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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784


Co-production of hydrogen, electricity and CO2 from coal with

commercially ready technology. Part B: Economic analysis
Thomas Kreutza , Robert Williamsa , Stefano Consonnib , Paolo Chiesab,∗
a Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University, 25 Guyot Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
b Dipartimento di Energetica, Politecnico di Milano, P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milan, Italy

Available online 1 December 2004

This two-part paper investigates performances, costs and prospects of using commercially ready technology to convert coal
to H2 and electricity, with CO2 capture and storage. Part A focuses on plant configuration, performance, and CO2 emissions.
Part B focuses on the cost of producing H2 and electricity, with and without reduced CO2 emissions. Our estimates show that
the costs for ∼ 91% decarbonized energy (via quench gasification at 70 bar) are about 6.2 /kWh for electricity and about $
1.0/kg (8.5 $/GJ, LHV) for hydrogen; these are, respectively, 35% and 19% higher than the corresponding energy costs with
CO2 venting. Referenced to these analogous CO2 venting plants, the costs of CO2 emissions avoided are ∼ 24 $/tonne for
electricity and 11 $/tonne for H2 .
䉷 2004 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Coal; Hydrogen production; Electric power generation; CO2 sequestration; Combined cycles

1. Introduction
2. Plant configurations
In this paper, we examine the economic ramifications
of the various plant configurations and design parameter This paper considers the same plants described in Part
changes, e.g. alternative methods of syngas cooling, CO2 A (see Table 1). In addition, we discuss configurations in
capture vs. H2 S–CO2 co-capture, the production of pure vs. which H2 S and CO2 are co-captured and made available for
fuel grade H2 , and variations in gasifier pressure. We esti- disposal in a single stream. Each plant is identified by a se-
mate the capital cost and additionally calculate the cost of quence of three letters, each having the following meaning:
coal-based electricity and H2 for each of the plants modeled
in Part A, using a set of simplified economic assumptions. • first letter identifies the main output of the plant: elec-
This is augmented by an exploration of the sensitivity of tricity (E) or pure H2 (H) or fuel-grade H2 (F);
H2 and electricity costs to variations in some of the basic • second letter identifies the fate of CO2 : venting (V), cap-
economic parameters. ture pure (P), co-capture with H2 S (C);
• third letter identifies the syngas cooling mode: quench
(Q) or syngas cooler (S).
∗ Corresponding author. +39-02-2399-3916; fax: +39-02-2399-
Superscripts and subscripts signify the following:
E-mail address: paolo.chiesa@polimi.it (P. Chiesa). • superscript∗ : steam cooled gas turbine;

0360-3199/$30.00 䉷 2004 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
770 T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784


Nomenclature TPI total plant investment

E net electric power/coal LHV power T+S CO2 transport and storage
H H2 LHV power/coal LHV power WGS water-gas shift

Acronyms Symbols of plant configurations (see Table 1)

ASU air separation unit 1st letter E = electricity, F = fuel-grade H2 ,

BOP balance of plant H = pure H2
CC combined cycle 2nd letter C = Co-capture of CO2 and H2 S,
CCR captial charge rate P = capture of pure CO2 , V = vent CO2
CCS CO2 capture, transport and storage 3rd letter Q = quench, S = syngas cooler
EF engineering fees
Superscripts and subscripts
GI gasification island
GT gas turbine * “Frame H”, steam-cooled gas turbine
HHV, LHV higher/lower heating value 120 gasification at 120 bar
HRSG heat recovery steam generator L low steam/carbon ratio
HX heat exchanger X no gas turbine
IDC interest during construction Y fraction of syngas passing the PSA
IGCC integrated gasification combined cycle system
mt metric tonne
O&M operation and maintenance Symbols used in tables
OC overnight capital C CO2 capture
PEMFC proton exchange membrane fuel cell Q quench cooling
PSA pressure swing adsorption R+C radiative + convective syngas cooling
ST steam turbine V CO2 venting
TIT turbine inlet temperature

Table 1
Summary of the plant configurations considered in this paper
Main output CO2 venting CO2 capture

Quench Syngas Quench Syngas

cooling cooling cooling cooling
State-of-the-art gas Electricity EVQ EVS EPQ EPS
turbines Pure H2 HVQ HVS HPQ, HPQ120 HPS, HPSL ,
Fuel-grade H2 FPQ
“H” gas turbine Electricity EVQ∗ EPQ∗

Gasificaton pressure is always 70 bar, except for cases HPQ120 and HPS120 , where it is 120 bar.

• subscript 120: gasification at 120 bar; all other cases are Part A gives a detailed description of the technology and
for gasification at 70 bar; the plant design considered for each case. All plants are
• subscript L: higher electricity-to-H2 ratio obtained by based on a Texaco gasifier fed with Illinois #6 coal and 95%
lowering the steam-to-carbon ratio and thus the amount pure oxygen generated by a stand-alone cryogenic air sepa-
of H2 generated in the water-gas shift reactors; ration unit (ASU). Power is generated by a combined cycle
• subscript Y: higher electricity-to-H2 ratio obtained by di- based on state-of-the-art heavy duty gas turbines: Siemens
recting to the gas turbine some clean, CO2 -free syngas in V94.3a for the plants producing only electricity, Siemens
addition to the PSA purge flow; the syngas added to the V64.3a for the plants co-producing hydrogen and elec-
purge flow by-passes the PSA system and is expanded tricity. Sulfur is removed by physical absorption (Selexol)
prior to saturation and injection into the gas turbine com- at 35 ◦ C. Except for the plants producing only electricity
bustor. with no CO2 capture, all plants include two water–gas shift
T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784 771

Table 2a
Performances of plants producing only electricity
Configuration EVQ EVQ∗ EPQ EPQ∗ EVS EPS

Gasification pressure bar 70 70 70 70 70 70

CO2 venting vs. capture V V C C V C
Syngas cooling Q Q Q Q R+C R+C
Net power output MW 390.1 403.0 361.9 371.4 422.3 382.6
CO2 captured % of inputa 0 0 91.28 91.28 0 90.38
CO2 emissions g/kWh 751.8 719.8 70.1 67.0 692.6 73.4
Fuel input (LHV) MW 908.2 898.1 983.7 965.4 905.8 978.1
E (LHV)b % 42.95 44.87 36.79 38.47 46.63 39.12
Co-capture configuration ECQ ECQ∗ ECS
CO2 captured % of inputa 94.93 94.92 94.03
CO2 emissions g/kWh 38.0 36.4 43.3
Net power out MW 359.8 369.4 380.6
E (LHV)b % 36.58 38.27 38.91

Plants EVQ* and EPQ* are based on the General Electric 107H steam cooled gas turbine. All the others are based on the Siemens V94.3a.
a Percentage of the carbon in the input coal that is captured and stored as CO .
b For economic analyses, a part-load efficiency penalty (Table 3) is applied to these design-point plant efficiencies.

