ENGGEN 140 2023 S1 - Mock Test 2 Solutions

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Campus: City


Fundamentals of Engineering in Society

(Time allowed: SIXTY minutes)

NOTE: Please mark your answers on the included teleform. Ensure the version number
on this test paper matches the one printed on your coloured teleform.

Answer ALL questions.

Engineering restricted calculators are permitted.

One double-sided A4 notes sheet is permitted.

A periodic table, chemical data, and unit conversion factors are attached at
the end of the test booklet - you may detach them to refer to during the test.

Marks for this test total 60 (giving 1 mark per minute).

Choose only one answer option per question. If you need to change your
answer, completely erase your previous response.

This test has 22 questions.

Page 1 of 24

SECTION 1: Engineering chemistry

In one of your ENGGEN 140 tutorials, you learned about CaCO3 -based stone formations.
When such stones react with an acid, e.g., acid rain or hydrogen chloride (HCl), they
dissolve into calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water.

The chemical reaction is described as follows:

CaCO3 (s) + HCl (g) −−→ CaCl2 (s) + CO2 (g) + H2 O (l)

You are intrigued and decide to study the system in more detail.

1. After balancing the chemical reaction, what is the stoichiometric ratio of HCl and
CaCl2 ? (3 marks)

(a) nHCl = 2nCaCl2

(b) nHCl = 0.5nCaCl2
(c) nHCl = nCaCl2
(d) nCaCl2 = 2nHCl
nHCl 1
(e) nCaCl2
= 2

Solution: Always fully balance the chemical equation to find the stoichiometric ratios.
For this equation, the easiest way is to look at each element in turn, and start by assuming
all coefficients are 1. On the left side, the calcium carbonate molecule provides 1 Ca, 1
C, and 3 O atoms, and the HCl molecule provides one H atom and one Cl atom. On the
right, we need 1 Ca, 2 Cl, 1 C, 3 O, and 2 H atoms. The right side needs one extra H and
one extra Cl compared to the left, so we need 2 HCl molecules to balance the equation,
and all other coefficients are 1. This means we need twice as many moles of HCl as we
get of CaCl2 , a relationship that is written in option (a).

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2. The specific ratio of calcium, carbon and oxygen atoms of 1:1:3 in calcium carbonate is
described best by the (1 mark)

(a) Law of fixed proportions

(b) Law of atom conservation
(c) Law of mass conservation
(d) Law of multiple proportions
(e) Law of energy conservation

Solution: The correct response (a) meets the definition as explained in the lecture notes
and coursebook. The conservation laws cannot explain why the atoms appear in a par-
ticular ratio, and there is no law of multiple proportions.

3. If HCl is used to make a liquid solution in water, with an HCl concentration of 1.49 g/L,
what is the molar volume of HCl(aq)? (1 mark)

(a) 83 mol/L
(b) 12.1 L/mol
(c) 82.7 × 10−3 mol/L
(d) 82.7 × 10−3 L/mol
(e) 7.82 L/mol

Solution: The molar volume is the volume required per mole of substance, and is expressed
in units of volume/moles. This rules out options (a) and (c). We can use the molecular
mass of HCl and the concentration (1.49 g/L) to determine the volume needed for one
mole. First, use the periodic table to find the molecular mass of HCl, 36.458 g/mol. Then
work through the equations as follows:

ρHCl 1.49 
C= = = 0.040869 mol/L
MHCl 36.458 
VM,HCl = = 24.5 L/mol.
You will note that this is actually not the answer indicated as correct in the answers
provided, nor is it an option among the set of responses. This question was added to
the mock test late, and an incorrect answer slipped through based on workings with the
molecular mass of water (18.02 g/mol) instead. You can verify that, if the molar mass of
water is used with this same procedure, you get the answer of 12.1 L/mol.

