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Course Lecturer: Houda ELAFDEL

Assignment Hand out date: 17th MAY 2023

Hand In Date: 28th May 2023 before Midnight Via Turnitin

Students must submit before 00.00

Your assignment should be submitted via Turnitin

Submissions via any other platform will not be taken into considiration



Rabat Business School

Leading by Excellence & Awareness
Université Internationale de Rabat Technopolis Rabat-Shore
Rocade Rabat-Sale
Submission details:
 The deadline for submission into registry is on the Hand in Date shown on the Cover Page(1st
 Students must submit before 10.00. Any assessments brought after 00.00 will not be accepted
 Plagiarism and Collusion is a serious academic offence and will result in severe penalties.

Key Skills: The key skills addressed through this assessment are logical reasoning, analysis,
evaluating, synthesis, learning and study, structure and consistency.

Harvard Referencing: Complete reference list which MUST conform to the Harvard System of
Referencing must be included at the end of your assignment and in text citations where appropriate.

Learning Outcomes covered (based on Module Specification):

 Devise and monitor an action plan for their personal development based on their awareness of
the key aspects of employability, also developing appropriate and accurate evidence to
support their progress.
 Undertake appropriate research tasks and develop an appropriate academic writing style.

Assignment :Reflective summary (1000 words/One Page)

Many people ascribe their success, relative or actual, to the way they responded to bad news or to
adversity. We can make the decision to use our experience as an excuse for not doing something; to prove
something; to keep going as before; or to learn and move forward.
It is noticeable that the stories of many successful people include a critical experience when they were
dismissed, belittled, ignored, suffered discrimination, or suffered a serious setback. Paradoxically, dealing with
such events, whether at the time or later in life, can become the driving force that leads to unexpected successes.

In your essay talk about your “best failure” in your life; describe how this failure or setback pushed you
to your unexpected success. Also, discuss how you have used the apparent disadvantages of your “failure” or
setback and turn them into advantages in your life. Finally, conclude your essay by discussing your point of view
about the nature of success and failure.

Questions to keep in mind while answering your essay:

 What happened and what was your role in the event?
 What characterised this event as a failure?
 When did you realize you had made a mistake? How did you find out?
 What disadvantages did this mistake bring in your life?
 What lessons did you learn?
 What benefits resulted from learning those lessons?
 How did you turn your disadvantage into an advantage?
 What opportunities arose out of this event?

Rabat Business School

Leading by Excellence & Awareness
Université Internationale de Rabat Technopolis Rabat-Shore
Rocade Rabat-Sale
Marking criteria

In this assessment, the following mistakes will result in a Fail:

 Late submission.
 No demonstration of understanding the essay topic covered in this module.

We expect professional presentation, with no avoidable typos (use the Spell Checker and Grammar
Checker in Word to avoid losing marks). The format for this summary is flexible, although we expect an
introduction, clear themes for discussion and a conclusion. The essay must be formatted with a 12 pt Arial
font, 1.5 line spacing and submitted as a Word document. Where external sources of information are used
(books, journal articles, appropriate web sites, etc.), they must be cited correctly using Harvard referencing.

A typical D is an essay with:

 Typos, poor grammar and punctuation.
 Little relevance to essay topic.

A typical C is an essay with:

 A brief description of the topic with little or no attempt to provide evidence and examples.
 Typos, poor grammar and punctuation.

A typical B is an essay with:

 Appropriate Harvard Referencing.
 Good writing style.
 Good source material.
 Strong discussion of personal mistake or setback with evidence to support how the student was able to
turn the disadvantages of the setback into advantages.

An A is as above but demonstrates evidence of having researched the subject. The presentation will be
faultless and worthy of publication!

Further guidance

Note that this is meant to be a reflective summary. Such assignments may differ somewhat from
conventional academic work in the following ways:
 You are writing about your personal experience, rather than objectively writing about others'
 You can write in the first-person (I, me, my, we, etc.). This convention is normally frowned
upon in other types of essays.


Rabat Business School

Leading by Excellence & Awareness
Université Internationale de Rabat Technopolis Rabat-Shore
Rocade Rabat-Sale

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