 47
Neuron 14
mantic features representation of inner filters will be more
clear to us.
First we train a 10-classification network on all the cate-
gories of CIFAR-10, using the same architecture as above. Channel 481
Neuron 6
Then to evaluate the ground-truth images features on a spe-
cific neuron, all the images in dataset are sorted by their
respective output of the neuron. Images with the highest
Figure 5. Examples of optimizing some specific filters (or chan-
activation score of a specific neuron is shown in Fig. 4. In
nels) in layer1 (upper bracket) and layer4 (lower bracket).
the state-of-art research [2], semantics for CNN filters can Columns show respective the ground-truth optimals, the generated
be defined as six types: objects, parts, scenes, textures, ma- optimals and the activation scores’ distribution of all the dataset
terials, and colors. From the sorted images we find that, images.
the high convolutional layers mainly focus on high-level
semantics like objects, parts, while the low convolutional
layers mainly focus on the low-level features like textures, high-level semantics of objects, parts, etc., and most of the
colors. Here “low-level” refers to strong relationship to images are ignored by this filter with low output value.
frequency patterns, as illustrated by some researchers [14], What’s more, we have tried to first generate the “super”
maybe a convolution level indeed acts like a Fourier or some images Fig. 6 of categories and then examine whether they
other transform, so that the frequency distribution of the im- bring enough infomation for network classification, by sub-
age is concerned. stituting the training set to a small number of “super” im-
Fig. 5 shows the result images after the optimization ages. The result is not good. Mathematically it’s like back-
on specific layers or neurons. For the instance of neurons stepping from a local optimal point to the whole function,
in low convolutional layers, the ground-truth optimals are and the infomation entropy is increased out of thin air thus
cage handrails, green background and inclined horizon or it’s impossible [15]. Another direction worth trying would
branches towards a same direction. The distribution his- be add restrictions to preserve entropy, or fine-tune just the
togram of all the real images’ activation score on the fil- high convolutional layers in a pre-trained network.
ter is bell-shaped, indicating a uniform distribution over the
2.4. How to make the generated images look more
whole dataset. The respective generated optimization are
colors and textures. When it comes to the instance of neu-
rons in high convolutional layers, the ground-truth optimals In the generated optimal images shown above, they’re
are sailboats, horse heads, and cats sitting in similar posture. filled with high frequency noise and nail-shaped patterns.
The shape of distribution histogram of all the real images’ These nonsensical patterns are partly because of the pooling
activation score looks much different: only a small num- operation in forward process, and during back-propagation,
ber of dataset images can highly activates the filters with a block of pixels are motivated simultaneously to respond

• High frequency, nail-shaped pattern maybe from pooling

• Random blur, translation, rotate the back-propagated gradient

Plane Car Bird Cat Deer

Dog Frog Horse Ship Truck Figure 7. Optimization examples before and after adopting the
Figure 6. “Super” image examples show how the network memo- trick that randomly blur, translate and rotate the gradient.
rize and distinguish each category, by optimizing each category’s
presoftmax output. 10-calssification network trained on whole
CIFAR-10 dataset. in a binary classification network distinguishing cats and
dogs, except for horse (72.5% of the horse images are clas-
the network. sified as dog), all the other out-of-sample images are mostly
To eliminate these patterns and make the generated im- classified as cat, and for the random noise images, even all
ages look more lifelike, here I use the trick that, every time of them are recognized as cat. The similar phenomenon also
the gradient is back propagated, before subtracted by the happens to plane-dog network and the 10-classification net-
original image, it’s randomly blurred, translated and rotated work: nearly all the random noise images are recognized as
in a slight extent [16]. The result is shown in Fig. 7. bird.
Another way is inspired by [17]: to add a regulariser Plane Car Bird Deer Frog Horse Ship Truck Random Noise
term to the optimization objective in (1), s.t. Cat(%) 91.9 81.4 70.1 59.1 85.7 93.1 73.8 100.0
Dog(%) 72.5

x∗ = argmax (Φ(x) − λR(x)) (2) Plane(%)

