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To procreate

To provide a safe and secure environment for their child/children

A nuclear family is a family that consists of two parents and a

child/their children living in the same house (under one roof)
while an extended family consists of two parents, a
child/children, grandparents and other family members living
in one house (under the same roof)

the separation of a family due to the death of a parent could lead to

a single parent family becoming a sibling household. Meaning that
the children would be left without parents/a parent and the eldest
sibling would be left to care for his/her younger siblings causing
him/her to miss out on key milestones in his/her life.

The child may feel abandoned. They may feel as if no one is there
for them and this may result in the child becoming depressed
Writing down family traditions and keeping then safe (in a book or on a

This would work because certain traditions, such as recipes/ways of

preparing food, are passed down better/more accurately if they are
written down and given to children of the future generation, than if you
were to try and tell them the recipe because you ( the parent) might
forget a vital piece of information/ingredient.
Families can dedicate a time of day to meet and listen to and tell

The above action would teach the little children (younger generation) the
importance of socializing while also helping them learn about their family
history and traditions. This would also help the younger generation learn
about their cultural identity
Celebrating significant events in the family through special family gatherings
and parties which can take place at any given time throughout the course of
the year

This would be successful because the family will get a chance to

participate in the planning of the event. Also traditions such as how to
prepare dishes can be passed down, family values and morals.
Voluntary group

primary group

Has a fixed set of rules

there are clear lines of authority with elected members or appointed


Providing leadership: When a country has an effective

government/leaders who are selected to that country, it (the country)
will grow and thrive

The government should be able to manage the economic conditions of

the country: It is important for the government to reduce poverty in
countries experiencing economic difficulties
Citizens can utilize their right to vote in an election if they feel as if the
government isn't acting in their best interest

The above action would be successful because in essence the people are
the ones who hold the power as to who gets to run the country and in turn
represent them. If the citizens feel as if the government isn't representing
them or leading them properly, they can remove them (the current head of
government) by voting them out in an election.
The citizens can protest/demonstrate against the government to ensure that
they are held accountable.

The above action would be successful because a demonstration (which in

a sense is like a peaceful protest), which can be held in different places,
would allow for the people to ensure that their voice is heard.
Writing a letter to an organization that represents citizen rights

The above action would prove to be successful because the citizens would
write to the government about their concerns and have them investigated
accordingly or they (the citizens) would be advised on how to act according
to the issue they are having
Two ways water can be polluted are:

1. Via the dumping of garbage in bodies of water

2. Via oil spills

Two uses of water are:

1. For domestic purposes (washing, cooking cleaning)

2. For recreational purposes

Water pollution can have an adverse effect on the household of residents

because they use water from rivers for the preparation of food and the
pollution of water causes it to become unclean. And the consumption of
unclean can result in the residents of the household contracting
waterborne illnesses.

water pollution can restrict residents from enjoying leisure activities such
as: going swimming, rafting, etc.
Farmers can use biological control to prevent pests from attacking crops

the above action would prove to be successful because instead of using

chemicals such as fertilizers -which would eventually be washed of the
plants by the rain and ultimately ending up in the sea or a nearby water
source thus polluting the water- to control pests, the farmers could use
parasites and other bugs to get rid of the pests and this method of pest
control would not have an adverse effect on the environment/cause water
Farmers can educate themselves on water pollution and the role they play
in it

The above action would prove to be successful because most times the
farmers aren't aware that they might have been contributing to water
pollution. The government could host workshops to inform the farmers on
water pollution and their role in it so they could take the necessary
measures to minimize the role they play in it
Farmers can educate people on the topic of water pollution with the use/help of
posters and signs

The above action would prove to be successful because while the farmers are
making these posters and signs they could also be learning new things about
water pollution and it's effect on the environment, so they would be teaching
themselves and others.

Mass media is technology that is intended to reach a large audience.

There are various forms of global mass media, some of which being: the television, magazines
and phones. These tend to have an influence on the behavior of the youth/young people in two
of the following ways: 1) Mass media normalizes the intake of fast food which is known to be
unhealthy and can be the cause of many health issues

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