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Do violent videogames have relation with violent behavior?

On the 2000’s spring, a 16 years old teenager slain his parents and his 9
years old little sister with a katana; after those acts, the media said and
argued that that horrible murder was influenced by Squall, a Final Fantasy
VIII character; because of this incident, and also because of many others
cases like shootings o assaults that have been passing during the last
decades, many people have declared that the factor that produced all these
violent situations is the videogames, however these people don’t take into
account the factors really produce these kind of situations.
On the last years, so many people have argued that the videogames are the
ones that produce violent behavior on kids an on teenagers, nevertheless, I
can say that is false, that is because many people have said that there have
been many studies that proved that the videogames are the one that cause a
bad behavior on people, and even that the videogames cause addiction that
are worse than drugs or alcohol ones, but according to the American
Psychological Association, “there is insufficient scientific evidence to
support a causal link between violent video games and violent behavior”, so
with that in mind we can say that those studies which these people are
talking about don’t exist, or are studies that don’t have a real source behind
them; also it is true that videogames can cause addiction, but the definition
of an addiction is “the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular
substance or activity”; so based on that there can be generate an addiction
for everything, not just for videogames, also it is ridiculous to compare
videogames with substances that alter the correct order of the central
nervous system by changing great part of it’s structure; it is true that the
excessive hours of gameplays can affect many habits on the teenagers,
however, it also can happen with the excess practice of other activities, like,
read, or even make exercise.

Also many times the media have said that the videogames are linked to
delinquency, fighting at school, violent criminal behavior, and reduction of
social abilities, but, according to a real study make by Sean Arnold a NYC
District 75 special educator and STEM coach, the videogames make the
contrary that the media have argued; on that study he confirmed that
learning with games is a 23% more efficient than study on a traditional way,
that games, like action games enhance the attention on the kids, it increases
the reading comprehension and choice decision efficiency, and it improves
social abilities and social tolerance by meeting other people on online
Going back to the cases of murders and shootings in which videogames are
blamed by people and social media, in 2017, a 11 years old kid, killed his
teacher and at least other four people, before he took his life; the media said
that it was caused by a videogame just because he was wearing a shirt of it,
but later it was confirm that it was because the death of his mother, that had
died time before the shooting; and that situation have been repeated many
times on shootings or attacks of teenagers, the media just blame
videogames, and they don’t take into account other factor, like domestic
violence, bullying, or other social aspect that are the true causes of these

In conclusion the videogames don’t produce violent behavior on the young

people and teenagers, but the contrary, it produce benefits for the kids,
either on learning, or in social abilities, except if the videogames become an
addiction; however the social media is the one that blame the videogames of
many attacks and violent behavior, without take into account or mention, the
real causes; nevertheless, it have occur every time, it have already happened
with dancehalls, rock music and tv, and now it is happening with
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