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Charles N. Reilley, R. W.

I ~helonApproach to Analysis (I)
and Fawzy S. Sadek
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill Survey of Theory and Application

The introduction of chelonsl such as

EDTA has virtually revolutionized the analytical
approach to metal ion analysis. This approach com-
Oxm+= + M(Hg) -
liberate an equivalent quantity of metal ion (M+"):
Redb + Hg + M+- (1)

menced with the classical work of Schwarzenbach which can then be titrated chelometrically. Elements
(31-38) on the volumetric determination of calcium such as silver ion, which by exchange reactions liberate
and magnesium-a procedure which was rapidly and directly titratable elements
universally adopted for estimation of permanent
water hardness. Since then the applicability of the
EDTA titration has been extended to the determination fall into this category. The remaining elements in
of over 50 elements (3, 6, SO, 39), and its scope will Table 1 have not vet been determined by a chelometric
undoubtedly be broadened even further. titration.
In Table 1, the elements enclosed in solid lines have Because of the present wide applicability of the
been estimated by direct or back titrations with chelon approach and because of its unusual future
EDTA, and the elements (or their compounds) enclosed possibilities, this brief and introductory status report is
in dashed lines indirectly, i.e., via another element after given to acquaint chemists with this approach and to
precipitation. For example, sulfur in sulfate is de- present some material suitable for use in analytical
termined indirectly through precipitation with excess courses. A demonstration lecture on EDTA and com-
barium ion and back titration of the unreacted barium plex formation by Johnston, Barnard, and Flaschka
ion with EDTA. Substances which may be reduced (9)serves as a suitable qualitative introduction to the
with the aid of liquid amalgams (such as reducible quantitative approach presented here.

Table 1. Elements Determinable by EDTA Titrations

I C N i O
[ F
r---. 1- .,. - -8.
.- I
I1 Na j Mg F s i [ P S Cl i
Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga G e j As Se Br;
- - --- - - - - -
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Cd In Sn Sb Te I ;
1 _ _ -._,
Cs Ba * Hf Ta W, Re 0 s Ir Pt I Au I Hg TI Pb Bi Po At
- !._-._.I

Fr Ra **
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
A Po Np Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No 103

organic compounds) will, under suitable conditions, The Design of Chelons (4, 12, IS, 28, 29)
B a e d in part on work supported by Air Force Office of Scien- The classical titration of acid with strong base is
tific Research, Air Research and Development Command, under
contracts AF18(600)-1160 and AF49(638)-333.
' A generic term for a class of reagents ihcloding polyamino-
carboxylic acids, polyamines, and related compounds which
well known
H + + OH- H1O - log K = 14 (3)
It is obviously a practical analytical titration in view
form stable, soluble, usually 1: 1 complexes with metal ions and
may consequently be employed effectively as titrants for metal Of the large value of log K . Similarly the titration
ions. of acid with weaker bases such as ammonia or cyanide
Volume 36, Number 1 1 , November 1959 / 555
ion is also applicable. G. N. Lewis (11) considered
complex formation as a type of acid-base reaction.
Thus the reaction
Cu++ + 4NHs - Cu(NH&++ log K = 12.6
might constitute a suitable means for titrating Cu++

ions, copper in this case being the acid (electrophilic)

and ammonia the base (nucleophilic). Similarly one
might consider the titration of cadmium with cyanide
ion, according to
Cd++ + 4CN- - Cd(CN),-- log K = 18.8
I n view of the large equilibrium constants for
(I) Ammonia (11) 1 ethylenetetramine ("tried')

