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What are the key elements of cultural literacy?

Use current examples (from the past 3

months) to illustrate your comments.

Ans. Cultural knowledge is understanding a culture's history and norms. For example, to fully

grasp the recent democratic protests in a certain country, you need to understand its political


Cultural awareness is recognizing our own cultural lenses. The debate around the

representation of diverse characters in a recent popular video game highlighted the need for

cultural awareness in media.

Cultural sensitivity involves respecting cultural differences. The discussions about respecting

indigenous lands during the construction of infrastructure projects is a good example of the

need for cultural sensitivity.

Cultural competence means being able to interact effectively with people from different

cultures. The role of negotiators in the recent international trade agreements shows the

importance of cultural competence.

Cultural adaptability is adjusting to different cultural contexts. The way we all had to adapt to

social distancing norms during the pandemic is an example of cultural adaptability in action.

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