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i. Thread rolling leads to the formation of high compressive residual stresses in the
surface layer of the root.
2. The distribution of the residual stresses in the thread in the bolts and studs rolled
with the open contour is more favorable than in thread rolling using the closed contour.
3. Heat treatment of the rolled threaded components causes relaxation and redistribution
of the compressive residual stresses. This also explains the reduction of their fatigue re-
4. The reduction of the radius of the thread root increases the residual stresses in
thread rolling thus compensating the reduction of fatigue resistance caused by the increase
of the concentration of working stresses.
5. The residual stresses in the threaded components correlate with the fatigue resist-
ance characteristics of these components, i.e., the bolts and studs with a higher level of
the compressive residual stresses are characterized by high fatigue resistance. Knowing the
level and distribution of the residual stresses, we can predict the fatigue resistance and
issue recommendations for the selection of the optimum process of manufacture of threaded

. A. I. Yakushev, R. Kh. Mustaev, and R. R. Mavlyutov, Increasing the Strength and Reli-
ability of Threaded Joints [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Moscow (1979).
2. I. A. Birger and G. B. Iosilevich, Threaded Joints [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Mos-
cow (1973).
3. V. F. Pavlov~ M. P. Shapunov, B. V. Minin, and Yu. I. Kol'tsun, "Determination of re-
sidual stresses in the surface layer of the depressions of thread in small-diameter
bolts," Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zavod., Mashinostr., No. i0, 3-7 (1985).
. V. G. Petrikov, "Mechanics of the process of thread rolling using circular rollers,"
Vestn. Ma~hinostr., No. 8, 34-36 (1979).
5. V. G. Petrikov, "Increasing the endurance of threaded components made of VTI6 titanium
alloy by selecting rational manufacturing technology," Vestn. Mashinostr., No. I, 59-60


I. D. Abushenkov, A. I. Alekseev, V. Ya. ll'ichev, UDC 5 3 9 . 3 : ~ 6 . 4 8 5

N. I. Mokryi, A. I. Telegon, and V. K. Chernetskii

The selection of structural materials not affected by brittle uncontrollable failure is

one of the most important tasks of cryogenic engineering. In recent years, this problem has
been solved using a new approach based~ on fracture mechanics [1-3].
The aim of this work was to construct and set up equipment and also carry out prelimi-
nary investigations of the fracture toughness of structural materials at low temperatures
down to 4.2~ Equipment must satisfy the following main requirements: high accuracy of
measurements of force and strain in the specimens; sufficiently high stiffness of the load-
ing system; economical use of cryogenic liquids. This problem was solved on the basis of
GOST standard for determining the crack resistance (fracture toughness) characteristics in
static loading [4] compact specimens in off-center tensile loading conditions.
Equipment was constructed on the basis of ZD-10/90 tensile machine manufactured in the
GDR, and includes a cryostat, a system for transferring the load to the specimen~ and a sys-
tem for recording strain curves (Fig. i).

Physic, technical Institute of Low Temperatures, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian

SSR, Kharkov. Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 5, pp. 113-116, May, 1988. Original
article submitted June 16, 1986.

698 0039-2316/88/2005-0698512.50 9 1989 Plenum Publishing Corporation

Fig. i. Equipment for fracture tough-
ness testing of specimens at low tem-

The cryostat 28 consists of the working chamber 7, the device for pouring, into the
chamber, the cooling liquids 4, and the vacuum jacket with a nitrogen screen 5. The test-
ing specimen is connected through pins with the lower 27 and upper 25 clamps. The latter
is linked with the moving crosshead 16 of the machine 17 through the dynamometer 6, the pin
8, the connecting link 24, the connecting rod i0, the flange 18, and the body 19. The lower
clamp rests on the end of the support pipe 9 which is connected with the moving crosshead 1
of the machine through the transition flange 21, the plate 12, and the columns 2. The work-
ing force and strain in the specimen are generated by moving the movable crosshead.
To increase the stiffness of the machine, the cross section of the supporting pipe and
the connecting rod is larger. To avoid excessive consumption of the cooling liquids, the
cold content of the outgoing gas vapors is efficiently utilized in the design of the cryo-
stat. For this purpose, the vapors are divided into two flows [5]; the first flow is dis-
placed by the screen 23 to the internal column of the working chamber, cools it, and then
travels into the gas holder through the nozzle 22. The second flow passes through the gap
between the support pipe and the connecting rod, cools them, and travels into the gas holder.
The outlet nozzle 15, used for cooking the connecting rod with the vapors over the large
part of its length, is positioned above the sealing device of the connecting rod [6], which
includes the moving rubber seal 14 connected with the flange of the cryostat 21 by the bel-
lows seal 14 connected with the flange of the cryostat 21 by the bellow 13 separated from the
cold connecting rod by the thin-walled vacuum Jacket 20 whose external warm wall is in con-
tact with the rubber seal and the internal wall forms an annular gap with the connecting rod
for the passage of cold vapors to the nozzle 15. The flow rate of the cooling liquids is ad-
ditionally reduced by the vacuum cavity Ii which separates the working chamber of the cryo-
state from the thermal plate 12.
Two diagrams can be recorded in the tests: the coordinates the load P-displacement V of
the edges of the specimen, and in the coordinates the load P--displacement f along the line of
action of the force.
The (P--V) diagram was recorded using load sensors 6 positioned in the immediate vicinity
of the specimen to reduce the dynamic errors in recording the load at the start of rapid
crack propagation, and strain gauges 26 placed in the cryostat. The signals from the gauges