these complex formation reactions, such titrations

might appear feasible since they are somewhat analo- I n order to get this exclusive formation of the copper-
gous to the titration of acid with base. However, tetrammine and thus a reaction by path 2 rather than
the resulting titration curves (IS) illustrate that, path 1, the following imaginary approach might be
although the titration of hydrogen ions with base considered. If copper were added to a very concen-
yields adequately sharp end points, the titration of trated solution of ammonia, the copper tetrammine
metal ions with a simple ligand (such as ammonia or would be the prevalent form of complex ion in solution.
cyanide) usually yields drawn out and completely Hence if such a solution were packaged in an ammonia-
unusable end point brealm. impermeable membrane such that each package con-
This disappointment arises not from the impressive tains four ammonia molecules, then these little packages
values of log K for the reactions written above, but of concentrated ammonia could be added to a copper
rather from the stepwise formation of the metal com- ion ~olutionand a very effective titration obtained.
plexes. Consider the titration of copper with ammonia An easier and certainly a more practical approach to
proceeding by two eztreme paths. After 4 ammonia packaging the nitrogen ligands into a small volume is to
molecules have been introduced, the solution may join each of the four basic nitrogens by an ethylene
contain: linkage as shown in (11). In this way triethylene-
Path 1 tetramine may be considered as an extremely small
Cu(NH8)'+ Cu(NHa)++Cu(NHdC+Cu(NH$)++Cut+ . .. droplet of a concentrated ammonia solution.
Path d Cu(NH&++ Cu++ Cut+ Cut+. . . Furthermore, the chelon titrant is now a single
molecule and, because the reaction is 1: 1 (one copper
Had path 2 been followed, a suitable sharp end point to one triethylenetetramine), the dissociation of the
would have been obtained in the titration of fairly resulting complex does not increase so rapidly upon
concentrated solutions and such methods would already dilution. It is actually the 1:1 complex and the
have found wide use. However, tho prevalent reaction preconcentration of the ligand atoms, rather than the
initially is more nearly path 1. This mode of complex- formation of "five-membered rings" in the resulting
ation is attributed t o the fact that the Cu(NH8)++is complex, which give rise to the well-known chelate
effectively less acidic than the "free" (hydrated) effect.
copper ions, Cu++. Thus, as ammonia is added to a The uitrogens could have been connected by linkages
solution containing Cu++ as well as Cu(NHa)++,the such as -CH&HdX- but the nitrogens would then
ammonia reacts in preference with the free Cu++ be even further removed from one another and the
ions. "droplet" would be less concentrated in basic nitrogen.
The relative Lewis acidities of the hydrated copper This is less desirable since weaker chelates would
ions and the various copper ammines is shown by the be formed. Ring strain in the resulting structure also
values for the formation constants needs consideration.
+ +
Cu++ NHa F? Cu(NH.)++
Cu(NH3)++ NHx F? Cu(NH&++
lag KI = 4.1
log KS = 3.5
The nitrogens might be joined by ethylene linkages
in a different way as shown in (111)
Cu(NH&++ NH1 $ Cu(NH&++
NHs F? Cu(NHa)r++
log Ka = 2.9
lag K4 = 2.1 (6) /CHZ-CH2-NH2
The stepwise formation of the copper ammine com-
plexes causes the free copper ion concentration to \CH~CH,NH,
(111) Triaminotriethylamine (%en")
decrease more rapidly during the course of the titration
than it would have by path 2. Consequently the The nitrogens in (111) are concentrated approxi-
value of pCu (-log TCu++]) increases rather rapidly mately as effectively as in triethylenetetramine.
upon the addition of ammonia and no strong inflection However, bonding of (111) with metal ions of square
is obtained a t the equivalence point. planar configuration (e.g., Cu++) is not nearly so
Even had path 2 been followed, the binding of effective as that of the linear triethylenetetrarnine,
copper t o four ammonia molecules would decrease (11). This is attributed to the fact that all the nitro-
rapidly upon dilution and thus dilute solutions of gens in (111) cannot be used for coordination with
copper could not be titrated. This results from the copper
.. without a considerable strain in the resultine:
fourth power dependence on ammonia in the equi- complex.
librium constant expression. On the other hand, the spider-like configuration of
Both these effects can be overcome by the chelon (111) is well suited for complexation of metal ions
approach. Compare complexes (I) and (11). which bond in a tetrahedral mode, such. as zinc. This
556 / Journal of Chemical Education
structural factor is borne out by the following stability Various steric effects have also been accomplished
constants (1). by modifying the EDTA molecule through substi-
Cu++ f
+ trim Cu(trien)++
tren + Cu(tren)++
log K
log K
= 20.4
= 18.8
tuting methyl group(.$ on the ethylene linkage and by
replacing ethylenediamine with cgclized compounds
Zn++ f trien * Zn(trien)++ lag K = 12.1 such as 1,Bcyclohexane diamine. Occasionally some
Zn++ + tren Zn(tren)++
~3 log K = 14.7 (7)
what greater stability was found and may be attributed
Another feature to he considered in the design of to a slight preorientation of the ligands and increased
chelons is that certain metal ions (such as Co, Ni, Cu, basicity of the nitrogen ligands. Diethylenetriamine-
Zn, Cd, and Hg) form more stable coordination bonds pentaacetic acid (DTPA) is closely related to EDTA
with basic nitrogen than with oxygen (5'4); in ammonia- in structure but has more ligand groups and forms
cal solution such metal ions form stable ammine com- definitely more stable complexes. Other possibilities
plexes. I n contrast, other metal ions (such as alkaline consist of changing the nitrogen ligands for phosphorus
and rare earths, Al, Bi, Pb, and Sc) either do not react and the acetate ligands for hydroxyethyl, thiol, or
or form hydrous oxide precipitates. Thus the all- phosphonate groups. The greater success has arisen
nitrogen type chelons, such as (11) or (111), complex from the introduction of a hydroxyethyl group in
with a rather restricted group of metal ions. By place of one of the acetate groups. The resulting
incorporating both oxygen and nitrogen atoms as compound forms an exceedingly strong complex with
ligands in a chelon, a more general complexing reac- iron(II1) although its complexing tendency with many
tivity is accomplished. The structure of ethylene- other metal ions is weaker.
diaminetetraacetate (abbreviated EDTA)
\ /