Bird Cat Deer Frog Horse Ship
Random Noise
x∈RH×W ×C Dog(%) 63.3 90.9 81.1 74.8 85.6
Table 1. Percentage of out-of-sample images’ prediction to some
where λ > 0 is the regularizer coefficient and R :
category, network trained respectively on cat-dog and plane-dog
RH×W ×C → R is a regulariser to measure how lifelike in CIFAR-10, and test images also from CIFAR-10
the image x is. The lower value of R(x), the more likely x
looks to be natural and lifelike.
The design of regulariser exactly depends on how to de- What we’re concerned about is not to alleviate the prob-
fine “natural”: The simple version would be the α-norm lem, where some effective solutions already exist [18], but
Rα (x) = kxkα to make clear the mathematical reason why, say, random
α , where x is the vectorised and mean-
subtracted image. With a relatively large α (e.g. 6) and images are all recognized as bird.
subtracting-mean operation, this regulariser encourage the The intuitive guess is about bias after fully connected
images to be constrained within an interval rather than di- layer: CNN filters identify “features” and issues the pres-
verging. ence or lack of them to determine which class the im-
Another useful regulariser is proposed as total variation age belongs to. Due to the lack of salient physical fea-
to measure the variation extent in neighbor pixels. For each tures, random images cannot activate any of the filters, thus
discrete channel (x ∈ RH×W ) of the original image, total y = wT x + b ≈ b, and they’ll mostly come down to the
variation can be approximated by the finite-difference: highest bias term. However, the bird dimension of bias isn’t
the highest, and what’s more, the wT x term for random
X  β2 noise x isn’t small.
2 2
RV β (x) = (xi,j+1 − xij ) + (xi+1,j − xij ) .
Then a question comes to us: whether the property carry
over to different architectures? I.e. is it an incidental prop-
When β = 1 it’s exactly the presence times of subsampling, erty of the network or is it a property of the dataset. We re-
which also caused by max pooling in CNN, while max pool- train the network with different random initial weight, and
ing indeed leads to the high-frequency patterns. train some other architectures like VGG-16, and still, all the
random images are classified as bird. Thus the phenomenon
2.5. Out-of-sample prediction tends to be dataset-specific [12].
Which category would an image not belonging to the So what property of bird images in CIFAR-10 dataset
trained categories be predicted as? Initially we expect that exactly have? Mathematically the discrimination range (i.e.
untrained images would be randomly sampled into each cat- a category’s images being “clean/dirty” [19]) can be mea-
egory, however it turns out not exactly: as shown in Table 1, sured by the spanning space: the bird images’ subspace
spans with too large a radius that covers the random im- Algorithm 1: unsupervised learning for the hierar-
age space. The K-Means algorithm can be used to measure chical structure for categories
the cluster range, and the metric to name the clusters as cat- input : a pre-trained CNN,
egories for measuring distance can be exactly fomulated as image set Ω = { Ωc |for c in categories set
a stable marriage problem, where Gale-Shapley algorithm C}
works. However in original images clusters, bird images output: The hierarchical structure of categories
don’t show anything special. G=Graph();
Another assumption is the dataset bias [20]: for an ex- µc =representitive vector for a category c ;
treme example, in all the bird images the bird appears with for Ωc ∈ Ω do
a random noise background. Nevertheless, this assumption µc ← µci , where µci =feature map of a given
still needs to be verified, and we would more like to firstly layer of Ici , for each image Ici ∈ Ωc
dig out and cluster the distribution of images space - this for ∀c1 , c2 ∈ C do
directly leads to the next section of our research: clustering. G.addEdge(c1 , c2 ,weight= 21 (1-cos(µc1 , µc2 )))
3. Hierarchical clustering in G more than one nodes don’t have a parent node
In this section, we design two clustering algorithm to cu , cv ←
cluster respectively over image categories and CNN filters.

arg min{ |(cu , cv )| G.existEdge(cu , cv )
The first algorithm aims to define and calculate the distance cu ,cv ∈G
among categories in images space, and furthermore gener- and G.notParentChild(cu , cv )} ;
ate a hierarchical classification tree. The second algorithm add a supernode s for cu and cv ;
basically focuses on how the filters are associated with dif- G.addParentChildEdge(s, cu ) ;
ferent hierarchical priority to produce the final category pre- G.addParentChildEdge(s, cv ) ;
diction, thus a filter-wise decision tree is generated. G.removeEdge(cu , cv );
for cw ∈ G.nodes
3.1. Unsupervised category clustering \{cu , cv , s, cu .children, cv .children} do
When decoding an image category into distribu-
G.existEdge(cw , cu ) or G.existEdge(cw , cv )
tion in images space, one natural observation is
that hierarchy exists in categories: for example in
CIFAR-10 dataset, ten categories can be divided G.addEdge(cw , s,weight=|(cw , cm )| for
into two super-categories: animals and vehicles: cm in {cu , cv }) ;
G.removeEdge(cw , cu );
G.removeEdge(cw , cv );
Animals Vehicles

