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Waste Management 71 (2018) 556–564

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Sustainable mechanical biological treatment of solid waste in urbanized

areas with low recycling rates
Ettore Trulli a, Navarro Ferronato b, Vincenzo Torretta b,⇑, Massimiliano Piscitelli a, Salvatore Masi a,
Ignazio Mancini a
School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Viale dell’Ateneo Lucano, 10, I-85100 Potenza, Italy
Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, University of Insubria, Via G.B. Vico 46, I-21100 Varese, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Landfill is still the main technological facility used to treat and dispose municipal solid waste (MSW)
Received 30 May 2017 worldwide. In developing countries, final dumping is applied without environmental monitoring and soil
Revised 21 September 2017 protection since solid waste is mostly sent to open dump sites while, in Europe, landfilling is considered
Accepted 16 October 2017
as the last option since reverse logistic approaches or energy recovery are generally encouraged.
Available online 21 October 2017
However, many regions within the European Union continue to dispose of MSW to landfill, since modern
facilities have not been introduced owing to unreliable regulations or financial sustainability. In this
paper, final disposal activities and pre-treatment operations in an area in southern Italy are discussed,
Low recycling rates
Mechanical biological treatment
where final disposal is still the main option for treating MSW and the recycling rate is still low.
Municipal solid waste management Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) facilities are examined in order to evaluate the organic stabiliza-
Respirometric analysis tion practices applied for MSW and the efficiencies in refuse derived fuel production, organic waste sta-
Sanitary landfill bilization and mass reduction. Implementing MBT before landfilling the environmental impact and waste
mass are reduced, up to 30%, since organic fractions are stabilized resulting an oxygen uptake rate less
than 1600 mgO2 h 1 kgVS1, and inorganic materials are exploited. Based on experimental data, this work
examines MBT application in contexts where recycling and recovery activities have not been fully devel-
oped. The evidence of this study led to state that the introduction of MBT facilities is recommended for
developing regions with high putrescible waste production in order to decrease environmental pollution
and enhance human healthy.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction pollution is not avoided when high amounts of putrescible waste

are introduced within the disposal site with low technical and
Sanitary landfill is still the main option for treating municipal management precautions. Indeed, organic waste is the fraction
solid waste (MSW) worldwide, especially in areas with poor recy- that most affects the generation of leachate and landfill gas, involv-
cling facilities and without reverse logistic policies (Wilson et al., ing highly technical issues that need to be solved (Torretta et al.,
2012; Menikpura et al., 2013; Rada et al., 2015; Schneider et al., 2016). Landfill emissions can be successfully handled only by tech-
2017; Ferronato et al., 2017). The developing areas, where final dis- nical plans that are introduced before the development of the dis-
posal is the main solution to solid waste management (SWM) posal site, given that improving the dumping site after waste
issues (Bezama et al., 2007; Trois and Simelane, 2010), commonly storage is an expensive practice, which is also hard to apply in
have been worsened by the constant increase in population developed countries as detailed data of waste composition and
growth, heavy economic development and high movement of the underground characteristics are usually limited (Weng et al.,
population from rural areas into industrial centers (Münnich 2015). As a result, in developing countries, where open dumps
et al., 2006; Vaccari et al., 2012; Ragazzi et al., 2014). are still the main practice to ‘treat’ MSW (Münnich et al., 2006;
Despite regulations and trend changes, also in developed coun- Nithikul et al., 2011; Ferronato et al., 2017), environmental and
tries landfilling is still one of the most common practices adopted health issues are common, since no precautions have been intro-
to reduce the impacts of solid waste. However, environmental duced and no reliable solutions have been adopted (De Feo et al.,
⇑ Corresponding author. Mechanical biological treatments (MBT) can be implemented as
E-mail address: (V. Torretta). simple practices which can immediately and significantly reduce
0956-053X/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Trulli et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 556–564 557

