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Topic: Density

Aim: To determine the density of an unknown plastic material.

Apparatus: Triple Beam Balance, Measuring Cylinder (100ml), 4 plastic cylinders of

different sizes, Water

● Manipulated: The mass of each plastic cylinder
● Responding: The volume and density of each cylinder
● Controlled: The volume of water in the measuring cylinder

Diagram showing the setup of apparatus and materials used to measure the,
volume of each plastic cylinder

Plotted Graph Showing Mass Versus Volume of Each Plastic Cylinder

1. A triple beam balance was used to measure the mass of the smallest plastic
cylinder (cylinder 1) and the value was recorded.
2. 50 cm/ml of water was poured into the measuring cylinder.
3. The plastic cylinder was lowered gently into the measuring cylinder and the
new volume/ final volume of water was recorded.
4. The volume of the plastic cylinder was determined and recorded.
5. Steps 1-4 were repeated for the other three plastic cylinders in the order of
size from smallest to largest (cylinders 2,3,4).
6. All the results were tabulated.
7. The density of each plastic cylinder was determined.
8. A graph of mass against volume was plotted.
9. The gradient of the graph was calculated.

Table Showing the Mass, Volume and Density of Each Cylinder

Cylinder Mass (g) Volume (cm3) Density(g/cm3)

1 7.5 5.0 1.50

2 12.4 8.0 1.55

3 16.8 11.2 1.50

4 21.4 14.0 1.52

Density (formula: mass/volume or m/v)
Cylinder 1: 7.5g/5cm3
= 1.5 g/cm3

Cylinder 2: 12.4g/8cm3
=1.55 g/cm3
Cylinder 3: 16.8g/11.2cm3
=1.5 g/cm3

Cylinder 4: 21.4g/14cm3
= 1.52 g/cm3

Gradient of the Slope:

Gradient Formula: y2-y1/x2-x1
Points: A (5cm3, 7.5g) B (14 cm3, 21.4g)
y2 = 21.4, y1=7.5, x2 = 14, x1=5
Gradient= 21.4g-7.5g/14cm3-5cm3
Sources of Error:
1. The pointer on triple beam balance doesn’t line up directly with the
balance mark on the fixed scale while measuring the mass of any of the
plastic cylinders.
2. A plastic cylinder is dropped into the measuring cylinder, water spills out of
the measuring cylinder or flashes onto the side, inside the cylinder.

1. When taking measurements using the triple beam balance, ensure
that the pointer lines up directly with the balance mark on the fixed
2. Place the plastic cylinder gently into the measuring cylinder each

Conclusion: The density of the plastic cylinders was 1.5g/cm3.

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