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Ethnomedicinal plants used by the tribals of Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger

Reserve (KMTR), Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu for the treatment of rheumatism

Article  in  Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge · July 2010


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5 authors, including:

Veerabahu Ramasamy Mohan Sudalaiandi Kumaresan

V.O.Chidambaram College, Tuticorin Manonmaniam Sundaranar University


C. Murugan
Botanical Survey of India


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Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
Vol. 9 (3), July 2010, pp 502-509

Ethnomedicinal plants used by the tribals of Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve

(KMTR), Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu for the treatment of rheumatism
S Sutha1, VR Mohan2*, S Kumaresan3, C Murugan4 & T Athiperumalsami2
Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu;
Ethnopharmacology Unit, Research Department of Botany, VO Chidambaram College, Tuticorin 628 008, Tamil Nadu;
Department of Chemistry, MS University, Tirunelveli 627 012. Tamil Nadu; 4Botanical Survey of India, Port Blair
E-mail: vrmohan_2005 @yahoo.com

Received 10 April 2008; revised 6 August 2009

The study has been carried out in Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve of Western Ghats, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu.
Kanikkar, the predominant tribal community has their settlements in different areas in the Reserve Forest. Fifty medicinal
plants belonging to 36 families are identified which have been employed by the tribal community for the treatment of
rheumatism. The plants have been enumerated with botanical names followed by family name, local (Kanikkar) name, plant
parts used, mode of administration and uses.

Keywords: Kanikkar, Ethnomedicine, Rheumatism, Western Ghats

IPC Int. Cl.8: A61K36/00, A61P19/00, A61P19/02, A61P29/00

Popular knowledge of plants which can be used by the Western Ghats adjoining Kanyakumari and
humans is based on thousands of years’ experience1. Tirunelveli districts of Tamil Nadu. The Kanikkars are
It is essential to make the complete inventory of the also known as kanikaran or Kani. They live in low
medicinal component of the flora of any country for
conservation and sustainable use. The conservation of
the threatened and endangered medicinal species in
the wild is indispensable2. Some information on the
medicinal plants used by the Kanikkars for treating
rheumatism is available3-6. In Tamil Nadu, several
tribals inhabiting Western Ghats such as Kanikkars
seem to have been endowed with a rich knowledge of
herbals, especially ailments like rheumatism. The
study focuses on the ethnomedicinal plants used by
Kanikkars settled in the forest area of the
Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve (KMTR). The
Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve (KMTR) Forest
lies between 8˚ 20' and 8˚ 55' North latitude and
between 77˚ 10' and 77˚ 35' East longitudes in
Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari districts of Tamil Nadu
in the southern Western Ghats of India (Fig. 1).
KMTR is a part of Southwestern tip of the Western
Ghats, a region that is known for its species richness,
diversity and high degree of endemism. The KMTR
area has been recognized as one of the hot-spots for
Biodiversity conservation7.
The Kanikkars belong to the southern tribal zone.
They are distributed along the Southeastern slopes of
*Corresponding author Fig. 1— Location map of the study area

