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Citizenship Training  

-Citizenship training is an effective strategy to  a right to due process and equal protection
enhance the student's social responsibility and of law
 a right against searches and seizures
commitment to the development of their
without a warrant issued by a judge
communities and to develop the ability to uphold  a right to privacy
the law and order as they assume  The right to freedom of speech and
active participations in the community activities. expression, freedom of the press, freedom of
assembly, and the right to petition
 The free exercise of religion
 Section 1. It shall be the duty of the citizen
 1935- COMMONWEALTH ACT NO.1 to be loyal to the Republic and to honor
(NATIONAL DEFENSE ACT) the Philippine flag, to defend the State and
 1980- PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1706 contribute to its development and welfare,
(NATIONAL SERVICE LAW)  to uphold the Constitution and obey the laws,
and to cooperate with the duly
 Republic Act No. 7077 on June 27, 1991
constituted authorities in the attainment and
 2001- RA. 9163 NSTP ACT OF 2001 
preservation of a just and orderly society.
 Section 2. The rights of the individual
Legal Bases of NSTP impose upon him the correlative duty to
exercise them responsibly and with due regard
Implementing Rules and Regulations (RA 9163) for the rights of others.
 Section 3. It shall be the duty of every
This act shall be known as the National Service citizen to engage in gainful work to assure
Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001. himself and his family a life worthy of human
NSTP refers to the program aimed at enhancing  Section 4. It shall be the obligation of every
civic consciousness  and defense preparedness in citizen qualified to vote to register and cast
the youth, by developing the ethics of service his vote.
and patriotism while undergoing training in any of
the three (3) Program components, specifically
designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution Flag Heraldic Code of the Philippines (RA
to the general welfare; 8491, s. 1998)

Philippine Flag Meaning

Philippine Constitution
White – peace and purity , the white triangle
PREAMBLE represents equality and the katipunan nationalist
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid organization.
of Almighty God, in order to build a just and Red- represents valor and the blood split for
humane society, and establish a Government that freedom and independence.
shall embody our ideals and aspirations, Blue- symbolizes patriotism and justice.
promote the common good, conserve and develop 3 Stars- represents the main geographical regions
our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our of the Philippines ; Luzon, Visayas , Mindanao
posterity, the blessings of independence Sun – represents the eight province ;
Manila, Bulacan , Cavite, Pampanga, Tarlac,
and democracy under the rule of law and a regime
Laguna, Batangas, Nueva Ecija.
of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and
peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
Good Citizenship Values

The Promotion of the Filipino Values

The promotion of the Filipino Values is embodied in
the Preamble of the 1987 Constitution.
I. Pagkamaka-Diyos
 Faith in the almighty
 Respect for life
 Order
 Work
 Concern for the family and future
 I.Pagkamaka – tao
 1. Love
 2. Freedom
 3. Peace
 4. Truth
 5. Justice

III.Pagkamaka – Bayan
1. Unity
2. Equality
3. Respect for law and Government
4. Patriotism
5. Promotion of common good
IV.Pagkamaka – Kalikasan
1. Concern for the Environment

Good governance is not enough because

people should work on being good citizens. They
should translate the good citizenship values derived
from the Preamble of the Constitution into
concrete action to build the nation.
 Family Conflict 
 Family Social Deprivation
 Social
Drug Education
 Low religiosity 
 Drug education is an important strategy  Rebelliousness 
for reducing the extent of drug related
incidents among young people. Effective drug
 School
education programs need to build knowledge and
 School Failure  
increase the competency of students to act in safe  Peer Pressure
ways when presented with challenging situations

Commonly Abused Substances

 Alcohol
How Do I Know if Someone Is on Drugs?  Caffeine
 Nicotine
 Clenching of the jaw
 Irregular sleeping patterns or difficulty
falling asleep Alcohol
 Marks on skin Slows reflexes and causes
 Poor personal hygiene drowsiness when used in excess,