Bird Cat Deer Dog Frog Horse Plane Car Ship Truck

Then with this super-category clustering, some further layer (last convolutional layer before fully connected layer)
work like hierarchical learning, new category network in the ResNet18 network is adopted to represent a image’s
refinement can be achieved. However, this classify ap- feature. Then for each category, its representative vector is
proach is with prior knowledge and not precise enough: the average vector of all the corresponding vectors of im-
suppose there’re distance d in space among categories, ages under this category. To measure the distance between
for super-categories S, T and for basic categories each two categories, we simple calculate the cosine value
∀A, B, C ∈ S, D ∈ T, the method is based on the assump- between the two corresponding representative vectors [21].
tion that d(A, B) ≈ d(A, C) < d(A, D). Nevertheless, With definition of representative vectors and category
one may say that d(dog,cat) < d(dog,horse), or even distance, a dense graph can be constructed, with each node
d(bird,plane) < d(bird,frog). representing a category, and the edge linking some two
Taking this circumstance into consideration, we pro- nodes is assigned with the weight of distance between the
pose the unsupervised category clustering: without human’s two categories.
prior knowledge, the categories are unsupervised clustered To generate the hierarchical structure of categories,
using the knowledge learned in the network. the algorithm uses the greedy method like Boruvka algo-
The pseudocodes are illustrated in Algorithm 1. The rithm [22]: every time the shortest non-parent-child edge is
first issue is how to represent and calculate the distance picked up and cut off, and a parent super node is created
among categories. Here the vectorised output of the 4-th and linked to the edge’s two endnodes. For any other nodes
Algorithm 2: pull out a category’s filter-wise hier-
C270C13 C100N0
C89N5 archical tree of a specific layer
Channel 6 10 categories C182N15
Neuron 10 without…noise … input : A given layer L with d filters in a
⇢ ⇢ C6N10
pre-traind CNN, L’s feature maps
Ω ∈ Rc×d×l×l of c images in the category
output: the layer L’s filter-wise hierarchical tree
Also consider over the category
random noise
as a category create a tree T , with root R, edegs (R, Ωi ) for all
Ωi ∈ Rd×l×l in Ω;
R.filters = Ωi .filters = [1, . . . , d];
MST Hierarchical clusters
while ∃ a child p of R s.t. |p.filters| > 1 do
Figure 8. Examples of the generated MST and hierarchical clus- u, v ← arg min { 21 (1 − cos(u, v))} ;
ters. Netowrk trained on whole CIFAR-10 dataset and the last u,v∈R.childern
convolutional layer’s output is used as representative vector for add a supernode s = u, v linked with u, v,
each category. The upper and lower case show whether or not to disconnect u, v from R, connect s to R;
include random noise as an independent category. critical filter F ←
cos(u 1d ,v 1d
u.filters\{F } v.filters\{F }
arg min cos(u 1u.filters ,v 1v.filters )
F ∈(u.filters∩v.filters) d d

//1M T
d = [1 if i ∈ M else 0 for i ∈ 1, . . . , d] ,
is point-wise multiplication;
s.filters={u.filters ∩ v.filters}\ {F } ;
Original images’ manifold Last conv layer’s feature maps’ manifold
components=3 components=2

Figure 9. Using UMAP algorithm [23] to reduce dimension of re- line training. Also we would like to expand the hierarchical
spectively the original images and the representative vectors. The distance algorithm to multi object classification & detection
original images’ manifold in 3-dimension is still overlapped mess- task (one filter not restricted in only one category).
ily, while representative vectors’ manifold in 2-dimension is di- What’s more, to make sure the representative vectors
vided and clustered. used here bring enough infomation for discrimination, all
the images’ original self-flatten vectors and the correspond-
linked to some of the two endnodes, the edges are cut off ing representative vectors are folded from subspace into a
and re-linked to the parent super node, with edge weight low dimension sphere using the Uniform Manifold Approx-
assigned to be average distance to the two endnodes. Iter- imation and Projection algorithm [23]. Fig. 9 shows that the
ate until the hierarchical structure is completely generated. last convolutional layer’s output is indeed highly represen-
With this algorithm the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of tative for image classification.
the original dense graph can also be generated.
3.2. Filter clustering: prediction tree
From Fig. 8 see the MST and hierarchical structure of
CIFAR-10 categories for example: in the instance of only This algorithm can be viewed as an extension to the Al-
10 categories, cat is a center in MST, which can partly gorithm 1 to hierarchically cluster categories: we go deeper
explain the dataset biases mentioned above: many out-of- into only one specific category, and cluster the filters of a
sample images are predicted as cat. The distance between given layer and then finally generate a filter-wise hierarchi-
bird and plane is exactly rather small, indicating their simi- cal tree that defines along which path an image is recog-
larity in a way. As for the hierarchical clusters, the cat and nized into this category.
dog are in the lowest clustering level, and while stepping up- The tree is constructed where each node represents a se-
ward, categories are classified to two big categories, while mantic feature (unsupervised clustered, so without a spe-
different real categories are in different level (from root to cific name assigned, need afterwards annotation by induc-
leaves, i.e. from rough to fine-grained.) Then we come to tion on images features). Foe each node in the tree, it’s
another case if random noise is also considered as an inde- associated with some critical filters, by storing the attribute
pendent category: noise tends to be a centroid in MST, and of the filters that “reachable” from root to it.
the distance between bird and noise is the smallest. See pseudocodes are illustrated in Algorithm 2 for de-
The category distance defined here can be multiplied to tailed implementation: initially the representative vectors of
the original loss function as a cross-category penalty in on- all the images under this category are linked as child node to