reactors (high/low temperature) and a Selexol system for ation and maintenance (O&M) costs are fixed at 4% of OC
CO2 removal. Pure hydrogen is generated by a PSA system per year. The plant capacity factor is assumed to be 80%.2
with 85% hydrogen separation efficiency. Tables 2a and b At these relatively large plant sizes, the flow rates of cap-
recap the overall plant performances described in Part A. tured CO2 are quite high (e.g., 554 tonnes/h for HPQ), so
that transport and storage (T+S) costs are potentially mod-
3. Methodology est. The actual costs depend on multiple factors such as:
distance to storage site, aquifer characteristics, CO2 flow
3.1. “Basic” economic assumptions and parameters rate, etc.; nevertheless, because the focus of this paper is
CO2 capture, we employ the simplifying assumption of a
Economic parameters used to estimate the cost of pro-
constant T+S cost of $5/t CO2 for all cases.3 We sepa-
ducing H2 and electricity are given in Table 3. Our cost-
rately report costs for electricity and H2 production with
ing analysis uses the EPRI TAG methodology [1], and is
CO2 capture only, as well as with CO2 capture, transport
kept simple and transparent to facilitate revision by readers
and storage (CCS), so that readers can easily test the sensi-
wishing to use different economic assumptions. (Note that
tivity of overall costs to variations in T+S cost. As a result
many of these parameter values are varied in the sensitivity
of part-load operation, equipment fouling and ageing, varia-
analysis section below.) The assumed coal price, 1.26 $/GJ
tions in ambient temperature, etc., the annual average plant
LHV (1.20 $/GJ HHV), was the average cost to US electric
efficiency will be lower than the design point efficiencies
generators in 2001 [2]. Interest during construction (IDC)
given in Part A (and Tables 2a and b). For the purposes of
is taken to be 12.3% of overnight capital (OC), based on a
economic analyses, we account for these affects be imposing
4-year construction schedule with equal, annual payments,
an efficiency “penalty” (which appears as an increase in fuel
and a real discount rate of 7.8%/year. The 30 year levelized
use) estimated to be 3% for electricity-only plants and 2%
capital charge rate (CCR), applied to the total plant invest-
ment (TPI = OC+IDC), is assumed to be 15%/year.1 Oper-

1 CCR is calculated using EPRI TAG methodology [1] with

the modified accelerated capital recovery system (MACRS) for tax
depreciation, assuming an inflation rate of 2%/year, a real discount 2 Recent studies suggest that a spare gasifier may be required
rate—assumed equal to the weighted, after-tax cost of capital—of in order for Texaco-based IGCCs to achieve an 80% capacity factor
7.8%/year (based on real costs for debt and equity capital of 4.4 [3]. In this ‘basic” economic analysis, plants are not equipped with
and 14.0%/year, respectively, and a capital structure consisting a spare gasifier. The cost ramifications of including a spare gasifier
of 55% debt and 45% equity), a book life of 30 years with no (with syngas cooling and scrubbing) are investigated below in the
plant salvage value, a tax life of 20 years, a federal+state income cost sensitivity analysis section.
tax rate of 38.2%/year, and annual owners costs of 5.5% of total 3 For comparison, a recent study of CO T+S costs [4] reports a
plant investment (TPI). Note that CCR includes property taxes and cost of $5.23/tonne CO2 for transporting 417 tonne/h CO2 through
insurance in the amount of 2% of total cash expended (or 1.71% a 100 km pipeline and injecting it into an aquifer 2 km below
of TPI). ground for storage.
T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784
Table 2b
Performance of plants co-producing H2 and electricity


Gasification pressure bar 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 120 120

Hydrogen purity % 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 ∼ 93 ∼ 93 99.999 99.999
CO2 venting vs. capture V C V C C C C C C C
Syngas cooling Q Q R+C R+C R+C R+C Q Q Q R+C

Net power output MWe 78.4 38.9 111.0 73.82 89.49 100.3 38.34 −0.01 51.42 66.03
CO2 captured % of input a 0 91.28 0 90.43 90.65 73.53 91.28 91.24 91.11 90.12
CO2 emissionsb g/kWh 751.8 70.1 692.6 73.4 73.4 73.4 70.1 70.1 70.1 73.4
CO2 emissionsb kg/GJLHV 140.7 11.8 135.2 12.3 12.0 42.1 11.6 11.9 11.8 13.0
Fuel input (LHV) MW 1863 1863 1796 1796 1069 972.0 1863 1863 1837 1760
H2 output (LHV) MW 1070 1070 1032 1032 535.6 486.9 1084 1130 1052 1007
E (LHV) % 4.21 2.09 6.18 4.11 8.37 10.32 2.06 0 2.80 3.75
H (LHV) % 57.46 57.46 57.45 57.45 50.10 50.10 58.17 60.69 57.28 57.21

Co-capture configuration HCQ HCS HCSY HCSL FCQ FCQx HCQ120 HCS120

CO2 captured % of inputa 94.93 94.08 94.29 77.18 94.93 94.89 94.76 93.77
CO2 emissionsb g/kWh 38.0 43.3 43.3 43.3 38.0 38.0 38.0 43.3
CO2 emissionsb kg/GJLHV 6.4 7.2 6.9 37.3 6.3 6.5 6.5 7.8
Net power output MWe 35.0 70.1 87.3 98.3 34.5 −3.9 47.6 62.4
E (LHV) % 1.88 3.90 8.16 10.11 1.85 0 2.59 3.54
H (LHV) % 57.47 57.46 50.11 50.11 58.17 60.69 57.30 57.22

All plants are based on the Siemens V64.3a turbine.

a Percentage of the carbon in the input coal that is captured and stored as CO .
b The specific CO emissions (g/kWh) charged to electricity are assumed to equal those from the electricity-only plant that is most similar in design (see Table 2a); the remaining CO
2 2
emission are charged to H2 .
T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784 773

Table 3 least expensive power via IGCC+CCS, seen below to be

Basic economic assumptions employed here from plant EPQ, $6.23 /kWh.
Coal price 1.26 $/GJ LHV
Capacity factor 80% 3.2. Capital cost estimation
Capital charge rate (CCR) 15% per year
Interest during construction 12.3% of overnight capital Capital cost estimates for each component of the system
O&M costs 4% of overnight capital are taken mainly from a variety of detailed studies in the
Cost of CO2 transport + storage 5 $/tonne CO2 open literature relating to coal-fired IGCC systems. Since
Part load efficiency penaltya 3% electric plants, 2% H2 plants most of the components in the H2 plants studied here are
Carbon tax None also used in IGCCs, we are able to calibrate and benchmark
Co-product electricity price CO2 venting: 4.62 /kWh (EVQ) our system cost and performance models by modeling IGCC
(for H2 plants only)b CCS: 6.23 /kWh (via EPQ)
power plants and comparing our results with published data.
US dollars valued in year 2002
The methodology employed for estimating component cap-
a For economic analyses, a part-load efficiency penalty is applied ital costs follows that used by Holt [5] in a study compar-
to the design-point plant efficiencies given in Tables 2a and b. ing alternative IGCC systems based on a series of detailed
b See explanation in text.
EPRI-sponsored studies. We adopt Holt’s cost estimates for
standard IGCC components within the gasification island
(GI) and use estimates from other sources for equipment
related to CO2 capture, H2 purification, and power produc-
tion. Following Holt, for components within the GI, our
for H2 plants.4 Given the uncertain markets for byproduct balance of plant (BOP) costs are 23% of GI installed cap-
sulfur and slag, we assume their disposal cost and/or mar- ital costs, engineering fees (EF) are 15% of GI+BOP, pro-
ket value is negligible. For simplicity, we assume zero car- cess and project contingency are 15% of GI+BOP+EF. The
bon tax in this cost analysis. (We show below that the cost power block is divided into three sections: the gas turbine,
of avoided CO2 emissions—approximately equal to the tax HRSG, and steam cycle (including condenser), whose share
needed to induce CCS—is ∼ $24 per tonne CO2 for plants of civil buildings and mechanical and electrical construc-
that produce only electricity, and ∼ $11 per tonne CO2 for tion is 15%, 42.5%, and 42.5%, respectively; BOP costs
H2 plants.) are calculated as described above for the GI. Cost estimates
The H2 plants studied here yield two co-products, H2 for the ASU, and O2 and N2 compressors include BOP,
and electricity. In such cases, a common method of eco- engineering and a 5% contingency. Our cost model (see
nomic analysis is to calculate the internal rate of return as Table 4) is based on the capital investment costs, scale fac-
a function of the values (or market price) of the two prod- tors, and training information assumed for each compo-
ucts. However, since our plants are heavily weighted toward nent (for each plant, cost scaling factors are found either in
the production of H2 , relegating electricity to the role of a Tables 2a and b, or in the tables of the appendix.) Note that
minor co-product, it is more straightforward to simply as- most of the H2 plants modeled employ two equally sized
sume an electricity price, and calculate the resulting cost of trains for all equipment outside of the power block; in con-
H2 . (As shown below in the sensitivity analysis section, the trast, power plants use a single train for all components.
latter is quite insensitive to the former.) While a single, fu- Capital costs in Table 4 include installation, apportioned
ture “electricity price” obviously does not exist (rather, the BOP and general facilities, engineering, and process/project
price will vary by region, depending on the mix of compet- contingencies. Other costs such as owners fees, royalties,
ing technologies, fuel prices, regulatory environments, po- start-up and pre-production costs, initial inventory, working
tential carbon taxes, etc.), the strategy is nonetheless use- capital, spare parts, and land are not included in this anal-
ful, enabling us to roughly quantify the cost of coal-based ysis. All cost estimates are converted to a year 2002 ba-
H2 (with the minor caveat that the cost depends weakly on sis using implicit price deflators for the US gross domestic
the local electricity price). For H2 plants that vent CO2 , the product [6].
price of electricity is assumed to be set by the cost of the Component capital cost estimates found in the literature
least expensive IGCC power, seen below to be from plant vary widely, even after adjusting for differences in equip-
EVQ, $4.62 /kWh. In contrast, we assume that H2 plants ment size and estimate date. In addition, there are significant
that capture and store CO2 exist only in environments (spa- differences in associated costs such as installation, balance
tial and temporal) where electricity is already decarbonized; of plant, general facilities, engineering, home office over-
for these plants the price of electricity is set equal to the head, and process and project contingencies. These dispar-
ities result from diverse cost estimation methodologies and
databases, different methods and degrees of cost disaggrega-
4 The higher value assumed for plants producing only electric- tion and reporting, different design goals and levels of con-
ity reflects the larger fraction of the plant dedicated to the power servatism (e.g. sparing philosophy), etc. Our review of the
train, which is most susceptible to these efficiency losses. available data led us to adopt the cost estimates given by Holt
774 T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784

