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Reading: Living to 100

Amanda Haro B.

I. Read the text quickly.

1. What ages are mentioned in the article for these people?
a. Trudi Fletcher = 100 years old.
b. Marge Jetton = 104 years old.
c. Irving Kahn = 108 years old.
II. Read the text again and choose the correct words to complete the
1. It is _not common_____ to live to 100.
a. Common
b. Not common
c. Usual
2. Irish people who live to 100 get __money.
a. Silver
b. Money
c. A card
3. It is __likely____ that people will live to 150 in the future.
a. Impossible
b. Certain
c. likely
4. Japan has the _highest____ life expectancy in the world.
a. Highest
b. Second highest
c. 35th highest
5. Centenarians like Marge Jetton and Irving Kahn show that life can be
_enjoyable____ for very old people.
a. Boring
b. Lovely
c. Enjoyable
6. It's good for your brain to be _turned upside down___.
a. Turned upside down
b. Exercised
c. Rested
7. The health of your parents _has a big_____ effect on your own health.
a. Doesn’t have much
b. Has no
c. Has a big
8. Nowadays, ___more__ men are living to 100 than in the past.
a. More
b. Fewer
c. The same number of
III. Match the sentence halves.

1. If someone lives a great age, (F)

2. If a gap is closing, …(D)
3. Your life expectancy is …(E)
a. … they show how good or
4. If something represents a new
enjoyable it can be.
direction, …(B)
b. …it is very different from what
5. If something is to be celebrated, …
happened before.
c. …we are glad about it and want to
6. If someone is a good advert for
do something to make the
something, (A)
occasion special.
d. …the differences between two
things becoming smaller.
e. …the age you will probably live to.
f. …he or she lives for many, many

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