Page 3 of 24

4. How many cubic meters of CO2 (g) is generated when you use 0.050 L of HCl solution (c =
2.0 mol/L) in this reaction at standard pressure (SP) and 22 (295.15 K)? (6 marks)

(a) 142 m3
(b) 1.2 × 10−3 m3
(c) 1.2 × 103 m3
(d) 0.142 m3
(e) 2.42 × 10−3 m3

Solution: First, we need to find the number of moles of HCl used in the reaction.

nHCl = CHCl Vsolution = 2.0 mol/L × 0.050 L = 0.10 mol

Next, use the stoichiometric coefficients to find the number of moles of CO2 produced:
nHCl = 2nCO2 ; nCO2 = 0.050 mol.
Finally, use the ideal gas law to find the volume of this much CO2 :

nRT 0.050   × 8.314 J 

mol −1 
mol K−1

× 295.15 K
V = = = 0.0012 m3
P 100000 Pa
Note that you will arrive at the same answer (to the appropriate number of significant
figures) if you use a standard pressure of 1 atm instead.

Page 4 of 24

5. You use a vessel of 1.5 litres (0.015 m3 ) capacity to capture the CO2 (g) at ambient
temperature (22 ). Because the vessel’s lid was open, it was already naturally filled
with air.
What is the gas mixture’s approximate total pressure (in kPa) when it contains 3 mol of
CO2 and 1.3 mol of air? (3 marks)

(a) 2–100 kPa

(b) 500–550 kPa
(c) 650–750 kPa
(d) 850–950 kPa
(e) 250–350 kPa

Solution: Dalton’s Law tells us we can simply add the pressures of the two gases calculated
separately together to get the total pressure. We have enough information to use the ideal
gas law to find the pressure of each gas:

nCO2 RT  × 8.314 J 
3 −1 


× 295.15 K
PCO2 = = 3
= 490.8 kPa
V 0.015 m
nair RT 1.3  × 8.314 J 
mol −1


× 295.15 K
Pair = = 3
= 212.7 kPa
V 0.015 m
Ptot = PCO2 + Pair = 703.4 kPa → 700 kPa

Note that the question text includes an incorrect conversion from litres to cubic metres.
If the volume given in litres is used, then the total pressure is ten times higher (7 MPa).

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6. You are unsure what pressure the vessel can withstand, and you decide to lower the
pressure of the gas mixture by storing the vessel in a colder place. What environment
would you need to keep the vessel in to reduce the gas mixture’s total pressure from
500 kPa at 22 (295.15 K) to 160 kPa? (3 marks)

(a) In a fridge at ∼ +4 ‰
(b) Covered in liquid nitrogen at ∼ −180 ‰
(c) In a freezer at ∼ −18 ‰
(d) In a cold water bath at ∼ +12 ‰
(e) In an ice bath at ∼ 0 ‰
Solution: Holding the number of moles, gas constant, and volume constant, you can take
a ratio between ideal gas law equations to relate the pressure and temperature:

P1 V = nRT1 P1 T1 P2 kPa

→ = → T2 = T1 = 295.15 K ×  = 94.4 K
P2 V = nRT2 P2 T2 P1 500 

Converting this result to Celsius, we get −178.7 ◦ C.

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7. You wonder if you can use the typical gas behaviour of contracting and expanding for
useful work, utilising a piston-cylinder device at constant pressure.
If a piston does 86 J of P V work on the gas to compress it and 230 J of heat are removed
from the system, what is the energy change in the system? (3 marks)

(a) −140 J
(b) −320 J
(c) 320 J
(d) 230 J
(e) −230 J

Solution: We need the the enegry conservation equation for a closed system, between
initial and final states:
∆Esys = Win − Wout + Qin − Qout

We have a heat flow out (“removed from the system”) and a work flow in (“does ... work
on the gas”). Thus, we have

∆Esys = 86 J − 230 J = −144 J

Rounding to the correct significant figures gives −140 J.