Table 4
Parameters used for estimating overnight capital costs (including installation, BOP, general facilities, engineering, overhead and contingencies)
in year 2002 US dollars

Plant component Scaling parameter Co (M$) So Specific cost f nj Notes

Air separation unit (O2 at 1.05 bar) Pure O2 produced 40.4 1839 tonne/day 22 $/kg/day 0.5 2/1 a
O2 compression (from 1.05 bar) Compression power 6.3 10 MWe 628 $/kWe 0.67 2/1 b
N2 compressor (GT NOx control) Compression power 4.7 10 MWe 471 $/kWe 0.67 2/1 b
Coal storage, prep, handling Raw coal feed 29.1 2367 tonne/day 12 $/kg/day 0.67 2/1 a
Gasifier + quench cooling/scrub MAF coal input (LHV) 61.9 680 MWth 91 $/kWth 0.67 2/1 a
Gasifier + syngas cooler & scrub MAF coal input (LHV) 144.3 697 MWth 207 $/kWth 0.67 2/1 a,c
WGS reactors, heat exchangers MAF coal input (LHV) 39.8 1377 MWth 29 $/kWth 0.67 2/1 b
Selexol H2 S removal & stripping Sulfur input 33.6 81 tonne/day 417 $/kg/day 0.67 2/1 a,d
Sulfur recovery (Claus, SCOT) Sulfur input 22.9 81 tonne/day 283 $/kg/day 0.67 2/1 a
Selexol CO2 absorption, stripping Pure CO2 captured 32.8 327 tonne/hr 100 $/kg/hr 0.67 2/1 b
CO2 drying and compression Compression power 14.8 13 MWe 1121 $/kWe 0.67 2/1 e
Pressure swing adsorption Purge gas flow 7.1 0.294 kmole/s 24 M$/kmole/s 0.74 2/0 f
PSA purge gas compressor Compression power 6.28 10 MWe 628 $/kWe 0.67 2/0 b
Syngas expander Expander power 3.14 10 MWe 314 $/kWe 0.67 0/1 b
Siemens V64.3A gas turbine Gas turbine power 30.6 67 MWe 456 $/kWe — — g
Siemens V94.3A gas turbine Gas turbine power 72.8 266 MWe 274 $/kWe — — g
General Electric 107H gas turbine Gas turbine power 83.0 276 MWe 301 $/kWe — — h
Heat recovery steam generator HX surface area 68.5 225, 000 m2 304 $/m2 0.67 1 i
Steam cycle (ST+condenser) ST gross power 59.2 136 MWe 435 $/kWe 0.67 1 i

The overnight cost, C, of a component having size, S, is related to the cost, Co , of a single train of a reference component of size, So ,
by the relationship: C = nC o [S/(nS o )]f , where n is the number of equally sized trains operating at a capacity of 100%/n, and f is the
scale factor.
a—Costs from Holt [5], Illinois #6 coal case Texaco-Q, assuming 2 trains. Scaling exponent from Moore [18].
b—Costs taken from Agahi [19] and Lozza and Chiesa [20].
c—Comparison of costs for syngas cooling via quench vs. surface heat exchangers from Holt [5] and Shelton and Lyons [8].
d—H2 S removal in [5] is assumed to employ Selexol. While the size and cost of the absorption tower depends upon the volume flow
of syngas, the capital cost of the tower and packing is only ∼ 12% of the entire H2 S absorption system [21]; the size of the remaining
equipment scales with sulfur flow.
e—Costs from Middleton [22]; the cost of CO2 dehydration via TEG is assumed to be 36% of the total cost [23].
f—Costs from Middleton [11]; PSA bed size and cost are assumed to scale with purge gas flow rather than with H2 flow (e.g., as used
in Hallale and Liu [24]).
g—Bare gas turbine costs from [25]; installation costs are described in the text.
h—Installed gas turbine cost is an intermediate value between those reported in [25] and [26].
i—Reported by Macchi [27].
j The “M/N” notation refers to different values of n for H /power plants. For cases HPS and HPS , n = 1 for components in the gasifier
2 Y L

for the major system components, which allows us to utilize 3.3. Costs for gasification and syngas cooling
the knowledge and experience represented by years of EPRI-
sponsored analyses. This also provides a degree of consis- In Table 4, the capital cost of a coal-fed Texaco gasifier
tency to our cost estimates which would be absent in a more with radiant and convective heat exchangers is seen to be
a la carte approach. Given the generally incomplete compo- 2.3 times higher (after scaling costs to equal coal input) than
nent specifications and boundaries in most capital cost esti- that of a gasifier with quench cooling. This cost ratio is quite
mates, it seems prudent to use as few different sources for close to that estimated in a detailed 1984 analysis of Texaco
cost data as possible; this philosophy is evident in Table 4. IGCC by Fluor [7], which compares the cost of coal gasi-
Furthermore, because installation, engineering, and process fication with syngas cooling via: (1) radiant and convective
contingency vary widely among different components (as heat exchangers [R + C], (2) radiant heat exchangers only
well as among various estimates), we cast our cost model in [R], and (3) total syngas quench [Q]. The capital cost ratios
terms of the total overnight cost for each component—which in that work are [R + C]/[Q] = 2.21, and [R]/[Q] = 1.66.
includes these costs—rather than disaggregating for each These same costs are used in the US DOEs 2000 “Base
the bare capital cost, installation, BOP, engineering, and Case” coal IGCC analyses [8] and also appear to be con-
contingencies. sistent with a 1999 study by Texaco, GE and Praxair [9] in
T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784 775

which [R]/[Q] = 1.63. Closer analysis of the Fluor study

yields specific costs for heat exchange of $515/kWth for


(2002 M$)a

Scaled OC
the radiant syngas cooler and $646/kWth for the convective
syngas cooler. The extent to which these very high costs5



can be attributed to the relative novelty of these heat ex-
changers and the paucity of vendors is not clear. As will be
seen below, the large cost difference between [R + C] and

[Q] strongly favors plants which employ quench cooling. It


should be noted that our gasifier and syngas cooler capi-

Specific OC
tal cost model does not take into account variations in cost
with gasifier pressure. As the pressure rises, the higher costs


of thicker vessel walls and flanges will be offset somewhat
by higher throughput (smaller specific volumes); for sim-
plicity, we assume that the capital costs are independent of

pressure [10]; this is consistent with recent cost data from



Texaco given in [11].

