Spanish Presentation

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To Talk About Shopping.

La Entrada El Mercado
● Entrance ● Market

La Ganga La Salida
● Bargain ● Exit

El Letrero
● Sign

La Liquidacion
● Sale
To Talk About Colors.

Claro Vivo
● Light/clear ● Bright

De Solo Un Color
● Solid color

● Dark

● Pastel
To Describe What Clothing Is
Made Of.
De Què Està Hecha? Seda
● What is it made of? ● Silk

Tela Sintética
Està Hecho..
● Synthetic fabric
● It is made of...

● Cotton

● Leather

● Wool
To Discuss Paying For Purchases.
Un Efectivo
● High ● Cash

Bajo To Spend
● Low ● Gastar

La Cajero/a El Precio
● Cash Register
● Price
El Cheque (Personal)
● Personal check Tan + Adj.
● So
El Cheque De Viajero
● Traveler's Check La Tarjeta De Crédito
● Credit Card
El Cupòn De Reglo
● Gift Certificate
To Discuss Clothing Purchase.
Apretado La Marca
● Tight ● Brand

Escoger Mediano/a
● To choose ● Medium

Estar De Moda El Número

● To be in fashion ● Shoe size

El Stilo Probarse
● Fasion ● To try on

Exagerado/a La Talla
● Outrageous ● Size

● Loose
Useful Words & Expressions.
Què Te Parece?
● To announce
● What do you think?
● To find
● Recently
En Realidad
● Really

Me/Te Importa(n)
● It matters

● Immediately

Me Parece Que
● It seems to me that...
Review Activity!!
"Sparkle" is a game in which students practice spelling words. Unlike
the traditional spelling bee, this game allows for multi-player
participation per word. It is suitable for all grade levels and is a
great way to review for weekly tests.
How To Play Sparkle:
1. Place all the students in your class in a single file line.
2. Pronounce a spelling word, making sure everyone hears the word.
3. The first student in line spells the FIRST letter of the word ONLY.
4. The next student pronounces the SECOND letter of the word, the
third student pronounces the THIRD letter, etc...
5. The student who pronounces the LAST letter of the word has an
additional task. He/she must also say the word "Sparkle" while
looking at the next player in line.
6. The player who was SPARKLED now drops out of line, returning
to his/her seat.
Test Questions.
1. What is the translation of "Estar de moda" in

A. What is it made of?

B. To be in fashion.

C. Recently.

D. To try on.
Test Questions.
1. What is the translation of "Estar de moda" in

B. To be in fashion.
Test Questions.
2. What is the translation of "leather" in Spanish?

A. Lana

B. Algodòn

C. Seda

D. Cuero
Test Questions.
2. What is the translation of "leather" in Spanish?

D. Cuero
Test Question.
3. What is the translation of "Credit Card" in Spanish?

A. La tarjeta de crèdito

B. El cheque de viajero

C. El Cajero

D. La caja
Test Question.
3. What is the translation of "Credit Card" in Spanish?

A. La tarjeta de crèdito

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