2021 - Piccirillo - Suppression of Chaos in Nonlinear Oscillators Using A Linear Vibration Absorber

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Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11012-020-01283-2 (0123456789().,-volV)
( 01234567

Suppression of chaos in nonlinear oscillators using a linear

vibration absorber
Vinı́cius Piccirillo

Received: 8 June 2020 / Accepted: 28 November 2020 / Published online: 4 January 2021
Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2021

Abstract This paper proposes a nonfeedback con- 1 Introduction

trol to suppress the chaotic response of nonlinear
oscillators. A linear vibration absorber is used as Over the years several kinds of vibration devices have
nonfeedback method, whose key idea is to find been developed in order to reduce the vibration level
conditions under which the nonlinear oscillator of mechanical or civil engineering structures. It is
response converges to an equilibrium point or stay possible to classify these vibration devices into three
oscillating around it. Theoretical results show that if categories, namely, passive, semi-active, and active
the ratio between the natural frequencies of the vibration isolators. As regard to passive methodology,
primary system ðx1 Þ and the undamped absorber the most common device used is the dynamic vibration
ðx2 Þ, that is, xr ¼ xx1 is tuned to be equal to the
absorber (DVA). A DVA is constituted of a spring-
excitation frequency ðXÞ, then the chaotic behavior of mass (or spring-mass-damper) system attached to a
a nonlinear oscillator is driven to a stable hyperbolic structure with the aim to suppress its vibrations. The
equilibrium point. Numerical results are presented for role of a DVA is to absorb the vibration energy from
the Duffing oscillator shown that if xr is tuned close to the primary system (structure), thus minimizing the
excitation frequency, then the chaotic response of the vibrations of this system. Several works focused on
Duffing oscillator is driven to periodic orbits. In the analyzing the influence of linear and nonlinear DVAs
case of damped absorber, xr to be tuned close to the in a primary system [1–7].
excitation frequency does not guarantee that the The behavior of oscillators has been widely
response of the primary system is periodic, it is also studied because many systems can be modeled by
necessary to take into account the amplitude of the linear or nonlinear oscillators. In particular, the
excitation. nonlinear oscillators can be shown a rich dynamic
behavior either with periodic or chaotic responses.
Keywords Linear vibration absorber  Chaos Control of nonlinear systems with chaotic behavior is
suppression  Periodic orbits  Equilibrium point  one of the most important topics in nonlinear science.
Duffing oscillator The concept of chaos control was first introduced in
[8]. There are numerous different strategies sug-
gested to chaos control, in particular, there is one
V. Piccirillo (&) approach that does not use any measurements or extra
Department of Mathematics, Federal Technological
University of Parana UTFPR, Ponta Grossa,
sensors, this strategy is so-called nonfeedback con-
PR 84016-210, Brazil trol. With the introduction of an appropriately
e-mail: piccirillo@utfpr.edu.br

256 Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273

external force, one can change the complex behavior This paper proposes the chaos suppression in
of the nonlinear system, this is the key idea of nonlinear oscillators using a linear vibration absorber
nonfeedback control. Nonlinear oscillators may pre- (LVA). This strategy is similar to proposed by [18] but
sent chaotic behavior then different control strategies here the design of the LVA is done to any nonlinear
can be employed in this subject, and it is the focus of system in which desired to change the behavior of the
the present study. One strategy is to stabilize the system from chaos to a stable hyperbolic equilibrium
chaotic response by adding a small periodic distur- point. In a particular case, the Duffing oscillator with
bance with only one harmonic frequency [9] or a twin-well is studied and several parameter spaces and
combination of harmonics [10] to the system, this bifurcation scenarios are discussed to explore the
strategy is known as open-loop periodic perturbation elimination of chaos behavior in this oscillator.
method [11]. Another method to chaos control is the Results show that for certain conditions the LVA is
Continuous Delayed Feedback Method which is useful for suppressing the chaotic response of nonlin-
known as Pyragas Method [12]. The goal of this ear oscillators.
method is to stabilize the chaotic response, and this is
done by applying a feedback force given by the
difference between the current state of the system and 2 Mathematical model
the state with a delay time [11]. Hunt [13] proposed a
method know as Occasional Proportional Feedback In order to suppress the chaotic motion of a general
Method where the goal is to stabilize the chaotic one-degree-of-freedom nonlinear oscillator excited by
response with the following strategy: first it is an external periodic force, an LVA is attached to the
necessary to measure the signal peaks inside a primary oscillator. The problem is formulated as
selected observation window (discrete-time), then a follows:
perturbation of the control parameter linearly pro-
portional to the distance of the peak from the window 2.1 Nonlinear oscillator
center is applied [11]. In the OGY method [8], small
perturbations in a previously calculated control Consider an oscillator with a mass m1 connected to
parameter of the system when its trajectory is in the two elements; one of them has a generic nonlinear
neighborhood of a fixed point, without changing the restoring force given by g2 ðÞ (corresponding to the
dynamics to be controlled, can stabilize an unsta- stiffness of the oscillator), the other one has a linear or
ble periodic orbit, pre-existing in the undisturbed nonlinear dissipation force given by g1 ðÞ (corre-
system. Sinha et al. [14] use a combination of sponding to dissipation element) with g1 ð0Þ ¼ 0. Here
nonlinear feedforward and linear feedback control to this kind of oscillator is called primary system and
suppress the chaotic motion of Duffing’s oscillator Fig. 1 illustrates such system
and the Rössler system. Sharma et al. [15] use the Assuming that the system is excited by the force
same methodology of [14] to control the chaos of a FðtÞ ¼ F cosðxtÞ, where F; x 2 Rþ , y1 ðtÞ is the mass
general nonlinear system to desired motions like as displacement and the prime denotes differentiation
periodic, quasiperiodic motion, or a fixed point where with respect to time t. Therefore, the mathematical
this behavior does not need to be a solution of the modeling of this problem is given by the following
nonlinear system. Several authors applied the Mel- equation of motion
nikov function to control the homoclinic and hetero-
clinic chaos in nonlinear oscillators which are
perturbed by small external forcing and damping
force [16, 17]. Kapitaniak et al. [18] proposed a DVA
for chaos control in a Chua circuit and Duffing
oscillator. The dynamical analysis of both systems
was given as a function of the absorber control
parameter where was obtained stability regions of
periodic solutions. Fig. 1 Nonlinear oscillator

Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273 257

m1 y001 þ g1 ðy01 Þ þ g2 ðy1 Þ ¼ F cosðxtÞ ð1Þ and linear restoring force g4 ðÞ. The equations of
motion of a nonlinear oscillator with an LVA attached
The equation of motion of the oscillator may be as depicted in Fig. 2 has the form:
expressed in the nondimensional form
m1 y001 þ g1 ðy01 Þ þ g3 ðy1 Þ þ g3 ðy01  y02 Þ þ g4 ðy1  y2 Þ ¼ F cosðxtÞ
u€1 þ f1 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u_1 Þ þ f2 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u1 Þ ¼ A cosðXsÞ m2 y002  g3 ðy01  y02 Þ  g4 ðy1  y2 Þ ¼ 0
ð2Þ ð6Þ
The dots represent the derivatives with respect to the Therefore, the nondimensional equations of motion
nondimensional time, s, defined as s ¼ x1 t where x1 of the nonlinear oscillator with LVA may be described
is related to the natural frequency of the oscillator and by
L is the length of stiffness element (that was used here
u€1 þ f1 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u_1 Þ þ f2 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u1 Þ
to get the dimensionless Eq. 2). In addition, the other
nondimensional variables are: þmr f3 ðm2 ; x1 ; u_1  u_2 Þ þ mr f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ
¼ A cosðXsÞu€2  f3 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ
y1 x F
u1 ¼ ; X ¼ ; A¼ ; f4 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ
L x1 m1 Lx21
f1 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u_1 Þ ¼ g1 ðLx1 u_1 Þ; ð3Þ ð7Þ
m1 Lx21
1 where
f2 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u1 Þ ¼ g2 ðLu1 Þ
m1 Lx21 y1 y2 x
u1 ¼ ; u2 ¼ ; X ¼ ;
L L x1
Defining x1 ¼ u1 and x2 ¼ u_1 , then the Eq. (2) can be
written as a first-order system F m2
A¼ ; mr ¼ ;
m1 Lx21 m1
x_1 ¼ x2
x_2 ¼ A cosðXsÞ  f1 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; x2 Þ  f2 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; x1 Þ f1 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u_1 Þ ¼ g1 ðLx1 u_1 Þ;
m1 Lx21
ð4Þ ð8Þ
f2 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u1 Þ ¼ g2 ðLu1 Þ;
Now, suppose that A ¼ 0, then, the equilibrium point m1 Lx21
of the system (4) is x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 Þ 2 R2 , namely 1
f3 ðm2 ; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ ¼ g3 ðu_1  u_2 Þ;
m2 x1
x2 ¼ 0
ð5Þ 1
f1 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; x2 Þ þ f2 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; x1 Þ ¼ 0 f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ ¼ g4 ðu1  u2 Þ
m2 x21
If g1 ð0Þ ¼ 0 (hypothesis), then, f1 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; 0Þ ¼ 0
and suppose that exist at least one pS 2 R such that
f2 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; pS Þ ¼ 0. Therefore, x ¼ ðpS ; 0Þ is an
equilibrium point of the nonlinear oscillator when
A ¼ 0.

2.2 Linear vibration absorber

In order to suppress the chaotic motion of a nonlinear

system given by Fig. 1 in a possible range of
amplitudes and frequencies of the external force, it
will be introducing the linear vibration absorber
(LVA). The LVA is constituted of a concentrated
mass m2 , which is attached to a primary system
through an element with linear dissipation force g3 ðÞ Fig. 2 LVA absorber attached to a nonlinear oscillator

258 Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273

3 Theoretical results
with B ¼ A þ  cosðuÞ and C ¼  sinðuÞ, without loss
of generality. Then using 13, it can be obtained (10). h
The theoretical results presented here are applicable in
the case of an undamped LVA, that is, g3 ðÞ ¼ 0. Thus, Theorem 1 Suppose that the assumptions made in
the main objective of the control design is to find the Proposition 1 hold. Suppose that u1 ¼ /ðsÞ and u2 ¼
values of the parameters of the LVA to bring the wðsÞ are bounded solutions of Eq. (7), namely,
chaotic response of the Eq. 7 to a desired non-chaotic j/ðsÞj  M1 and jwðsÞj  M2 for M1 ; M2 [ 0 and 8s.
response. The following results give these conditions. If xr ¼ X, then mr f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ ¼ 0.
Proposition 1 Consider the system 7 and assume Proof Suppose j/ðsÞj  M1 , jwðsÞj  M2 and xr ¼
that f1 ðÞ is a linear or nonlinear function with X but mr f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ 6¼ 0, and show that this
f1 ð; 0Þ ¼ 0, f2 ðÞ is a nonlinear function with leads to a contradiction.
f2 ð; pS Þ ¼ 0, for some pS 2 R, f3 ðÞ ¼ 0 and f4 ðÞ is First, note that g4 ðÞ (in Eqs. 6 and 8) is a linear
a linear function. Suppose that mr ; X; A [ 0 and x ¼ function in terms of u1  u2 , thus, is possible to write it
ðpS ; 0Þ 2 R2 be a stable hyperbolic equilibrium point in the form g4 ðu1  u2 Þ ¼ kðu1  u2 Þ; k 2 Rþ , with-
of the Eq. 5, if out loss of generality. Hence, f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ ¼
k x2 
m2 x2
ðu1  u2 Þ, and defining x2r ¼ x22 , where x22 ¼mk2 Þ
mr f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ ¼ 0 ð9Þ 1 1

