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i may sound concited but its a fact that Im the expert of this field!!


During design of any system lot of iisues to be envisaged to avoid the pitfalls Otherwise the project
experiences/suffers a serious sebacks. All the projects are not distinct at times it can be distinctive. Its a
matter of personal opinion there can be widely divergent opinions among the diverse workforce. We
had to hear abstrude theories and arguments on complex algorithms and approach we eventually endup
with convoluted solutions


10 years have been lapsed since I've vome kalpakkam. It's literally donkey years! Time seems to fly!

We find many employees join the department with absoutely ambitious mind. Of these some turn
quiete pushy in addition to an inquisitive mind!. There are some people who are deffident and have a
very low self esteem of themselves which doesnt makes the career appealing so they look for the
alternatives like famly for their personal wellbeing. However we hardly find naive and gullibe people
around ! infact Ia am the only guy it seems

The good thing at my work place is no one impedes during the placement of the file and they dont even
hinder by giving extra work. The only issue you face is you have face few obstinate and pig headed
people where they heldup on some fanatial belief systems especially their political and religious
ideologies that may bother you. Some are obsessive about money and promotions which is fair enough!

If you ask me to tell something about my work that annoys me, I would say its the meetings. Despite the
fact that the subject is always around the cumbersome processes due to obvious reasons, People
actually dont discuss weighty issues. At the beguining it actually starts with a great agenda but it
eventually looses the momentum and it goes/draggs for hours and hours. They literally drag the
situation which turns unweildy due to the issues among the executives Furthermore, it becomes
difficult to mollify . I reckon all these issues will be sorted out at one point because of the privitization
policies that goverment has been endorsing. I am not for or against the privitization but that is
inevitable I firmly believe that the Industrialization through capitilism brought about changes not only in
the scientific area but also socially too. Furthermore, I am neither in favor or opposed to the lobbying
and so on but that is the only sensible way to produce money and results. One can't held their beliefs on
the old school belief systems and In my point of view many people and politicians demonstrate
hyprocratic behaviour and it is evident. They have subtle motives behind their agitations and politicians
often stake around the real issues. However, there is a need for suspection on the policies the right
wing government introduces. Its apparent(obvious) that they support few firms that eventually end
them up to monopolies and inturn fund the parties and its understood that they are bound to do that or
it can be otherway round. Whether the buisiness should be controlled by the state or the buisiness man
is a question that seeded many theories. Should taxes be lowerned? This is another issue. The
discontent in the society stems from the unavailability of the essential commodities like education and
health.The only situation that makes one anxious about these private firms is they shed their employees
during the recession or when they want to replace with the machines. Nonetheless, after a while there
shall be green shoots of economy recovery. The real journalists that digup intersting facts and
discripancies sparks off the protests by the pressure groups. In addition to it, the impetious comments
and the glib statements amid these protests provokes and compounds the issuses. As a
result/consequence, the government falls.

The only solution that appels me is we need to weighup the issues that are weighing on the
management for a long time and management should also weigh in the sensible comments and
suggestions from the employees. Organization should start weedout the older and redundant staff


The best part of my commute is we dont have any rushshour. Neverthless, at times it becomes traffic
crawls along a bit and bumper to bumper traffic condition is impossible! On the other hand at times
when we drive through the traffic to go chennai for some shopping expedition becomes stressful and if
you get on the bus its stressful moreover feels exhaustive. However, the ECR road and around has been
changed over a coarse of 2 years Its a wide road now which was quite narrow. Its once in a blue moon I
go shopping and the city is spreading. The best part is again the ECR which streches along the beach all
the way from chennai to pondicherry.

gruelling journey


There areseveral issues I face during the drive. Firstly it is the stray cows that runs(bangs) into the road.
we may have to swerve to prevent the crash but eventually you may crash into the shop or something
else! Therefore government made it obligatory to wear helmets. To my mind, its essential to wear
Secondly, at times you get lost on your way and endup at somewhere and if you are lucky enough to
reach your destination in time, you will just enjoy meandering across the city except the overpowering
stinking bridges, sewages you have to bear especially during summers. In addition to that the petrol
prices are creeping up Therefore trips have become rather costly.

The good thing about chennai is, you dont see any vandalism and slums but overcrowding and traffic
jams are the charactersitc of the city! If you manage to visit some places like T-Nagar in the evening you
find the streets quite pictursque as you can find lot of pavement cafes and magnificent flyovers and
historic quaint british buildings like railway station, secretariat, St. George fort. I should also talk about
the tourist spot which is very next to the place I am living in i.e. Mahabhalipuram where it always
bustling with foreign tourists and packed with hoards of people!!! However it was during pandemic
when it was completely deserted

She is of nervous disposition

She made an absolutely impetious comment when we had went to the party! she should have thought
twice before she said. I doubt if she did it once! I hope its not malicious
when I walk through the corridor I see people frown at times they scowl at me but there is only one
person who grins ear to ear to me!!! sometimes that person pouts at me for silly reasons.. I leer at the

You have got to do something about this door It doesnt have atleast latch inside. I'm fedup with the
civil section. Look Mr.Raghavan I have just about had enough of your snoring.

I told time and time again not to ring me at the office

I wish to complain about your poor services. This is simply unacceptable.


Health education is very broad area. We just have a fleeting glimpse of any information about illness on
the internet and often we have lengthy discussions. Lastly neither the solutions been suggested on
ionternet nor the doctors prescribed medicine doesnt alleviate rather it persists indeed! Once we start
using the medicine the health inexorably declines.


I dont usually love perfumed/scented rooms rather I'd prefer aromatic. Sometimes one can bear
pungent and musty smells but not putrid ones. That food smells off to me because its stale.


We live in a place where there is a eerie silence and and I fell blessed about that because its my uncle
who hears the constant muffled hum of traffic even he keeps the doors and windows closed! But my
neighbour plays loudmusic which pounds through the walls.


After few incidents we plunged into despair . I shed my weight due to lack of appetite.


There is a yawning gap that divides the rich and poor. There are enormous budding young talented kids
but they are indeed hindered by their poverty and not having access to the resources. Many children
from these unpreviliged sections of the society are deffident and often have a quite low selfesteem of
themselves. The problem actually stems from the denial of resources like education to a section of
people at one point of time. Some section of hte society beaved as though they are born with some
special ablities. Although the present generation who are the desendents of the past elite families dont
have pompous and pretentious attitude but they are reaping the rewards of all their ancestors' property
and education. However, There is a level playing field

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