Prefix and Suffix

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Panel 1: An old apartment home, made of wood deep in the City of Rizal
Suffix: Prefix! Have you watered the plants yet!?
Prefix: I hate doing that, I keep mishandling that old watering pot you won’t throw
Panel 2:
Suffix: Do something around the house already than laying around all day it’s already
Prefix: Oh fine, I’ll pay a love overdue visit to Tito Kiko’s house and borrow his
watering pot there instead
Suffix: Don’t bother trying to salvage any of his old goods, his watering pot is worse
than mine!
Panel 3: Prefix already out the door
Prefix: It’s alright! Maybe I’ll encounter something cool in his old stuff
Suffix: Just remember be back before dark and don’t be adventurous! The road has a
lot of bad people out at night.

Panel 1: Outside the home many old balete trees by the sidewalk of the road they were
large and pale
Prefix: Something seems to be wrong the trees look unhappy today I wonder if
someone bothered them
Prefix: I don’t feel safe walking to Tito Kiko’s place by myself… Suffix! Come with me
to Tito Kiko’s place!
Panel 2:
Suffix: Why are you suddenly so afraid to start heading out?
Suffix: Oh why does the air feel so heavy around us
Panel 3:
Prefix: Come now just finish wrapping up whatever you are doing later
Suffix: Alright fine I’ll just grab by jacket before heading out
Panel 4: They are both starting to leave the house

Panel 1: Walking down the busy road, cars occasionally passed by
Suffix: Why does the road seem like it’s congested with a lot more cars today I can’t
seem to breathe properly
Prefix: I remember our Lolita telling us that this angers the spirits because of the
pollution and noise, for me it’s a bit overwhelming
Panel 2:
Prefix: Hey, do you remember what time of the day it was before we got out of the
house a while ago? I feel like the path has been irregular already.
Suffix: I don’t know I’m just getting tired from walking this far, I don’t remember Tito
Kiko’s place to be this far.
Panel 3:
Suffix: Its weird the city air was never this heavy the last times we’d start walking to
the town and back
Prefix: For once I’m actually getting tired this is irregular I’ve never gotten tired walking
around town much less just to Tito Kiko’s house something is wrong
Panel 4:
Suffix: Maybe it’s for the best that we sit and rest for a while
Prefix: Okay fine let’s take shelter underneath one of these balete trees muna

Page 4
Panel 1: Both Suffix and Prefix are underneath a tree on the sidewalk, Prefix is
falling asleep while suffix is only sitting down
Panel 2:
Suffix: Don’t try and sleep on me Prefix I get lonely easily
Prefix: I’m only resting my eyes stop irritating me
Panel 3:
Prefix: Why is it I can kind of smell tobacco being burned nearby its hurting my head
Suffix: I just started smelling it also it smells like someone is burning it close to us
Dark figure: Ah sorry I didn’t see the two of you down there when I started smoking my

Page 5
Panel 1: Both Prefix and Suffix are shocked by the dark figure up in the trees
Suffix: Who are you!? You look too tall to be a normal person
Prefix: Suffix! Move away from the tree and away from that thing!
Panel 2: The Dark figure starts climbing down the tree to reveal a 9 foot tall
Dark figure: Hello! My name is Dumaget, I am a Kapre and this tree is my home what
brings you to my home?
Suffix: ….
Prefix: …..
Dumaget: Ah don’t be afraid I am friendly as long as you answer my questions to the
both of you
Panel 3: Both prefix and suffix are afraid of Dumaget
Dumaget: Tell me now what is your relationship with that Tito Kiko?

Page 6
Panel 1:
Dumaget: Why are you two not speaking? I want to know what your relationship with
the Tito Kiko is
Prefix: He is our caring Tito, a bit irresponsible but still our Tito
Suffix: Yes, Tito is a good person a bit hopeless with cleaning but still a good person
Dumaget: I see then, do not worry since I won’t hurt the two of you but I do want to
teach a lesson to that Tito of yours
Panel 2: Both characters are pleading to the kapre to leave their tito alone
Suffix: Why what happened what did Tito do to anger a Kapre?
Dumaget: Your Tito did as much to anger me as he did to anger all the trees here
Panel 3: A shot of Tito Kiko’s Lot full of junk
Dumaget: Your Tito has hoarded many things over the years and many of these items
have polluted and spread throughout the area hurting the trees. This is the last of the
greenery that still exists in this city and he is destroying that as well.

