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A Practical GUIDE TO

BRAND Values

Values are pretty fundamental. And if they’re fundamental to people, then they should be funda-
mental to brands. If a brand symbolizes specific values, it will attract clients who share those values.
To help you develop authentic, distinctive, and long-lasting brand values, use the grid below and
write down all values you will want to consider for your brand, including your own values in life.
You can write as many as you want to; we will interrogate them later on.

Once your grid is full, or as full as you can sincerely make it, it’s time for the interrogation.
Completing this requires strict and objective thinking. You’re going to take each value in turn and
focus on it, asking the below questions

1. Is this value livable? Do you think that your brand can actually live by this value? If the answer
is YES, leave it on the grid. If NO, then strike it out—no second chances.

2. What will this value mean to your audience? Will somebody care? If your prospects learn about
this value, will it make them more likely to do business with you? Does it tap into their concerns
and interests? If YES? Good, If NO? It’s out. Because values have to mean something to your
audience too; otherwise, what’s the point?

3. Can this value be brought to life through action? A value that doesn’t result in a behavioral
change isn’t really worth it. Can this value be made real by what you actually do in terms of service,
product, experience, or quality of what you deliver? If the answer is YES, then it could be a winner.
If the answer is NO, then it’s unlikely to ever be anything other than an empty promise, and empty
promises are not worth making.

4. Would you fight to preserve this value? Do you believe in this value strongly enough that you
will not compromise it? Is it core to your personal belief system? Is it fundamental to why you
created this brand in the first place? If you can’t wait to say YES to this one, be careful here… there’s
danger in this question as well as power! It’s good to believe in something passionately but watch
out for those personal convictions that are so strong that they get in the brand’s way. You don’t
want your conviction to overtake your brand. Your brand needs to stand out above everything
else. On the other hand, if you answer NO, then leave it off your list. Only you can decide on the
right balance with this question.

These questions should have led you to a ruthless discussion about your values. Your list may
have dwindled to a smaller one. Don’t panic; a few are good. Having not more than three brand
values (or even just one) means they will have survived all these tough questions and will be
more meaningful as a result.

If none got through, begin back at the grid. You may now have some better ideas about the
values you want your brand to possess.

Now let’s craft your values to make them memorable and useful for your brand in every-day life.


eg.) Integrity

Describe how your value is brought to life in practical terms. Keep it to the point. It’s not
meant to be a lecture, just to make sure there’s no doubt about what this value means.

e.g.) We build trust through responsible actions and honest relationships.


Describe how your value is brought to life in practical terms. Keep it to the point. It’s not
meant to be a lecture, just to make sure there’s no doubt about what this value means.


Describe how your value is brought to life in practical terms. Keep it to the point. It’s not
meant to be a lecture, just to make sure there’s no doubt about what this value means.

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