Common Signs of Drug Use  Found in: Coffee, tea, cocoa, soft drinks,
Reduces fine motor coordination,
 May frequent odd places  increases alertness, alters sleep
 Poor physical appea patterns, and can cause
 Blames everybody but oneself  headaches, nervousness, and dizziness.
 Prefers to stay with peer
 Nicotine
Other Terms: Tobacco
 Abusing a drug, or misusing a prescription  Reduces appetite and can cause nausea and
medication, can produce other short-term vomiting, increases alertness.
effects, such as:
 changes in appetite  Marijuana
 sleeplessness or insomnia Other Terms: Grass, pot,

 increased heart rate Marijuana impairs memory, concentration,
perception, and movement.
 Chronic drug use can alter a person’s brain
structure and function, resulting in long-term Cocaine
psychological effects, such as: How it is Used: Snorted, smoked,
 depression
Causes dizziness, headache, stimulates the
 anxiety
brain and spinal cord, and increased
 panic disorders
heart rate. Elevated blood pressure,
 increased aggression
increased body temperature, increased
 paranoia
breathing rate.
 Other Terms:Happy Drug, Love Drug FOR OTHER PURPOSES
Effects on the Body: Increased heart
rate, blood pressure, and body
temperature, dehydration, nausea,
muscle cramping, involuntary teeth
clenching, blurred vision,
chills, sweating.

Effects on the Body: Tachycardia,
hypertension, atrial and ventricular
arrhythmias, chest pain, accelerated
atherosclerosis, dyspnea, edema,
abscess, cellulitis, seizures,
hypotension, dental caries, periodontal
abscess (meth mouth),
pupillary dilatation.

Effects on the Body: Euphoria,
drowsiness, stupor, coma, respiratory
depression, seizures, 

 The most useful system of classifying drugs

is by their effect on the central nervous
 Stimulants – nicotine,  amphetamine,
caffeine, cocaine    
 Depressants – alcohol, heroin    
 Hallucinogens – magic mushrooms, LSD   
 Multi-action – ecstasy, cannabis

How to Avoid Drug Use

 Understand how alcohol and drug addiction
 Get help if you have an alcohol or drug

Penalties for Drug Users in The Philippines

DISASTER AWARENESS, PREPAREDNESS  Capacity- Refers to all the strengths,
attributes and resources available within a
community, organization or society to
manage and reduce disaster risks and
strengthen resilience.
The National Disaster Preparedness Plan 
Basic Terminologies of Disaster Management
The primary goal of preparedness is to avert the
 Disaster loss of lives and assets due to threats and
 Hazard emergencies. RA 10121 defines preparedness as
 Risk the “knowledge and capacities developed by
 Vulnerability
governments, professional response and recovery
 Capacity
 Response organizations, communities and individuals
 Relief to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover
 Recovery from, the impacts of likely, imminent or current
 Rehabilitation hazard events or conditions.” 
 Reconstruction
 Development
 Mitigation The NDP Plan Objectives: 
 Preparedness
 Prevention To increase level of awareness and enhanced
 Disaster Risk Management
capacity of communities to anticipate, avoid,

