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METHODS FOR PAIN MANAGEMENT • The Bradley Method encourages

(DURING LABOR) mothers to trust their bodies using
• Most of the methods advocated are based natural breathing, relaxation,
on three premises: nutrition, exercise, and education
o Discomfort during labor can be B. The Psychosexual Method
minimized if a woman comes into labor • Was developed by Sheila Kitzinger
informed about what is happening and in England during the 1950s.
prepared with breathing exercises to • It stresses that pregnancy, labor,
use during contractions and birth, and the early newborn
o Discomfort during labor can be period are important points in a
minimized if a woman’s abdomen is woman’s life cycle.
relaxed and the uterus is allowed to • In includes a program of conscious
rise freely against the abdominal wall relaxation and levels of progressive
with contractions breathing that encourages a
o Pain perception can be altered by woman to “flow with” rather than
distraction techniques or by the gating struggle against contractions.
control theory of pain perception o Conscious relaxation
METHODS • Deliberately relaxing 1 set
A. The Bradley (Partner-Coached) of muscles, then another,
Method until her body is completely
• Originated by Robert Bradley relaxed
• Based on the premise that o Cleansing breath
childbirth is a joyful natural process • To begin all breathing
and stresses the important role of a exercises and end each
woman’s partner during exercise.
pregnancy, labor, and the early • Woman breathes in deeply
newborn period. and exhales deeply.
• The Bradley Method emphasizes • It limits the possibility of
that birth is a process: hyper- and hypoventilation
o mothers are encouraged to • If Respiratory alkalosis
trust their bodies and focus on develops:
diet and exercise throughout o Breath into a paper bag
pregnancy; causes rebreathing of
o it teaches couples to manage CO2
labor through deep breathing o Consciously controlled
and the support of a partner or breathing
labor coach • Level 1
• a system of natural labor o Slow, chest breathing
techniques in which a woman and of comfortable but full
her coach play an active part respirations.
• a simple method of increasing self- o 6 – 12 breaths/min.
awareness, teaching a woman how o Used for early
to deal with the stress of labor by contractions
tuning in to her own body

• Level 2 C. The Dick-Read Method

o Lighter and more rapid • Is based on the approach proposed
than Level 1 by Grantly Dick-Read, an English
o Up to 40 breaths/min. physician.
o For contractions with 4 • The premise is that fear leads to
– 6 cm cervical dilation tension, which leads to pain.
• Level 3 • A woman achieves relaxation and
o More shallow and more reduced pain by focusing on
rapid breathing abdominal breathing during
o Rate is 50 – 70 contractions.
breaths/min. D. The Lamaze Method
o Exhalation must be a • One of the most often taught in the
little stronger than U.S.
inhalation to prevent • Based on the theory that through
hypoventilation stimulus-response conditioning,
o Keep the tip of the women can learn to use controlled
tongue against the roof breathing to reduce pain during
of her mouth to prevent labor
oral mucosa from • Was originally termed the
drying. psychoprophylactic method.
o Use for transition o Focuses on preventing labor
contractions (8 – 10 cm pains by use of the mind.
cervical dilation) • Lamaze is a method of childbirth
• Level 4 developed by French obstetrician
o A “pant–blow” pattern Ferdinand Lamaze.
o 3 or 4 quick breaths, • The core of Lamaze is focused on
then a forceful the utilization of controlled
exhalation (breath – breathing to cope with pain.
breath – breath – huff) • Lamaze International states that its
• Level 5 goal is to, "increase women's
o Quiet, continuous, very confidence in their ability to give
shallow panting. birth".
o About 60 breaths/min. 6 MAJOR CONCEPTS
o Used during strong 1. Labor should begin on its own,
contractions, or 2nd not be artificially induced.
stage of labor to 2. Women should be able to move
prevent the woman freely throughout labor, not be
from pushing before confined to bed.
full dilatation 3. Women should receive
continuous support during
4. No routine interventions such
as IV fluids are needed.

5. Women should be allowed to

assume a non-supine (upright
or side-lying) position for birth.
6. Mother and baby should be
housed together following
birth, with unlimited
opportunity for breast-feeding

• Light abdominal massage
• Additional technique to encourage
relaxation and displace pain in the Lamaze
• A woman traces a pattern on her abdomen
with her fingertips.
• Serves as a distraction technique

• Focusing intently on an object (sensate
o Photograph of her partner or children
o A graphic design
• The woman concentrates on the object
during contractions

• Imagining being in a calm place, such as on
a beach

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