8. You also wonder about the other reactants and byproducts of the chemical reaction and
turn your attention to the calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ).
Which of the following statements about CaCO3 is TRUE? (2 marks)

(a) Calcium is the polyatomic cation, and carbonate is the polyatomic anion.
(b) Calcium is the cation, and carbonate is the polyatomic anion.
(c) Calcium is the anion, and carbonate is the cation.
(d) Calcium and carbon are both cations, and oxygen is an anion.
(e) Calcium and carbonate form a molecule, not an ionic compound.

Solution: As a metal, calcium typically will form positive ions (cations). There is only
one calcium in the chemical formula, so it cannot be polyatomic, ruling out (a). Carbon
typically forms covalent bonds, making carbonate a polyatomic anion and ruling out (e).
Thus, the answer is (b).

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9. What is the molar mass of CaCO3 ? (2 marks)

(a) 84.09 g/mol

(b) 116.09 g/mol
(c) 88.08 g/mol
(d) 100.1 g/mol
(e) 60.01 g/mol

Solution: On our periodic table, calcium has an atomic mass of 40.078 g/mol, carbon has
an atomic mass of 12.011 g/mol, and oxygen has an atomic mass of 15.999 g/mol. We
can find the molar mass by adding up the atomic masses:

MCaCO3 = MCa + MC + 3MO = 100.086 g/mol

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10. What is the enthalpy of reaction of the chemical reaction between CaCO3 (s) and HCl
(g) for four moles of reaction? The standard enthalpies of formation are in the ap-
pendix. (7 marks)
Reminder: CaCO3 (s) + HCl (g) −−→ CaCl2 (s) + CO2 (g) + H2 O (l)

(a) +77 kJ/mol

(b) −83 kJ/mol
(c) +308 kJ/mol
(d) −332 kJ/mol
(e) −308 kJ/mol

Solution: Looking in the table at the end of the mock test, we can find the stan-

dard enthalpies of formation for the chemical species participating: ∆Hf,CaCO 3
◦ ◦ ◦
−1207.6 kJ/mol, ∆Hf,HCl = −92.3 kJ/mol, ∆Hf,CaCl2 = −795.8 kJ/mol, ∆Hf,CO2 =

−393.5 kJ/mol, and ∆Hf,H 2O
= −285.8 kJ/mol. (Note the phase of the water, and be
sure to select the correct standard enthalpy of formation!)
Using the stoichiometric coefficients found for question 1, we can now find the standard
enthalpy of reaction:

∆Hrxn = ∆Hf,◦ products − ∆Hf,◦ reactants
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
= ∆Hf,CaCl 2
+ ∆H f,CO2
+ ∆H f,H 2 O − ∆Hf,CaCO3
+ 2∆Hf,HCl
= (−1475.1 kJ/mol) − (−1392.2 kJ/mol) = −82.9 kJ/mol

Finally, note we have four moles of reaction, so we need to multiply the number of moles
◦  × −82.9 kJ/mol
by the standard enthalpy of reaction: ∆H = nrxn ∆Hrxn = 4 mol 
−331.6 kJ. The responses all incorrectly include the “per mole” notation, but the numer-
ical values are correct.

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11. Assume one mole of reaction between CaCO3 and HCl has a ∆Hrxn = −15.2 kJ/mol.
How many moles of this reaction do you need to release ∼ 300 kJ? (2 marks)

(a) 20.1–20.5 mol

(b) 17.3–17.8 mol
(c) 9–10 mol
(d) 19.1–20 mol
(e) 180.1–190 mol

Solution: This problem can be solved by dimensional analysis—we have an energy and
an energy per mole, and need a number of moles. Note that we are looking for energy
released, which is negative.

∆Htot −300 kJ

n= ◦
= = 19.7 mol
∆Hrxn −15.2 

12. If the reaction generates 300 kJ of electrical energy, which of the following appliances can
you operate for 1 hour using that energy? (2 marks)

(a) Electric stove: 2000–5000 W

(b) Washing machine: 400–1400 W
(c) Laptop: 50 W
(d) Microwave oven: 750–1100 W
(e) Electric kettle: 1100–3000 W

Solution: Again, use a dimensional analysis approach: we have an energy and a time,
and need a power:

∆E 300 kJ 1h
P = = × = 0.083 kW = 83 W
t 1h 3600 s
The only option consuming less power than this is (c), the laptop.