 Disaster Risk Reduction- A systematic reduce and survive the threats and impacts of all
approach to identifying, assessing and hazards; 
reducing the risks of disaster. It aims to
reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities to To increase Disaster Risk Reduction and
disaster as well as dealing with the Management (DRRM) and Climate Change
environmental and other hazards that Adaptation (CCA) capacity of Local DRRM
trigger them. Councils, Offices and Operation Centers at all
 Disaster Risk Reduction and levels; 
Management- The application
of disaster risk reduction policies and R.A.10121
strategies to prevent new disaster risk,
reduce existing disaster An act strengthening the Philippine disaster
risk and manage residual risk, contributing
to the strengthening of resilience risk reduction and management system, providing
and reduction of disaster losses. for the national disaster risk
 Hazard- An agent which has the potential reduction and management framework
to cause harm to a vulnerable target.
and institutionalizing the national disaster
Hazards can be both natural or human
induced. Sometimes natural hazards such risk reduction and management plan, appropriating
as floods and a drought can be caused by funds thereof and for other purposes.
human activity.
 Vulnerability- Refers to the inability to Components of DRR and
withstand the effects of a Management
hostile environment. A window of The provision of emergency services and public
vulnerability is a time frame within
assistance during or immediately after a
which defensive measures are diminished,
disaster in order to save lives, reduce health
compromised or lacking.
impacts, ensure public safety and meet the basic
subsistence needs of the people affected.
 Prevention PovertyReduction.Povertyisacentralconcernofsustai
 Mitigation nabledevelopment.
 Adaptation
 Preparedness
The recovery task of rehabilitation
and reconstruction begins soon after the
emergency phase has ended and should be EmpowermentandGoodGovernance.Empowermenti
based on pre-existing strategies and policies that sapreconditionofinformalchoices.Goodgovernanceis
facilitate clear institutional responsibilities for anecessarypreconditionofempowerment,asempower
recovery action and enable public participation. mentistogoodgovernance.

 Response  PeaceandSolidarity.Thecycleofpovertyandconflictgo
 Recovery esonasthecostsofwarescalateintermsofvariouskindso
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND fdestructionwhilewithholdingfundsforbasicservices,
PHILIPPINE AGENDA 21THE KEY TO PHILIPPINES’ cingtheintegrityofthecountry’secologicaldomainwillh
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION avetoinvolveheightenedandsustainedimplementatio
Philippine Agenda 21 (PA 21) is a program of action
into the 21stcentury for bringing the Earth into a
sustainable future.

It was adopted by the participating governments of

the world in the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (UNCED), otherwise
known as the Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil in June 1992.