(% LHV)

a Cost of all plants in 2002 US dollars, and scaled to input coal capacity of 950 MW , LHV using power law exponent f = 0.8.





4. Benchmarking the cost of power generation

V94.3A - 1350 C

V94.3A - 1350 C

V94.3A - 1350 C
W501G - 1417 C

W501G - 1417 C
Although the technology for making H2 from coal us-

107H - 1430 C
ing modern coal-gasification technology is well-established Performance and cost comparison of detailed studies of coal-fed Texaco-based IGCC, with and without CO2 capture

Turbine class/

GE - 1204 C

GE - 1204 C
commercially (e.g., used in the manufacture of ammonia in


China [12]), there are few published peer-reviewed studies TIT (C)
that have carried out detailed estimates of costs for making

The top section of the table refers to quench systems, the bottom to radiant+convective syngas cooling.
H2 from coal. Moreover, a comparison of the H2 produc-
tion cost estimates developed here with estimates in the few

other studies that have been carried out is complicated by

our emphasis on state-of-the-art performance [e.g., our as-



sumed 85% H2 recovery efficiency (an important determi-


nant of overall costs) and steam-cycle performance param-








eters for co-product power are higher than in other studies,
as noted in Part A]. Nevertheless, the cost and efficiency

estimates presented in this study can be “benchmarked” by

comparing our estimates of coal power costs with those of


Net power

other detailed studies of costs for coal IGCC plants (see


Table 5). This benchmarking is relevant to H2 because costs




for making both H2 and electricity from coal are dominated

by costs associated with the GI, the ASU unit, and power
island equipment (compare Tables 6 and 7).

The studies of cost (and performance) of IGCC plants



(MWth LHV)

presented in Table 5 all consider Texaco gasification of Illi-

Coal input

nois #6 coal. The gasification pressure and gas turbine class

(and turbine inlet temperature, TIT) are included because


of their significant effect on the overall system efficiency.

Differences in performance and system size make the indi-
cated originally reported specific overnight costs difficult to



compare. To facilitate a comparison of system capital costs

(which are dominated by that of the gasification island), we
include a column labeled “scaled OC.” This cost is calcu-
Lozza & Chiesa [19]

Shelton & Lyons [6]

Shelton & Lyons [6]

lated by scaling the overnight cost of each plant to the same

Matchak et al. [7]

Matchak et al. [7]

Research group

5 For comparison, Simbeck [13] reports an overnight capital

This work
This work

This work
Holt [5]

Holt [5]

cost of $ 432/kWth for the fire-tube heat exchangers for use with
Table 5

the lower temperature (∼ 1000 ◦ C) raw syngas from the E-Gas

coal gasifier and $130/kWth for HRSG boilers.
776 T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784

Table 6
Costs for electricity production

Turbine technology Siemens 94.3A GE 107H

Configuration EVQ EPQ EVS EPS EVQ∗ EPQ∗

CO2 Venting vs. Capture V C V C V C

Syngas cooling Q Q R+C R+C Q Q

Cost of plant components (M$)

Coal storage, prep, handling 35.4 37.3 35.3 37.2 35.1 36.9
Air separation unit (O2 at 1.05 bar) 46.3 48.2 46.0 47.8 46.0 47.7
O2 compression (from 1.05 bar) 8.9 9.4 8.8 9.3 8.8 9.3
N2 compressor (GT NOx control) 10.5 9.5 10.0 9.3 12.8 11.7
Gasifier, syngas cooling, scrubbing 75.1 79.2 172.0 181.1 74.6 78.3
WGS reactors, heat exchangers 0 31.8 0 31.7 0 31.4
Selexol H2 S removal & stripping 40.8 43.1 40.8 42.9 40.5 42.5
Sulfur recovery (Claus, SCOT) 27.8 29.3 27.7 29.2 27.6 28.9
Selexol CO2 absorption, stripping 0 30.4 0 30.0 0 30.0
CO2 drying and compression 0 21.3 0 21.2 0 21.1
Syngas expander 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.3 2.3
Gas turbine 72.8 72.8 72.8 72.8 83.0 83.0
Heat recovery steam generator 71.3 67.4 88.4 77.0 62.9 63.6
Steam cycle (turbine + condenser) 71.1 71.2 78.9 76.4 69.5 69.0

Total overnight cost (M$) 463.0 554.0 583.8 669.1 463.0 555.5
Construction interest (12.3% of OC) 57.0 68.1 71.8 82.3 57.0 68.3
Total plant investment (M$) 520.0 622.1 655.6 751.4 520.0 623.9
Specific overnight cost ($/kWe) 1187 1531 1382 1749 1149 1496

Electricity cost components ( /kWh)

Capital (15% of TCR) 2.85 3.68 3.32 4.20 2.76 3.60
O&M (4% of OC per year) 0.68 0.87 0.79 1.00 0.66 0.85
Fuel (at 1.26 $/GJ, LHV)a 1.09 1.27 1.00 1.20 1.04 1.22
Total, capture only ( /kWh) 4.62 5.83 5.12 6.40 4.46 5.67
CO2 transport/storage ($5/mt CO2 ) — 0.40 — 0.38 — 0.39
Total ( /kWh) 4.62 6.23 5.12 6.77 4.46 6.05

Installed capital costs include apportioned BOP and general facilities, engineering, and process/project contingencies.
a Calculated using design point efficiencies in Table 2a, modified by the efficiency penalty in Table 3. For example, for EVQ,  =
44.87% ∗ (100 − 3%) = 43.53%.

coal input capacity (950 MWth, LHV) and using GDP de- The efficiency gains offered by syngas cooling via radiant
flators to bring the costs to 2002 US dollars [6]. With the ex- + convective heat exchangers (EVS, EPS) instead of a total
ception of Matchak et al. [7], which is almost 20 years old, water quench (EVQ, EPQ) have to be weighed against the
these scaled plant costs are surprisingly consistent, varying cost of the heat exchangers needed to realize these gains.
by less than ±10% about the mean value. Since our capital Syngas cooling increases the LHV electrical efficiency of the
cost estimates are derived from studies such as these, it is CO2 venting plant by 8.5% (6.3% with CO2 capture) but the
not surprising that our plant costs lie roughly in the middle cost of the gasifier with syngas coolers is more than double
of the costs given in Table 5. its cost with a quench, increasing the specific overnight con-
struction cost of the plant by ∼195–220 $/kWe (14–16%)
and raising the “basic” cost of electricity by ∼ 0.5 /kWh
(10%). The incremental capital cost per unit of incremental
5. Electricity generation costs output power due to changing from quench to syngas cool-
ers plant (4200–6300 $/kWe, 3.5–4 times the specific cost
In Table 6 highly disaggregated estimates of capital costs of the analogous quench plant) would not lead to a lower
for coal IGCC power plants are presented, along with esti- generation cost unless the cost of coal were to increase by
mates of the “basic” cost of electricity, calculated under the a factor of 8–10. Thus, syngas cooling via R + C heat ex-
assumptions listed in Table 4. changers appears to be unwarranted with Texaco gasifiers at
Table 7
Costs for H2 production

Gasification pressure (bar) 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 120 120

Hydrogen purity (%) 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 ∼ 93 ∼ 93 99.999 99.999
CO2 Venting vs. Capture Q Q R+C R+C R+C R+C Q Q Q R+C
Syngas cooling V C V C C C C C C C

Cost of plant components (M$)