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13. How do greenhouse gases contribute to climate change? (2 marks)

(a) By absorbing some solar energy, causing sea level rises and melting of glaciers, antarc-
tic ice shelves and permafrost.
(b) By releasing some of the longwave radiation into space.
(c) By trapping excess heat in the atmosphere, causing a small but significant
increase in the planet’s average temperature.
(d) By trapping excess water molecules in the atmosphere, causing extreme flooding.
(e) By reflecting solar energy from the Earth’s surface, causing droughts, wildfires,
famines and the displacement of people around the globe on an unprecedented scale.

Solution: Option (c) describes the mechanism by which greenhouse gases contribute to
climate change, and is the correct answer. Options (a) and (e) are not true—greenhouse
gases are largely transparent to solar radiation, they don’t absorb or reflect it. Option
(b) is true, but incomplete and misleading; while greenhouse gases will re-radiate some
longwave radiation into space, they release less than would have been radiated into space
with lower levels of greenhouse gases. Option (d) is not true, because greenhouse gases
do not directly cause changes in the amount of water in the atmosphere. This is instead
a consequence of climate change.

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14. The graph below shows the CO2 concentration in our planet’s atmosphere over the
past 800,000 years. What is the most significant reason for the steep increase after
1950? (1 mark)

(a) Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions

(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Uptake of CO2 by the soil and fossil pools
(d) Natural carbon fluxes through the Earth’s atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere
(e) Ocean acidification

Solution: Option (a) is correct, backed up by extensive scientific literature. Options (b),
(c), and (e) are all phenomena that remove CO2 from the atmosphere, and thus cannot
cause increases in atmospheric CO2 . Option (d) describes the time before industrial-
ization, and the hundreds of thousands of years represented to the left of 1950 on the

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15. According to a recently published scientific report, there is a 66 % chance that the planet’s
average temperature will increase by 1.5 ‰ within the next five years. What urgent
collective actions can reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions? (2 marks)

(a) Replacement of diesel-powered public bus fleets with battery-powered busses and
(b) Nationwide replacement of diesel-fuelled locomotives with an electrified railway sys-
tem to reduce emissions from personal vehicles and freight trucks.
(c) Implementation of large aircraft carriers powered by innovative fuels without green-
house gas emissions.
(d) Development of a sustainable and equitable hydrogen economy.
(e) All options listed.

Solution: All of these options can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Battery-powered
buses and trams run on electricity taken from the power grid, which in most counties
includes a substantial renewable component, and are also more energy efficient than
diesel-powered buses. Likewise, railway electrification replaces direct diesel use with
cleaner grid electricity. Fuels without greenhouse gas emissions reduce those emissions by
definition. A sustainable hydrogen economy would also reduce emissions, though the key
word is sustainable—many current efforts at moving to hydrogen fuels use unsustainable
approaches like methane reforming or production using coal.

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SECTION 2: Engineering biology

16. Which of the following statements about a living system, when considered from a ther-
modynamic perspective, is/are TRUE? (1 mark)

W Typically open systems.

X Typically equilibrium systems.
Y Discard waste energy as heat.
Z Typically isolated systems.

(a) Only W and Y are true.

(b) Only W is true.
(c) All are true.
(d) None of the options is true.
(e) W, X, and Y are true.

Solution: Living systems must be open systems, because life processes input matter to
grow and to obtain energy, and outputs the residues. Living systems are not in equilib-
rium, because a system in equilibrium is unchanging and consistent with our definition
of “dead”. Living systems do discard waste energy as heat, though this is not the only
waste they produce. Finally, living systems cannot be isolated systems, because if they
were they would have no energy or matter sources to allow them to grow and develop.
Thus, W and Y are true, but not the others.