which implies that f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ ¼ x2r ðu1  u2 Þ.

in Eq. 7 then u1 ¼ pS . Furthermore, since mr f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ 6¼ 0. To
Proof Suppose mr f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ ¼ 0, then in proceed, consider the equation
Eq. 7, which implies that mr f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; /ðsÞ  wðsÞÞ  A cosðXsÞ
u€1 þ f1 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u_1 Þ þ f2 ðm1 ; L; x1 ; u1 Þ ¼ 0 ¼  cosðXs þ uÞ;  6¼ 0; u 6¼ 0
is true if u1 ¼ pS , for pS 2 R. h Using Lemma 1, it follows that
Lemma 1 For every A; X [ 0,  6¼ 0 and u 6¼ 0 1
f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; /ðsÞ  wðsÞÞ ¼ ðB cos ðXsÞ  C sin ðXsÞÞ
mr f4 ðm2 ; L; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ  A cosðXsÞ ¼  cosðXs þ uÞ mr
ð10Þ ð15Þ

if and only if f4 ðm2 ; L; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ is a periodic with B ¼ A þ  cosðuÞ and C ¼  sinðuÞ.

function. Next, substituting the Eq. (15) into the second
equation of the system (7) yields
Proof If
mr f4 ðm2 ; L; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ  A cosðXsÞ ¼  cosðXs þ uÞ
u€2 ¼ ðB cosðXsÞ  C sinðXsÞÞ ð16Þ
ð11Þ thus, the solution of Eq. (16) is:
then B C
wðsÞ ¼ as þ b  2
cosðXsÞ þ sinðXsÞ
1 mr X mr X2
f4 ðm2 ; L; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ ¼ ðB cosðXsÞ  C sinðXsÞÞ
mr ð17Þ
with a; b 2 R, B ¼ A þ  cosðuÞ and C ¼  sinðuÞ.
where B ¼ A þ  cosðuÞ and C ¼  sinðuÞ, so that Since f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; /ðsÞ  wðsÞÞ ¼ x2r ð/ðsÞ  wðsÞÞ
f4 ðm2 ; L; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ is a periodic function. and using the Eq. (15), it follows that,
On the other hand, if f4 ðm2 ; L; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ is a
periodic function, hence it is assumed that
f4 ðm2 ; L; x1 ; u1  u2 Þ ¼ ðB cosðXsÞ  C sinðXsÞÞ

Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273 259

1 Proof Suppose, ad absurdum, that

/ðsÞ  wðsÞ ¼ f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; /ðsÞ  wðsÞÞ
x2r mr f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ ¼ 0, such that j/ðsÞj  M1 ,
jwðsÞj  M2 and xr 6¼ X. Thus,
¼ ðB cosðXsÞ  C sinðXsÞÞ
x2r mr mr f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; /ðsÞ  wðsÞÞ  A cosðXsÞ ¼ 0 ð23Þ
ð18Þ hence
Let /ðsÞ ¼ x2r mr f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; /ðsÞ  wðsÞÞ þ wðsÞ, then A
f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; /ðsÞ  wðsÞÞ ¼ cosðXsÞ ð24Þ
1 1 1
/ðsÞ ¼ as þ b þ ðB cosðXsÞ  C sinðXsÞ 2  2
mr xr X Substituting Eq. (24) into the second equation of the
ð19Þ system (7), we obtain

