Assessment Task 4

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Monkayo College of Arts, Sciences and Technology


"Technology is just a tool. In terms in getting the kids working together and motivating
them. The teacher is the most important

Assessment Task for Lesson 4

Name : Evan Man Taglucop Score :_______

Course/ Major: BSED English Year/Sec.: 2B
Course Code & Title : Prof.Ed 10 Technology for teaching and learning 1
Name of the Instructor: Ronald D. Manolong LPT, MAED-ELT
Prepared by :Julina May M. Agon PST

Topic for Midterm:

 Module 1: ICT POLICIES AND ISSUES (Implication to teaching and learning)

a. Lesson 1: Policies and Issues on the Internet and Implication to teaching

and learning
A. In not more than three sentences, contextually and operationally, answer the
following questions. (Content-5, Organization of Ideas-3, Grammar-2= 10
1. What is the Importance of knowing Knowing the ICT policies provides
ICT policies for both learners, everyone with familiarity in regards to their
teachers, and educational system? responsibilities and freedom in using the
21st century’s technology and media. It is
important because it provides awareness on
when should one use the right to
information and communication and when
to limit the amount of freedom consumed.
To use anything related to ICT for
competence and to express self as form of
civil liberty must be balanced, and it can
only be manifested through ICT policies,
hence, the importance of knowing it
2. In our generation today where I do not see much issues that must alarm the
technological changes are present, educational institution about the literacy in
what common issues arise in the ICT, however, the concern that I can see as
field of education especially in the a thing that should be considered is the
teaching and learning process? access to technological tools and knowledge
Expound your answer. to privacy. These will affect one’s overall
competency because even if anyone is
willing to learn about media, information,
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and technology literacy the lack of materials

can serve as a barrier for one to practice and
learn about such opportunity to acquire
knowledge. The knowledge also about
privacy is important because the possibility
of privacy invaded is as harmful as losing
one’s credibility and identity in real life, so
teaching about constant awareness about
such issue must be acted upon.
3. As a 21st future educator, what are I will use all implication that applies,
the Implications of Teaching and actually. However, the part where the
Learning ICT that you may apply in teacher guides on what and how to teach in
the field of teaching? ICT is the objective I am mostly concerned
about, because technology keeps on
developing itself in a matter of drastic way,
so a teacher must place his/her eyes to the
recent changes in ICT so as to keep on
improving the capability of the learners in
the 21st century. I am seeing it as mostly
important because the knowledge that
counts is the only knowledge that matters,
so it is so much of a necessity when
everyone can easily navigate anything about
4. Do you think New ICT technologies The answer to this question depends on the
are better than traditional method context in teaching and learning that we are
in teaching and learning? Justify you referring to, because for example, if we are
answer. talking about access to information we can
indeed say that new discoveries in ICT is
more accountable for successful learning.
Especially in the availability of internet,
there is a wide scope of resources that can
be accessed for anyone to tap into.
However, the traditional method of teaching
and learning must also not be neglected nor
belittled because it has its own utility; for
example, the traditional taking of notes is
scientifically proven to be more effective in
recall, and the traditional mode of teaching
inspires collaboration and integration of
social skills, which is equally important for
anyone to teach and learn.
5. What is the connection of DICT to The DICT is the institution that formulates
ICT4E? roadmap that serves as an agency that
guides about utilization, regulation, and
enhancement of ICT. While ICT4E is a
program under the DICT for improving
Monkayo College of Arts, Sciences and Technology

education with regard to the use of ICT. So

the connection of DICT to ICT4E is that the
former aims to enhance the quality of
knowledge and competence of every teacher
and learner and it extends its function by
using the latter so as to assure maximum
quality of outcome in education, in concern
with ICT literacy
Do you think that ICT program is Yes, and the very answer why it is effective
effective and applied in todays and applied is because we are having these
generation? Provide an example to subjects and other technology-related
support your claim. courses for professional education that aims
at creating functional graduates, and literate
in ICT. And we can see the result through
the competence that is observable among
the students with regard to the tools and
materials that are used depending on the
needs or situation (e.g., tools for researching
factual information, creating technical
document, knowing about privacy and
rights, etc.). It is effective because, most
often than not, we can see less cases of
incompetent practitioners of modern ICT.
Why do you think Access to the Use of The access can be considered a global issue
Internet and ICT and Civil Liberties are because the technology is improving and
considered as Global Issues? there are probably lesser number of people
who are having the technological tools to
keep up with it, so it is a concern because
some may be left behind and outdated that
they may no longer be as functional as
expected of them in the 21st century. And
the civil liberty is also a global issue
because privacy and freedom of expression
is something that must be protected and
responsibly governed by the authorities, but
it became an issue because it might be
vulnerable to being infiltrated or prohibited
which serve as barrier to freedom and
justifiable right of everyone.


Write a short essay (not less than five sentences; content 7, Grammar 3 =
10 points). Imagine yourself that you are in the field of teaching five years from
Monkayo College of Arts, Sciences and Technology

now. Write an essay explaining the best Implication in the issues of technology in
connection to teaching and learning. Write in the box bellow and create your
own title (be creative).

Technology: A Seed of Hope

The education of the modern times is very complicated and frankly doubled its standard from
what it had been since a century ago. But it is a good thing if we are to evaluate. However, the
pressure placed on the shoulders of our teachers is a big shoe to fill. Hence, constant innovation
and creativity must be embodied so as to keep up with such change. But, at some point, we must
ask ourselves “how do we keep up with that change?”. Because, with all humility, we know that we
are new to this concept, particular with the globalization in education.
To answer that, however, it is with the change that we must be thankful, because we can
hope that we are , somewhat, saved and keep up with the evolution of society because we have had
technology. It is an aid for the insecurity we have upon educating in these times. It is a tool that the
teachers (including myself) can rely to make the work faster, integrated, and efficient. The quality of
education is improved because we employ a wide variety of information resource that can be taught
among learners, especially with the use of internet.
The technology offers a wider range of knowledge source that we can acquire and access
anytime. And it is the biggest implication of technology. We can be sure that we can satisfy
ourselves with knowledge because, virtually, everything is accessible. And with the adequate
awareness to the consequences and limitations we get as we proceed in educating with technology
we can be sure that education will potentially make everyone a functional member of society. And to
remind us all, technology is not a sign nor the start of demise and destruction, but it is rather a help
that we needed so that we can know more about many things, and protect, integrate, and improve
many objectives as we proceed with our individual missions. And it is achievable. With the
technology at hand the possibility is virtually endless.

1. This is your fourth entry as content in the folder I have shared to you.
2. Name this file ASSESSMENT TASK 4.

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