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Wahana Apr-23 Incentive

Target Result Scoring Production
Category Weight UOM Remark
Min Max Amount
Safety Performance Min Max
TRFIR 0 0 Event Mandatory 0 - -
Fatigue Incident 0 0 Event Mandatory 0 - -
Potential Class 1 Incident 0 0 Event Mandatory 0 - -

Mining Production 60% 39% Rp 117,000

Over Burden 30% 100% 130% Percent 89.0% 0% Rp -
Coal 30% 100% 130% Percent 192.6% 39% Rp 117,000
Equipment Performance 30% 0% Rp -
Field Utilization 12% 65% 100% Percent 51.0% 0% Rp -
OB & Coal Digger
Mechanical Availability 9% 92% 100% Percent OB & Coal Truck 90.0% 0% Rp -
Dozer & Grader
Physical Availability 9% 92% 100% Percent 81.7% 0% Rp -
Employee Performance 10% 10% Rp 30,000
Absenteeism 10% 0% 3% Percent 1.8% 10% Rp 30,000
Total 100% Total % Incentive 49% Rp 147,000

Syarat dan Ketentuan / Terms & Conditions

1. Pencapaian Kinerja Safety / Safety Performance

- Target safety terpenuhi sesuai dengan Wahana Safety Management Plan.
Safety Target is based on Wahana Safety Management Plan.
- Target kecelakaan kerja dengan cidera tercatat atau kecelakaan kerja karena kelelahan atau kecelakaan kerja potensial kelas 1 adalah 0 (nol).
Jika target tidak tercapai maka akan membatalkan insentif pada bulan berjalan untuk seluruh karyawan non-staff.
Target for incident with recordable injuries or fatigue incident or potential class 1 incident is 0 (zero).
If the target is not achieved, then it will null the current month's incentives for all non-staff employees.
2. Pencapaian produksi akan diverifikasi dengan angka survey bulanan.
The incentive will be verified by monthly survey number.
3. Nilai insentif yang diterima masing-masing karyawan mungkin akan berbeda sesuai dengan:
Incentive received by each employee may differ according to:
- Jumlah hari kehadiran karyawan dalam 1 (satu) bulan dan akan dihitung secara proporsional dari insentif produksi pada bulan tersebut.
The number of employee’s attendance in 1 (one) month and will be prorated from production incentive in that month.
- Catatan Disiplin Karyawan di HR. Karyawan yang mendapatkan Surat Peringatan 1, 2, atau 3 akan kehilangan insentif pada bulan dikeluarkannya surat peringatan tersebut.
Employee Disciplinary Record in HR. Employee who receives a warning letter 1,2, or 3 will lose the incentive on the month when the warning issued.
4. Karyawan non-staff baru yang masuk bekerja sebelum tanggal 16 akan mendapatkan insentif pada bulan tersebut.
New hire non-staff employee who joins before date 16 will be eligible to the incentive on the current month.
5. Insentif dikenakan pajak penghasilan (PPH 21).
Incentive is subject to income tax (PPH 21).
6. Target-target pada setiap parameter dapat berubah sejalan dengan perkembangan proyek.
The targets for each parameter are subject to change as the project develops.

Remarks Incident : -

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