the environmental impacts around final disposal sites, since MBT makers of low-income regions and stakeholders in high-income
plants treat unsorted solid waste designated for final disposal countries.
(Bezama et al., 2007; Bayard et al., 2010; Nithikul et al., 2011).
MBT can increase the useful life of the disposal site, reduce the
2. Materials and methods
amount of waste inflow and prevent organic fraction degradation
which is treated before landfilling using biological technologies
The survey was implemented at the Giovinazzo (Bari, Southern
(Sánchez et al., 2015). MBT is able to reduce the environmental
Italy) landfill site. The methodology applied for the analysis is
impacts due to leachate and landfill gas emissions reducing the
divided in two main parts:
biodegradable organic content of waste: decrease of leachate
chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations can be obtained
– waste characterization to provide data on waste composition
up to yields of 98%, from 30,000 mg L 1 to 1000 mg L 1, so provid-
and about the chemical, physical and biological features of the
ing an important solution for reducing the dimension of the lea-
inflow waste;
chate treatment plants (Münnich et al., 2006). Furthermore,
– the analysis of the waste treated by the mechanical-biological
implementing MBT processes within MSW management systems
the operating life of the landfill can be optimized and extended
for over 15 years (Robinson et al., 2005; Lornage et al. 2007; de
The first analysis was aimed to evaluate the average waste com-
Araújo Morais et al., 2008; Van Praagh et al., 2009; Tintner et al.,
position generated within the area and inflowing the MBT plant.
2010; Heyer et al., 2013; Rada et al., 2014; Trulli and Torretta,
The second analysis concerned the respirometric test of the waste
material treated by MBT. Data on the OUR and dynamic respiration
Thus the application of treatment and sorting plants, before
index (DRI) (Adani et al., 2006; UNI/TS, 2006) of the samples after
introducing the waste into the dump sites, is encouraged in areas
treatment and the time required for a significant degradation of
where separate collection is not fully applied, for improving envi-
the waste were evaluated.
ronmental sustainability. For instance, the landfill gas and leachate
In order to estimate the yields of the examined plant, additional
composition and formation depend on pre-treatment methodolo-
analysis were carried out such as:
gies (Bockreis and Steinberg, 2005) and are considerably reduced
by any MBT (Pan and Voulvoulis, 2007; De Gioannis et al., 2009).
– the waste amounts in the upper sieving system after treatment;
As a result, the significant generation of landfill emissions, among
– the weight loss after biological treatment.
others, can motivate the implementation of an MBT step at the
final disposal site (Trois and Simelane, 2010).
Activities have been performed for a period of one year and
A large potential to optimize environmental performance may
were used to collect bio-waste stabilization data, waste inflow
change the perception of MSW as an ‘energy resource’, thus
quantities, and the economic and management factors that influ-
increasing the automatization of selection processes and prioritiz-
enced MBT. Fig. 1 shows the equipment used for the MBT treat-
ing biogas-electricity production from MSW organic fraction
ment at laboratory/pilot scale.
(Soyez and Plickert, 2002; Cimpan and Wenzel, 2013; Scaglia
et al., 2013). Even if maximizing energy and material recovery is
not achieved by MBT, it is certainly aimed to a safe disposal. 2.1. The landfill site and the MBT at the full scale plant
Alongside incineration and other thermal processes, MBT is an
important management option both in Europe and in developing The Giovinazzo sanitary landfill serves nine communities for a
countries (Rada et al., 2005; Pan and Voulvoulis, 2007; Baptista total population of 500,000 inhabitants, and is able to treat 320
et al., 2011; Di Lonardo et al., 2016; Ranieri et al., 2017). In the Ital- tons of MSW per day. The landfill was built in 1989 within an
ian case, for instance, MBT has been widely applied as reliable solu- old mine and was initially organized into six operative zones, while
tion for reducing the production of leachate and landfill gas, the MBT plant was built in 2003 and has been in operation since
especially in final disposal sites without environmental monitoring 2004. The waterproof under-layer originally consisted of a 1 m clay
and effective leachate treatment plants. layer covered by a 2 mm thick plastic film of HDPE. A biogas collec-
Italy adopted the European Union sanitary landfill regulation tion system consisting of 21 wells and 5 regulation substations was
which specifies that solid waste final disposal is only allowed after introduced only in 1995.
a ‘‘pre-treatment” in all cases where limits, fixed by the regulation In 1996 the landfill gas collected, which is constantly used for
and concerning solid waste composition, are not respected. This electric energy generation, was composed of 50% methane (while
regulation matches the principle that final disposal must be sus- the other 50% was made of carbon dioxide and non-methane
tainable for the environment and human health within the whole organic compound), and achieved 1000 Nm3 per hour, whereas in
‘‘life cycle”, reducing hazardous waste, pollutant releases and 2007 this decreased to 200 Nm3 per hour due to the anaerobic
improving the useful life of the landfill. MBT efficiency is measured activity which stabilized the organic fraction during the years,
mostly by biological stability tests by means of the oxygen uptake according to another study (Torretta et al., 2016).
rate (OUR) (Adani et al., 2006; Bayard et al., 2010; Cesaro et al., The mechanical-biological treatment performed before landfill-
2016). ing of selected waste. The process included a unit of bag disruption,
This article shows and describes the advantages of the use of an waste selection by sieving and biological treatment of the under
MBT within regions where recycling systems are inadequate. Bio- sieve fraction. Afterwards, a second sieving system was considered
logical indexes and waste composition are evaluated while ener- by the designers in order to separate the stabilized material for
getic and economic considerations are presented. An exploiting the inorganic fraction remaining within the putrescible
experimental activity was developed at a landfill site in Italy, matter for energy recovery, since the upper sieve waste can be
which surpassed the recycling rate of 50% although suffered an used as the refuse derived fuel (RDF). However, this application
unreliable separate collection system in many cities. Data on the is not yet introduced due to the lack of facilities able to exploit
MBT full scale plant have been reported and discussion is related RDF. Indeed, currently, due to the lack of a specific recovery plant,
to several issues of SWM observed in a region where a low recy- all of the MSW upper sieving is sent to the landfill (Fig. 2).
cling rate equal to 25.9% is achieved. Such situation is typical of The biological treatment is applied by static piles, constructed
developing regions, so the study can be of interest both for decision with a maximum height of three meters. Within the plant, eight
558 E. Trulli et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 556–564

