Enhancing Appli-WPS Office

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Policy Proposal

Enhancing Applicant Screening

Mechanisms to Avoid Hiring
Unqualified Candidates

Akmad,Norhanie Z.
Salendab,Bai Allaysa S.
Abdulkarim,Sabaha D.
Adam, Rasmia Z.
Amboa, Rehana U.


Mohammad Faheem M. Aliuden

Enhancing Applicant Screening Mechanisms to Avoid Hiring
Unqualified Candidates


The purpose of this policy proposal is to address the issue of hiring unqualified applicants and provide
guidelines for organizations to enhance their applicant screening mechanisms. Hiring unqualified
individuals not only affects the productivity and efficiency of an organization but also leads to increased
costs, potential legal liabilities, and decreased employee morale. By implementing effective screening
processes, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of hiring unqualified candidates and ensure the
selection of competent and capable employees.

Background of the study

Unqualified hires can have detrimental effects on an organization, including:

a. Reduced productivity: Unqualified employees may lack the necessary skills and knowledge to perform
their duties effectively, resulting in decreased productivity and overall performance.

b. Increased costs: Hiring and training unqualified employees can be costly, as organizations invest time
and resources in individuals who may not contribute adequately to the organization's goals.

c. Legal implications: Hiring unqualified candidates can expose organizations to legal risks if their
incompetence leads to harm to others or non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

Policy Guidelines

To avoid hiring unqualified applicants, organizations should implement the following guidelines:

a. Define job requirements clearly: Organizations should establish comprehensive job descriptions and
specifications that outline the necessary qualifications, skills, experience, and competencies required for
each position. Clear job requirements enable effective candidate evaluation.
b. Develop a standardized screening process: Implement a standardized screening process that includes
multiple stages such as resume review, phone interviews, assessments, and in-person interviews. Each
stage should focus on assessing different aspects of the candidates' qualifications and suitability for the

c. Utilize pre-employment assessments: Incorporate pre-employment assessments tailored to specific

job roles. These assessments can include skills tests, aptitude assessments, cognitive ability tests, and
personality assessments, among others. They provide objective data about candidates' abilities and
potential job performance.

d. Conduct thorough background checks: Prior to extending an offer, organizations should conduct
comprehensive background checks, including employment history verification, reference checks,
educational qualification verification, and criminal background checks where permissible by law. These
checks ensure the accuracy of the information provided by candidates and reveal any potential red flags.

e. Implement structured interviews: Use structured interviews that include a predetermined set of
questions based on the job requirements. Structured interviews ensure consistency and fairness in
evaluating candidates and reduce the likelihood of biased decision-making.

f. Involve multiple stakeholders: Engage multiple stakeholders, such as hiring managers, HR

professionals, and subject matter experts, in the applicant evaluation process. Their diverse perspectives
can provide valuable insights and help ensure a well-rounded evaluation of candidate qualifications.

g. Offer professional development opportunities: Organizations should prioritize ongoing professional

development for employees, including training programs, workshops, and mentoring opportunities. This
investment in employee growth and skills enhancement can mitigate the risk of hiring unqualified
individuals in the long term.

Implementation and Evaluation

To effectively implement the policy, organizations should:

a. Develop clear guidelines and procedures for each stage of the screening process.
b. Train HR personnel and hiring managers on the policy guidelines and best practices for applicant

c. Regularly evaluate and refine the screening mechanisms based on feedback, data analysis, and
industry best practices.

d. Monitor and measure the effectiveness of the policy through metrics such as the rate of qualified
hires, employee performance indicators, and turnover rates.


By implementing robust applicant screening mechanisms, organizations can avoid the hiring of
unqualified candidates and improve their overall performance, productivity, and employee satisfaction.
This policy proposal emphasizes the importance of clear job requirements, standardized screening
processes, pre-employment assessments, background checks, structured interviews, and the
involvement of multiple stakeholders. Through the diligent implementation of these guidelines,
organizations can minimize the risks associated with hiring unqualified applicants and build a

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