Transformer Types - Josue Montalvo

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Montalvo Segura Josue Aramis

Read and do an essay about the transformer types and conections.

The transformes is used to raise or lower the voltage in the supply network of the
power system wich serve to transmit electric power over great distance and
distribute it among consumers.
The transformers are classified into various categories, according to their Use,
Cooling method, Insulating medium and Core construction.

Classification according to Transformers use

Transformers are classified according to their use into the following:
Distribution Transformers:
They are used in distribution networks in order to transmit energy from the medium
voltage network to the low voltage network of the consumers. Their rated power
usually ranges from 50 to 1600 kVA.
Power Transformers:
They are used in high-power generating stations for voltage step-up and in
transmission substations for voltage step-up or step-down. Usually they are of
power greater than 2 MVA.
They are used for voltage transformation within relatively small limits, for
connection of electric energy systems of various voltages, and for starting
alternating current motors
HVDC Transformers:
They are key components in HVDC transmission systems. The HVDC transformers
react as coupling elements between the connected ac grids and high-power
rectifiers, and are necessary for adapting the voltage. They insulate the rectifier
itself from the ac grid and generate a phase shift.
Test Transformers:
They are used for the execution of performance tests with high or ultrahigh voltage.
Special Power Transformers:
They are used for special applications, for example, traction systems, furnaces,
and welding.
Instrument Transformers:
They are used for the accurate measurement of voltage or current.
Telecommunication Transformers:
They are used in telecommunication applications aiming at the reliable
reproduction of a signal over a wide range of frequency and voltage.

Classification according to Transformers Cooling method

The identification of oil-immersed transformers according to the cooling method is
expressed by a four-letter code. The first letter expresses the internal cooling
medium in contact with the windings. The second letter identifies the circulation
mechanism for the internal cooling medium. The third letter identifies the external
cooling medium. The fourth letter identifies the circulation mechanism for external
cooling medium.
This type of transformers are classified according to their cooling method and they
are four classifications:
 ONAF: oil natural air forced
 OFAN: oil forced air natural
 OFAF: oil forced air forced
 OFWF: oil forced water forced

Classification according to Transformers Insulating medium

Transformers are classified according to their insulating medium into the following:
Oil-Immersed Transformers:
The insulating medium is mineral oil or synthetic (silicon) oil.
Dry Type Transformers:
The cooling is implemented with natural air circulation and the windings are usually
insulated with materials of H or F class.
Resin Type Transformers:
The resin type transformer is a dry type transformer insulated with epoxy resin cast
under vacuum.

Classification according to Transformers Core construction

Transformers are classified according to their core construction into the following

circuit of three-phase Transformers are the followings:

With Vertical Limbs:
The magnetic flux of one leg must flow through the other two legs and the flux also
flows through the windings of the other phases, that is, the transformer has no free
return of the flux.
With Five Legs (Vertical Limbs):
Free return of the flux through the external legs.

Two different technologies for stacking the electrical steel sheets of

the magnetic material of the core:
Stack Core:
The layers of the sheets of the magnetic material are placed one over the other
and vertical and horizontal layers are overlapped
Wound Core:
The magnetic circuit is of shell type and the sheets are wound.

Two different materials are used for core construction:

Silicon Steel Sheet:
The silicon steel sheet that is used for core construction is an alloy consisting of
97% iron and 3% silicon. This material is crystalline. The silicon steel sheets have
thickness from 0.18 to 0.5 mm.
Amorphous Metal Sheet:
The amorphous metal sheet that is used for core construction is an alloy consisting
of 92% iron, 5% silicon, and 3% boron. This material is not crystalline. It has 70%
lower no-load loss than silicon steel. The thickness of the amorphous metal sheet
is 0.025 mm, that is, it is about 10 times thinner than the typical thickness of silicon
steel sheet.

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