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Rise of the (smart) Machines

IRM Summit November 2014

Remy Pottier Director of Strategy ARM

The IoT Opportunity is much larger
The IoT Opportunity Gap Analysts predictions for
connected devices (2020):
30 billion?
50 billion?
75 billion?

Silos of Things3 Billion
The IoT Market is growing
Not new concept , it’s been around for >20
Today in 2013
ARM® Cortex® -M devices shipped years1
by leading semiconductor companies
Connected things > world population (6.8B)
1Weiser, Mark (1991) “the Computer for the 21st Century”
The term Internet of Things was proposed by Kevin Ashton in 1998

MCUs radios sensors

where is the value?
Change the relationship between user, devices and services
Functional Becomes IOT Little Data /Leveraging “Big Data” enables services revolution

Functional Little Data

What are the problems to solve?
Problems to solve for OEM today – similar across verticals
 Develop the Things and then …

 Connect
 Data management, device management
 Service development and deployment
 Security
 Integration

 Differentiate and innovate

Problems to solve for Market Development/Acceleration
Internet Of Things
Internet of Things
Interoperable Data
and Objects
Scale needs interoperability
Open User, Service,
Interoperability needs Standards
Device Identities
Relationship needs Trust Relationship

Trust needs Identities & Security Sharing

Silos of Things
Today Everything nearly connects
Mobile internet
Internet / broadband M2M
Fixed Telephony Networks Mobile Telephony
Enabling the I of IoT :

“I” for IP (and Web) protocols to the edge

IP / Web IoT Application Device Management

Application layer ZigBee Cluster Lib EXI | XML | JSON payload
GATT profiles ZigBee App Layer REST APIs

Security Manager CoAP | HTTP Web

DTLS | TLS Level
Host Control I/F
Network Layer
UDP | TCP Internet
L2CAP | IP | UDP 6LoWPAN | IPv6 | IPv4 Level

BT MAC/PHY IEEE 802.15.4 MAC / PHY 802.11 MAC/PHY 3GPP | LTE

Bluetooth ZigBee Thread WiFi Cellular Level

Constrained networks Web to the edge

I for Identity
 Identity in the physical world and digital world
 Devices can have multiple identities basic, cryptographic (serial number, reference number, MAC
address, shared secret, crypto key,..)

 Web-scale connectivity
 Can we use IPv6 for providing a unique IP address to IoT?
 Yes! It’s IoT-friendly by design2

 Key problems to solve:

 Identity management
 Authentication
 Authorization
 Secure the Id
2. The Internet of Everything through IPv6: An Analysis of Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities
Antonio J. Jara, Latif Ladid, Antonio Skarmeta -
I for Identity Relationship
 The trust relationship is: user trusts the App (and vice versa), App trusts the device
(and vice versa)

 This is ok for “Silos of Things” but what about these use cases:
 Device sharing/ networking
 Data sharing
 One to many relationship
 Ownership transfer (time based, ..)

3rd party apps
 ….. SSO
Data Sharing use case!
Machine Utilization

Machine ID Gym Network Equipment Owner

Personal ID Machine Depreciation
Start Time WiFi
Stop Time WiFi Network Service Contract
WiFi Predictive Maintenance
Exercise Profile
High data bandwidth
Gym Heart Rate
for machine monitoring
Personal @ Gym
Trainer / exercise regime portal
Device ID Home Network
Personal ID Internet /
Date / Time Cloud Personal Planner
Weight Scale (Kg/Lbs) WiFi Internet
Multiple Streams Mash-up / Multiple streams data
Gym + Personal

Bicycle ID Personal Area Network

TRUST? Personal @ Facebook
Share with selected friends
Personal ID
Start Time
Personal Reward
Goal achievement
Cycling Stop Time
GPS Mapping Bluetooth Cellular Network

Personal ID Health Provider

Start Time Doctor / Dietician
Stop Time
GPS Mapping Hospital
Running Heart Rate Track post-surgical recovery
Enabling Trusted Relationship between Identities
User identity
• Me
• Friends /Colleagues
• Maintenance department …

“Normal” Thingteractions User  Service

Own, share, use directly Identity and Access Management
Privacy, ownership management

Things Identity
• Serial #
• Unique Id Cloud Service
• Personal cloud
• Professional cloud
• Private / dedicated cloud
Device  Service
Security End to End

Need to establish trust in an untrusted environment?

Cryptographers have been doing this for a long time
Let’s go step by step!
Device to Service end to end security and User Access Control to services

Web scale user Identity

and Access control
and then


More Technologies and Standards required KANTARA-UMA
 IoT silicon opportunity – 30..75B devices by 2020
 Mostly small devices woven into the fabric of our physical and digital lives

 Internet / Web protocols can scale to meet the needs of IoT

 Security is essential – and the standards are already in place

 Every device needs a secure key store and basic crypto support

 Establish a trusted relationship between devices, applications and users

 The result: Trustworthy IoT at Web scale!

Thank You

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