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Teenagers go through a period of rapid growth and change called puberty Figs 1 and 2 show the appear- ance of the human bod and after puberty. During puberty the sex organs begin to grow and start producing mature sex cells. The sex organs have another important job which also starts at erty. They release chemicals called sex hor- pul mones, These hormones circulate in the blood and cause changes in other parts of the body Boys At puberty the testes start to make sperm con- tinuously. They also produce the male sex hor- mone testosterone which causes the changes seen in Fig. 1. Ovaries start to release eggs and product sex hormones. Menstruation starts. a er und start to praduce sperm. celis und sex hormones, Pubie hair grows. Body becomes more muscular. Hair grows on fuce and chest Voice deepens. Behari 1 Charges se mae daring pers y the ovaries of girls start to release 2 One egg is released each month in a process called ovulation. The ovaries also release two female sex s called oestrogen and Progesterone. The effects of these hormones can be seen in Fig. 2. female sex hormones also have an effect on @ woman's uterus. They cause the lining of Fig. 2 Charges i te female during puberty the uterus to thicken so that when a fertilized e reaches the uterus it can sink into thislining. The lining then becomes the “home’ for the embryo and provides it food and oxygen during pregnancy. If the egg cell is not fertilized it dies and the lining of the uterus breaks down soon after. Blood and cells are then lost from the uterus and pass out of the vagina. This is called ‘having a period’ or menstruation and lasts for about five days each month (see Fig. 3). Ureras Lining of womb bre a ‘Menstrual flow 3. Menstruation. During menstrantivn the fini ofthe jorus breaks dvi ad pss pit othe vagina The menstrual cycle Like ovulation, menstruation also stars at puberty. The regular monthly cycle of menstrua- tion and ovulation is called the menstrual cycle. ll details of the cycle n in Fig. 4 and Table 1 How our bodies change at puberty. When girls are about .\Ror.|4their bodies start to change. Boy’s bodies change at about !4oril..The set of changes that turn us from children into a fidid!:is called piss! These changes take place because special chemicals called hyv.s:si*are made by endocrine glands and enter the blood stream. Changes that take place in boys. The p.dviss glivsl. in the brain releases a hormone called t:.0.teihS"° It is testosterone that causes the boy’s body to change. Some changes that take place are © P.... and t..... get bigger . gets deeper develop more changes (especially the sh.......) © Hair grows ( pessss fissuy Coos Le... under a...) And sebaceous glands work more (may cause acne) stored on the a. + Interest in opposite s. Changes that take place in girls The p.. lands in the brain releases two hormones called FSH and LH which in turn stimulates the ovaries to produce P. and O....... t0 be made, These four hormones control the m....... cycle. They also cause the girl's body to change. © Ba... grow H... grows (De... U.... arms) F., deposited on h.. and t..... Interest in opposite s.. When a lady reaches .. more eggs released) ge, she goes through m.........( no

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