altitude regions of Western Ghats in large numbers. Abrus precatorius L. (Fabaceae), Kundrimani
Kanikkars means hereditary proprietor of land thus Warm seed paste is applied over the affected joints
recognizing their ancient rights over the forest lands. twice a day until relieved from stiffness of joints.
The Kanikkars are generally very short in stature and Actinopteris radiata (Sw.) Link. (Actinopteridaceae),
meager in appearance (Fig. 2). Some have markedly Mayilosa
negroid features. They are traditionally a nomadic Fresh leaves are boiled in coconut oil on a low
community. They speak in their own dialect, Kanikkar flame for 15 minutes; oil is filtered after cooling;
Bhasha or Malampashi, which is close to the Dravidian affected joints are massaged with the lukewarm oil.
language Malayalam8. Kanikkars once practiced
Soft pressure is applied and sprayed with lukewarm
migratory cultivation but have now to a large extent
water until relieved.
abandoned such cultivation. Most of the Kanikkar
tribals have a general knowledge of medicinal plants Aloe barbadensis Mill. (Liliaceae), Chothu Kathalai
that are used for first aid remedies, to treat cough, cold, A longitudinal cut is made on a leaf of Chothu
fever, headache, poisonous bites and some other simple Kathalai in such a way as to expose the mesophyll.
ailments. Kanis still supplement their food by gathering The exposed part is heated for a while on a low flame.
roots and tubers from the nearby forest areas. They eat Warm mesophyll content is rubbed on the affected
tubers like Manihot esculenta and Dioscorea part and is repeated for thirteen days to reduce the
oppositifolia, etc6. They are also engaged in seasonal swelling in the joints.
collection of honey, bee wax and some minor forest Alstonia venenata R. Br. (Apocynaceae), Malai
produce. They cultivate edible plants, like tapioca, vaathamudakki (Fig. 3)
banana, millets and cash crops such as pepper, areca Fresh leaves are boiled in neem oil over a low
nut and cashew nut. flame until the oil extracts the complete essence of the
drug. The affected part is massaged with the
Methodology lukewarm oil, specifically, in the direction from the
Frequent field surveys were carried out in KMTR limbs to the upper portion applying soft pressure. Hot
during different seasons in 2005-2007. The water bath is administered after a few hours, until
ethnobotanical data were collected through interviews there is relief from the rheumatic complaint.
and discussions among the herbal practitioners in and Anisomeles indica (L.) kuntze (Lamiaceae),
around the study area. Most of the information was Vaathaneer patchilai
gathered from the elderly people, who have a very Fresh leaves and young stem are boiled in neem oil
long acquaintance with usage of plants. The along with poppy seeds and garlic in an earthen pot
information thus gathered was cross-checked for 15-20 minutes on a low flame. The filtered oil is
adequately for reliability and accuracy by interacting applied externally on the joints of the hands and legs.
with different groups of the Kanikkars from different A gentle massage is applied for 20 minutes and hot
habitats to confirm the use, mode of administration as bath is advised after this application. Consumption of
well as dosage differences, if any. Data were also fish, egg, meat and sexual activity are prohibited for 3
collected through questionnaires in their local weeks. A handful of leaves are boiled in steam and
language. In addition to the vernacular name and used to treat the affected parts until there is relief
medicinal uses, detailed information about mode of from rheumatic complaint.
preparation, form of usage was also collected. The
Anisomeles malabarica (L.) R. Br. Ex Sims
medicinal plants were identified, photographed and
(Lamiaceae), Perunthumbai
sample specimens were collected for the preparation
of herbarium9,10. The identified plant specimens were Leaves are boiled in water in a closed container.
confirmed and deposited in the herbarium of When the steam emanates, the lid of the container is
Ethnopharmacology unit, Research Department of slowly removed and vapour bath is administered to
get relief from rheumatic pain.
Botany, VO Chidambaram College, Tuticorin,
Tamil Nadu. Aristolochia krysagathra Sivaranjan & Pradeep
(Aristolochiaceae), Karudakodi (Fig. 4)
Enumeration Equal quantity of Root and leaves are boiled in
Plants used by the Kanikkars for the treatment of coconut oil for about 15-20 minutes over a low flame.
rheumatism are enumerated as follows: The oil is filtered after cooling and applied on the