Since, by the hypothesis, xr ¼ X, the Eq. (19) A

u€2 ¼ cosðXsÞ ð25Þ
becomes, mr

/ðsÞ ¼ as þ b ð20Þ and the corresponding solution is

Obviously, a ¼ 0, because j/ðsÞj  M1 and therefore A

wðsÞ ¼ as þ b  cosðxr sÞ; a; b 2 R ð26Þ
/ðsÞ ¼ b; b 2 R: ð21Þ
If /ðsÞ ¼ x12 f4 ðm2 ; x1 ; /ðsÞ  wðsÞÞ þ wðsÞ, then
Using the fact that u1 ¼ /ðsÞ is the solution of the  
Eq. 7, then it follows from Eq. (21) that /ðsÞ A 1 1
/ðsÞ ¼ as þ b þ cosðXsÞ 2  2 ð27Þ
converges to a point, which is obviously true for b ¼ mr xr X
pS (stable hyperbolic equilibrium point). This contra-
Obviously, a ¼ 0, because j/ðsÞj  M1 and
dicts the Proposition 1, and hence, the assumption that
f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ 6¼ 0, is not true. Hence A 1 1
f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ ¼ 0. h /ðsÞ ¼ b þ cosðXsÞ 2  2 ð28Þ
mr xr X
Thus, Theorem 1 ensures that if xr ¼ X, then the Here xr 6¼ X, then /ðsÞ does not converge to the
solution of the primary system (Eq. 7), namely equilibrium point, and this contradicts the hypothesis
u1 ¼ /ðsÞ, converges to stable hyperbolic equilibrium that mr f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ ¼ 0. Therefore, this shows
point of the Eq. 5, namely, u1 ¼ /ðsÞ ¼ pS , indepen- that if xr 6¼ X then mr f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ 6¼ 0. h
dent of the parameters of the system. In other words,
when xr ¼ X the force generated by the undamped Summarizing, in a nonlinear oscillator with har-
LVA cancel the harmonic excitation term. Therefore, monic excitation where an undamped LVA was
if xr ¼ X then the solutions of the system are: attached, if xr ¼ X, then the response of the primary
system will converge to a stable hyperbolic equilib-
B rium point of the corresponding oscillator without
/ðsÞ ¼ pS ; wðsÞ ¼ pS  cosðxr sÞ
mr X2 excitation (Theorem 1). On the other hand, if xr 6¼ X,
C then it is possible to ensure that the response of the
þ sinðxr sÞ
mr X2 primary system does not converge to the equilibrium
point (Theorem 2).
The next theorem describes results for the case where
In order to finish this section two nonlinear
xr 6¼ X.
oscillators, that satisfy the conditions of the Theo-
Theorem 2 Suppose that the assumptions made in rem 1 are analyzed. The first example shows a
Proposition 1 hold. Suppose that u1 ¼ /ðsÞ and u2 ¼ oscillator where f1 is a nonlinear function, and in the
wðsÞ are solutions of Eq. (7) with j/ðsÞj  M1 and second one, f1 is linear. In both cases, the f2 is a
jwðsÞj  M2 for M1 ; M2 [ 0 and 8s. If xr 6¼ X, then nonlinear function.
mr f4 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ 6¼ 0.

260 Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273

Example 1 Assuming that g1 ðy01 Þ ¼ c1 y01 þ c2 y02 1, and X ¼ 1:2. By the Theorem 1, if xr ¼ 1:2, then the
3 solution of the primary system with an undamped
c1 [ 0 and c2 [ 0, g2 ðy1 Þ ¼ k1 y1 þ k3 y1 , k1 [ 0 and
k3 [ 0 are the nonlinear damping and stiffness of the LVA converges to u1 ¼ pS ¼ 0 as s ! 1. Figure 3
primary system respectively, and an undamped LVA shows the time history of the primary system without
(g3 ðÞ ¼ 0), and with the linear stiffness given by LVA (black) and with an undamped LVA (red). It is
g4 ðy1  y2 Þ ¼ kðy1  y2 Þ; k [ 0. The equation of clear from Fig. 3 that the response of the primary
motion of the primary system without LVA (see system ðu1 Þ converges to equilibrium point ðpS ¼ 0Þ
Eq. 1) is when the time increases. This result is expected due to
Theorem 1. Since xr ¼ X ¼ 1:2 the force generated
m1 y001 þ c1 y01 þ c2 y02 3
1 þ k1 y1 þ k3 y1 ¼ F cosðxtÞ by the LVA cancels the external force, and therefore,
ð29Þ the response of the primary system converges to pS .
and the equations of motion of the primary system
with an undamped LVA is given by (see Eq. 6)
Example 2 Let g2 ðy1 Þ ¼ k1 y1 þ k3 y31 , k1 \0, and
m1 y001
þ c1 y01
þ c2 y02
1 þ k1 y1 þ k3 y31 þ kðy1  y2 Þ k3 [ 0, therefore, we have a double-well potential
¼ F cosðxtÞ system, also known as Duffing system, g3 ðÞ ¼ 0,
g4 ðy1  y2 Þ ¼ kðy1  y2 Þ; k [ 0 and g1 ðy01 Þ ¼
m2 y002  kðy1  y2 Þ ¼ 0 0
c1 y1 ; c1 [ 0 is a linear damping. The equation of
ð30Þ motion of this problem is (see Eq. 1)
Using the nondimensional parameters defined in m1 y001 þ c1 y01  k1 y1 þ k2 y31 ¼ F cosðxtÞ ð34Þ
Eqs. 3 and 8, the nondimensional equation of the
primary system without LVA is obtained (see Eq. 2) and the equations of motion of the primary system
with an undamped LVA is given by (see Eq. 6)
u€1 þ 2l1 u_1 þ l2 u_21 þ u1 þ au31 ¼ A cosðXsÞ ð31Þ
m1 y001 þ c1 y01  k1 y1 þ k3 y31 þ kðy1  y2 Þ ¼ F cosðxtÞ
and the nondimensional equations of motion of the
primary system with an undamped LVA can be written m2 y002  kðy1  y2 Þ ¼ 0
as follows (see Eq. 7) ð35Þ