C270C13 C271C1 C100N0

Channel 6 C182N15
Neuron 10 … …

⇢ ⇢ C6N10

Figure 10. Process of using hierarchical cluster algorithm to generate a prediction tree. Use horse category as an example: each leaf node
represents a horse image that drops down to the final prediction slot. By stepping and merging upwards to root, different nodes implicitly
represent different semantic features from fine-grained to rough (e.g. standing posture, mane, neck, head, etc.), and each node has its
critical filter, which contributes most in the node’s semantic representation.

the root, with reachable filters all set to whole filters. Then critical filters in the paths.
from the root’s children pick up two nodes that are closest For further work, we would like to expand the algorithm
among all the children nodes, merge the two nodes into one so that it’s not restricted in one category, but to the whole
super node, which means a more common level of seman- image space - the inner filters don’t know about final cate-
tic feature. From the intersection of the two nodes’ reach- gories, but just pull out the specific features. With expan-
able filters, a critical filter is defined as the filter without sion to the whole images, the feature representation of filters
which the cosine distance between the two nodes would be can be more comprehensive.
changed mostly, then the reachable filters of the super node
is assigned as two nodes’ reachable filters’ intersection with 4. Conclusion and discussions
removal of the critical filter. Repeat the iteration until all the
root’s children only have one reachable filter. In this study to explore what neurons in CNN learn, we
use methods of visualize and cluster.
This algorithm cluster the filters and generate the filter- By visualizing the knowledge hidden in middle layers,
wise hierarchical tree. The tree represents the decision path we find that different images are robust in different extent
of the given category: with each node representing one over a specific network, which gives inspiration to adver-
semantic feature, it’s critical filter is the difference of it’s sarial attacking design. We also find that the discrimination
reachable filters set to the intersection of its two children evidence the network memorized is related to training set
nodes’ reachable filters set. distribution.
Taking the horse category for example (see Fig. 10), In the section of cluster, the algorithms respectively work
from the root to leaves the features are clustered in the or- for hierarchically classifing the image categories and gen-
der from rough to fine-grained: some filters first judge the erating the prediction tree over filters. The representative
presence of the horse head or the horse torso, then along the vectors used in the first aspect prove to be effective and
way to the presence of horse mane, neck, etc., examine the the level of categories coincides to our intuition. For the
direction of horse standing posture, and finally leads to a second aspect, we find that different filters extract different
leaf, representing one final prediction mode. features, with low layers concerning like textures and high
The application of filter-wise hierarchical cluster is po- layers concerning like parts. Even for filters in a same layer,
tential: for example, next time a new image is classified they are exactly in different hierarchy in attributing to the fi-
as a horse, we can search along the tree to examine which nal prediction.
filters are activated and see clearly which patterns of the im- However we also need to note that a basic question that
age highly contribute to the final prediction. What’s more, “why random images are all predicted as bird” hasn’t been
consider an application scenario with onerous dataset and answered reasonably, thus deeper research need to be con-
ducted w.r.t. category’s space. Another issue is that what if
complex network where it consumes a lot to train from the
the filters don’t learn what human call “features” but learn
sketch. If some new images are added to the dataset and over not-visual-salient features like frequency distribution
the network need to be updated online [24] (i.e. the mass of images, and we need to visualize features of manifolds
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