Ges 106 Assignment

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MATRIC NO: 221924





ASSIGNMENT QUESTION: Use either the consequential or virtue dilemma theory to talk
about your stance on:

1) Abortion.

2) Surrogacy.

3) Public morality V Private morality or Terrorism.

The first two are compulsory but the third one, choose one of the two.


Virtual dilemma theories state that for a particular action to be judged wrong or right depends on
the character of the doer of the action and not the action itself. Using the virtual dilemma theory
then, for abortion to be judged right or wrong depends on the person contemplating the act and
not the action itself. If a person has a good character or intention, then that means that abortion
would be a good action. This is because a person with a good character would have good reasons
for considering the action. In the same vein, a person with a bad character would have bad or
selfish reasons for considering the action abortion therefore the act would be a bad act.

Using the consequentialist theory which says moral issues are judged right or wrong depending
on their results or consequences, the moral issue of surrogacy can be said to be wrong or right
depending on the consequences of the action.

If an intending couple decide to opt for surrogacy and 4 years after the baby is born she
developed a blood disease and the blood she needs can only be gotten from her biological mother
who is nowhere to be found, and the baby eventually dies, the action or moral issue of surrogacy
can be said to be wrong. This is because it ended the end result was negative. On the other hand,
if the surrogate hands the baby over to parents who take good care of the child for the rest of
their lives, the action can be said to be good because it's birthed a good result.


Using the virtue ethics theory, terrorism can be said to be good or bad depending on the intention
or character of the terrorist. If the terrorist has a good character, then his or her act of terrorism
would be right because the intention of the person will be good. Similarly, if the terrorist is a bad
person, then the act of terrorism would be wrong because the person's intentions or reasons for
terrorizing a person or group of people won't be good ones.

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