5 # 5 / ? 8 g

l / I0 Fig. 2. Calibration specimen with the

bonded strain gauge.

'1 I

are fed to the inputs of PDS-21 x--y automatic recording device through the strain gauge am-
plifiers of UT4-1A device.
The load gauge (transducer) consists of a cylindrical elastic element of which two long-
itudinal and two transverse resistance strain gauges are bonded.
The strain gauge (Fig. 2) has the form of a rectangular structure with elastic plates 7
whose free ends have sharp teeth for bonding with the specimen. The sheets are fixed to the
adapter i0 by means of a bolt and a nut. The strain gauge 8 are bonded on both planes of each
-sheet and, like the load gauges, are connected in the electric bridge.
To increase performance of both gauges in cryogenic liquids, copper wire 9 is wound on
their surface in a single layer and plays the role of a thermal stabilizer [7]. The wire
scatters the heat generated during the passage of electric current through the resistance
strain gauges thus preventing the formation of vapor bubbles of the cooling agent on the sur-
face of the resistance strain gauge which is one of the possible reasons for fluctuations of
the signals of the gauge due to nonuniform heating of the resistance strain gauges.
Resistance strain gauges of the two FKPA-20-200 type bonded using VL-931 adhesive were
used for sensors.
In calibrating the load gauges, a rigid specimen was placed in the clamps of the mach-
ine and, after loading with various loads at room, nitrogen, and helium temperatures, the
correlation between the deviations of the pen of PDS-21 automatic recording device on the
load scale with the readings of the force-measuring system of the machine was determined.
The displacement gange was calibrated at room temperature by comparing the electrical
signal of the gauge with the displacement z and measured with MK-25 micrometer.
Calibration in the cryogenic liquid was carried out using a specially produced calibra-
Lion specimen (Fig. 2) consisting of two levers 2 and 5 connected together with a hinged
joint through the axis 4 and the spring 3 which maintains the levers in the closed state.
The calibration specimen contained the holes 6 for placing the specimen in the clamps of
the testing machine. Fixing of the displacement gauge on the calibration specimen was en-
sured by means of sharp projections i.
In the first stage of calibration we determined the dependence of the electrical signal
of the gauge immersed in the cryogenic liquid on the relative displacement of the moving and
stationary beams f measured with a dial indicating device situated outside the cryostat. In
the second stage, we determined, at room temperature, the relations between the displacement
f and the displacement of the gauge V calculated from the calibration curve at room tempera-
ture. Assuming that this ratio does not depend on temperature, we obtained the calibration
curve of displacement V at the given low temperature.
The (P--f) diagram was constructed using the force-measuring system incorporated in ZD-
10/90 machine with an inductance gauge and an electronic unit and a modernized (to increase
the recording scale) strain recording device. The latter was equipped with stationary and
moving beams of the IWTmachine, the inductance sensor, U M m e a s u r i n g device, and an electro-
mechanical tracking unit driven by EPD potentiometer connected with the paper driving drum
of the machine.
In calibrating the displacement f, the values of this parameter on the paper strips
were compared with the readings of the dial indicator which measures the displacement of the
moving beam of the machine in relation to the stationary beam.

P, kl~

8 /
Fig. 3. (P--f) diagram for 03KhI8NI6G4A
steel at T = 300~ Oo.= = 500 MPa (a),
0 5 ~ 7 B f" ~o3,m
I 2 3
(P--V) diagrams for 03KhlSNI6G4A steels
at T = 770K, ao.= - 1080 MPA (b), 03-
KhlSNI6G4A, so.= = 1600 MPa (i) and 03-
,6--i'( KhlSN6GA, oo.= = 1400 MPa (2) at 4.20K
,2 [ (c).