T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784

Coal storage, prep, handling 72.0 72.0 70.2 70.2 39.5 37.0 72.0 72.0 71.3 69.3
Air separation unit (O2 at 1.05 bar) 93.8 93.8 91.7 91.7 50.0 47.7 93.8 93.8 93.1 90.7
O2 compression (from 1.05 bar) 18.1 18.1 17.5 17.5 9.9 9.2 18.1 18.1 19.1 18.5
N2 compressor (GT NOx control) 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.5 0 0 0
Gasifier, syngas cooling, scrubbing 152.8 152.8 341.9 341.9 192.2 180.3 152.8 152.8 151.4 337.4
WGS reactors, heat exchangers 61.3 61.3 59.8 59.8 33.6 31.5 61.3 61.3 60.7 59.0
Selexol H2 S removal & stripping 83.0 83.0 81.0 81.0 45.5 42.7 83.0 83.0 82.3 79.9
Sulfur recovery (Claus, SCOT) 56.5 56.5 55.1 55.1 31.0 29.1 56.5 56.5 55.9 54.4
Selexol CO2 absorption, stripping 58.5 58.5 56.0 56.8 32.0 26.1 58.5 58.5 57.9 55.9
CO2 drying and compression 0.0 41.1 0.0 40.0 22.5 18.3 41.1 41.1 40.7 39.3
Pressure swing adsorption 22.3 22.3 22.1 22.1 11.3 15.7 0 0 22.1 21.9
PSA purge gas compressor 8.8 8.8 9.2 9.2 4.7 6.3 0 0 8.7 9.1
Syngas expander 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9 2.4 8.5 7.1
Gas turbine 30.6 30.6 30.6 30.6 30.6 30.6 30.6 0 30.6 30.6
Heat recovery steam generator 45.3 45.3 29.5 29.5 42.8 37.0 33.6 11.0 23.0 40.2
Steam cycle (turbine + condenser) 60.2 60.2 68.3 68.3 53.0 54.7 58.9 67.0 54.9 59.3

Total overnight cost (M$) 763.2 804.3 932.9 973.7 598.9 566.4 765.5 717.4 780.3 972.5
Construction interest (12.3% of OC) 93.9 98.9 114.8 119.8 73.7 69.7 94.2 88.2 96.0 119.6
Total plant investment (M$) 857.0 903.2 1047.7 1093.4 672.5 636.0 859.7 805.6 876.2 1092.1
Overnight cost ($/kWth H2 , LHV) 713 751 904 944 1118 1163 707 635 741 966

H2 Cost components, capture-only ($/kg H2 )

Capital (15% of TCR) 0.571 0.602 0.724 0.756 0.895 0.932 0.567 0.509 0.594 0.773
O&M (4% of OC per year) 0.136 0.143 0.172 0.180 0.213 0.221 0.135 0.121 0.141 0.184
Fuel (at 1.26 $/GJ, LHV)a 0.269 0.269 0.269 0.269 0.308 0.308 0.266 0.255 0.270 0.270
Electricity sales −0.113 −0.071 −0.166 −0.139 −0.324 −0.400 −0.069 0.000 −0.095 −0.127
Capture Only Total ($/kg H2 ) 0.863 0.943 0.999 1.065 1.092 1.061 0.898 0.885 0.909 1.100

H2 Cost components, capture + storage ($/kg H2 )

Electricity sales −0.113 −0.075 −0.166 −0.148 −0.347 −0.427 −0.074 0.000 −0.101 −0.136
CO2 transport + storage ($5/mt CO2 ) — 0.086 — 0.085 0.098 0.080 0.085 0.082 0.086 0.085
Total ($/kg H2 ) 0.863 1.024 0.999 1.141 1.168 1.113 0.979 0.966 0.989 1.176
Total ($/GJ H2 LHV) 7.192 8.538 8.332 9.512 9.733 9.279 8.157 8.054 8.245 9.806

Installed capital costs include apportioned BOP and general facilities, engineering, and process/project contingencies. All plants have two gasification trains except for HPSY and HPSL ,

which have only one.
a Calculated using design point efficiencies in Table 2a, modified by the efficiency penalty defined in Table 3.
778 T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784

Table 8
Basic electricity and H2 plant costs for H2 S+CO2 co-capture and co-storage (identified by the middle letter “C” in each plant label)a


CO2 drying and compression (M$) 22.6 22.4 22.3 43.5 42.3 43.5 43.5
Total capital requirement (M$) 590.6 720.0 592.8 842.5 1034.2 799.0 744.9
Specific OC ($/kWe or $/kg H2 ) 1462 1685 1429 701 893 657 588
Capture-only cost ( /kWh or $/kg H2 ) 5.63 6.21 5.47 0.902 1.026 0.858 0.844
CCS cost ( /kWh or $/kg H2 ) 6.05 6.61 5.88 0.987 1.105 0.942 0.929
a The majority of costs given in Tables 6 and 7 for pure CO capture plants apply also to the co-capture analogs discussed here. To save
space, Table 8 presents only those values which differ from the pure CO2 capture cases.

70 bar unless ways can be found to reduce substantially the gas coolers makes the plant almost 30% more capital inten-
heat exchanger costs.6 sive (specific overnight cost increment of ∼190 $/kWth H2 ,
Table 6 indicates that CO2 capture increases the specific LHV), and the product H2 is costlier by ∼0.12 $/kg.
overnight construction cost by 30% or ∼ $350/kWe. The Focusing on the most economical (i.e. quench) H2
percentage increase in generation cost is even higher (35% or plants, the incremental cost for CO2 capture is seen to be
1.6 /kWh) because of the efficiency loss and CO2 disposal much less for H2 than for electricity generation: the spe-
cost charges. The generation cost penalty relative to the cific overnight construction cost increases only about 5.4%
same IGCC plant with CO2 vented (see section below and (38 $/kWth H2 , LHV) and the “basic” cost of H2 increases
Table 8) is equivalent to an avoided CO2 emissions cost of 19% (by 0.16 $/kg). The corresponding cost of CO2 emis-
87 $/tonne C (24 $/tonne CO2 ). sions avoided relative to the case with CO2 vented (see
Substituting the General Electric 107H gas turbine for the section below) is also much less: 41 $/tonne C avoided
Siemens V94.3A yields a 4.5% efficiency gain and a drop (11 $/tonne CO2 avoided)—reflecting the fact that water
in the basic cost of electricity of ∼3%.7 gas shift reactors and CO2 removal equipment are charged
to CO2 capture in the power generation case but not in the
H2 case, where these operations are integral parts of the
6. Hydrogen production costs production process even when CO2 is vented.

Table 7 presents disaggregated estimates of capital costs

for the H2 plants. Also shown are estimates of the “basic” 7. H2 Plant variations
cost of H2 , calculated assuming the economic parameters in
Table 3. Roughly speaking, it can be seen that the cost of 7.1. Electricity and H2 co-production
H2 with CO2 capture and storage is of the order of $1 per
kg H2 . (Note: since a kg of H2 has almost the same LHV as Table 7 shows costs for plants HPSY and HPSL , whose
a gallon of gasoline, $1/kg H2 is comparable to $1/gallon H2 -to-electricity ratios (6.0 and 4.9 MWth/MWe, LHV, re-
of gasoline equivalent fuel). spectively) are less than half the values for the reference
With regard to cost of H2 , it appears that syngas cooling plant HPS (14.0 MWth/MWe, LHV). Perhaps not surpris-
via surface heat exchangers (cases HVS and HPS) makes ingly, the PSA bypass method (HPSY ), which shows (see
even less sense for H2 than for electricity. Including syn- Part A) a “neutral” thermodynamic performance (i.e. is es-
sentially a linear combination of the limiting plants, EPS
6 In systems operating at lower pressure, the efficiency penalty and HPS), also appears to exhibits “neutral” economic per-
exacted by the quench (relative to syngas cooling) increases, mak- formance. In other words, just as there is no apparent ther-
ing the economics of syngas cooling relatively more attractive. modynamic advantage to co-producing significant amounts
According to Holt [5,10], the efficiency gain from using radiant of electricity (i.e. more than the natural minimum set by the
+ convective syngas cooling instead of quench at 55 bar is almost PSA) along with H2 , neither does increased PSA bypass
twice as high as seen here at 70 bar. However, in both the studies have much effect on the cost of H2 ; note in Table 7 the sim-
[7] at 42 bar, and [8] at 42/33 bar, the efficiency difference between ilarity of H2 costs for HPS and HPSY . [It is worth pointing
quench and syngas coolers is almost identical to our 70 bar results.
7 Comparing 50 Hz (Siemens V94.3a) to 60 Hz machines (gen-
out that this result is predicated on two conditions: (1) the
gasifier trains must have similar scales, and (2) the price for
eral electric 107H) is justified because they originate plants of very
similar size (908 vs. 898 MW LHV fuel input for EVQ configura-
co-product electricity must be close to the cost of electricity
tion). The resulting reduction in cost is therefore exclusively due in the limiting case, EPS.] This result facilitates our under-
to technological differences. A comparison between the Siemens standing of how a “decarbonized H2 /electricity economy”
V.94.3a and the 50 Hz GE 109H would be influenced by scale might develop over time; as the demand for H2 grows,
effects. each new H2 plant can be designed with the H2 /electricity
T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784 779