u€1 þ 2l1 u_1 þ l2 u_21 þ u1 þ au31 þ mr w2r ðu1  u2 Þ Introducing the dimensionless time s ¼ x1 tðx21 ¼ mk11 Þ,
¼ A cosðXsÞ it is possible rewrite the Eqs. 34 (without LVA) and 35
u€2  w2r ðu1  u2 Þ ¼ 0 (with an undamped LVA in dimensionless form (see
Eqs. 2 and 7)
u€1 þ 2l1 u_1  u1 þ au31 ¼ A cosðXsÞ ð36Þ
y1 y2 k1 c1
u1 ¼ ; u2 ¼ ; x21 ¼ ; l1 ¼ ;
L L m1 2m1 x1 u€1 þ 2l1 u_1  u1 þ au31 þ mr w2r ðu1  u2 Þ ¼ A cosðXsÞ
c2 L k F x
l2 ¼ ; a ¼ 3 L2 ; A ¼ ; X¼ ; u€2  w2r ðu1  u2 Þ ¼ 0
m1 k1 mx21 L x1
m2 k x2
mr ¼ ; x22 ¼ ; x2r ¼ 22 where x21 ; l1 ; a; X; A; mr ; x2r are the same as Eq. 33.
m1 m2 x1
ð33Þ Suppose that A ¼ 0, in Duffing oscillator without
LVA (Eq. 36), hence, the equilibrium points are:
Suppose that A ¼ 0, in Eq. 31, then the stable hyper- (0, 0) unstable equilibrium point and two non-trivial
bolic equilibrium point of this equation is x ¼ ð0; 0Þ. stable hyperbolics equilibrium points: ðu10 ; u20 Þ ¼
To illustrate the utility of Theorem 1 through numer- ðpSþ ; 0Þ and ðu10 ; u20 Þ ¼ ðpS ; 0Þ, where pSþ ¼ p1ffiffia and
ical simulation it is assumed that the parameter values
are: 2l1 ¼ 0:01, l2 ¼ 0:1; a ¼ 1; mr ¼ 0:05; A ¼ 10; pS ¼  p1ffiffi.

Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273 261

(a) (b)
Fig. 3 a Time history for A ¼ 10 and xr ¼ X ¼ 1:2, b Zoom of (a)

Once again numerical simulations will be done well) and (II) large orbits, where the response
using the hypotheses of Theorem 1, it will be fixed the surrounds the three equilibrium points (cross-well).
parameters a ¼ 1; l1 ¼ 0:125 and A ¼ 1:7. Figure 4 For numerical study, the nonlinear Duffing oscil-
shows the time history of the primary system without lator given by Eq. 36 (dimensionless form) will be
LVA (black) and with an undamped LVA (red). It can used. For control the chaotic behavior of the Duffing
be seen from Fig. 4 that the response of the primary oscillator is added an undamped LVA and, hence, the
system ðu1 Þ converges to u1 ¼ pS (stable equilibrium nondimensional equations of motion of the Duffing
point ). When X ¼ xr ¼ 0:8 the response of the oscillator with an undamped LVA is given by Eq. 37.
primary system converges to equilibrium point u1 ¼ Here, is used the following parameters: a ¼ 1; l1 ¼
pSþ ¼ 1 (see Fig. 4a, b). On the other hand, when X ¼ 0:125; mr ¼ 0:05 and the same initial conditions:
xr ¼ 0:9 the response converges to the other equilib- u1 ð0Þ ¼ 0; u_1 ð0Þ ¼ 0 (Eq. 36) and u1 ð0Þ ¼ 0; u_1 ð0Þ ¼
rium point u1 ¼ pS ¼ 1 (see Fig. 4c, d). 0; u2 ð0Þ ¼ 0; u_2 ð0Þ ¼ 0 (Eq. 37).
These two examples showed numerically the effi- Figure 5 shows the bifurcation diagram and Lya-
ciency of the LVA in driving the chaotic behavior of a punov exponents in terms of the displacement of the
nonlinear oscillator to a stable equilibrium point when primary system u1 without LVA versus the control
xr ¼ X. The next section gives a more detailed parameter X (frequency excitation). The bifurcation
description of the chaos suppression of the Duffing diagram shows the projection of the attractors in the
oscillator using the LVA and assuming xr  X. Poincaré section onto the u1 state. The bifurcation
diagram when A ¼ 0:3 is depicted in Fig. 5a. In order
to characterize the behavior observed in Fig. 5a, the
4 Chaos suppression maximal Lyapunov exponents, was calculated, as
shown in Fig. 5b, using the algorithm described in
The nonlinear Duffing oscillator with twin-well is one [19]. As can be seen, chaotic motions occur for many
of the most famous nonlinear differential equations in values of X between 0.9625 and 1.254, and for other
nonlinear literature. This kind of oscillator can exhibit values of X the response of the oscillator is periodic.
two distinct types of oscillations, namely (I) Small Figure 6 depicts the comparison of the bifurcation
orbits, where the response remains within the poten- diagram of the Duffing oscillator without LVA (black)
tial-well centered at a stable equilibrium point (in- and the Duffing oscillator with an undamped LVA

262 Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4 a Time history for X ¼ 0:8, b Zoom of (a), c Time history for X ¼ 0:9, and d Zoom of (c)

(red) ranging the excitation frequency X from 0.1 to 2. potential-well centered at a stable equilibrium point
The bifurcation diagrams shown in Fig. 6a, b were (pSþ or pS ) of the free oscillations for the nonlinear
calculated for A ¼ 0:3 and A ¼ 0:8 respectively. In double-well Duffing oscillator. The same behavior
both cases is possible to observe periodic and chaotic was observed when xr ¼ 1:8 when A ¼ 0:8 (see
responses. First, xr ¼ 1 and A ¼ 0:3, are considered. Fig. 6b). As before the response of the Duffing
The chaotic responses around X ¼ 1 are replaced by oscillator undergoes from chaos to periodic motion
periodic ones (see Fig. 6a in red). When xr  X the when xr  X.
periodic response remaining oscillating within the

Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273 263

Fig. 5 a Bifurcation diagram and b maximal Lyapunov exponent

Fig. 6 Bifurcation diagram for a A ¼ 0:3 and b A ¼ 0:8. (Color figure online)

Figure 7 shows the comparisons between the point pSþ ¼ 1 for X ¼ 0:99. On the other hand, when
Duffing oscillator with and without LVA for X ¼ 1:05 the periodic motion of the Duffing oscillator
A ¼ 0:3. Chaotic behaviors of the Duffing oscillator with an undamped LVA remains oscillating around
without LVA are shown in Fig. 7a, c for X ¼ 0:99 and the equilibrium point pS ¼ 1.
X ¼ 1:05, respectively. Fig. 7b, d show the chaos As discussed in Theorem 2, if xr  X, then the
suppression when LVA was attached to the Duffing response of the primary system does not converge to
oscillator at xr ¼ 1. Under these conditions, the some equilibrium point, however, after observing the
periodic motion is observed around the equilibrium Figs. 6 and 7 and several other simulations performed,

264 Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 7 Phase portrait for A ¼ 0:3: a–c primary system without LVA and b–d primary system with an undamped LVA

it can conclude that if xr  X , then the primary equilibrium point then a limit cycle appears, instead of
system show a typical regular motion centered in the the original equilibrium point.
equilibrium point pS or close to it. This follows from Parameter space for X versus A using a grid of 800
the fact that the force arising from LVA can mitigate  800 cells is depict in Fig. 8. Periodic solutions are
the external force. By Theorem 1, when xr ¼ X the plotted in blue and cyan scale ranges, quasi-periodic in
primary system responses converge to the stable equi- green, and chaotic in yellow and red colors, corre-
librium point of the free response of the oscillator, and sponding to the range of maximal Lyapunov expo-
when xr  X the LVA force combined with the nents values. Figure 8a shows the parameter space for
external excitation generates a disturbance of this the Duffing oscillator without LVA. As can be seen,

Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273 265

(a) (b)

Fig. 8 Parameter space for the Duffing oscillator: a without LVA, b with an undamped LVA and xr ¼ 1:0 and c with an undamped
LVA and xr ¼ 1:2

chaotic and periodic solutions are obtained. Parameter the oscillator will be oscillating around a stable hyper-
spaces for the Duffing oscillator with an undamped bolic equilibrium point of the primary system without
LVA are shown in Fig. 8b, c for the values of xr ¼ 1:0 LVA.
and xr ¼ 1:2, respectively. As observed before if
xr  X, then the responses of the primary system are 4.1 Influence of the initial condition
periodic (in both cases) independent of the excitation
amplitude. In order to emphasize the efficiency of the LVA in
As may be seen from Theorem 2 if xr 6¼ X, then suppressing the chaotic motions of a nonlinear Duffing
mr f3 ðÞ  A cosðXsÞ 6¼ 0. Based on Figs. 6, 7 and 8 it system, the influence of the initial conditions of the
can be conjectured that for xr  X the responses of system is also considered. Once again the bifurcation
the primary system are periodic, i.e., the response of

266 Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273

diagram and parameter space are constructed. These Eqs. (36)–(37) are numerically solved discarding the
figures will be obtained using the following steps: first 500 transient Poincaré sections, and the next 150
points are saved. Then, X is increased by a small value,
1. Given a set of initial conditions solve the Eqs. (36)
where the last Poincaré point is used as the initial
or (37), until s ¼ T, eliminating the transient
condition, and solve again the Eqs. (36)–(37) until
X ¼ 2. The bifurcation diagram for the primary
2. Find the dots in the Poincaré maps (for construct-
system without LVA, shown in Fig. 9a, is compared
ing the bifurcation diagram) and the maximal
with the one shown in Fig. 9b, which demonstrates the
Lyapunov exponent (parameter space) using the
response of the primary system with an undamped
algorithm by [19].
LVA. The chaotic behavior is observed for as depicted
3. Numerically integrate the Eqs. (36)–(37) until
in Fig. 9a. However, for the primary system with an
s ¼ TMAX , where TMAX is enough to ensure the
undamped LVA for X  1 the chaotic response
convergence of the desired measure, then increase
becomes periodic showing the effect of LVA action
the value of the control parameter by a small value
(see Fig. 9b).
d and use the last values of the integrated
The parameter space ðX  AÞ shown in Fig. 10 is
trajectory as new initial conditions of Eqs. (36)
constructed for the primary system without LVA
or (37), allowing following the same attractor
(Fig. 10a) and with an undamped LVA (Fig. 10b).
across the bifurcation diagram or parameter space.
Figure 10a shows several periodic and chaotic
Repeat step 2.
responses of the primary system. However, attached
4. In the parameter space case, when making the last
the LVA in the primary system and tuning the value of
numerical integration of one control parameters,
xr ¼ 1, a path of periodic solutions is observed when
start over the value of this parameter, and then
X  1. Once again, the numerical results show that the
increase the other control parameter by a small
LVA is effective to suppress the chaotic behavior of
amount , and repeat from step 1.
the Duffing oscillator when xr  X.
The basins of attraction for xr ¼ 1 and X ¼ 0:99
The bifurcation diagram is construct using the fixed
and X ¼ 1:05 are shown in Fig. 11a, b, respectively.
parameters a ¼ 1, l1 ¼ 0:125; mr ¼ 0:05; A ¼
The only attractors found here are periodic. In black
0:3; xr ¼ 1 and choosing X as the control parameter.
are shown the initial conditions that converge to the
Taking X ¼ 0:1 and a set of null initial conditions, the

