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Nee Soon East

we meet on every first & Third thursdays of every month at
#04-05 , Nee Soon east Community Club

hahaha..tickle me pink!!!
We wouldn’t want our jokes
to be interrupted by annoy-
ing ring tones, don’t we? Boring
contest rules were read
out and the contestants re-
minded to entertain us.

The perennial star vocal-

powerhouse- Lawrence
Chan - mesmerized us
with his quirky insight on why
women drivers are not nec-
Laughter is the best medicine essarily be the worst drivers
on the road. In fact, he gener-

ur funny bones energetic hustle and bustle. ously studded his speech on
were given a thor- To set the stage for the annu- anecdotes on why men could
ough workout and al contest, tables were straight- very well be the real culprits.
our mouth mus- ened out, chairs whipped into Yihao presented a rather physical
cles were strained all for a good positions and the Club ban- speech on his experiences with
cause - at our club’s Humorous ner unfurled to full glory. table topics.
Speech Contest 2008/09. Of course, the genial Toastmaster- The guy brought the house down
of-the-Evening,, Saddiq was busy with his “traumatic”experiences
The evening started with making sure that he had his script with the dreaded Table Top-
guests slowly trickling polished to perfection. ics Sessions ("truly torturous").
into the meeting room;
Continued on Page 2
weary after a hard day's work In 3, 2, 1, it was time to bring
around 730pm. Hot, flustered out the funny side in all of us.
Editorial Team
and harassed - words that The highly-anticipated Contest Editor: Kenneth Goh, CC
aptly described those started with a stern reminder to Writer: Mohd Saddiq, CC
who came to the meeting. switch off their electronic devices. Designer: Kenneth Goh,CC
Suddenly, tiredness and lethargy
quickly gave way to animated and Photos: Mohd Saddiqi
The jovial
young man turn it off,
read his mind par ticularly
aloud with a blow- when you
by-blow sequence are working
of what goes in on a proj-
his mind when ect and burn-
he gets called ing 10 litres of
up to speak midnight oil.
impromptu. Seductively hi-
larious speech!
What a dig to
Giving our smile lines
Toastmasters, albe-
a break, the session broke off
it a sincere and personable one.
for refreshments. Breaking the ice was
Kenneth Goh, ever the one with a
top on the menu as our members enter-
flowery tongue and a penchant for
tained the guests (we had 6 of them!!!)
creative word usage, wowed us with
and preached to them the benefits of join-
a hilarious speech on his pet peeves.
ing Toastmasters ( of course). Cakes were
shoveled down and wash down the palate
One of them is - yes, you guessed it, is with drinks and friendships were forged.
the fact that Singaporeans hold the
unbroken world record of fast- The next part - the Speech Evaluation
est sprinter to the bus doors. Contest - featured our Mystery Speaker
Mohamad Saddiqi shar-
The other pet peeve
ing his journey in Toastmasters.
is that the humble com-
After that was over, the
puter seemingly
contestants were led out of the room
saves you the
and given 5 minutes to complete their
energy to

With that, The Humorous Speech

Contest came to a rousing end.
It was a satisfying session filled
with warm laughter and ap-
plause and lots of fun
and wit thrown
across the room.

Nee Soon East CC Toasmasters Club Newsletter - October 2008 Issue Page 2
F o r
The Record:
Winners of Our Club’s Humorous Speech Contest 2008/9

Gold: Kenneth Goh

Silver:Yihao Man
Bronze: Lawrence Chan

Speech Evaluation Contest

Gold: Lawrence Chan

Silver:Yihao Man
Bronze: Kenneth Goh

Congratulations to all of them! You have truly shown that you

have what it needs

Quotable quotes from our

club's speakers :
“ If you drink, don’t drive.You might just spill your beer”
- Lawrence Chan, our perennial star speaker
“ Forget National Day Parade or Queuing up for doughnuts,
the best way to catch the Singapore Spirit is to wait to board
a public bus.” - Kenneth Goh, editor of this newsletter

“ Table Topics is also known as Truly Torturous. T and T.”

- Yihao Man, our “long-suffering” Sergeant-At-Arms, ( SAA)

Nee Soon East CC Toasmasters Club Newsletter - October 2008 Issue Page 3
ur September chapter meeting saw a bonanza of
guests visiting Nee Soon East CC Toastmasters
Club on 18 September – a sign of strong
interdependent ties that we have with other clubs
in Singapore. And oh what fun we had! Our latest addition to
the Nee Soon East family, Chan Si Min was officially inducted
into our club!!! Cheers and welcome Si Min as you embark on
your numerous project speeches- to come!!!!

Our language evalua-

tor, DTM
Rebecca Lee & Club
Saddiq sharing a

our september Kodak Moment

chapter meeting
Without much “ wheedling” ( our word of the
evening) – which means to obtain something with
persuasion, it was time for the painful table topics
to roll out by Saddiqi.
Congrats to Tung Keong for winning his first (
of many) Best Speaker Ribbons to come for his
inspiring speech on competition. The spotlight was
Welcome thrown back at our dear pioneer member ( and
Si Min our very own area governor, not withstanding) –
Kumaran who completed his advanced projects. Best Speaker of the
Night : Tung Keong is
Here’s to all the milestones we have achieved!!!! all smiles
We also thank our dear guests for their
invaluable help, which added
more colour and spice to
the “main courses” that
night. To the gracefully tall
DTM Rebecca Lee and Ming
Hwee and witty Seh Leng (
pronounced Sail-Ling) from
Ulu Pandan Toastmasters
Our members- all at club and Sor Hoon from

Nee Soon East CC Toasmasters Club Newsletter - October 2008 Issue Page 3

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