Available Chelons and Their Properties

A great number of chelons have been synthesized
and a few of them are now commercially available.
contains two nitrogen (ammonia-type) ligands and Tables 2 and 3 summarize the properties and sources
four oxygen (acetate-typk) ligands and each molecule of some of these.
behaves as though it were a highly concentrated drop- By comparing the different stability constants for
let of ammonia and acetate ions-but forms a 1:I calcium and magnesium, we find that EGTA forms a
complex! Figure 1 illustrates its general complexing much more stable complex with calcium (log K = 11.0)
ability in titrations. than with magnesium (log Ii = 5.4). This difference
permits the selective titration of calcium in the pres-
ence of magnesium ($6, $7) a t pH 9, whereas, with
EDTA, calcium (log K = 10.7) and magnesium
(log K = 8.7) are cotitrated a t this pH value.
The all-nitrogen type chelons, such as triethylene-
tetramine (trien) and tetraethylenepentamine (tetren),
form stable complexes with a fairly restricted set of
metal ions and thus may be used for the selective
titrations of these ions in the presence of the others
(15, 16,21). Also copper can be readily titrated in the
presence of nickel, zinc, and cadmium.
As discussed more fully later, extreme care must be
taken when comparing the values of the absolute
stability constants for a given metal with various
chelons. From Table 3, copper would seem to form
more stable complexes with trien than with EDTA;
while this is true a t high pH, the reverse is true at low
pH due to the "pH effect." In contrast, comparison
of the ratio of the absolute stability constants for a
given chelon with two metal ions is generally in agree-
ment with their effective stability. For most accurate
comparisons, account must be taken of the formation
of metal chelonate derivatives ("mixed" complexes)
Figure 1. The dependence of log a on pH for Trien, Tetren, EEDTA, and such as MHY-, M(0H)Y-a, MY (NHa)-=,MY (halides)
because their formation will increase the net stability
It is easily seen that EDTA represents a structure of the metal complex.
containing about the highest obtainable pre-concen- Not to be overlooked in the choice of the chelon is
tration of nitrogen and oxygen ligands and thus is the purity of the commercially available material.
almost ideal for general complexing of metal ions. For example, the technical grades of trien and tetren
Homologous reagents containing 1, 3-diaminopropane are most unsuited for the titration purposes because of
and propionate arms (in various combinations) have contamination with lower aminee. These lower amines
been synthesized and studied. I n these cases less react with metal ions only slightly less efficiently than
reactivity has been found in accord with the expected the present chelon and cause the end points to be
results. drawn out and barely detectable. Hence old solutions
Volume 36, Number I I , November 1959 / 557
Table 2. Chelons Most Freauentlv Used in Metal Titrations