length of the cell

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

exhaust air

reactor temperature and oxigen probe

water box


leachate drain pipe



Fig. 1. Methods for waste mechanical treatment: (a) 20 mm flat sieving screen for manual selection; (b) scheme for sampling of waste in biocell; (c, d) 80 mm drum screen in
‘‘pilot scale”; (e, f) 25 L respirometry.
E. Trulli et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 556–564 559

Fig. 2. MBT process and material flow analysis of the MSW in the case study considered.

aerated bio-cells, which are provided by an aeration system that laboratory to investigate chemical, physical and biological charac-
works through fans with 13.3 kW powered inverters, operate con- teristics. Fig. 3 shows the examined waste.
stantly. The volume consists of 4140 m3 (about 500 m3 per bio- This procedure was replicated four times in two different
cell) and enables the organic waste to remain within the cells for municipalities, three in urbanized areas while the other in the
28 days in ordinary conditions. Operative conditions are controlled industrial one. The chemical analysis was applied for only one
by measuring the principal parameters: sample. The seasonal variation of the waste composition has not
been considered within the study due to the lack of numerous data.
 air flow emitted within the cells, which is about 6000 m3 per The confidence level (CL) considered for generalising the data
hour (regulated automatically as a function of the temperature obtained about the composition of the waste was 95%. The sample
measured within the waste which should not exceed 60 °C); of manually mixed raw waste was analysed. Table 1 reports the
 water content within the mass (monitored and balanced auto- average percentages of the waste fractions of the samples and
matically by an internal sprinkler in order to maintain the mois- the confidence interval obtained for each fraction.
ture required for the aerobic process).

2.3. Analysis of the waste

2.2. Characterization of the raw waste
2.3.1. Chemical and physical composition of the waste
A primary sample of waste, with a mass of one ton, was col- A sample, which contained similar material fractions, was anal-
lected by a collection truck from the street containers around the ysed by a chemical, physical and biological investigation in order to
study area. To make sure that the sample represents correctly study the waste composition. The data obtained showed high sig-
the waste in the zone of investigation, a specific collection route nificance comparing the features of samples after treatment and
was defined on the basis of: urban morphology, housing typology evaluating the yields of the treatment plant. A 15 kg sample was
and presence of industry production plants. The days considered transported to a laboratory and prepared for the chemical analysis.
were in the midweek in order to generalise the results obtained In particular, moisture, percentage of volatile solid (VS), DRI, pH
as example of ordinary condition. Moreover, It was considered a and ash content were surveyed. At the same time, lower and upper
day with stable weather settings during the spring season, in order calorific values, carbon and nitrate content as well as other princi-
to have stable content of moisture and temperature during the pal elements were examined at laboratory scale. The obtained
analysis. The primary sample was reduced in two sub-samples results are reported in Table 2.
(200 kg and 15 kg) by manual splitting (quartering methods) to The information obtained, in particular regarding the initial DRI,
correctly represent the waste originally gathered. The first subsam- have been considered for comparison with the main result found
ple (200 kg) was manually sorted to estimate waste composition, after the respirometric analysis of the waste subsequently biolog-
while the second subsample (15 kg) was shipped to the analytical ical treatment. Moreover, in order to verify the adaptability of
560 E. Trulli et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 556–564