head once in a day as the treatment for rheumatism. Cissus quadrangularis L. (Vitaceae), Pirandai kodi
The therapy is used to reduce excessive heat of the Tender shoot paste is consumed for the treatment
body. of rheumatism.
Asystasia travancorica Bedd. (Acanthaceae), Aathu Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (Hypoxidaceae),
Urinji (Fig. 5) Nilappani Kizhangu (Fig. 6)
Paste of leaves and flowers of Asystasia Chopped roots are boiled in coconut oil together
travancorica Bedd. mixed with honey is taken orally, with cumin seeds on a moderate flame for
twice a day, for 3 weeks for the treatment of 15-20 minutes; oil is massaged for half an hour and
rheumatism. The use of tamarind, fish and egg is warm water bath is taken once for 14 days as
avoided. treatment for rheumatism.
Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Meliaceae), Vembu Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. (Poaceae),
Seed oil is massaged over the joints to reduce Chukkunaari pullu
rheumatic pain. Stem bark decoction is taken orally Whole plant decoction in water is used during bath
for 3 weeks to treat rheumatic complaints. twice a day for 12 days as treatment for rheumatism.
Few fresh filtered leaf juice is given orally as an
Begonia malabarica Lam. (Begoniaceae), Kalsirupuli
effective management of rheumatism.
The warm paste of the aerial part is applied Datura metel L. (Solanaceae), Oomathai
externally on the leg once a day for 14 days to treat
Datura metel L. leaves soaked in boiling water are
rheumatic complaints.
bandaged over the affected part to get relief from
Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br (Asclepiadacea), rheumatic pain. The boiled leaves are also used
Erukku for fomentation on the rheumatic swelling for
A poultice of roasted leaves is applied on the 15-20 minutes.
rheumatic joints for one week or more to reduce pain Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. (Ebenaceae), Vaatha
and swelling. beedi
Capsicum annuum. L. (Solanaceae), Kaanthaari Fresh leaf paste warmed on low flame is applied
milagai over the knee twice a day for 5-6 days to get relief
Paste made from fruits of Capsicum annuum L., from joints pain. A bath with warm water boiled with
ginger and garlic is given orally to women after fresh leaves is used to treat the parts affected by
delivery. This is followed by the administration of rheumatism.
gingelly oil or honey to prevent rheumatic Drynaria quercifolia (L.) J. Sm. (Drynariaceae),
complaints. Aattukkaal malai vahan (Fig. 8)
Cardiospermum halicacabum L. (Sapindaceae), Rhizome decoction in water is taken orally along
Mudakkaathan Keerai with a teaspoon of cumin powder twice a day, for
Fresh leaf juice is taken orally with palm sugar 7 days to obtain relief from rheumatic complaints.
(Borassus flabellifer L.) for 7 days for the treatment Rhizome paste is applied on the part of the body
of rheumatism. The use of tamarind, meat, fish and which is affected by rheumatic pain twice a day for a
egg is avoided. Soup prepared by boiling fresh leaves week.
of Cardiospermum halicacabum L., cumin seeds, Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. (Asteraceae), Karisalankanni
crushed onion and a pinch of salt is taken orally twice Stem and leaves boiled in coconut oil is cooled,
a day. Leaf juice of Cardiospermum halicacabum L. filtered and applied on head for an hour before bath to
kept in sun light for 3 days is boiled in neem oil reduce body heat.
together with garlic, mustard seeds, cumin seeds and Elephantopus scaber L. (Asteraceae), Nilanthaangi,
crushed stem bark of Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn. Yanaichuvadi
over a low flame for 20-30 minutes. It is, then, Shade dried leaf powder is taken orally with one
cooled, filtered, stored and applied twice a day. A hot and a half teaspoon of honey in the morning on an
water bath is administered after each application. empty stomach, for two weeks to treat joints pain.
Sexual activity is prohibited. Dosai (pancake) Entada pursaetha DC. (Mimosaceae), Parandai kodi
prepared from paste of fresh leaves, rice, black gram, (Fig. 7)
common salt and water is eaten to prevent the Thick seed paste applied over the affected and
possibility of any rheumatic complaint. inflamed swellings to reduce pain. To strengthen the