Fig. 9 Bifurcation diagram for the primary system: a without LVA and b with an undamped LVA and xr ¼ 1

Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273 267

Fig. 10 Parameter space for the Duffing oscillator: a without LVA, b with an undamped LVA and xr ¼ 1:0

Fig. 11 Basins of attraction for primary system with an undamped LVA for: a X ¼ 0:99 and b X ¼ 1:05

attractors that oscillate in-well, with the center in the basin of attraction will be shown with only one
pSþ ¼ 1, on the other hand, in white are the initial color.
condition that converges to the attractors oscillate in-
well, with the center in pS ¼ 1. Moreover, it can be 4.2 Influence of the mass of the absorber
seen, that the presence of the LVA eliminates chaotic
responses, making with all solutions will be attracted The influence of the mass ratio parameter mr ¼ m m1 on

to periodic attractors. Here, the response of the the behavior of the Duffing oscillator is investigated.
primary system without LVA is not presented, because Assuming that the mass of the primary system (m1 ) is
of all the attractors found were chaotic, and therefore, constant and the mass of the absorber (m2 ) changes so

268 Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273

Fig. 12 Bifurcation Diagram for a mr ¼ 0:01, b mr ¼ 0:05, c mr ¼ 0:07 and d mr ¼ 0:1

that the mass ratio range between 1% and 10%. greater will be its influence on the external force, thus,
Figure 12 shows the comparison of the Duffing increasing the periodic window for X  1
oscillator with LVA taking xr ¼ 1, the bifurcation The two-dimensional parameter space (X  A)
diagrams are shown for mr ¼ 0:01; mr ¼ 0:05; mr ¼ obtained for the Duffing oscillator with an undamped
0:07 and mr ¼ 0:1. The responses of these four LVA considering xr ¼ 1, and for three mass ratios,
diagrams are practically identical but close to X ¼ 1 mr ¼ 0:04, mr ¼ 0:07 and mr ¼ 0:1 is depicted in
the area of periodic responses increases as the mass Fig. 13. Comparison of these parameter spaces with
ratio grows. Therefore, the study of the influence of the the one shown in Fig. 8b (mr ¼ 0:05) reveals that for
mass ratio reveals that the greater the LVA mass, the mr ¼ 0:04 the range of periodic responses around X ¼
1 is smaller, but, when we use mr ¼ 0:07 and mr ¼ 0:1

Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273 269

Fig. 13 Parameter space for the Duffing oscillator with an undamped LVA: a mr ¼ 0:04, b mr ¼ 0:07 and c mr ¼ 0:1

these periodic response range has a considerable larger mass ratios. Not only they increase the periodic
increase. response in size when X  xr (see Fig. 13), but they
The mass ratio affects the response of the oscillator also avoid the jump between periodic solutions that
because its increase leads to a greater capacity to happens for low values of mr (see Fig. 12).
remove vibratory energy from the primary structure.
Obviously, there is an interest in designing an LVA 4.3 Effects of the damped LVA on the primary
with the lowest possible mass. However, the opera- system
tional region of the LVA that suppresses the chaotic
motion is generally narrow, tending to decrease with Until now, theoretical and numerical studies of the
the reduction of the mass ratio, as shown in Fig. 13. undamped LVA shown that it is very effective to
Thus the study of the mass ratio influence on the suppress the chaotic behavior of the primary system.
Duffing oscillator reveals a beneficial influence for From now on it will be taken into account the influence