Fig. 3. Sampling of the waste fraction. (a) raw sample (1 ton); (b) pre-treated waste (about 0.8 tons); (c, d) waste sampling by quartering method.

Table 1 the material for composting process, the C/N rate was evaluated,
Waste fraction of the material treated. resulting equal to 20.6. In conclusion, the data collected allows
Waste fraction Value (%) Confidence interval at 95%
identifying the waste inflow into the MBT as a good material for
the biological treatment.
Putrescible 23.4 7.9
Paper and cardboard 21.7 2.4
Plastic 12.1 2.2 2.3.2. The respirometric test
Textile, rubber, wood and leather 7.0 3.1
The respirometric test took place in a laboratory reactor; a
Metal 3.5 1.5
Glass 9.6 2.8 respirometric equipment produced by Costech International,
WEEE 0.4 0.7 3022 model, with a volume equal to 25 L, was used. Twelve analy-
Batteries and drugs 0.2 0.1 ses were carried out, about one per month, on twelve 10 kg sam-
Under sieve (<20 mm) 22.0 2.9 ples collected into the bio-cells. In particular, each analysis was
composed of 16 samples (4 samples from 4 sections) which were
collected from each bio-cell conforming to a pre-defined system.
After pooling and mixing of samples, a large sample was created
Table 2 and then, by quartering method, the subsample of about 10 kg
Chemical, physical analysis of the waste inflow into the plant. was transported to the analytical laboratory. Before testing, density
Parameter Unit of measure Value and moisture of the samples were standardised at values respec-
Moisture % fresh waste 49.28
tively lower than 0.75 kg L 1 and 75% maximum water capacity.
Dry matter % fresh waste 50.72 Samples were analysed according to the UNI/TS 11184 methodol-
Volatile solid % s.s. 81.77 ogy (UNI/TS, 2006). The samples were carried out four days long.
Ash % d.w. 18.23 Temperature and oxygen concentration in the air inflow and out-
Cl % d.w. 0.31
flow were automatically measured. Mass of hourly consumed oxy-
S % d.w. 0.08
C % d.w. 13.6 gen was obtained by data elaboration.
H % d.w. 5.3
N % d.w. 0.66
O % d.w. 65
2.3.3. Additional analysis during and after the MBT
C/N 20.6 Before the respirometric test, another survey was carried out for
Calorific power (lower/upper) estimating the bio-stabilization time required and the efficiency of
Raw waste kcal kg 2666/2803 this methodology. In particular, a single sample was studied after
Suspended solid kcal kg 5238/5507
7 days treatment and after 28 days handling for studying the yield
s.s. = suspended solid; d.w. = dry weight. of the aerated treatment applied during the time. The analysis of
E. Trulli et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 556–564 561