THE NATIONAL FLAG   than one thousand (1000) gross tons and on
A. Design of the National all naval vessels.  
Flag   On board naval vessels, the flag shall be
SECTION 4. The flag of the Philippines shall displayed on the flagstaff at the stern when the
be blue, white, and red with an eight-rayed ship is at anchor. The Flag shall be hoisted to
golden-yellow sun and three five-pointed stars, the gaff at the aftermost when the ship is at
as consecrated and honored by the people.   sea.  
B. Hoisting and Display of SECTION 10. The flag, if flown from a
the National Flag   flagpole, shall have its blue field on top in time
SECTION 5. The flag shall be displayed in all of peace and the red field on top in time of
public buildings, official residences public war; if in a hanging position, the blue field
plazas, and institutions of learning everyday shall be to the right (left of the observer) in
throughout the year.   time of peace, and the red field to the right
SECTION 6. The flag shall be permanently (left of the observer) in time of war.  
hoisted, day and night throughout the year, in The flagpole staff must be straight and slightly
front of the following; at Malacañang Palace; tapering at the top.  
the Congress of the Philippines building; SECTION 11. If planted on the ground, the
Supreme Court building; the Rizal Monument in flagpole shall be at a prominent place and shall
Luneta, Manila; Aguinaldo Shrine in Kawit, be of such height as would give the flag
Cavite; Barasoain Shrine in Malolos, Bulacan; commanding position in relation to the
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,  Libingan buildings in the vicinity.  
ng mga Bayani; Mausuleo de los Beteranos dela If attached to a building, the flagpole shall be
Revolucion; all International Ports of Entry and on top of its roof or anchored on a sill
all other places as maybe designated by the projecting at an angle upward.  
Institute. The flag shall be properly illuminated If on stage or platform or government office,
at night.   the flag shall be at the left (facing the stage)
SECTION 7. The flag shall also be displayed in or the left of the office upon entering.  
private buildings and residences or raised in SECTION 12. When the Philippine flag is flown
the open flag-staffs in front of said buildings with another flag, the flags, if both are national
every April 9 (Araw ng Kagitingan); May flags, must be flown on separate staffs of the
1 (Labor Day); May 28 (National Flag Day) to same height and shall be of equal size. The
June 12 (Independence Day); last Sunday of Philippine flag shall be hoisted first and
August (National Heroes Day); November lowered last.  
30 (Bonifacio Day); and December 30 (Rizal If the other flag is not a national flag, it may
Day); and on such other days as may be be flown in the same line yard as the Philippine
declared by the President and/or local chief flag but below the latter and it cannot be of
executives.   greater size than the Philippine flag.  
The flag may also be displayed throughout the SECTION 13. When displayed with another
year in private buildings or offices or raised in flag, the Philippine flag shall be on the right of
the open on flag-staffs in front of private the other flag. If there is a line of other flags,
buildings: Provided, that they observe flag- the Philippine flag shall be in the middle of the
raising ceremonies in accordance with the rules line.  
and regulations to be issued by the Office of When carried in a parade with flags, which are
the President.   not national flags, the Philippine flag shall be in
SECTION 8. All government agencies and front of the center of the line.  
instrumentalities, and local government offices, SECTION 14. A flag worn out through wear
government-owned corporations and local and tear shall not be thrown away. It shall be
government units are enjoined to observe flag solemnly burned to avoid misuse or
day with appropriate ceremonies. Socio-civic desecration. The flag shall be replaced
groups, non-government organizations and the immediately when it begins to show signs of
private sector are exhorted to cooperate in wear and tear.  
making the celebrations a success.   SECTION 15. The flag shall be raised at
SECTION 9. The flag shall be flown on sunrise and lowered at sunset. It shall be on
merchant ships of Philippine registry of more
the mast at the start of official ‘office hours, first note of the anthem is heard, everyone in
shall remain flying throughout the day.   the premises shall come to attention; moving
SECTION 16. The flag may be displayed:   vehicles shall stop. All persons present
a. Inside or outside-a building or on shall :.ace their right palms over their chests,
a stationary flagpole. If the flag is displayed those with hats shall uncover, while those in
indoors on a flagpole, it shall be placed at the military, scouting, security guard, and citizens
left of the observer as one enters the room.   military training uniforms shall give :.-.£ salute
b. From the top of a flagpole, which shall be at prescribed by their regulations, which salute
a prominent place or a commanding position in shall be completed upon the last note of the
relation to the surrounding buildings.   anthem.  
c. From a staff projecting upward from The assembly shall sing the Philippine national
