Fiqh 101 Final Study Questions

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Islamic Online University

Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies

Fiqh 101 Final Exam Study Questions

Consolidation Phase

1. What was the impact of the math’habs during this period &
the developments that took place?

2. How did the rigid attitude toward math’habs affect even the
names of scholars in this period?

3. Describe the form of Ijtihad in that era & the principles upon
which it was based.

4. Discuss how scholars of this era differed from founders of

the math’habs and why.

5. Explain the meaning of the use of "Tarjeeh" and "Tasheeh"

by scholars of this period.

6. Identify the format for Fiqh books and explain how proofs
were used in those texts.
Stagnation and Decline Period:

7. Identify the historical incident which marked the beginning

of the period of stagnation and decline.

8. Mention the unique conditions placed in the books of

fundamentals of Fiqh of this period regarding Ijtihad.

9. What was the first major attempt to codify Islamic law?

10. What were the contributions of Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-

Shawkanee and Shah Wali Allah Al-Dehlawi in the struggle
against Taqleed?

11. What are the negative aspects in the study in

comparative Fiqh in Al-Azhar University?

12. At Al-Azhar University, how was the study of

comparative organized?

The Imams and Taqleed, Difference in the Ummah:

13. What was the general opinion of the Imams with

regards to a person who gives preference to ruling of an
Imam of that of the Prophet (peace be upon him)?

14. What were the most outstanding act and legal position
of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab's followers that led the
Muslim world to declare them apostate and innovators?
15. How do those who insist on Taqleed reconcile the
known differences and contradictions between the

16. Discuss the status/value of various Hadith which glorify the

differences in math’habs.

17. Compare/Contrast statements of Prophet regarding

following his companions and that of Imam Malik in regards
to following one of them.

18. Identify the position of the Quran with regards to

differences/conflict among believers & support with at least
two examples.

19. Respond with at least three evidences to a person who

claims that it is okay to follow an Imam blindly in all his
rulings with regard to the Hadith about judging

20. Compare/Contrast Differences among Sahabah with

differences among blind followers of math’habs.

21. Explain how differences of opinion among math’habs

concerning the answer to the question: "Are you a
believer?" led to excommunication and discuss its origin.

22. Identify the two categories into which differing rulings

fall and discuss how they are to be treated.
23. Suggest how differences arising from word meanings,
the absence of Hadith or weak Hadith may be resolved with
examples of each.

24. Discuss how differences resulting from Qiyas may be


25. If rulings are equally supported by Quran, Sunnah and

Ijma, how do we take them?

26. Briefly describe the type of religious learning institutions

necessary for the revival of the original way (that of the salaf)
with regard to study of math’habs and the primary source of
Islamic law.

27. Explain how to respond to a person who states that

the celebration of the Prophet's birthday is mentioned in
verse fifty-six of Surah Al-Ahzab

28. Discuss the ruling on praying the Sunnah prayer of

wudhoo in jama'ah. What is the ruling using evidence both
for and against?
Chennai Treatise:

29. Compare the claim that payment of Zakah is required

only once on a single portion of wealth with the claim that
fasting is only required once in a lifetime.

30. Is PJ's claim a mere Ijtihad mistake of a scholar or


31. Discuss PJs ruling on the Hadith: Whenever you

possess 200 Dirhams & a year passes, 5 Dirhams is to be
paid on it." What was his position on this Hadith?

32. Is PJ’s position regarding the above Hadith correct?

33. How can it be weak and Saheeh at the same time?

34. PJ claims that Zakah is purification of wealth & once

done it no longer needs purification. How do we respond to

35. So what does purification mean?

36. How should one respond to those who seek to make a

distinction between newly acquired wealth and previously
owned wealth vis a vis the Zakah perspective of evidence?

37. Briefly discuss how the Hadith of Al-Abbas on advance

payment of Zakah refutes PJs claim that Zakah is only
required on newly acquired wealth.
38. Explain the significance of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab saying
"Trade the wealth of the orphan so Zakah won't consume

39. Discuss how any claim which contradicts the

understanding and practices of Sahabah and generations of
Muslim scholarship until today should be treated.

40. What is PJs response to the opinion of the Sahabah on

the matter of the Chennai Treatise?

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