NAT Application 2022 - 6

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Affix a Photo 2022-06

(cm 4x3.5)

No. …………….

1 Full Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

LETTERS) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2 Name with

3 Gender Male/Female

4 National
………………………………………….. Birth Day: …………….Date…………………Month……………….Year
Card No.

4 Permanent


5 Residential (Where do you want to get your Correspondents)

Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...


6 Contact Home……………………………………………………………
Office…………………………………………………………… Email………………………………………………………………….


7 I hereby certified that above information are true and correct.

Date:……………………………………… Signature:……………………………………………

1. One application for one candidate. Each application needs to be signed by the candidate
by him/herself.
2. Complete your application correctly and legibly.
3. Your all other documents are based on the information given in the application. If you
would be asked to do some correction of the other documents based on mistakes or
wrong information of the application, then you need to pay Rs. 1,000 for each time
of the correction.
4. Pay your examination fees in Sri Lankan Rs. 5,500 or US $30.
5. After completing your application, please submit it to the J.R. Jayewardene Centre
(New building), Ground Floor, Town Hall at 9a.m – 3p.m. ( Only 1000
candidates are register for a session so submit your application before the deadline)
You are also required to attach the following documents to the application. (Close on
Sundays and Holidays)
i. Copy of the Passport, Copy of the Driving License or ID Copy with O/L or A/L
result sheet copy.
ii. Two passport size photographs. Paste one of these photos neatly into
the application. Submit the other photograph with the application.
iii. Photographs should have to take within last 3 months and should not wear specs
in the photograph.

6. Accordingly you expected to examination level colors are show the below application.

N5 – White
N4 – Blue
N3 – Yellow
N2 – Pink
N1 – Red
7. You are advised to keep photocopies of the above document.
8. All telephone inquiries need to be limited to 9am to 5pm.
9. Address: NAT Office: (0716542559)
J.R. Jayewardene Centre (New building),
No. 191,
Dharmapala Mawatha,
Colombo 07.
(Email: )
(Facebook Page: )
whÿïm; msrùu ioyd Wmfoia ^ NAT Test 2022 දෙසැම්බර් 11&
1' tla b,a¨ï m;%hla j,x.= jkafka tla wfmalaIlhl=g muKla jk w;r iEu
whÿïlrejl=u ;u w;aik fhdod tys f;dr;=re ksjeros njg iy;sl l< hq;=h'

2' ksjerosj yd meyso,

s sj whÿïm;%fha f;dr;=re iïmQ¾K l< hq;=h'

3' whÿïlref.a iïmQ¾K ku bx.S%is NdIdfjka ,sùfïoS ksjeros bx.%Sis wlaIr Ndú;d lrkak'
whÿïm;%fha f;dr;=re u; wksl=;a ,sms f,aLK ms<sfh< lrk w;r ksjeros fkdjk
f;dr;=re imhd miqj tu je/oao ksjeros lsrSu i|yd b,a¨ï l< úg tla ixfYdaOk jdrhlg
re' 1000 l uqo,la f.úh hq;=h'

4' Tfí úNd. .dia;j

= we't'P' fvd,¾ 30la fyda YS% ,xld uqo,ska re' 5500ls' whÿï m;%h
NdroSfïoS fuu uqo, f.úh hq;f
= õ'

5' whÿïm; iïmQ¾K lsrSfuka miqj my; oelafjk f,aLk iuÕska fm'j' 9'00 isg m'j' 3'00
f;la gõkafyda,ays msysá fÊ' wd¾' chj¾Ok uOHia:dkh ^kj f.dvke.s,a,&" ìï uyf,ys
ld¾hd,hg f.kú;aa Ndrfokak'^whÿïlrejka 1000la muKla n|jd .kakd neúka kshñ;
oskg fmr Tnf.a whÿïm; ndr fokak& bßod iy rdcH ksjdvq Èkhkays § jid we;'
w' úfoaY .ukan,m;%fhys Pdhdmsgm;la හ ෝ රියදුරු බලපත්‍රහයි ායයය ිටපපක් හ ෝ
ජයතික ැදුනුම්පහකි ායයය ිටපපක් සමග අ.හපය.ස සය.හප හ ෝ අ.හපය.ස උ.හප විභයග
ස තිකවල ායයය ිටපපත්.
wd' úfoaY .ukan,m;% m%udKfha PdhdrEm 02la' ^udi 03la we;+<; .;a PdhdrEm úh
hq;= w;r lKaKdä m<|d we;s cdhdrEm ndr .kq fkd,efí¡&
we' fuu tla cdhdrEmhla whÿïm;%fha msrsisÿj w,jkak
wE' wfkla PdhdrEmh whÿïm; iuÕ Ndrfokak'
6¡ Tn fmkS isàug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk úNd. uÜgu wkQj whÿïm; my; j¾Khkag wod<j
uqÞKh lr.kak¡

N5 - iqÿ
N4 - ks,a
N3 - ly
N2 - frdai
N1 - r;=
6' wjYH kï by; ,smsf,aLK j, Pdhdmsgm;la Tn ,Õ ;nd.kak'

7' fuu whÿïm;a fyda fjk;a lreKq ms<sn| úuiSfïoS i;sfha oskj, fm'j' 9'00 isg m'j'
5'00 olajd muKla ÿrl:kfhka f;dr;=re úuish yels w;r tu ld,iSudfjka miqj
ÿrl:kh yd iïnkaO úh fkdyel'
8' ,smskh ¦ NAT ld¾hhd,h (0716542559
fÊ' wd¾' chj¾Ok uOHia:dkh"
fkd' 191"
O¾umd, udj;"
fld<U 07'

(Email: )
(Facebook Page: )

) ^ uOHia:dkfhys is;shu my;ska oelafõ'&

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