270 Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273

of the damped LVA in the response of the primary higher the value of l2 , the higher is the effectiveness of
system, that is, the function g3 ðÞ is no longer zero in the damped LVA to suppress chaos for low values of A
Eq. 7. and X  1. It is worth remembering here that if l2 ¼ 0
A linear viscous damper is considered, thus and xr ¼ X then Theorem 1 asserts that the LVA’s
g3 ðy01  y02 Þ ¼ c2 ðy01  y02 Þ, where c2 is the viscous force cancels the external excitation force, and if xr 
coefficient. Therefore, the equations of motion of the X then the LVA’s force can attenuate the effects of the
twin-well Duffing oscillator with a damped LVA is excitation force demonstrating that the response of the
given by primary system is periodic. It is clear here that the
behavior of the primary structure when xr ¼ X is
m1 y001 þ c1 y01  k1 y1 þ k3 y31 þ c2 ðy01  y02 Þ þ kðy1  y2 Þ ¼ F cosðxtÞ
dependent on the forcing amplitude, and the
m2 y002  c2 ðy01  y02 Þ  kðy1  y2 Þ ¼ 0
undamped LVA will become ineffective to suppress
ð38Þ the chaos of the primary nonlinear structure when the
Hence, the dimensionless equation of motion has the excitation magnitude is above the certain values (see
form: Fig. 14). This is due to the fact that when l2 6¼ 0 an
additional force is introduced into the system, and this
u€1 þ 2l1 u_1  u1 þ au31 þ 2l2 mr wr ðu_1  u_2 Þ force disrupts the equilibrium that occurred previously
which makes that the LVA loses its effectiveness in
þmr w2r ðu1  u2 Þ ¼ A cosðXsÞu€2 ð39Þ
suppressing the chaotic behavior of the primary
2l2 mr wr ðu_1  u_2 Þ  w2r ðu1  u2 Þ ¼ 0 system.
In order to illustrate the issues previously discussed,
where x21 ; l1 ; a; X; A; mr ; x2r are the same as Eq. 33 some bifurcation diagrams were made for the primary
and l2 ¼ mc2 2w2 . system under varying excitation frequency (X) (see
In order to visualize the behavior of the primary Fig. 15), and the parameters l1 : a; mr ; wr are the
system with a damped LVA in Fig. 14a–d is shown the same used before. At A ¼ 0:14 (low amplitude),
parameter space of the system taking into account the Fig. 15a shows the response of the primary system
amplitude (A) versus the frequency ðXÞ of excitation. with an undamped LVA (in black) and a damped LVA
The value of the parameters adopted are: l1 ¼ 0:125, for l2 ¼ 0:05l1 (in red). Here the responses are very
a ¼ 1, mr ¼ 0:05; wr ¼ 1 and l2 is a light damping, similar for X 2 ½0:974; 1:05 in both systems. How-
namely, the damping ratio l2 is 5% of l1 (Fig. 14a), l2 ever, for X 2 ð0:957; 0:974Þ the behaviour of the
is 10% of l1 (Fig. 14b), l2 is 15% of l1 (Fig. 14c) and system with an undamped LVA (chaos) and with a
l2 is 20% of l1 (Fig. 14d). These figures can be damped LVA (periodic) are different. For A ¼ 0:17
compared with each other, and with Fig. 8b also, (low amplitude), l2 ¼ 0:05(red) and l2 ¼ 0:10l1
which is the response of the primary system with an (blue), Fig. 15b illustrates that the performance of
undamped LVA. From Fig. 14 one can see that the the damped LVA with l2 ¼ 0:10l1 is superior to that
chaotic behavior can be suppressed, but now the of the damped LVA with l2 ¼ 0:05l1 . On the other
condition xr  X alone is not sufficient to ensure this hand, the larger the value of l2 the more difficult it will
suppression, it is necessary to consider the value of the be for the response of the primary system become
excitation amplitude as well. Analyzing the result periodic (see Fig. 15c for A ¼ 0:9 and Fig. 15d for
obtained in Fig. 14a it is possible to see that the A ¼ 0:7), where gray color corresponds to
response is similar to that obtained with an undamped l2 ¼ 0:15l1 . Therefore, it is possible to say that when
LVA with an advantage of having suppressed the an undamped LVA is attached to the primary system
chaotic response of the primary system for values of and xr  X, this becomes the tuning condition to
low amplitudes (A\0:16) and X  1. On the other suppress the chaotic response of the primary system.
hand, increasing the values of l2 is possible to note However, if a light damped LVA is considered a slight
that for larger values of A the damped LVA cannot detuning should occur, but this detuning will be
suppress the chaotic behavior of the primary system, detrimental to absorber performance depends on the
namely, if l2 ¼ 0:1l1 , the damped LVA is effective amplitude parameter of the excitation.
for A\0:8, for l2 ¼ 0:15l1 the effectiveness is for
A\0:6, and if l2 ¼ 0:15l1 then A\0:5. However, the

Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273 271

Fig. 14 Parameter space of primary system with a damped LVA: a l2 ¼ 0:05l1 , b l2 ¼ 0:10l1 , c l2 ¼ 0:15l1 and d l2 ¼ 0:2l1

5 Conclusion obtained here the LVA force modifies the external

excitation, hence, the response of the oscillator stays
This paper proposed a linear vibration absorber (LVA) oscillating around a stable hyperbolic equilibrium
to suppress the chaotic motion of any oscillator with point of the primary system without LVA. Moreover,
nonlinear stiffness and linear or nonlinear damping numerical simulations of the Duffing oscillator with
element. Theorem 1 proposed provides conditions for twin-well confirm numerically the statement of The-
characterizing the LVA in order to be used to suppress orem 1, that is, when xr ¼ X, the chaotic response of
the chaotic behavior of a general nonlinear oscillator, the oscillator converges to a stable hyperbolic equi-
driving it to converge to a stable hyperbolic equilib- librium point. On the other hand, when xr  X the
rium point. Theorem 2 provides that if xr 6¼ X then chaotic response becomes periodic, independent of the
the force generated by the LVA is not able to cancel initial conditions, the amplitude of external force, or
the excitation force but based on the numerical results the mass of the LVA.

272 Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273

Fig. 15 Bifurcation diagram: a A ¼ 0:14, b A ¼ 0:17, c A ¼ 0:9 and d A ¼ 0:7

The mass ratio affects the response of the oscillator detrimental to absorber performance depends on the
because its increase leads to a greater capacity to amplitude parameter of the excitation.
remove vibratory energy from the primary structure. The central idea of this manuscript is to develop an
Obviously, there is an interest in designing an LVA efficient method of chaos control in a passive way. As
with the lowest possible mass. Meanwhile, the region it is possible to observe in Figs. 8, 10 and 13 the
of operation of the LVA that suppresses the chaotic responses of the system have changed when LVA is
motion is generally narrow, tending to decrease with added, that is, regions in the parameter space can be
the reduction of the mass ratio, as shown in Fig. 13. changed from periodic to chaotic. However, the LVA
When a light damped LVA is considered a slight works efficiently at predetermined design frequencies,
detuning should occur, but this detuning will be as shown in these same figures, where chaotic

Meccanica (2021) 56:255–273 273

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