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17. Muscle is approximately 24.0% efficient in converting energy from food to mechanical
work (ηtotal ). Estimate how much glucose would be required for a 100.0 kg person to
climb a 5.0 m ladder.
Gravitational acceleration is 9.81 m/s2 , and the energy density of glucose is
16 kJ/g. (4 marks)

(a) 1.3 kg
(b) 330 g
(c) 0.33 g
(d) 1.3 g
(e) 3.3 g

Solution: First, determine the energy required to climb the ladder: ∆Emech = mg∆h =
100.0 kg × 9.81 m/s2 × 5.0 m = 4900 J. Next, we divide this by the efficiency to find the
required food energy: ∆Emech = ηmech ∆Efood ; ∆Efood = 4900 J
= 20417 J. Finally, we can
perform a dimensional analysis with the food energy and the energy density of glucose
(energy per unit mass) to get the mass of glucose:

mglucose = 20417 J × × = 1.276 g
1000 J 16 

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18. The picture shows a flow-volume loop for the lungs when a patient is breathing in and
out as deeply as they are able. It shows a normal flow-volume loop, and a loop for a
patient with obstructive lung disease (grey). What process is disrupted in the case of
obstructive lung disease and in what way is it disrupted? (3 marks)

(a) Inspiration, the lungs over-inflate.

(b) None of the other options.
(c) Expiration, it is harder to exhale.
(d) Expiration, more air than normal is exhaled.
(e) Inspiration, it is harder to get air into the lungs.

Solution: Looking at the main features of the graph, we see “peak expiratory flow”
labeled on the top. The obstructive lung disease graph is the same as the normal graph
for negative flow, but much less than the normal graph for positive flow. The label tells
us that positive flow is expiration, if we didn’t remember the sign convention for this type
of graph. Thus, the problem must be with expiration. The low flow rate means it must
take a lot longer to exhale the same volume, so it would be hard to exhale; the same
amount of air as normal is exhaled. Thus, the answer is (c).

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19. Most humidification systems for ventilation recommend use of distilled water, but some
studies have suggested tap water is adequate. Assume tap water is an ideal solution
of water and other components, with a mole fraction of water of 0.950. If atmospheric
pressure is 101325 Pa, and the saturation vapour pressure of water at the temperature
at which you operate your system (313.15 K) is 7358 Pa, what is the the mole fraction of
water in the air (gas phase) of the humidifier? (4 marks)

(a) 0.0500
(b) 0.950
(c) 0.0690
(d) 0.0689
(e) 0.0950

Solution: We first use Raoult’s law to find the vapour pressure above a mixture:

Pvapour = xliquid Psat = 0.950 × 7358 Pa = 6990 Pa

Next, we use Dalton’s law for partial pressures to find the mole fraction of the water
vapor in the air: Pvapour = xgas Ptot ; xgas = Pvapour
6990 Pa
= 101325 Pa
= 0.068987. Rounding this
correctly gives the answer (c), 0.0690.

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20. Which of the following is a potential risk of using tap water in a clinical humidi-
fier? (2 marks)

(a) The tap water introduces a potential risk of contamination.

(b) Tap water is not able to provide sufficient humidification of air delivered to the
(c) Tap water is not as readily available in hospital settings.
(d) Using tap water increases the likelihood of condensation in the ventilator’s tubing.
(e) There is no risk from using tap water.

Solution: Tap water is still almost entirely made of water, so the mole fraction of H2 O
in the liquid phase is almost 1. This means that it has nearly the same vapour pressure
as distilled or pure water. Thus, it will not behave any differently from a humidification
perspective, so (b) and (d) are false. Common sense tells us that hospitals have water
taps, so there are no availability problems (c). However, as discussed in lecture, tap
water is not completely sterile, and so it poses a risk of comtamination, making (a) the
correct answer. The dissolved materials in tap water also come out of solution when
it is evaporated, resulting in physical contamination of the humidification system with
limescale and other deposits.