Chelon Abbrev. Formula

Triethylenetetramineol c, h Trien ,CHn-NH-CHI-C&-NH.

Nitrilotriaoetio Aoid o - d s I NT.4 -0OCCHz-N 9.73 2.49 1.9 . . . . . .
Ammoniatriacetic Acid <CH,coo-

Ethylenediamioetetraacetic EDTA -OOCHIC ,CHzCOO-

acid o - 0 'N-CH,-CH~-N 10.26 6.16 2.76 2.0 ...

soetio ao8dd.I
- <::;:::I 9.73 5.33 2.64
... ...

Ethyletherdiaminetetra~cetie EEDTA -0OCHzC CHGOO-

aoidd.1 >N-CH-c&-0-CH-C&N< 9.49 8.82 2.67 1.90 ...

Ethyleneglycol-bis-(8-amino- EGTA -OOCH2C C&COO-

ethyl ether)-N.N'-tetraacetio \N-BC-H~C-0-CH-CH-O-CH~CH~N< 9.43 8.85 2.68 2.0 ...
acid d . 1 -0OC4W CHnCOO-

Dieth 1enetriamine.pentaacetii DTPA -0OCHG /CH~COO- c4c00-

8cidld.l >N-H~CH~C-N-CH~-CH-N/ 10.55 8.60 4.27 2.41 2.08

Cyclpheaaoediaminetetttttttic CyDTA
aeld b d Id 11.70 6.12 3.52 2.40 ...

... ""., .......

--"."."". "--".s, ..A

0 Chemapol Chemiosl Co. Panska 9 Prague 3 Cseohoslovakis.

c Distillation Producta ldoatries, ~ b ~ h ~3:~N.
t eY..
, (teohnioal grade polyaminea).
LaMont Laboratories. 5002 West Mookin~birdl a n e . Dallas 9. Terns.
d Dojiodo and Co., Ltd., 718 Isumimaohi-Ima. Kumnmoto-Shi, Japan.
6 Fisher Scientific Co.. Pittsburgh. Pa.
I Geigy Industrial Chemioala Saw Mill River Road. Ardsley. N. Y.
D Haoh Chemloal Co., Ames,'~owa.
DJnion Carbide Chemical Co., Charleston. West Virginia (technical grade polyamines only).

Toble 3. Stability Constants of the Mort Frequently Applied Metal Chelonotes

~ ~~

Chelon ........ ME** C a t ' Sr+? Bat% La" R.E.+% Mn+%Fe,+' Fe+I Cot1 Nitl Cu+l Zn+2 Cd+' Hg+* Al*' P h i '
Trieo ......... N e d Negl Ned Ned Ned ... 4.9 7.8 . . 11.0 14.0 20.1 11.9 10.8 25.0 Ned 10.4
Tetren . . . . N e d Negl Negl Negl Negl 7.0 151 17.8 22.9 15.4 14.0 27.7 Negl 10-11
NTA . . . . . . . . . 5.4 6.4 5.00 4.8 10.4 10.41i2.2 7.4 8 1 1 0 . 4 11.5 12.6 10.5 9.8 ... 11.1
EDTA ........ 8.7 10.7 18.7 7 9 155 15.8-19.8 13.8 14.4 25.1 16.3 18.6 18.8 16.5 16.5 22.1 16.1 17.9
HEDTA . . . . . . 7.Oa 8.0 6.8 ~6 2 o 13.2 14.1-15.8 10.7 11.6 ... 14.4 17.0 17.4 14.50 13.0 ... 15.50
E E D T A . . .... 8.3 10.0 8.60 8.2 ... ... 13.2 . . . . . . 14.7a 14.70 17.8 15.3~ 16.3 23.10 . . . 14.4a
. E G T A ........ 5.4 lO9o 8.5 8.4 ... ... 12.30 . . . . . . 12.30 13.60 17.80 13.0 16.70 23.80 ... 14.60
DTPA . . . . 9.0 107o 9.7 8.6 ... 19la 15.50 16.7 27.5 19.0 20.2 21.0 18.8a 19.00 27.00 ... 18.60
CyDTA. ...... 10.3 l2.W 10.0o 8.0 ... 16.8-21.5 16.8 ...... 18.9 19.4a 21.3 18.60 19.2 24.4a 17.6 19.7
o Unpublished data b y Hallowau, J. H.. and Reilley, C. N., obtained potentiometrioally with mercury electrode.