ratio tailored to the local demand, and yet exhibit roughly vated pressure.8 Consistent with the findings in Part A for
the same thermodynamic and economic performance as the the thermodynamic implications of increasing the pressure
plants studied here. from 70 to 120 bar,9 the basic cost of H2 falls by 3.3%
The second method of increasing the electricity-to-H2 ra- in the quench case and rises by 3.2% in the syngas cooler
tio (used in HPSL ), lowering the steam-to-carbon ratio in the plant. As expected, the discrepancy between the cost of H2
WGS reactors, was seen above to yield non-negligible ther- via quench versus syngas cooling grows with increasing
modynamic gains. The economic gains are small however; pressure.
the basic cost of H2 drops by only 2.8 /kg (3.6%) compared
to plant HPS. Three caveats are associated with this design,
however: (1) the steam-to-carbon ratio at the WGS reactor 8. H2 S–CO2 co-capture and co-storage
inlet is 0.7, an unusually low value whose practicality must
be verified, (2) the specific CO2 emission increases, and (3) A promising alternative to traditional capture and storage
this technique can be used only with (relatively expensive) of (relatively) pure CO2 is the co-capture and co-storage of
syngas cooling via surface heat exchangers, not total syngas both H2 S and CO2 . As described in Paper A, “co-capture”
quench. So, although H2 from HPSL is slightly less expen- plants differs from “pure CO2 capture” plants in only one
sive than from HPS, it is still more costly than from HPQ. significant respect: the gases from the (flash drums and H2 S
stripper in the) H2 S absorption system that are normally
sent to the sulfur recovery system (i.e. Claus and SCOT
7.2. Fuel grade H2 units) are instead dried, compressed and combined with the
supercritical CO2 stream from the CO2 removal system.
Table 7 also presents costs for producing low-carbon “fuel From the standpoint of plant economics, some additional
grade” H2 (∼93% H2 , containing ∼1% CO)—suitable for capital is needed for new dehydration units and compres-
combustion in boilers and H2 -fueled internal combustion en- sors, but much more is saved by removing the Claus and
gines but not pure enough for use in present-day proton ex- SCOT plants. All other costs, e.g. transport and storage,
change membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). The first case (FPQ) are assumed to be the same as in the pure CO2 storage
is equivalent to the pure H2 case (HPQ) except that the PSA cases.
unit and the purge gas compressor are absent. In the second Plant capital cost, as well as the “basic” cost of electricity
case (FPQx ), the PSA unit, purge gas compressor, and gas and H2 , are given in Table 8 for selected co-capture plant
turbine are removed, and the size of the power cycle is re- configurations. Co-capture is seen to reduce the specific cost
duced; enough H2 is burned in the steam cycle to generate of the electricity and H2 plants by 4–5% and 5–8%, respec-
all auxiliary power needs by the plant (so the net power is tively, lowering the basic cost of electricity by ∼ 0.2 /kWh
essentially zero). These modifications lead to 6% and 15% (3%)10 and the cost of H2 by ∼ 4 /kg (4%). As will be
reductions in the specific capital cost (by 44 and 116 $/kWth seen below in Tables 9 and 10, the cost of avoided CO2
H2 LHV, respectively), and to 4.5–5.7% reductions in the emissions falls from 23.6 to 20.0 $/tonne CO2 in shifting
“basic” cost of H2 . These savings, while non-negligible, are from EPQ to ECQ, and from 11.2 to 8.3 $/tonne CO2 in
probably not large enough to warrant widespread adoption shifting from HPQ to HCQ. Further study, especially of the
of a system that precludes or significantly complicates the
widespread use of PEMFCs. 8 Recall that our model assumes as a rough approximation that
One additional fuel grade H2 plant design (not shown)
gasifier cost is independent of pressure, consistent with cost data
minimizes the plant cost and maximizes H2 output (i.e. uses
in IEA 2003.
none for power production), but at the cost of purchasing 9 When the pressure is increased from 70 to 120 bar,  and
a significant amount (∼60 MWe) of electric power. Such a E change by −0.18 and +0.71 percentage points, respectively,
plant is slightly less attractive economically at the “basic” with the quench; but with syngas cooling, H and E change by
(decarbonized) electric power price of 6.2 /kWh. How- −0.24 and −0.36 percentage points, respectively (see Table 2b).
ever, one might envision a future scenario in which decar- 10 An analysis carried out by Foster Wheeler for the IEA Green-
bonized H2 plants co-exist with and import electricity from house Gas R&D program [11] found [for a coal price of $1.5/GJ,
traditional (i.e. CO2 venting, nuclear or future low-cost re- an 81% average capacity factor, and 1.1% S coal (MAF basis)] that
newables) power plants that provide relatively cheap, e.g. specific capital and generation costs would be reduced by 5.4%
3–4 /kWh, electric power. In such a case, significant eco- and 3.2%, respectively, in shifting for IGCC from CO2 capture to
nomic gains are possible from this plant design. CO2 + H2 S co-capture. If the coal price is $1.5/GJ and the ca-
pacity factor is 81%, the present analysis estimates greater specific
capital cost ($/kW) and generation cost ( /kWh) reductions of
8.6% and 6.5%, respectively, in shifting for IGCC from CO2 cap-
7.3. High pressure gasification ture to CO2 + H2 S co-capture, but that is probably due mainly to
the much higher coal sulfur content in the present analysis (4.3%,
The final two columns in Table 7 show our estimates MAF basis). The Foster Wheeler analysis also estimated a modest
for the cost of H2 produced in gasifiers operating at ele- efficiency gain (0.5 percentage points) in shifting to co-capture.
780 T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784