joints in infants, the paste is applied over the leg once Jatropha gossypifolia L. (Euphorbiaceae), Aathalai
a day for 10 days. Warm water bath is administered Crushed stem bark is boiled in neem oil with
each time. chopped tuber of Curculigo orchioides for
Erythrina variegata L. (Fabaceae), Kalyanamurungai 15-20 minutes over a moderate flame. The oil is
Stem bark boiled in neem oil together with poppy massaged on the affected joints as a liniment during
seeds and garlic is massaged over the affected joints rheumatism.
twice a day until relieved from rheumatic pain. Justicia adhatoda L. (Acanthaceae), Aadathodai
Leaves boiled in an earthen pot are used for A handful of leaves is cooked and used for a
fomenting the affected parts after massage. fomentation on the affected joint to alleviate
Erythropalum scandens Bl, Bijdr. (Erythropalaceae), rheumatic pain. Fresh leaf juice of Justicia adhatoda
Vaathavallikkodi (Fig. 9) and Pergularia daemia battered with egg white is
The chopped tender shoots are boiled with water; taken orally for 10-12 days to treat rheumatic
bath is taken with the warm water until relieved from complaint.
the rheumatic complaint. Fresh leaf paste mixed with Kingiodendron pinnatum (Roxb. ex DC.) Harm.
one teaspoon of honey is given orally twice a day for (Caesalpiniaceae), Kulavu
treating rheumatism. Consumption of fish, egg, The resin obtained by piercing the trunk is applied
tamarind, liquor, salt and sexual activity is prohibited on the affected joints before going to bed along with a
during the course of the treatment. soft massaging in circular motion. In the morning,
Eugenia singampattiana Bedd. (Myrtaceae), Kattu lukewarm water is poured over the joints. The oil is
koraandi (Fig. 11) also applied on the fissured foot for 5-7 days to get
Powder made from equal quantity of shade dried relief.
leaves, flowers and tender fruits is consumed with Leea indica (Burm. f.) Merr. (Leeaceae),
honey for the treatment of rheumatism. Consumption Kaattuvalaripatchilai
of fish and egg is avoided. Paste made from an equal quantity of leaves and
Goniothalamus wightii Hk. f. & Thoms. flowers of mixed with honey is taken twice a day
(Annonaceae), Kaattunaraipatchilai for16 days as treatment for rheumatism.
Paste made from equal quantity of leaves and Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Muell. Arg.
tender fruits is taken orally twice a day for 5-10 days (Euphorbiaceae), Kaatu thakadi (Fig. 12)
for relief from rheumatic pain. Paste made from an equal quantity of leaves and
Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. var. indicus tender fruits mixed with honey are taken orally twice
(Periplocaceae), Nannari a day for 13 days to get relief from rheumatism.
Fresh roots boiled in coconut oil with cumin seeds During this period, consumption of salt, spicy food
on a moderate flame is filtered after cooling. The and tamarind is avoided.
filtered oil is applied on the affected part for relief Mimosa pudica L. (Mimosaceae), Thottar Vaadi
from burning sensation during rheumatism. One Lukewarm oil prepared from fresh leaves crushed
teaspoon of shade dried root powder is added to and boiled in a mixture of gingelly oil (Sesamum
lukewarm water, filtered and taken orally twice a day indicum L.) and neem oil on a low flame is massaged
for 5-7 days for relief from rheumatic complaint. on the affected parts. Hot water bath is administered.
Hugonia mystax L. (Linaceae), Siruchimalapatchilai The whole plant paste is applied on the inflamed
(Fig. 10) joints once in a day.
Paste made from equal quantity of shade dried Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack (Rutaceae), Kaattu
leaves and tender fruit is consumed with honey twice Vembu
a day for 12 days for the treatment of rheumatism. Fresh leaf paste prepared with a little water is
Consumption of fish both fresh and dry and egg is warmed for few minutes and bandaged on the affected
avoided. part in the morning and the patient is advised hot
Isonandra lanceolata Wight. (Sapotaceae), water bath in the evening.
Milagunaripatchilai Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov. (Asclepiadaceae),
Paste prepared from fresh leaves and flowers with a Veli Paruthi
few drops of water is consumed twice a day for Fresh roots and an equal quantity of fresh
10-12 days to get relief from rheumatic pain. leaves crushed together with stem bark of Erythrina

variegata L. and poppy seeds are boiled for treatment. The use of chicken, pork, fish and sexual
25-30 minutes on a low flame in an earthen pot or activity is to be avoided.
brass vessel. The filtered oil is massaged on the joints Piper nigrum L. (Piperaceae), Milagu
and the affected parts twice a day for 10-15 days. A Leaves with shoot are boiled in water together with
hot water bath is administered during the course of the tender shoots of Bambusa arundinacea and neem