i z 5
o 2 V.~O;:rn
b C

Two steels, 03KhI8N6G4 and 03KhlSNI6G4A, were selected to obtain preliminary data and
certify the procedure. The specimens produced from 0.01 m thick sheet with a fatigue crack
induced using a vibrator were supplied by the E. O. Paton Welding Institute. The tests were
carried out at temperatures of 300, 7 A a n d 42~ (03KhlSNI6G4A steell, and 4.2~ (03KhlSN6G4
The values of proof stress ~o.= for these steels at the examined temperatures were ob-
tained at the same time.
Cracking resistance was estimated in accordance with the requirements of GOST [4] from
the parameter Klc (critical stress intensity factor) or K 0 (the calculated value of the
stress intensity factor) and K~ (the conventional critical stress intensity factor for the
specimens of the given thickness).
On the resultant diagrams force P-displacement V of the edges of the specimen and force
P-displacement f along the line of action of the force (Fig. 3) we determined the char-
acteristic points Pc, Vc, and fc corresponding to the maximum load, and PQ, VQ, and fQ which
were used as the coordinates of the point of intersection of the diagram with the secant
whose tangent is 5% lower than the tangent of the angle of the tangential curve to the ini-
tial part of the diagram.
The diagram constructed at room temperature differs from the diagrams for low tempera-
tures by the long length of the part of the curve to fracture (point C in Flg. 3). For the
specimens made of 03KhI8N6G4 steel tested at 4.2 ~ the diagram ends within the 5% angle.
From the measured values of PQ we determined the parameter KQ:

KQ = ~ Y ,

=1/~[29,6--185(~)+655(~) ~ --1017"~63'~j, (~)']

t is the thickness of the specimen; b is the distance from the remote end of the specimen
along the line of loading (the common axis of the hole in the specimen for the pins); Z is
the distance from the crack tip along the loading line.
Since the plane strain criteria P ~ I.IP~ and Vc ~-~ 1.2VQ are satisfied for both steels
at 4.2~ the values of KQ were assumed to be ~qual to Klc (40 MPa'm I# for the steel with
6% nickel and 104 MPa'm *P for the steel with 16% nickel). For 03KhlSNI6G4A steel tested at
300 and 77~ it was not possible to determine Klc on the specimens of the selected thickness
because of the restrictions on ductility. The cracking resistance in these conditions was
evaluated using the parameters Ko and K c (the values of K 0 are equal ~o 97 MPa'm *# at 77~
and 70 MPa'm I # at 300 o K, and the
values of K ,c equal 128 add 9 5 ~ P a ' m I~, respectively).

It should be mentioned that in 03KhI8NI6G4A steel the reduction of temperature from
300 to 77~ increases the values of KQ and Kc, whereas in the temperature range 77-4.2~
these parameters slightly decrease.

i. Equipment was developed and the test procedure proposed for fracture toughness
testing compact specimens of structural materials in off-center loading at low temperatures
down to 4.20K.
2. The strain gauges and dynamometer operating directly in the cryogenic liquids were
produced and calibrated at various temperatures. These devices can be used to record the
(P--V) and (P--f) diagrams during testing.
3. Preliminary tests were carried out on the specimens of 03KhI8NI6G4A and 03KhI8N6G4
steels at 300, 77, and 4.2~ The cracking resistance of the tested specimens at 4.2~ was
evaluated on the basis of the values of Klc whereas the parameters KQ and K~ were used for
evaluation at 77 and 300~
4. The results show that 03KhI8N16G4A steel at 4.2~ has. the optimum high values of both
th~ yield stress (1600 MPa) and fracture toughness (104 MPa.m~2). Having relatively high
values of o0.2 (1400 MPa), 03KhI8N6G4 steel has at 4.2~ unacceptably low freacture tough-
ness parameters indicating that the steel fails by brittle fracture in these conditions.

i. W. Brown and J. Srawley, Fracture Toughness Testing High-Strength Metallic Materials in
Plane Strain [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow (1972).
2. K. Henkel, Technical Application of Fracture Mechanics [Russian translation], Metallur-
giya, Moscow (1974).
3. N . A . Makhutov, Brittle Fracture Resistance of Structural Members [in Russian], Mashino-
stroenie, Moscow (1973).
4. GOST 25.506--85 Determination of Cracking Resistance Characteristics (Fracture Tough-
ness) in Static Loading [in Russian], Standartov, Issued 01.01.86, Moscow (1982).
5. V . K . Chernetskii, V. Ya. ll'ichev, and I. D. Abushenkov, "Cryostat for testing ma~
chines," Inventor's Certificate No. 717617, USSR, MKI 2 G 01 N 3/18, Otkr. Izobret., No.
7, 244 (1980).
6. V . K . Chernetskii, V. Ya. ll'ichev, and I. D. Abushenkov, "Crystal for testing ma-
chines," Inventor's Certificate No. 669260, USSR, MKI 2 G 01 N 3/18, Otkr. Izobret., No.
23, 135 (1979).
7. V . K . Chernetskii, V. Ya. ll'ichev, and I. D. Abushenkov, "A strain gauging sensitive
element" Inventor's Certificate No. 777406, USSR, MKI 2 G Ol B 7/18, Otkr. Izobret., No.
41, 161 (1980).


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