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Teacher : Joyce Schmitz Date:

Student: Class:


Questions and Answers

1. In the beginning, Coraline picks up a forked stick, what does she use it for and what tree is it

A. The stick was from a Pine Tree and she used it to dig a hole.

B. The stick was from a Rose Bush and she wanted to pick up a slug with it.

C. The stick was from a Poison Oak and she was using it as a dowsing rod.

2. Coraline is in the house the next day, she is mumbling to her mother while placing square things
on the window sill, what are they?

A. Slabs of chocolate for Mel Jones' Birthday.

B. The Harry Potter series.

C. Packets of seeds.

3. At the dinner table Charlie Jones is serving one of his unpleasant recipes to his family. Coraline,
refusing to eat it, begs her Mom to cook, her Mother explains and then suggests a vegetable to
Coraline. What vegetable and why should she eat it?    

A. Carrots, because Mel bought too many.

B. Cabbage, because Charlie made it just for her.

C. Chard, because Coraline needs a vegetable.

4. Earlier in the movie there is a painting on the wall of a person dressed in blue with an
expression on their face clearly from one of the details on the picture, when Coraline enters the
Otherworld she sees the replica of the painting, but this time it's the opposite of the one back
home. What gender is the person, what expression is in the real flat and why are they like that and
what is the opposite?

A. A boy crying, and a blob of ice cream on the ground. (Otherworld) He is laughing with the ice cream on the
cone again.

B. A girl staring moodily at a dog using her leg as a toilet. (Otherworld) A girl laughing at a dog chasing its tail.

C. An old man sitting on a couch, in a bad mood after his favourite show was canceled (the TV clearly states it)
(Otherworld) He is smiling widely at his wife coming in with a DVD.

5. Sitting at the dinner table with her Other Parents. After Coraline states that she's 'really thirsty'.
The Other Mother says, 'Of course, any requests?'What drink did Coraline choose?

A. Cream Soda? No bubbles!

B. Vanilla Smoothie?

C. Mango Milkshake?

6. Coraline's Real Mother takes Coraline shopping for school uniform. Later on the way home the
shop's name is printed on the bag filled with the uniforms. What does it say?

A. Lindens

B. Laika

C. Hartley Uniform Store

7. Earlier Coraline walks into the mist and finds Wybie looking for slugs (stalking her). What kind of
slug was he looking for?

A. Banana Slug

B. Monkey Slug

C. Button Slug (!!!)

8. The only Other people people in Otherworld without buttons for eyes are Miss Spink and Miss
Forcible, before they are young again.

A. True

B. False

9. The Snow Globe Coraline's real parents are trapped in is a souvenir from _______ ___.Where
is it from?

10. Too find the eyes of the Ghost Children, Coraline needs a certain object. What object is this
and what must she do in order for her to get an idea where the eye is?

A. An empty 'Elizabeth Arden' perfume bottle. Coraline has to whisper the name of the child and what they are
missing into the bottle, a cloud of perfume will float up and show her the image of the area where the eye is

B. A tin can that Coraline needs to tap as many years old each ghost is. When she looks inside she sees where
the eye is.

C. A green, triangular piece of candy she looks through, which makes surroundings gray and the eye shine
Não é possível a aquisição de conhecimento através de método único. Para que o aluno posso ter habilidade de
construir e revisar textos é necessário diversificar as atividades propostas.

O estudo das estruturas gramaticais não devem ser desconsiderados, e devem estar dentro do processo de
aprendizagem. O método da gramática e tradução tem o seu valor, pois, ajudar a enriquecer o repertório de

No método direto existe um estimulo a um tipo de imersão, que leva a uma compreensão da língua numa dimensão
mais intima e familiar.

A abordagem comunicativa, traz a exploração do uso real da língua, e explora as competência que necessitam de um
conhecimento gramatical e linguística, ao fazer a sua aplicabilidade. Expõe o aluno não só ao estudo do vocabulário,
oralidade ou gramática, mas, também estimula a necessidade da comunicação.

As atividades propostas no Lesson Plan são bastante consistentes, pois, estimulam justamente a necessidade da
comunicação, sem dispensar o conhecimento oral, e das estruturas gramaticais, além, de explorar aquilo que faz
parte da atualidade nos termos de língua.

leitura dentro do processo de aquisição da língua tem um papel essencial, pois, estimula a familiaridade com termos
e expressões, além de enriquecer o repertório de palavras.

O méto

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