leaves. Hot water bath is taken twice a day with this Sonerila tinnevelliensis Fischer (Melastomataceae),
water for 12 days or more. Kalpuli
Pleiospermium alatum (Wall. ex Wt & Arn.) Swingle. Decoction of fresh leaves is consumed on an empty
(Rutaceae), Malai Naarathai stomach once in a day to get relief from rheumatic
Juice extracted from fresh leaves of Pleiospermium complaints.
alatum and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citrates) is Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hk. f. & Th.
boiled in neem oil in a low flame for 20 minutes. The (Menispermaceae), Seenthil Kodi
oil is applied on the joints, shoulders and the other Tinospora cordifolia juice is boiled in neem oil
affected parts. Hot water is sprinkled to get relief together with seeds of cumin, pepper and mustard,
from rheumatic complaints. dried ginger, garlic and crushed stem bark of Moringa
Plumbago zeylanica L. (Plumbaginaceae), pterygosperma on a low flame for 15-20 minutes. The
Venkoduveli lukewarm medicated oil is massaged on the affected
part by applying soft pressure for 30 minutes for
Fresh root paste with a few drops of water boiled in
7-12 days. Hot water bath is administered after the
an earthen pot for few minutes is applied on the
swollen knee once in a day for 7-12 days for soothing
the pain and for reducing swelling. Toddalia asiatica. Lam. var. asiatica (Rutaceae),
Psychotria nilgiriensis Deb. & Gang. (Rubiaceae),
Shade dried stem bark powder is taken after meals
Odai kaapi patchilai (Fig. 13)
with honey thrice a day to get relief from rheumatic
Tender fruit paste of is consumed along with honey pain.
once a day for 12 days or more for the treatment of Ventilago madraspatana Gaertn. (Rhamnaceae),
rheumatism. Vembadanpatchilai
Psychotria nudiflora Wt & Arn (Rubiaceae), Kalpoo Stem bark of Ventilago madraspatana and
Paste made from an equal quantity of leaves and Pergularia daemia roots coarsely powdered and
flowers is consumed along with honey once a day for mixed with neem oil heated on a low flame is
the treatment of rheumatism. massaged on the joints twice a day. This is followed
Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. (Fabaceae), Vengai by fomentation with hot boiled leaves of Justicia
Stem resin soaked in water for about 12 hrs is adhatoda to alleviate rheumatic pain.
applied externally on the knee twice a day to get relief Vitex negundo. L. (Verbenaceae), Notchi
from joints pain. Fresh leaves decoction is taken orally. A poultice
Rauwolfia densiflora (Wall.) Benth. ex. Hk. f. of cooked leaves is used to foment the affected joints
Apocynaceae), Paarisirunilapatchilai to disperse swelling in acute rheumatism.
Paste made from an equal quantity of leaves and
flowers is consumed twice a day for 5 days to treat Results and discussion
rheumatic complaints. The investigation reveals that the Kanikkar tribes
of KMTR Western Ghats region use 50 plant species
Sansevieria roxburghiana Schultes & Schultes f.
belonging to 36 families for the treatment of
(Agavaceae), Marul
rheumatism. Among them, 15 are herbs, 14 are
Chopped leaves, garlic, onion, Moringa shrubs, 11 are climbers and 10 are trees. Of the
pterygosperma bark and mustard seeds is boiled in investigated plants, 2 plants belong to Pteridophytes
neem oil on a low flame. The lukewarm oil is and the remaining 48 to Angiosperms. The Kanikkar
massaged by applying medium pressure on hands and tribe use 20 plant species exclusively for rheumatism
legs to get relief from pain. and the other plants are used both for rheumatism and
Scoparia dulcis L. (Scrophulariaceae), Sakkarai for common diseases like cough, cold, skin diseases,
vembu diabetes, urinary disorders, etc. Medicines are
Powdered mixture of shade dried leaves of prepared in the form of oil extracts, paste, powder,
Scoparia dulcis, neem leaves and a piece of turmeric decoction and juice. In the study, some of the
is consumed with honey on an empty stomach before ethnomedicinal plants are endemic to KMTR,
breakfast to treat rheumatism. Use of tamarind should Western Ghats. Asystasia travancorica, Eugenia
be avoided. singampattiana, Goniothalamus wightii, Psychotria

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