the waste treated was carried out at two different moments of the significantly lower than the starting point whereas the sample
biological process: after 7 days and at the final management step, resulted well stabilized after 28 days.
after 28 days. The samples were gathered from the same cell and According to a study reported in literature (Gea et al., 2004), the
during the same treatment, in order to evaluate the properties of organic fraction of an MSW can be considered stabilized when the
the waste with the same composition. The moisture, the total vola- respirometric values are around 1100 mgO2 kgVS1 h 1 while a fresh
tile and non-volatile solids, DRI and pH were analysed on a 15 kg sample exceeds 4000 mgO2 kgVS1 h 1. After the preliminary analy-
sample of waste taken from the cell after 7 days and 28 days of sis, the respirometric analysis was repeated only after 28 days of
treatment. The analysis of the total solid and the content of mois- treatment, so to evaluate the MSW stabilization rate obtained trea-
ture of the sample was performed in an oven at a temperature of ted by biological processing in different period of the year. The
108 °C, and by combustion at 605 °C to estimate the volatile solid. trends of the twelve samples are reported in Fig. 4, expressed in
Secondly, one sample of unsorted waste, after biological treat- mgO2 kgVS1 h 1.
ment, was sieved and the fractions remained in the upper and The results obtained of the DRI after four days range between
under 80 mm sieve were analysed. This research was introduced 900 and 1600 mgO2 kgVS1 h 1; such values identify a partially stabi-
in the study in order to quantify the waste fraction available and lized matter which is the result forecasted for a two-stream MBT
so evaluating the feasibility for exploiting the waste as RDF. Finally, plant, where the bio-stabilization process considerably reduces
the mass loss after the biological treatment was quantified by mea- the DRI of the under sieve, mostly made up of putrescible fractions.
suring of the weight of the MSW sixty times over the year. The To better illustrate the stability of the waste obtained after 28 days
mixed waste introduced in all the bio-cells was weighted before of biological treatment, the parameter DRI is reported in Fig. 5.
and after each treatment rounds after 28 days. The data shows the mean values obtained during the first 24 h
of analysis as a function of the volatile solid of each sample. Limits
of a stabilized waste are reported according with Adani et al.
3. Results
(2006). The dashed line divides the stabilized matter and the frac-
tions which are still biologically active. These samples obtained a
Before evaluating the DRI after treatment, a single stream pro-
DRI which varied between 900 and 2200 mgO2 kgVS1 h 1 which
cess was first analysed in order to evaluate the progress obtainable
means a stabilized and a not well-stabilized fraction after 24 h,
during the biological treatment of the studied plant. A value of DRI
respectively. However, the trend is interesting since, after the pro-
equal to 4675 mgO2 kgVS1 h 1 was obtained. The results of both
cess, in two cases the low-biodegradable matter obtained was fully
analysis, after 7 days and after 28 days are reported in Table 3.
stabilized in the first 24 h of analysis. As a result, the respirometric
The operation applied by the MBT plant can be considered
test confirmed the importance and the functionality of the MBT
efficient since already after 7 days the oxygen uptake resulted
plant concerning the stabilization of the high putrescible fraction
obtained by the sieving system although not every sample can be
Table 3 considered satisfactory.
Characteristic of the waste tested by respirometric analysis. Mechanical biological pre-treatment reduces also the volume
Parameters Unit of measure Treatment time (days) and the mass occupied by the waste. For estimating the weight lost
during the treatment, 60 bio-cells were analysed over one year. In
7 days 28 days
particular, waste was weighted before and after the treatment in
Moisture % raw waste 29.71 41.95
each bio-cell in different periods of the year. The observed results
Total solids % raw waste 70.29 58.05
Volatile solids % s.s. 57.5 55.87 showed an average weight loss of 30% (Fig. 6).
Ash % s.s. 42.5 44.13 The conservation of the mass is of great interest as the waste
DRI mgO2 kgVS1 h 1
2339 829 inflow into the landfill, losing moisture and volatile solids,
pH — 7.16 7.9 decreases in weight, as demonstrated by the conducted study. As

Fig. 4. OUR of the MBT stabilized waste.

562 E. Trulli et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 556–564

Fig. 5. Average waste oxygen uptake per hour within the first 24 h of analysis as a function of the volatile solid of sample.

Fig. 6. Weight loss during the examined biological treatment.