the windowsill, canopy, balcony, or facade of a anthem, accompanied by a band, r available,
building.   and at the first note, the flag shall be raised
d. In a suspended position from a rope briskly.  
extending from a building to pole erected away The same procedure shall be observed when
from the building.   the flag is passing in review or in parade.  
e. Flat against the wall vertically with the sun SECTION 22. During the flag lowering, the
and stars on top; and   flag shall be lowered solemnly and slowly so
f. Hanging in a vertical position across a street, that the flag shall be down the mast at the
with the blue field pointing east, if the road is sound of the last note of the anthem. Those in
heading south or north, or pointing north if the the assembly shall observe the same
road is heading east or west.   deportment or shall observe the same behavior
The flag shall not be raised when the weather as for the flag-raising ceremony.  
is inclement. If already raised, the flag shall D. Half-Mast  
not be lowered.   SECTION 23. The flag shall be flown at half-
SECTION 17. The flag shall be hoisted to the mast as a sign of mourning on all buildings and
top briskly and lowered ceremoniously.   places where it is displayed, as provided for in
The flag shall never touch anything beneath it, this Act, on the day of official announcement of
such as the ground, flood, water, or other the death of any of the following officials:  
objects.   a. The President or a former President, for ten
After being lowered, the flag shall be handled (10) days.  
and folded solemnly as part of the ceremony.   b. The Vice-President, the Chief Justice, the
C. Conduct of Flag Raising President of the Senate, and the Speaker of
Ceremony   the House of Representatives, for seven (7)
SECTION 18. All government offices and days; and  
educational institutions shall henceforth c. Other persons to be determined by the
observe the flag-raising ceremony every Institute, for any period less than seven (7)
Monday morning and the flag lowering days.  
ceremony every Friday afternoon. The The flag shall be flown at half-mast on all the
ceremony shall be simple and dignified and buildings and places where the decedent was
shall include the playing or singing of the holding office, on the day of death until the
Philippine National Anthem.   day of interment of an incumbent member of
SECTION 19. The office of the President upon the Supreme Court, the Cabinet, the Senate or
the recommendation of the Institute shall issue the House of Representatives, and such other
rules and regulations for the proper conduct of persons as may be determined by the
the flag ceremony.   Institute.  
SECTION 20. The observance of the flag The flag when flown at half-mast shall be first
ceremony in official or civic gatherings shall be hoisted to the peak for a moment then lowered
simple and dignified and shall include the to the half-mast position. The flag shall again
playing or singing of the anthem in its original be raised briskly to the peak before it is
Filipino lyrics and march tempo.   lowered for the day.  
SECTION 21. During the flag-raising E. Casket  
ceremony, the assembly shall stand in SECTION 24. The flag may be used to cover
formation racing the flag. At the moment the the caskets of the honored dead of the
military, veterans of previous wars, national materials, the following standards and
artists, and of civilians who have rendered procedures shall be observed:  
distinguished service to the nation, as maybe All requisitions for the purchase of the
determined by the local government unit Philippine National Flag must be based on strict
concerned. In such cases, the flag shall be compliance with the design, color, craftmanship
placed such that the white triangle shall be at and material requirements of the Government.  
the head and the blue portion shall cover the All submitted samples of flags by accredited
right side of the caskets. The flag shall not be suppliers offered for purchase for government
lowered to the grave or allowed to touch use shall be evaluated as to design, color and
the ground but shall be folded solemnly and craftmanship specifications by the Institute,
handed over to the heirs of the deceased.   through its Heraldry and Display Section, which
F. Pledge to the Flag   shall stamp its approval or disapproval on the
SECTION 25. The following shall be the canvass reinforcement of the flag sample
Pledge of Allegiance to the Philippine Flag:   submitted. The samples shall be sent to the
Ako ay Filipino   Institute by the requisitioning office, not by the
Buong katapatang nanunumpa    flag supplier; and  
Sa watawat ng Pilipinas   c. The Industrial Technology Development
At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag   Institute (ITDI) or the Philippine Textile
Na may dangal, katarungan, at kalayaan   Research Institute (PTRI) of the Department of
Na pinakikilos ng sambayanang   Science and Technology (DOST) shall evaluate
Maka-Diyos,   the quality of material of all flag samples and
Makatao,   certify whether the fabric for the blue, white,
Makakalikasan, at   red and golden yellow colors, including the
Makabansa.   canvass submitted, conforms to government
Such pledge shall be recited while standing requirement as to quality of the material. The
