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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
First of all. Thanks to Allah SWT who always given health and blessing for all of us.
Secondly, may solawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW.
Hello Judges.....
Hello Friends.....
How are you?
Have you ever heard a story about the rabbit and the tortoise?
Aanyways, My name is .................
But you can call me.............
I am fifth grade student of MIM 19 Gunungsari
Today, i will to tell you a story with the title is the rabbit and the tortoise.
Hope you enjoy it!
“Hello... i a’m a tortois..”
“Hello.. i’m the Rabbit, i’m the fastest runner in the woods”
One upon a time, in a big forest a tortoise was walking on the road, a rabbit saw him and started
laughing loudly “hahahaha.... loke at you, you are so slow, i’m the fastest runner in the woods.
Why are you so slow? You are so slow... you are so slow... you are so slow....”. The tortoise got
angery and challenged the rabbit to a race.the rabbit immediately agreed and saying “ why not?
I’m faster than you, i can beat you anytime, i’m the best.”
On the day of the race, the rabbit and the tortoise arrived at the starting line.
Ready.... set.... go.... and they started running, the rabbit run very fast, while the tortoise slowly
followed behind. At one poin, when the rabbit looked backhe couldn’t even see the tortoise “
where the tortoise? i can’t see him, he is must be far away” the rabbit though to himself “ i’m
sure i will win this race, why should i hurry? I would rather take a nap here for awile” when the
rabbit was sleeping, the tortoise kept on going. After a while, when a rabbit woke up he saw the
Tortoise reaching the finish line “ huhhh....oh my god” he started running as a fast as he can, but
it was to late, he couldn’t reach there before the tortoise. The tortoise already crossed the line.
The tortoise won the race. “yeay... i win” the rabbit started crying, because he had lost the race.
“huhuhu... it’s not fair, huhuhu..”
The moral story is slow and steady wins the race.
Friends this is the end of the story. I’m sorry if I have a bad pronunciation thanks for your
attention. May Allah bless you..

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