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Muhammad Hassan Iqbal

Bs-MB&S (7)
Marine Environments and Administration
what are ballast water treatment mechanism?
The processes and technologies utilized to eliminate or neutralize ballast water's potentially
harmful organisms and substances are referred to as ballast water treatment mechanisms. Weight
water is taken on by ships for dependability and equilibrium during freight stacking and
dumping, however it can contain many marine species, including microbes, microorganisms,
infections, and intrusive amphibian species. Various treatment strategies are used to thwart the
introduction and spread of these organisms into new environments. Here are some normal weight
water treatment instruments:

1. Filtration: Using physical filtration techniques like screens or membranes, larger organisms
and particles are removed during filtration. These channels can have different pore sizes to catch
life forms of different sizes.

2. Disinfection: Sanitization techniques plan to kill or inactivate microorganisms present in

the balance water. The following are some common methods of disinfection:

a. Chemical Infection Control: eliminating or controlling the organisms that are present
in the ballast water by employing biocides, ozone, or chemicals like chlorine.

b. UV Radiation: exposing ballast water to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which harms

microorganisms' DNA or RNA and makes it impossible for them to reproduce or survive.

c. Electro chlorination: Electro chlorination is the process of electrolyzing seawater to

produce disinfectants based on chlorine, like sodium hypochlorite. These disinfectants are then
added to ballast water to kill the organisms.

3. Deoxygenation: Low oxygen levels can be harmful to some organisms. The removal of
oxygen from the ballast water by deoxygenation systems results in hostile conditions for the
survival of some organisms.

4. Heat treatment: In heat treatment, the ballast water is heated to a temperature that kills the
organisms in it. This can be accomplished through strategies like intensity exchangers or
intensity purification.
5. Physical Separation: Using physical separation techniques, organisms are separated from
the ballast water based on their density or size using centrifugal force or other mechanical means.

The International Maritime Organization's Ballast Water Management Convention, which

establishes guidelines for the treatment and discharge of ballast water to minimize the transfer of
harmful organisms, is important to note that various nations and regions may have specific
regulations and standards for the treatment of ballast water. The decision of treatment component
relies upon factors like the size of the vessel, water quality prerequisites, and consistence with
appropriate guidelines.

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