with the right-hand palm open raised shoulder samples shall be submitted by the said office to
high. Individuals whose faith or religious beliefs the Institute.  
prohibit them from making such pledge must SECTION 30. All deliveries of the flags
nonetheless show full respect when the pledge requisitioned by the government shall be
is being rendered by standing at attention.   inspected by the requisitioning agency’s
G. Flag Days   internal inspector and by the Commission on
SECTION 26. The period from May 28 to June Audit (COA) using the flag stamped approved
12 of each year is declared as Flag Days, by the Institute as reference.  
during which period all offices, agencies and SECTION 31. In carrying out its
instrumentalities of government, business responsibilities under Section 4 hereof, the
establishments, institutions of learning and Institute, COA, the ITDI/PTRI shall prepare
private homes are enjoined to display the guidelines to be approved by the Office of the
flag.   President.  
H. Specifications of the SECTION 32. All government agencies and
National Flag   instrumentalities shall ensure that the
SECTION 27. The flag shall have the following requirements under this Act with respect to the
proportions. The width of the flag, 1; the standards, requisitions and delivery of the
length of the flag, 2; and the sides of the white national flag are strictly complied with.  
triangle, 1.   SECTION 33. All departments, agencies,
SECTION 28. The technical specifications shall offices, and instrumentalities of the
be as follows:   government, government-owned or controlled
The blue color shall bear Cable No. 80173; the corporations, local government units, including
white color, Cable No. 80001 the red color, barangays, shall include in their annual
Cable No. 80108; and the golden yellow, Cable budgets the necessary outlay for the purchase
No. 80068.   of the national flag.  
SECTION 29. In order to establish uniform I. Prohibited Acts  
criteria in the making of our national flag and SECTION 34. It shall be prohibited  
to guarantee its durability by the use of quality a. To mutilate, deface, defile,
trample, on or cast contempt any act
or omission casting dishonor or ridicule country. The following shall be the lyrics of the
upon the flag over its surface.   National Anthem.  
b. To dip the flag to any person Bayang magiliw,  
or object by way of compliment Perlas ng silanganan,  
or salute.   Alab ng puso  
c. To use the flag:   Sa dibdib mo’y buhay.  
1. As a drapery, festoon, tablecloth   Lupang hinirang,  
2. As covering for ceilings, walls, statues, or Duyan ka ng magiting,  
other objects.   Sa manlulupig  
3. As a pennant in the hood, side, back Di ka pasisiil.  
and top of motor vehicles.   Sa dagat at bundok,   
4. As a staff or whip.   Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw,  
5. For unveiling monuments or statues; May dilag ang tula  
and   At awit sa paglayang minamahal.  
6. As trademarks or for Ang kislap ng watawat mo’y  
industrial, commercial, or agricultural labels Tagumpay na nagniningning;  
or designs.   Ang bituin at araw niya,  
d. Display the flag:   Kailan pa ma’y di magdidilim.   
1. Under any painting Lupa ng araw, ng luwalhati’t pagsinta,  
or picture.   Buhay ay langit sa piling mo;  
2. Horizontally face-up. It shall Aming ligaya na ‘pag may mang-aapi,  
always be hoisted aloft and be allowed Ang mamatay nang dahil sa ‘yo.  
to fall freely.     
3. Below any platform; or   SECTION 37. The rendition of the National
4. In discotheques, cockpits, Anthem, whether played or sung, shall be in
night and day clubs, casinos, gambling accordance with the musical arrangement and
joints and places of vice or where composition of Julian Felipe.  
frivolity prevails.   SECTION 38. When the National Anthem is played
e. To wear the flag in whole or at a public gathering, whether by a band or by
in part as a costume or uniform.   singing or both, or reproduced by any means, the
f. To add any word, figure, attending public shall sing the anthem. The singing
mark, picture, design, drawings, must be done with fervor.  
advertisements, or imprint of any As a sign of respect, all persons shall stand at
nature on the flag.   attention and face the Philippine flag, if there is
g. To print, paint or attach one displayed, and if there is none, they shall face
representation of the flag on the band or the conductor. At the first note, all
handkerchiefs, napkins, cushions, and persons shall execute a salute by placing their right
other articles of merchandise.   palms over their left chests. Those in military,
h. To display in public any scouting, citizen’s military training and security
foreign flag, except in embassies and guard uniforms shall give the salute prescribed by
other diplomatic establishments, and their regulations. The salute shall be completed
in offices of international upon the last note of the anthem.  
organizations.   The anthem shall not be played and sung for mere
i. To use, display or be part of recreation, amusement, or entertainment purposes
any advertisement of infomercial; and   except on the following occasions:  
j. To display the flag in front of a. International competitions where the Philippines
buildings or offices occupied by is the host or has a representative.  
aliens.   b. Local competitions.  
   c. During “signing off” and “signing on” of radio
J. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM   broadcasting and television stations.  
SECTION 35. The National Anthem is d. Before the initial and last screening of films or
entitled Lupang Hinirang.   before the opening of theater performances; and  
SECTION 36. The National Anthem shall always be e. Other occasions as may be allowed by the
sung in the national language v/ithin or without the Institute.  
SECTION 39. All officials and employees of the
national and local governments, and any agencies
or instrumentalities thereof, including government-
owned or controlled corporations, privately-owned
entities of offices displaying the national flag and
government institutions of learning are hereby
directed to comply strictly with the rules prescribed
for the rendition of the anthem. Failure to observe
the rules shall be a ground for administrative
SECTION 40. The national Motto shall be “MAKA-
person, who, unless authorized by law, shall
Penalties for Drug Users in The Philippines) engage in the manufacture of any dangerous drug.
SECTION 4. Importation of Dangerous Drugs SECTION 15. Use of Dangerous Drugs. – A person
and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential apprehended or arrested, who is found to be
Chemicals.  positive for use of any dangerous drug, after a
– The penalty of life imprisonment to death and a confirmatory test, shall be imposed a penalty of a
fine ranging from Five hundred thousand minimum of six (6) months rehabilitation in a
pesos(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos government center for the first offense, subject to
(P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon any the provisions of Article VIII of this Act.
person, who, unless authorized by law, shall import
or bring into the Philippines SECTION 16. Cultivation or Culture of Plants
Classified as Dangerous Drugs or Are Sources
SECTION 5. Sale, Trading, Administration, Thereof.– The penalty of life imprisonment to death
Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand
Transportation of Dangerous Drugs and/or pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals. – (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed
The penalty of life imprisonment to death and a
fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos SECTION 19. Unlawful Prescription of Dangerous
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos Drugs. – The penalty of life imprisonment to death
(P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon any and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand
person, who, unless authorized by law, shall sell, pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten Million pesos
trade, administer, dispense, deliver, give away to (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed
another, distribute,
SECTION 20. Confiscation and Forfeiture of the
SECTION 6. Maintenance of a Den, Dive or Resort. Proceeds or Instruments of the Unlawful
– The penalty of life imprisonment to death and a Act,Including the Properties or Proceeds Derived
fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos from the Illegal Trafficking of Dangerous Drugs
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos and/or Precursors and Essential Chemicals. –
(P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon any
person or group of persons who shall maintain a SECTION 21. Custody and Disposition of
den, dive or resort where any dangerous drug is Confiscated, Seized, and/or Surrendered Dangerous
used or sold in any form.The penalty of Drugs, Plant Sources of Dangerous Drugs,
imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years and Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals,
one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine ranging Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or Laboratory
from One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) Equipment.
to Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
shall be imposed SECTION 22. Grant of Compensation, Reward and
Award. – The Board shall recommend to the
SECTION 7. Employees and Visitors of a Den, Dive concerned government agency the grant of
or Resort. – The penalty of imprisonment ranging compensation, reward and award to any person 
from twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty providing information and to law enforcers
(20) years and a fine ranging from One hundred participating in the operation, which results in the
thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred successful confiscation, seizure or surrender of
thousand pesos (P500,000.00) shall be imposed dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous
upon:  drugs, and precursors and essential chemicals. 

SECTION 8. Manufacture of Dangerous Drugs SECTION 23. Plea-Bargaining Provision. – Any

and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential person charged under any provision of this Act
Chemicals. – The penalty of life imprisonment to regardless of the imposable penalty shall not be
death and a fine ranging from Five hundred allowed to avail of the provision on plea-
thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos bargaining. 
(P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon any

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