Table 9 9. Cost of avoided CO2 emissions

Cost of CO2 captured and CO2 avoided for quench plants produc-
ing only electricity (referenced to plant EVQ) For electricity-only plants, the cost of avoided CO2
EVQ EPQ ECQ emissions (in $/tonne CO2 ) is simply the ratio of the extra
cost of electricity (in $/kWh) for CO2 capture (or CCS) to
CO2 emissions (g/kWh) 751.8 70.09 38.0 the reduction of specific CO2 emissions (in kg CO2 /kWh).
CO2 captured (g/kWh) — 807.7 844.7 Because capturing CO2 in a plant reduces its efficiency, the
CO2 avoided (g/kWh) — 681.7 713.8 amount of CO2 captured always exceeds the amount of CO2
avoided. For example, comparing EVQ to EPQ, the effi-
CO2 capture only (no disposal): ciency drops from 42.95% to 36.79%. As a result, EPQ cap-
Cost of electricity ( /kWh) 4.62 5.83 5.63 tures 807.7 g/kWh but only 681.7 g/kWh of CO2 emissions
Cost of CO2 captured ($/mt CO2 ) — 14.9 11.9 are avoided, and the cost of CO2 captured is less than the cost
Cost of avoided CO2 ($/mt CO2 ) — 17.7 14.1 of CO2 emissions avoided (see Table 9). The cost of CO2
transport and storage, assumed here to be $5/tonne, simply
CO2 capture + disposal (at $5/tonne CO2 ): adds to the cost of capture (14.9 $/tonne for EPQ), giving a
Cost of electricity ( /kWh) 4.62 6.23 6.05 total CCS cost of 20 $/tonne; however, the same 5 $/tonne
Cost of CO2 ($/mt CO2 ) — 19.9 16.9 storage cost translates into an increase in the avoided cost
Cost of avoided CO2 ($/mt CO2 ) — 23.6 20.0 from 17.7 to 23.6 $/tonne CO2 . [Table 9 presents the cost
of avoided CO2 emissions only for quench plants, refer-
enced to venting quench plant EVQ. The reader can readily
use the same methodology to compute the cost of avoided
CO2 emissions for plant EPS, for example. Using EVS as
chemical effects of H2 S and CO2 on the mineralogy of deep a reference yields the cost of CCS in a coal IGCC with
underground aquifers, is needed to see if these potential eco- syngas coolers, $26.8/tonne CO2 . On the other hand, using
nomic gains can be realized. EVQ as a reference yields the cost of CCS via plant EPS

Table 10
Cost of avoided CO2 emissions for quench plants co-producing H2 and electricity (referenced to plant HVQ)


Hydrogen product (MWth, LHV) 1070 1070 1070 1130

Net electric power (MWe) 78.3 38.9 35.0 −3.9
CO2 emissions—electricity (g/kWh) 751.8 70.1 38.0 38.0
CO2 emissions—H2 (kg/GJ LHV) 140.8 11.7 6.4 6.5
CO2 emissions—H2 (% of total) l90.2% l94.3% l94.9% l100.6%
CO2 avoided—electricity (g/kWh) — 681.7 713.8 713.8
CO2 avoided - H2 (kg/GJ H2 LHV) — 129.1 134.4 134.3

CO2 capture only (no disposal):

Cost of electricity ( /kWh) 4.62 5.83 l5.63a l5.63a
Cost of H2 ($/kg) 0.863 0.943 0.902 0.844
Cost of avoided CO2 ($/mt CO2 ):
Electricity: — 17.7 14.1 14.1
Hydrogen: — 5.2 2.4 −1.2
Plant average (weighted): — 5.9 3.0 −1.3

CO2 capture + disposal (at $5/tonne CO2 ):

Cost of electricity ( /kWh) 4.62 6.23 l6.05a l6.05a
Cost of H2 ($/GJ, LHV) 0.863 1.024 0.987 0.929
Cost of avoided CO2 ($/mt CO2 ):
Electricity: — 23.6 20.0 20.0
Hydrogen: — 10.4 7.7 4.1
Plant average (weighted): — 11.2 8.3 4.0
a Electricity costs from plant ECQ (instead of EPQ).
T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784 781

compared to the coal IGCC with the lowest cost of elec- • The value of byproduct electricity: 4 /kWh—a value
tricity, $31.7/tonne CO2 ; the latter cost exceeds the former shown to be likely when H2 from coal with CO2 capture
because it takes into account the higher cost of electricity becomes competitive with H2 from natural gas with CO2
from plants with syngas coolers relative to quench plants.] venting [15].
In plants producing both electricity and H2 , we first com-
In addition, at the bottom of Table 11, we investigate
pute two separate costs of avoided CO2 emissions, one as-
the cost ramifications of including a spare gasifier (with
sociated with H2 production and one for electricity. First,
quench or syngas cooler, and syngas scrubber), which may
the total plant CO2 emissions are divided between H2 and
be necessary to reach the 80% capacity factor assumed in
electricity as described in Paper A. [Briefly, the electricity
our “basic” economic analysis.
co-product is assumed to be generated with the same specific
In light of the high capital costs and low fuel costs for
CO2 emissions (g/kWh) as that of the most closely-related
coal gasification-based energy systems, it is not surprising
electricity-only plant, and the remaining CO2 emissions are
to see in Table 11 that variations in fuel cost have only a
assigned to H2 production.] Separate costs of avoided CO2
moderate (−9 to +6%) effect on product cost, while varia-
emissions for H2 and electricity production are calculated
tions in capacity factor and capital charge rate have a much
as described above for electricity-only plants (Table 10). Fi-
larger effect (−15 to +24%, and ±28%, respectively). Dou-
nally, we compute the average of these costs—weighted by
bling the cost of CO2 disposal is seen to increase the cost
the relative fraction of CO2 emissions for each of the two
of decarbonized H2 and electricity by ∼6–9%. For those
co-products—to arrive at a final cost of avoided CO2 emis-
plants that co-produce a substantial amount of electric power
sions for each H2 plant. [As in Table 9, we focus on the
(e.g. HPSY and HPSL ), reducing the price of electricity to
more economical quench plants; avoided costs for the syn-
4 /kWh significantly raises the cost of H2 (11–14%); for
gas cooler plants can be readily calculated, referenced either
other cases, the increase is much smaller (2–5%). Finally,
to HVS or HVQ.]
for plants with quench cooling, the inclusion of a spare gasi-
For plant EPQ, the avoided cost of CO2 emissions is
fier is seen to increase the cost of electricity by 10–12%, and
23.6 $/tonne CO2 ; for plant HPQ, it is 11.2 $/tonne CO2 .
H2 by 7–8%; for plants with syngas coolers, these cost in-
As mentioned above, avoided costs for H2 are much less
creases are almost doubled. The success (an on-stream fac-
than for electricity because much of the equipment needed
tor exceeding 98%) of the Texaco coal gasifier at Eastman
for CO2 capture (e.g., WGS reactors and CO2 separation
Chemical’s facility in Kingsport, TN, demonstrates that the
technology) are needed even for the H2 with venting plants
presence of pre-heated spare gasifier (and the adverse eco-
but must be added specifically to enable CO2 capture for
nomics of unforced outages!) can lead to extremely high ca-
the electricity plants. Co-capture of H2 S with CO2 lowers
pacity factors [16]. The third line of Table 11 indicates that
the cost of avoided CO2 emissions further (e.g. HCQ vs.
the economic benefit of such an increase in capacity factor
HPQ); in plant FPQx , the savings in capital costs actually
generally outweighs the increased costs associated with the
yields a negative cost for CO2 capture.
added capital.

10. Sensitivity analysis 11. Conclusions

The “basic” economic parameters given in Table 3 rep- Although decarbonized coal electricity based on gasifi-
resent only a single point in a large parameter space. It is cation is well studied, there are few detailed studies in the
instructive to vary the values of these parameters over rea- public domain of the costs of making H2 from coal. We
sonable ranges in order to understand how robust are our have conducted a detailed but transparent analysis of the
economic observations above. In Table 11, we vary: cost of producing from coal via commercially ready tech-
nology (Texaco gasification, Selexol gas separation, PSA
• The price of coal: from 0.9 to 1.5 $/GJ LHV. H2 purification, and Siemens 94.3A and 64.3a gas turbines)
• The capacity factor: from 65%—a common value for electricity only and H2 plus an electricity co-product, with
coal steam electric plants in the US, to 95%—a level ex- and without CO2 capture and storage. The analysis has high-
ceeded by the Eastman Chemicals facility in Kingsport, lighted similarities and differences for these decarbonized
TN (using a spare gasifier, which is not included in the energy technologies that share many common features.
plants considered here, except below in Table 11) that We estimate that the “basic” costs for ∼ 91% decar-
might be relevant for some refinery H2 or baseload elec- bonized energy (via quench gasification at 70 bar) are
tricity applications [24]. ∼ 6.2 /kWh for electricity and ∼ $1.0/kg (8.5 $/GJ, LHV)
• The capital charge rate: from 10% to 20%. for H2 ; these are, respectively, 35% and 19% higher than
• The cost of CO2 transportation and storage (or the corresponding energy costs with CO2 venting. Refer-
“disposal”): 10 $/tonne CO2 —a value often assumed for enced to these analogous CO2 venting plants, the costs of
carbon capture analyses in the literature (e.g. David and CO2 emissions avoided are ∼24 $/tonne for electricity and
Herzog [14]). ∼11 $/tonne for H2 . The energy cost penalties and avoided
T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784
Table 11
Sensitivity of electricity and H2 costs to changes in economic parameters (% change from basic cost)
Turbine technology Siemens 94.3A GE 107H Siemens 64.3A


