Tendency of Gen Z's Parenting

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Group name
Authors Nguyen Ngoc Vu - SS150476
Nguyen Phi Yen Nhi - SS160421
Vu Ngoc Tram Anh - SS160434
Lecturer Nguyen Tran Huong Thao

The way Gen Z mothers raise healthy children while their mothers are still able to
take it easy has left the older generation in awe of their confidence, modernity, and courage to
share their views on parenting. Gen Z proves to older generations they raise their children in
a healthy, natural way without disrupting the life of a modern active mom. How will young
people who are married or about to have a family prepare for parenting? How do cultural
issues from the older generation affect current parenting? Is this new method of parenting
really appropriate in today's society? There are many methods of infant feeding that have
been passed down for a long time, but science has proven that such methods greatly affect the
long-term health of children and can even cause death. And some children are so pampered
that it leads to unfortunate actions that cause evil mistakes. Therefore, our team chose to do
in-depth research to provide the most accurate information on how to raise and teach
children, contributing to helping Gen Z mothers become more confident in the modern style
of educating their children. By method analyze the contents and data learned to clearly
evaluate all aspects of the problem being studied. Create a survey question form at Google
Form, then share the link for the subjects within the survey. You can print out and distribute
the survey form directly to parents and students.

1. Introduction
The way Gen Z mothers raise healthy children while their mothers are still able to
take it easy has left the older generation in awe of their confidence, modernity, and courage to
share their views on parenting. Gen Z, often known as Generation Z, is the collective name
for those who were born between 1997 and 2012. But members of Generation Z are either
mothers or have already given birth when it comes to being parents.
Unlike the Gen Y generation, there is still an intersection between two traditional and
modern child-rearing methods, no longer messy hair, busy with porridge meals, or staying up
at night to look after children, Gen Z proves to older generations they raise their children in a
healthy, natural way without disrupting the life of a modern active mom.

1.1. Literature review

At present, there are still many parents of both the previous generation and the Gen Z
generation who are very angry with their children, making parents and children feel afraid of
their parents so that they know that they are below their parents. However, most Gen Z
generations have changed this parenting style, they show their children that the relationship
between parents and children is extremely open, equal, mature, close, and close. as friends.
Western parents place a lot of importance on raising children in the way of training
their children's independence. This teaching method not only helps children to be proactive in
later life but also reduces the burden on parents, so parents can have more time for
themselves than having to constantly worry about their children such as Vietnamese parents,
and Vietnamese mothers.
As soon as he was able to sit firmly, American parents put the baby in a separate
dining chair and let the child get used to solid foods. They put food and utensils on the baby's
table and he can eat his way. Children will discover how to use spoons and chopsticks even
when eating, not an obsession when it is time to eat. Letting your child eat at the same time
will help them be more self-conscious about their eating and motivated to eat more when they
eat alone. During mealtimes in the West, children are not allowed to watch the phone or TV
other than to eat with the whole family.
The American method of training children is said to live by the credo of parenting
without spanking. American mothers flexibly apply many different punishments to children
depending on the extent of the child's violation. A typical way is to let your child sit alone
and think about his mistakes and realize they are wrong for him. In this way, children will
become more thoughtful and can recognize their own mistakes so that they do not repeat
them later.
At the age of 2, children begin to ask for what they want. Faced with this situation,
many foster parents love their children, often relenting and complying with their children's
wishes to stop crying. Western mother is different, not every request of the baby is easily
According to reference data, research on American Gen Z has shown that Gen Z
mothers have a different parenting style than previous generations. However, we can infer
that with a broader view of life than previous generations, Gen Z may have a different
perspective on parenting. Particularly for Vietnamese people, with the development of the
Digital Age and knowledge economy, people have every reason to be optimistic about the
future, allowing future generations to be raised with more modern and time-appropriate
Although parenting methods are different, and have their advantages and
disadvantages, the combination of the two methods will make Vietnamese mothers realize
which is the most suitable for their children. Being a mother at any age is a challenge for a
woman, and for Gen Z mothers, there will be more surprises, more difficulties, and more
challenges. Being a mother for the first time, maybe genZ doesn't have much experience in
taking care of children, but that's okay.

1.2. The necessity of the research

It can be seen that parents in Gen Z have access to a lot of information and parenting
manuals from all over the world such as Japan, France, Korea, etc. Therefore, Gen Z parents
are always confident to become a modern family. If in the past, parents used to just give a
normal name, not too prominent to avoid being noticed. But today a series of websites are
born just to help parents find a suitable name, suitable for them.
Mothers of the previous generation are often afraid to send their children to travel far
away because they are worried about their children's health when the environment changes,
not to mention the baby's eating, sleeping, and sleeping also face many difficulties. , causing
disturbance to the daily routine. In addition, generations of modern mothers believe that the
first years of life are a very good time for children to interact with the surrounding
environment, helping them easily adapt and learn many new things in life. Generations of
modern mothers believe that the first years of life are a very good time for children to interact
with the surrounding environment, help them easily adapt and learn many new things in life.
Modern parenting is different from previous generations of grandparents: Right from
the moment they were pregnant, Gen Z mothers have always been consciously equipped with
modern parenting knowledge. Thanks to that, the babies of the new generation are more
independent and easier to integrate into life. Evidence shows that: Chi Be, a former member
of the «Hot Teen Ha Thanh» group, also became a mother of two children at the age of 19.
Although many people doubt her ability to become a mother when it is too early, Chi Be is
always surprised by the image of a caring and responsible mother.

