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EXP 06:



THEORY: The principle employed to measure the angle A of the prism is that
when a beam of parallel light falls on the edge of the prism, light is reflected face
of the prism and the angle between these two refelted rays is twice that angle of the
prism. Let PQ be parallel rays felling on the two different faces of thr prism
(Fig5.31). Let QR and Q ‘R’be the corresponding reflected rays and when
produced back ward let them meet at the point D. Let S and S`be point on the
continuation of
PQ and P ‘Q’. Now AD and PS are parallel lines and since RD meets them

where A is the and D is the
Procedure: (i) Make all the necessary adjustment of the spectrometer (levelling of
the telescope, collimator and the prism table, alignment of the source and scren,
focussing of the cross-wires, adjustment of the slit and focussing for parallel rays)
in the manner described in (ii) Determine the constants of
Now place the prism on the prism table so that its edge coinci- des with the centre
of the table. The prism is placed in such a way that the vertical to albos plane
through the axis of the collimator will cut the base BC nearly normally (Fig.5.32).
(iii) Parallel rays from the collimator now fall
on both the faces AB and AC of the prism and after reflection, form image which
can be seen by looking towards those faces. With the unaided eye, find the image
formed by reflection from the face AB of the prism. Take the telescope to the
position of the eye to receive the image.
(iv) Now move the telescope slowly by the tangent screw until the centre of the
cross-wires coincides with the image of the slit. The reading of both the verniers
are noted and this is repeated for three independent settings of the telescope.
Determine the mean value of these three readings corresponding to each vernier.
(v) Next the image formed by the reflection of rays at the other face AC is
received first by the unaided eye and then by the telescope. Repeat the entire
operation described in (iv) and take the mean value of the three readings
corresponding to each vernier.
(vi) Determine, separately for each of the two verniers, the difference between
the two mean readings for the two positions of the telescope. Take the mean of
these two differences. Half of this is the angle A of the prism.2010 Srid Results:
(A) Vernier constant of the prsim table vernier No.I.

Value of the smallest circular scale division `

30 vernier divn. =29 main scale divn

V.C = `

(c) table for angle of the prism (A).

Note: In measuring the angle of rotation of the telescope and the prism table, one
should always note whether the zero of the main circular scale is crossed in going
from one position to the other. In case this happens, then the straight difference
between the two readings does not represent the
correct angle of rotation. In that case the correct procedure is to add 360 to the
lower of the two readings obtained and then to subtract the higher reading from the
sum. As for example, if the two readings are 300' and 60° with the zero in between,
then the angle of ratation will be -300`=120`
Discussions : (i) The source is in front of the collimator slit so that the image
appears bright.
(ii) The vertical cross-wire or better the centre of the corss-wires will made
coincident with the same edge of the slit image. Care will taken so that there is no
parallax between the cross-wires and the slit image.
(iii) For the final setting, the telescope must be rotated carefully with the tangent
screw always in the same direction so as to avoid back-lash error.
(iv) While measuring the angle of the prism, of the prism will be placed at the
centre of the table. (v) Always use both the verniers to avoid eccentric error. (vi)
While handling a prism, never touch the refracting faces. Always hold it between
the thumb at the bottom and the other fingers at the top. The faces of the prism
should be cleaned with a clean piece of fine linen, if necessary.
(vii) If an asbestos ring is used, it must be held in the non-lumimous part of the
bunsen flame; should be supplied with fresh solution of common salt from
time to time.
(viii) The width of the slit image will as narrow as possible.
(ix) In taking reading care will be taken to ascertain whether the zero of the main
circular scale has been crossed in going from one position to the other

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