Gasification pressure, bar 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 120 120

Hydrogen purity, % — — — — — — 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 99.999 ∼ 93 ∼ 93 99.999 99.999
CO2 Vent vs. Capture V C V C V C V C V C C C C C C C
Syngas cooling Q Q R+C R+C Q Q Q Q R+C R+C R+C R+C Q Q Q R+C

Basic product cost

(including CO2 T+S): Electric Power ( /kWh) Hydrogen ($/kg H2 )

Base case 4.62 6.23 5.12 6.77 4.46 6.05 0.86 1.02 1.00 1.14 1.17 1.11 0.98 0.97 0.99 1.18
Coal: 0.9 $/GJ, HHV −6.8 −5.9 −5.6 −5.1 −6.7 −5.8 −8.9 −7.5 −7.7 −6.8 −7.6 −8.0 −7.8 −7.6 −7.8 −6.6
Coal: 1.5 $/GJ, HHV 4.4 3.8 3.7 3.3 4.4 3.8 5.9 4.9 5.1 4.4 5.0 5.2 5.1 5.0 5.1 4.3
Capacity factor: 65% 17.6 16.9 18.5 17.7 17.7 17.0 18.9 16.8 20.7 18.9 21.9 23.9 16.5 15.0 17.1 18.8
Capacity factor: 95% −12.1 −11.5 −12.7 −12.1 −12.1 −11.6 −12.9 −11.5 −14.2 −12.9 −15.0 −16.4 −11.3 −10.3 −11.7 −12.8
Capital charge: 10% −20.6 −19.7 −21.7 −20.7 −20.6 −19.8 −22.1 −19.6 −24.2 −22.1 −25.6 −27.9 −19.3 −17.6 −20.0 −21.9
Capital charge: 20% 20.6 19.7 21.7 20.7 20.6 19.8 22.1 19.6 24.2 22.1 25.6 27.9 19.3 17.6 20.0 21.9
Disposal: 10 $/mt CO2 — 6.5 — 5.6 — 6.4 — 8.4 — 7.5 8.4 7.2 8.7 8.4 8.7 7.3
Electricity: 4 /kWh — — — — — — 1.8 2.6 2.3 4.7 10.7 13.8 2.7 0 3.7 4.2
Spare gasifier 12.4 10.5 23.7 20.8 12.3 10.4 8.2 6.9 16.4 14.4 30.5 33.0 7.2 6.9 7.2 14.1
T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784 783

costs are much smaller for H2 than for electricity because striving to increase reliability so as to be able to realize
much of the equipment needed for CO2 capture is already higher (85–90%) capacity factors, in light of the fact that
required for H2 production with CO2 venting. low operating costs for these systems implies that under
The cost implications of many plant design variations competitive market conditions these plants would tend to be
were explored. Increasing system efficiency ∼2–4% points dispatched first, if available.
by replacing the quench with radiant and convective syn- The barriers to a widespread H2 economy are primarily
gas coolers does not appear to be cost effective; the costs lack of cost-effective technologies for H2 storage and uti-
of electricity and H2 rise by 9–11% and 11–16%, respec- lization (e.g. fuel cells), and a H2 distribution infrastruc-
tively. Increasing gasifier pressure to 120 bar would give ture; by contrast, H2 production technologies appear eco-
rise to perhaps a modest H2 cost reduction with quench and nomically attractive. The major uncertainty in the viability
a cost increase with syngas cooling. Lowering the purity of producing H2 (and electricity) from coal in a world with
of H2 from 99.999% to “fuel grade” H2 (∼93% H2 , with tight constraints on greenhouse gas emissions lies in the vi-
∼1% CO) suitable for many combustion applications can ability of widespread CO2 storage. The relatively low CO2
lead to H2 cost reductions of 5–7%. Another potential op- capture and storage cost penalty for H2 from coal and the
portunity identified for cost reduction involves co-capture prospect that, with current technology, H2 from coal with
and co-storage of H2 S with CO2 , which might lead to a CCS might soon be competitive with H2 from natural gas
3–4% reduction in costs for both electricity and H2 , and with CO2 venting, suggest that even with current technol-
reduce the cost of avoided CO2 emissions to ∼20 $/tonne ogy coal H2 has a promising future in a climate-constrained
CO2 for electricity and ∼8 $/tonne CO2 for H2 . With more world if H2 becomes a major energy carrier and if the CO2
than a decade of experience with acid gas co-storage asso- storage challenge can be addressed effectively.
ciated with sour natural gas recovery operations [17], these
attractive costs alone suggest the importance of exploring
this option in depth to ascertain whether co-storage can be Appendix A
a viable option for widespread applications. An analysis of
the sensitivity of electricity and H2 costs to variations in nu- In order to enable the reader to reproduce all the plant
merous economic parameters suggests that the findings are component costs given in Tables 7 and 8, Tables 12 and 13
generally robust. The sensitivity of costs to plant capacity provide the values for all cost scaling parameters (that are
factor (80% in this study) indicates the importance of not already given in Tables 2a and b) referred to in Table 4.

Table 12
Cost scaling parameters for electricity-only plants (in addition to those given in Table 2a).

Electricity plant EVQ EPQ EVS EPS EVQ∗ EPQ∗

Raw coal feed (mt/day) 3160 3423 3152 3404 3126 3360
Pure O2 input (tonne/day) 2419 2620 2392 2583 2393 2571
Sulfur flow (tonne/day) 107.8 116.7 107.5 116.1 106.6 114.6
Pure CO2 from CO2 absorber (tonne/h) — 292.3 — 287.8 — 286.8
Pure H2 S from H2 S absorber (kmole/h) 140.1 151.7 139.7 150.9 138.5 148.9
HRSG surface area (103 m2 ) 239.0 219.5 329.2 268.2 198.0 201.2
CO2 captured in H2 S absorber (tonne/h)a — 11.68 — 11.62 — 11.47

a For H S+CO co-capture plants only.

2 2

Table 13
Cost scaling parameters for H2 plants (in addition to those given in Table 2b)


Raw coal feed 6483 6483 6249 6249 3721 3383 6483 6483 6394 6125
Pure O2 input 4963 4963 4742 4742 2823 2566 4963 4962 4887 4638
Sulfur flow 221.1 221.1 213.1 213.1 126.9 115.3 221.1 221.1 218.0 208.9
Pure CO2 from 553.5 553.5 517.8 528.6 315.5 232.7 553.5 553.2 544.9 516.3
CO2 absorber (tonne/h)
Pure H2 S from 287.3 287.3 276.9 276.9 164.9 149.9 287.3 287.3 283.4 271.5
784 T. Kreutz et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30 (2005) 769 – 784

Table 13 (Continued)

H2 S absorber (kmole/h)
PSA purge gas flow 1.076 1.076 1.068 1.068 0.551 0.861 — — 1.064 1.054
HRSG surface area 121.6 121.6 63.91 63.91 111.7 89.68 77.63 14.64 44.11 101.5
(103 m2 )
CO2 captured in — 22.13 — 21.33 12.70 11.55 22.13 22.13 21.82 20.91
H2 S absorber (tonne/h)a
a For H S+CO co-capture plants only.
2 2

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