21. The Antoine coefficients for water, with pressure in Pa and temperature in K, are A =
10.20, B = 1731 and C = −39.72. What is the saturation vapour pressure of water at
50.00 C? (4 marks)

(a) 123.8 kPa

(b) 12380 Pa
(c) 0.1238 kPa
(d) 123.8 Pa
(e) 1238 Pa

Solution: Because our coefficients require temperature in kelvin, we need to convert our
Celsius temperature: T = (50 + 273.15) K = 323.15 K. The Antoine equation is then
used as follows:
B 1731
log10 Psat = A − = 10.20 − = 10.20 − 6.107 = 4.09
C +T −39.72 + 323.15
Psat = 104.09 = 12378.6 Pa

Because the Antoine equation was developed before the developmet of SI and quantity
calculus, we do have to break some of the rules from the week 2 lectures!

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22. You have invented a medical device that could give users feedback on their health using
at home measurements. Which of the following might be ways to determine acceptability
of the product? (2 marks)

W Co-design with key stakeholders.

X Request feedback from users during trials.
Y Base the design on other products on the market.
Z Request feedback from potential users during the design phase.

(a) None of the options.

(b) W, X, and Z.
(c) All of W, X, Y, and Z.
(d) X, Y, and Z.
(e) W and X.

Solution: Option W is an excellent approach to product design in any context, but this
is especially true for medical devices. This is also a good approach (in a New Zealand
context) to following the Treaty of Waitangi principles.
Option X is a standard part of product development, directly measuring acceptability
after putting a product in users’ hands..
Option Y is a common tactic in medical device design, because it assistis with regulatory
approval. However, it does not help us to determine the acceptability of the product—
just because a product is on the market does not necessarily mean that users find it
Option Z helps to get feedback on product acceptability early in the design process, which
is beneficial because it is easier to make major changes to the design based on feedback
the earlier the feedback is obtained.
Thus, all options except Y are good ways to determine acceptability, corresponding to
option (b).

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fundamentals of engineering in society 1


Daggers (†) denote exact conversion factors; all others are reported to a practical level of precision.

Name Symbol SI Non-SI Name Symbol SI Non-SI

equivalent equivalent equivalent equivalent

Length (L)
Mil mil 25.4 µm† 0.001 in.† Yard yd 0.9144 m† 3 ft†
Inch in. 25.4 mm† Mile mi 1.609 km 5280 ft†
Foot ft 0.3048 m† 12 in.†

Area (L2 )
Circular mil cmil 506.7 µm2 π
4 mil2 † Acre acre 4047 m2 43 560 ft2 †
Square inch in2 645.16 mm2 † Hectare ha 10 000 m2†
Square foot ft2 0.0929 m2 144 in2 † Square mile mi2 2.590 km2 640 acre†

Volume (L3 )
Teaspoon tsp 5 cm3† Litre L 1 dm3 †
Tablespoon tbsp 15 cm3† 3 tsp† Gallon gal 3.785 dm3 231 in 3†
(US liquid)
Cubic inch in 3 16.39 cm3 Cubic foot ft3 28.32 dm3 1728 in 3†
Cup (metric) cup 250 cm3† 16 2/3 tbsp† Cubic yard yd3 0.7646 m3 27 ft3 †

Time (T)
Minute min 60 s† Day d 86 400 s† 24 h†
Hour h 3600 s† 60 min† Year (Julian) a 31.56 Ms 365.25 d†

Mass (M)
Pound mass lb 0.4536 kg Short ton ST 907.2 kg 2000 lb†
Stone st 6.350 kg 14 lb† Tonne t 1000 kg†
Slug slug 14.59 kg 32.17 lb

Force or Weight (MLT−2 )

Pound lbf 4.448 N Kilogram kgf 9.807 N
force force

Pressure (ML−1 T−2 )