Page 7
Panel 1: The three are still under the tree of the Kapre
Prefix: We can’t let you hurt our Tito he may be inconsiderate of his surroundings but
he is still our Tito
Prefix: How about this we take you to our Tito but let us speak to him first maybe we
can bring him to his senses
Dumaget: Why should I listen to you?
Suffix: Because we were raised to believe that the kapre we kind and considerate
Dumaget: I see then you were raised well. Fine I shall allow it
Panel 2: The Kapre lifted the spell which trapped the two under the tree and the
three managed to leave
Panel 3: They arrive at Tito Kiko’s home and see the mountain of garbage at the
back of his home
Dumaget: I will listen in on your conversation but if he refuses to listen then I shall step
Suffix: Alright
Prefix: Thank you, Dumaget

Page 8
Panel 1: Tito Kiko is seen taking apart a broken down washing machine for parts
and throwing the broken parts in the large pile at the back of his home
Prefix: Tito! You are still busy and aloof than usual ah!
Suffix: Hello Tito! I’m here too we had to take a longer route than usual
Tito Kiko: Oh hello! Prefix and even you Suffix came what brings you to my home?
Panel 2: The two point at the pile of garbage
Prefix & Suffix: Can you start throwing all of that out already!
Tito Kiko: And why would I do that!? That is mine all that trash still has use and I can
still scavenge things I can sell from it
Suffix: We know tito but the trash is wrecking the trees nearby, the poisonous
chemicals leak into the soil that the trees are growing from. Its making the land angry at
Tito Kiko: What do you mean the land is getting mad at me? I own this land and I can
do what I want with it!
Panel 3: Dumaget emerges from hiding
Dumaget: Then you do not mind if we punish you for your actions?
Tito Kiko: *shocked* what are you? What are you doing here?

Page 9
Panel 1:
Dumaget: If you do not remove this trash from your area I will be forced to punish you
for the sake of the survival of what is left of the trees in your city
Tito Kiko: Please do not do that I only have that here because that is the only way I
know how to live
Panel 2:
Prefix: Then we can help you Tito to improve the land and clean up around here so
that we can store things away properly
Suffix: Yes Tito we are here to help you and it is a lot healthier to work that way than
with what you are doing scavenging things from broken down parts then leaving it out
Panel 3:
Tito Kiko: I tried cleaning up once but with the amount of work I have to do to survive I
get lost with time and leave things out here
Dumaget: To take care of the land around you is to take care of yourself, if you do not
clean up now sooner or later you will get sick as well
Prefix: Dumaget is right Tito Kiko! As long as we can work together we can improve
the land so you things can be safer for you also.

Page 10
Panel 1: One frame of Suffix and Prefix cleaning up Tito Kiko’s lot and them
gathering items and throwing it into the trash can

Panel 2: The lot is moderately cleaner but still smells

Tito Kiko: Ah sorry everyone it’s too filthy to clean up immediately
Prefix: You are right the area is encroached with that smell
Suffix: But that’s okay cleaning up is not a onetime thing slowly but surely we will be
able to clean everything up Tito Kiko just don’t give up
Dumaget: What is important is that you are trying.

Panel 3: A few days have passed and the lot is much cleaner
Tito Kiko: I can’t believe it the lot is cleaner now and the smell is gone
Suffix: it is amazing Tito we are proud of you, I also noticed that Dumaget is gone I
miss his Massive presence
Prefix: He started appearing less in the past few days, he must have trusted that we
will keep our word to him.

Panel 4: With the lot cleaner Tito Kiko waves good bye to the two who visited him
while the Suffix and Prefix walk home from their Tito Kiko’s house, near one of
the Balate trees in the sidewalk, Dumaget looks unto them smoking his tobacco.

Why was Dumaget mad at Tito Kiko’s large junk pile in his lot?
How did Suffix and Prefix solve Tito Kiko’s issue with the trash in his area?
Why is it important that we take care of our surroundings?

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