1.3. Feasibility of research

For the reasons and problems outlined above. This research aims to clarify the issue
of how young families today - the young generation of generation z think about how to raise
their children. The goal of the study is to compare what parenting in modern society as now
has changed, what is different from previous generations and families in the West.
This research focuses on the thoughts on parenting, family activities and outside with
children of Gen Z today. From research, it is necessary to understand what the majority of
young generations are thinking about child-rearing methods, whether Western parenting is
popular or not, whether changing parenting styles is appropriate and effective. losing the
traditional culture, the typical character of the Vietnamese people. Therefore, the quantitative
research method will be used in the research project on "How to raise children of today's
young generation". Simultaneously, the Primary Research method will be used to collect data
directly from the research subjects who are Gen Z fathers or mothers.
Data will be collected based on an online survey from 100 married or unmarried
young people between the ages of 19 and 28. The survey will be accessed in two ways: online
survey form and face-to-face survey. The online survey will be sent to groups of mothers on
Facebook or communities interested in raising children, information pages about family,
women, education, etc. Direct observations will be given to young people, couples and
families appearing in shopping malls.
The study will take place over a three-month period from May to July 2023. At the
end of May, a survey will be completed that includes questions based on interests,
personality, and parenting methods in the child. family. After that, the survey will be
published and sent to the target audience originally set out in two approaches and will take
place within 1.5 months. From the middle of the third month, the data will be aggregated to
analyze and draw conclusions about the research topic.
2. Research objectives
The goal set for the research on the topic "How to raise children of today's young
generation" is to reach a sufficient number of research participants of 100 young people of
Gen Z. Next is to understand the How will young people who are married or about to have a
family prepare for parenting? How do cultural issues from the older generation affect current
parenting? Is this new method of parenting really appropriate in today's society?

3. Research scope
The issue of how to raise children is an age-old issue that any generation is less or
more interested in. There are many methods of infant feeding that have been passed down for
a long time, but science has proven that such methods greatly affect the long-term health of
children and can even cause death, such as simple things like giving birth to children.
Newborn babies eat or drink too soon. And some children are too pampered that leads to
unfortunate actions that cause cruel mistakes, such as the explosion of controversy about the
Golden cat being abused by children and the saying 'children know nothing'. Therefore, our
team chose to do in-depth research to provide the most accurate information on how to raise
and raise children, contributing to helping Gen Z mothers become more confident in the
modern style of educating their children. without being inhibited by the words of previous
generations of mothers saying, “I used to do that too, it's okay…” Our group focuses on
Generation Z because they are in a period where they can be affected. directly by this
research proposal.

4. Approach and Method

Find hypotheses, references, and information regarding substantial information on the
internet, in books, newspapers, and other media. To better comprehend and visualize the
research proposal, synthesize case study to examine the most in-depth example of Gen Z
parenting. Analyze the information and data acquired to make a thorough evaluation of all
facets of the problem under study.
Create a Google Form survey question form, then distribute the link to the subjects.
We can print out the survey form and give it to parents and students separately. In addition,
some persons connected to the research concept were the subject of direct interviews. Create
social media channels for the subject and post confessions about "When Gen Z becomes a
Mother" on social networking sites so that everyone can participate and discuss.

5. Research plan

No. Date Task Output Person in charge

1 19/05/2023 - Backgroud research - Meet with supervisor for initial
26/05/2023 and literature discussion
review - Conduct a more extensive review
of relevant literature
- Refine the research questions
- Develop a theoretical framework

2 26/05/2023- Research design - Design questionnaires

02/06/2023 - Identify online and offline
channels for recruiting participants
3 02/06/2023 - Data collection - Recruit participants and send out
30/06/2023 and preparation questionnaires
- Conduct semi-structured
interviews with selected participants

4 30/06/2023 - Data analysis - Statistically analyze survey data

07/07/2023 - Conduct thematic analysis of
interview transcripts
- Draft the results and discussion

5 07/07/2023 - Writting - Complete a full thesis draft

14/07/2023 - Meet with supervisor to discuss
feedback and revisions

6 14/07/2023 - Revision - Redraft based on feedback

21/07/2023 - Get supervisor approval for final

6. Expected results
Gen Z tends to view parenting as a role that will enhance their lives and improve their
identity. They have a strong desire to be deeply involved in the lives of their kids and are
quite interested in them. The ubiquitous use of wireless internet, extensive technological
integration, limitless information, and immediacy have all contributed to the development of
Generation Z's cognitive, educational, and communication skills. Therefore, armed with the
knowledge gained from this research, Generation Z may confidently parent their offspring in
a proper, secure, and non-dominant manner.
While no parent is flawless, more mothers today than ever before feel under pressure
to achieve perfection. Eight out of ten mothers who are new or expecting to feel it's crucial to
be flawless, according to a recent What to Expect survey of more than 3,000 such women.
Just five years ago, this was a 10% gain. The moms of Generation Z have different ideas
about what it means to be the ideal parent than Millennials (aged 27 to 41), according to
What to Expect study. Compared to Millennials, they place a greater premium on being the
"perfect mother" and work harder to fulfill their parenting aspirations. The evidence suggests
that Gen Z women are more interested in reliable parenting advice in the media. It is
anticipated that we will be able to assist certain members of Generation Z who are moms or
mothers in gaining access to information about how to raise and raise children so that
children can grow up healthy and happy and moreover they can carry on to future

7. Reference

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