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Elementary A


Centro Colombo Americano

Elementary A
Task #1: “My family”
You have to create a poster of your family tree. Include photos and personal information about
your family members (name, age, profession, place of work). You can create a digital or a print
poster. In class, you will exchange your family tree with a partner present your partner´s family
tree to the group. Before presenting, you will have five minutes to talk to your partner about
their family and to get prepared.
• You should include information about 5 to 8 people.
• On the poster, you cannot write complete sentences about your family members.
For example: She is my mother. Her name is Veronica. She is forty-seven years old. She is a
teacher. – NO. Veronica, 47, teacher – YES
• When you present, you have to use possessives correctly.
For example: This is Maria´s mother. This is Pedro´s brother.
• You have to use the vocabulary “Family members” correctly.
• You have to use the verb “to be” correctly.
• Your teacher will decide who you exchange your poster with on the day of the presentation.
You will have 5 minutes to look at the poster that you receive and get prepared.
Ask your teacher for the deadline.
Elementary A
Task #1: “My family”
Evaluation criteria:
• Language use 30%
• Fluency 20%
• Pronunciation 15%
• Task completion/Punctuality 20%
• Poster 15%
Elementary A
Task #2: “Celebrities”
This tasks consists of two parts: reading and writing. You will do this task in class.
First, you will read a text about a famous person and answer some questions.
After that, you will write about a famous person you like.
• When you answer the questions about the text, you should use complete sentences.
• When you write about a famous person, you should include:
– Verbs in 3rd person (works, lives, likes, hates, etc)
– Vocabulary “Personal information”.
– Vocabulary “Free time activities”.
– Personality adjectives/Likes and dislikes.
• You cannot copy anything from the Internet. You cannot use translators. If you do that, you will get
a “0”.
Ask your teacher for the deadline.
Elementary A
Task #2: “Celebrities”
Evaluation criteria:
• Grammar 25%
• Vocabulary 25%
• Spelling/Punctuation/Capitalization 15%
• Task completion 10%
• Reading part 25%

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