a result, this guarantees a higher waste density, which within the is plastic and paper), while the rest can be sent to landfill as cover
site studied and after compaction achieved 1.2–1.3 tons per m3. material.
Finally, in order to quantify and study the exploitability of the
large fractions produced after a single stream biological pre-
treatment, the 80 mm sieving process after biological treatment 4. Discussion
was applied to quantify the fractions detectable into the material
treated. The largest residues are mainly composed of cardboard, Stabilized undersieve waste values measured by respirometric
paper and plastic, which can be separated after the stabilization tests, expressed as a function of the mass of volatile solids of the
of the organic substance (Table 4). As a result, 52.5% of the waste examined sample, can vary quite considerably. This is probably
treated by aerated process (the upper sieve) could be separated also due to the type of waste feeding and the partly low efficiency
and used as RDF, since it is rich of combustible materials (69.9% of aeration facilities, which also influence the development of the
biological yield. In order to graphically represent the different
states of waste during the stabilization process and treatment,
Table 4 the oxygen uptake rate as a function of the VS content was used
Stabilized waste composition after the 80 sieving process. (Piscitelli, 2008). Fig. 7 shows a representation of the oxygen
Waste fraction Upper sieve [%] Under sieve [%] uptake rate and a stability area of MSW.
The MBT plant was an affordable solution adopted to decrease
Total percentage obtained 52.5 47.5
Paper and cardboard 47.9 17.1 the MSW inflow to the landfill and thus for reducing the risk of
Plastic 22 6.1 environmental pollution because, in 2003, there was a low number
Textile, wood and rubber 14.4 3.1 of sanitary landfills in order to guarantee a good sanitary service to
Metals 7.1 2.3 the population.
Glass and inert 2.3 10.5
Thus, producing RDF for energy in such a plant within the
Small fractions (<20 mm) 6.4 60.9
framework of a ‘‘circular economy” started in Italy over the last
E. Trulli et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 556–564 563

MBT (2–4 weeks) and about 50–60 kWh t 1 for long term MBT
(more than 4 weeks) with mechanical pre-sorting (Scaglia et al.,
2013), whereas, a composting process of organic waste from selec-
tive collection in aerated and rotating trommels can be considered
of about 53 kWh t 1 (Boldrin et al., 2011). However, the economic
effort can be reduced by the exploitability of the RDF produced and
by the improvement in landfill sustainability concerning leachate
treatment and landfill lifespan. Hence, these costs are also accept-
able for countries where landfill construction does not meet
requirements for extensive environmental protection (Münnich
et al., 2006), since investments and operational costs to set up
MBT before landfills could be valued for low-income countries as
8-12 USD t 1 (Trois and Simelane, 2010).
Over the last years, the regional recycling rate in Apulia has
improved considerably, achieving 25.9% (ISPRA, 2015). However,
Fig. 7. Oxygen uptake rate and ‘‘stability area” of MSW for disposal by landfilling. the program recently introduced by the regional administration
planned to exceed 60% by 2015, thus the reduction of energy and
costs required for MSW final disposal. Hence, MBT was used as a
few decades, has helped local municipalities to increase the lifes- suitable technology in order to solve an environmental emergency
pan of landfills and to decrease leachate and methane releases. due to MSW mismanagement (Trulli et al., 2007). In this frame-
Moreover, as stated by Mancini et al. (2009), the DRI of waste work, other public policies concerning material recovery and recy-
within a 15-years-old landfill in ordinary conditions can be 1108 cling are necessary and more efforts should be introduced because
mgO2 kgVS1 h 1, higher than the technical value of DRI of the MBT the regional goals, in terms of waste recovery, were not achieved.
treated waste, which is assumed in this research about 900
mgO2 kgVS1 h 1. This confirms the importance of the MBT in terms
of the stabilization of the organic matter in a single stream treat- 5. Conclusions
ment plant, which leads to a reduction in biogas production.
Observed data on biogas production was respectively 4.5 m3 t 1 The general targets for the sustainable final disposal of waste
with 98 mgO2 kgVS1 h 1 and 57 m3 t 1 with 1108 mgO2 kgVS1 h 1 are a generally low environmental impact, low gas emissions,
(Piscitelli, 2008; Mancini et al., 2009). The loss of 30% in mass of and a small amount of leachate. These objectives are achievable
the waste treated is a good result to save landfill spaces. Similar by reducing the waste inflow to landfill, applying suitable landfill
results were observed by several authors (Tolvanen and construction technologies, recycling exploitable materials and
Hänninen, 2006; Bezama et al., 2007; de Araújo Morais et al., implementing MBT before final disposal sites.
2008). Moreover, the MBT plant reduces the waste inflow into The analysis shown in this paper has focused on applying MBT
the landfill, facilitating the MSW dumping phase, where there before landfilling in an Italian region with low recycling rates and
was a high variability of waste characteristics, including density where SWM does not provide enough precaution to avoid environ-
and water content which influenced the OUR (Trulli et al., 2007; mental contaminations. Two analysis were shown: the first for
Piscitelli, 2008). evaluating the waste inflow into the landfill, and thus into the
In order to develop a more efficient treatment, a post trituration MBT plant, while the second regards the waste outflow of the
process could be implemented at the MBT plant, in order to MBT plant.
decrease the additional waste volumes entering the landfill. In The results obtained are significant since the biological treat-
addition, a manual or mechanical removal before the first sieving ment reduced the mass of the waste by 30%, resulting in the saving
process could help remove exploitable materials such as glass, of landfill space, whereas the DRI values provided information
which decrease the calorific power and increase the recycling rate, about a good operation which is able to decrease the OUR up to
or other exploitable materials. The same practice can be applied 900 mgO2 kgVS1 h 1. In addition, waste fraction after treatment
after the second sieving system because, as reported by other are suited for producing RDF, encouraging the introduction of
authors, heavy inert reject output from the MBT plant may repre- waste-to-energy systems.
sent a missed opportunity for the operators who landfill these This case study provides an example of the suitability of this
materials (Cook et al., 2015). technology for the treatment of MSW inflow to landfills in order
Many researches reported in literature showed optimal applica- to decrease environmental pollution and increase the useful life
tion of MBT, in particular when evidenced high performance of of final disposal sites when recycling rates are low. Considering
sorting separation, screening and bio-drying, combined treatment DRI and the mass lost during the process, MBT could also be con-
of putrescible matter as sewage sludge, recycling to reduce envi- sidered as an appropriate technology for low recycling areas where
ronmental impacts and optimize the landfilling (Tolvanen and take back policies are needed in order to introduce a reverse logis-
Hänninen, 2006; Bezama et al., 2007; Bayard et al., 2010; Trois tic system. Furthermore, the study provided an indication for the
and Simelane, 2010; Tintner et al., 2010; Montejo et al., 2013; sustainable development of projects concerning the introduction
Dias et al., 2015; Pantini et al., 2015). of MBT. The improvement of pre-treatment plants is recommended
A pre-treatment process, however, affects the cost of the final in regions with unreliable selective collection systems, both in
disposal of the MSW. The costs estimated within the MBT plant high-income and low-income countries. The costs and the energy
of Giovinazzo amounts to 30–35 € t 1, while the energy required required are affordable, as environmental and economic benefits
for the process is about 45 kWh t 1 for an aerobic treatment of are much higher than the initial investment required.
28 days. This energy consumption can be compared with other Globally MBT plants is a reliable solution for waste pre-
studies, since the average electricity required for the manual and treatment and also represent a good solution for areas in an emer-
mechanical operations has been estimated to be about 20–25 kW gency situation in terms of MSW management as at Giovinazzo
h t 1 for a MBT with manual pre-selection and post-composting plant. In conclusion, MBT is a first good option for treating MSW,
(Montejo et al., 2013) or about 30–35 kWh t 1 for short time although integrated efforts are required in order to reduce the
564 E. Trulli et al. / Waste Management 71 (2018) 556–564