Millimetre mmHg 133.3 Pa 1 Torr Pound per psi 6.895 kPa
of mercury square inch
Torr Torr 133.3 Pa 1 mmHg Bar bar 100 kPa†
Inch of inH2 O 249.1 Pa Standard atm 101.325 kPa† 760 Torr†
water atmosphere

Energy (ML2 T−2 )

calorie cal 4.184 J† British BTU 1.054 kJ
Foot-pound ft lbf 1.356 J thermal
Kilowatt-hour kWh 3.6 MJ† unit
Calorie Cal 4.184 kJ† 1 kcal†

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2 bryan ruddy, andrea kolb, and alys clark


Name Symbol SI Non-SI Name Symbol SI Non-SI

equivalent equivalent equivalent equivalent

Power (ML2 T−3 )

BTU per hour BTU/h 0.2931 W Ton of TR 3.517 kW 12 000 BTU/h†
Horsepower hp 745.7 W 550 ft lbf/s† refrigeration

Temperature (Θ)

Degree ◦C T (◦ C) = T (K) − 273.15†

Celsius T (◦ C) = 95 ( T (◦ F) − 32)†
Degree ◦F T (◦ F) = 95 T (K) − 459.67†
Fahrenheit T (◦ F) = 95 T (◦ C) + 32†

Name Symbol SI value Non-SI value

Fundamental constants
J L atm
Gas constant R 8.314 mol K 0.082057 mol K

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Page 23 of 24

Molar masses

Substance M / g mol−1
CaCO3 To be calculated
HCl 36.458
CaCl2 110.98
CO 44.01
Standard Enthalpies of Formation

H2 O 18.02

Standard enthalpies of formation

Substance ΔH°f (kJ/mol) Substance ΔH°f (kJ/mol) Substance ΔH°f (kJ/mol)

AgCl(s) -127.0 CaSO4(s) -1434.5 N2H4(g) +95.4
Al2O3(s) -1675.7 Fe2O3(s) -824.2 N2H4(l) +50.6
CHCl3(g) -103.2 HBr(g) -36.4 N2O(g) +82.1
CH2Cl2(g) -95.5 HCl(g) -92.3 N2O4(g) +9.1
CH2O(g) -115.9 HF(g) -272.6 N2O5(g) +11.3
CH3Cl(g) -83.7 HC2H3O2(l) -483.5 NaCl(s) -411.1
CH3OH(l) -238.4 H2O(g) -241.8 NaHCO3(s) -950.8
CH4(g) -74.9 H2O(l) -285.8 NaOH(s) -425.8
CO(g) -110.5 H2O2(l) -187.8 Na2CO3(s) -1130.8
CO2(g) -393.5 H2S(g) -20.5 O(g) +249.2
C2H2(g) +226.7 H2SO4(l) -814.0 O3(g) +142.7
C2H4(g) +52.5 KCl(s) -436.7 PCl3(g) -288.7
C2H6(g) -84.0 K2SO4(s) -1437.7 PCl5(g) -374.9
C2H5OH(l) -276.0 MgCl2(s) -641.6 PbO(s) -219.4
C3H5N3O9(l) -370.0 MgO(s) -601.2 PbS(s) -98.3

C6H6(l) +49.0 MgCO3(s) -1111.7 SF6(g) -1220.5
CaCO3(s) -1207.6 NH3(g) -45.9 SO2(g) -296.8
CaCl2(s) -795.8 NH4Cl(s) -314.6 SO3(g) -395.8
CaO(s) -635.1 NO(g) +90.3
Ca(OH)2(s) -986.1 NO2(g) +33.1


All standard state, 25 °C and 1 bar (written to 1 decimal place).

P.J. Linstrom and W.G. Mallard, Eds, NIST Chemistry WebBook, NIST Standard Reference Database
Number 69, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 20899,
Page 24 of 24
http://webbook.nist.gov, (retrieved March 9, 2011).

Lide, David R., Ed., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 84th ed., CRC Press: Boca Raton FL, 2003, 5-1 to

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