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CLC Core Competencies

Emily Kim
March 6th, 2023
CLC 12 – A Block

Personal Awareness and Responsibility

1) Self-Determination (weakness)
I love to work independently, especially when at school, so when I encounter
problems or questions, I struggle with seeking help. Instead, I usually prefer to
find solutions on my own first, whether it be searching for solutions on the
internet, watching instructional videos, or asking my friends and/or peers if they
know the answer, before I seek out a teacher or mentor. And oftentimes, I find
that I lack the self-respect in the aspect of self-motivating myself and standing
up for myself. On some occasions if I’m feeling too burnt out, I will leave my
assignments until the day that they are due, resulting in a lower mark than I
could’ve achieved, or letting people walk all over me an use me.
2) Self-Regulation (strength)
I am aware of the impact that my decisions have on my life, and I take full
responsibility for them. If I make a good, right decision, I advise myself to make
more of them. If I make a wrong decision, I’ll take responsibility and own up to
my actions and apologize where apologizing is needed.
I can set goals when needed and understand that goals take time to achieve. I
know that patience is required and part of the process. For example, If I want to
receive an A in a particularly difficult class, I’ll set myself a goal date and start
planning out the process on how I can consistently work towards my goal
without losing myself or burning myself out in the process.
3) Well-Being (strength)
I know that resting and letting myself take breaks is a form of self-care and that
it’s part of the process of becoming successful. To plan for my success, I often
make myself a day plan with time stamps of when I’ll do what, whether it be
studying, reading, completing homework, sleeping, etc. I work better when I’m
on a set, tight schedule and strategize in order to meet these needs.
Social Responsibility
1) Solving problems in peaceful ways (strength)
I am a huge advocator of resolving issues calmly and peacefully, and I find it a
huge help to have the ability to be able to view situations from other individual’s
perspectives and try and understand their point of view. I use these unique
perspectives to my advantage to aid me in calming down conflicts where all
parties involved are satisfied in the final verdict.
2) Valuing diversity (strength)
I respect and view everyone as equal human beings, some being at more of a
disadvantage than others, and I have an interest in helping restore balance to
society. I continue to repost stories and posts online that promote basic human
rights and donate to causes when I can. I treat everyone equally and stand up for
others in unfair situations, however shy I may be.
3) Building relationships (weakness)
I lack the skill in being able to build relationships with peers. I’m overall a very
anxious person and overthink every social situation and interaction, so while I’m
contemplating in my head whether I should say hi first or wait until my peer says
hi, I look like I’m ignoring people on the outside. I swear I’m not rude, I’m just
shy and overthinking. However, I would love to keep working on my ability to
build relationships with more peers moving forward.

Critical Thinking
1) Analyze and Criticize (weakness)
Sometimes I struggle with coming up with a solid conclusion, as I like to think
wide and come up with a plethora of different conclusions. When analyzing, I
come up with and find loopholes, and often dwell on them too much, causing me
to overthink a simple problem. I can critique my learning but have trouble
coming up with reasons it didn’t meet expectations.
2) Question and Investigate (strength)
I ask important and relevant questions when needed, know how to research
specific and relevant information, and can draw up many well thought out
conclusions. When working on a project, I gather information, narrow it down to
only relevant info, explore ways to draw conclusions, and work from there.
3) Develop and Design (strength)
I play a convincing devil’s advocate when looking over my work to fish out any
possible errors that could be detected by another individual. I am always
thinking about possible peers and mentors that could read my work, and
consistently make sure my work meets their needs and expectations. When
working on assignments, I make sure that I am on the right path at all times and
assess my progress in a way that can help me note what not to do when working
on future assignments.

Creative Thinking
1) Novelty and Value (strength)
I enjoy seeking out unique and new perspectives to see how others may view
different topics or for example, view my own work. I thoroughly think through
every possible way a sentence or a phrase I might’ve have written and predict
how it could be interpreted.
2) Generating Ideas (strength)
When in a writer’s block, or in a slump, I often ask my surrounding peers to look
over my work to see their opinions of it. When they don’t critique anything, I
MAKE them find something to critique or a generate a new idea that ties in with
my work so that I can produce the best work possible.
3) Developing Ideas (weakness)
I often struggle with critiquing my own work because sometimes I believe myself
to be an unreliable source since I have such different opinions than others. I
should understand that failure can just be another step towards success, but
sometimes I am unable to see through the fog of failure to view the pros.

1) Acquire, interpret, and present information (strength)
I like offering my peers new perspectives and feedback on their work to help
them improve and enhance their skills. Deep diving and inquiring about
someone’s work intrigues me.
2) Collaborate to plan, carry out, and review (weakness)
Inquiring and solving problems I excel at, but working with other students
unnerves me. I struggle with delivering a clear message or presenting my work in
an effective manner. In the end, I can solve problems and come up with a
conclusion when working amongst peers, but the work produced doesn’t always
meet my personal expectations.
3) Explain/recount and reflect on experiences and accomplishments (strength)
Although I am not the most ambitious student around, I was forced into many
extracurriculars throughout my childhood which in the long run resulted in
academic improvement, achievements, and an overachieving demeanor.

Personal and Cultural Identity

1) Relationships and Cultural Identity (strength)
I thoroughly understand what it means to be inclusive and welcoming and expect
others to do the same. Inclusivity is not limited to race, it includes sexual
orientation, religion, age, and many more broad and versatile orientations. I
openly encourage others to broaden their horizons, and work to fight against
commonly misconstrued stereotypes.
2) Personal Values and Choices (weakness)
I am aware of the fact that I do not always place my values where they should be
and encourage myself to do the right thing and put others first. At times I have
misconceptions of what is important to me and misplace trust in myself. On rare
occasions I tend to pick and choose or continue to be inconsistent in deciding
what is important to me.
3) Personal Strengths and Abilities (strength)
I know what strengths help me succeed and use them as effectively as I can to
my advantage. I am aware of what assets and unique strengths sets me apart
from others and how I can use them to benefit my surrounding community.

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