environmental impacts and guarantee a sustainable development Montejo, C., Tonini, D., del Carmen Márquez, M., Astrup, T.F., 2013. Mechanical–
biological treatment: performance and potentials. an LCA of 8 MBT plants
following the principle of the circular economy.
including waste characterization. J. Environ. Manage. 128, 661–673.
Münnich, K., Mahler, C.F., Fricke, K., 2006. Pilot project of mechanical-biological
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Acknowledgment Nithikul, J., Karthikeyan, O.P., Visvanathan, C., 2011. Reject management from a
mechanical biological treatment plant in Bangkok, Thailand. Res. Conserv.
We would like to thank and say goodbye to Prof. Ettore Trulli, Recyc. 55 (4), 417–422.
Pan, J., Voulvoulis, N., 2007. The role of mechanical and biological treatment in
first author of this paper, who constantly worked in this study reducing methane emissions from landfill disposal of municipal solid waste in
and follows all the steps for producing reliable results and, finally, the United Kingdom. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 57 (2), 155–163.
this paper. He left us during the month of August. All our best to his Pantini, S., Verginelli, I., Lombardi, F., Scheutz, C., Kjeldsen, P., 2015. Assessment of
biogas production from MBT waste under different operating conditions. Waste
Manage. 43, 37–49.
Piscitelli, M., 2008. Technological Innovative Models to Manage Biowaste in Landfill,
PhD Dissertation (in Italian). Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza,
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