of such polyamines may yield less well defined end with standard base. The method, however, suffers
points than fresh solutions despite the fact that their several difficulties.
titer may have changed only slightly. Although Many metal ions hydrolyze readily and cannot be truly pre-
limited information is now available, the chelons listed neutralized.
in Table 3 are reasonably stable in aqueous solution The pK.'s of the ohelon are often closely spaced and thus
and each may serve effectively as a titrant. indistinct end points are obtained even if the pre-neutralization
point is taken exactly midway between adjacent pK. values.
The metd ion sample solution may contain constituents which
End Point Methods buffer in the pH range of the end point.
The metd chelate itself mavform camdexes of the tvoe H.MY ".
Titration of Libemted Acid or MYOH, in the pH range.of the end'point.

This method constitutes the original end point tech- Because of these disadvantages, this end point
nique and is based upon estimating the acid liberated procedure is seldom emp!oyed except in theoretical
upon complex formation studies.
Metollochrornic Indicotors
In this approach, the sample solution of metal ion This approach is by far the most popular at the
is first neutralized with base and then an excess pre- present time and has served t o focus considerable
neutralized solution of chelon is added. The hydrogen favorable attention on the practicality of the chelon
ions liberated by the above reaction are now titrated approach t o the titration of metal ions. It consists of

558 / Journal of Chemical Education

Table 4 adding a trace quantity of a complexing dye, called a
End point metal indicator or a L'metallochromic indicator,"
color which exhibits one color in the "metallized" form and
Ion Method Conditions, pH change different color in the "unmetallized" form.

Conditions for Some Recommended Visual EDTA Titrations +

M + % HInm-' + MInm+' + H+
(e.g., blue) (e.g., red)
D; Cu-PAN Ao; 3~ Re-Ye
B (Mn-Zn); Erio T NHs; 10, Aso. Bl-Re Thus during the major part of a direct titration, the
S; (MgY);ErioT
1 1 , s B1-Cls.
NH?;10 Re-Bl
metallochromic indicator exists entirelv in the metal-
lized form, only the free metal ion remaining in solution
D; X. Or. HNOI; 0 . 1 4 . 2 M Re-Ye being titrated with the chelon. At the equivalence
D; PVlt HNOJ;2.5 B1-Ye
D; Erio T NHr, 10 Re-BI point, the chelon removes the metal ion from the metal-
D; Cu-PAN Ac; 4.5A Vlt-Ye dye complex with a resulting color change. Sharper
D; Calcon NaOH or (Et)- Re-Bl end points are obtained when extremely small con-
NH; 12.5
D; P and R dye NeOH; 12-14 Pi-B1 centrations of metallochromic indicators are employed.
B; (Mg) Erio T NHa; 10 B1-Re Metallochromic indicators should, therefore, have
S; (MgY) Erio T NHa; 10 BI-Re
B; (Mn, Zn); Erio T NHa; 9-10, Asc. Bl-Re large molar extinction coefficients in the visible region
D; Cu-PAN Ac. 3 A Re-Ye making possible their use in extremely dilute concen-
B; (Mn, Zn); Erio T NH$;9-10, ASC. B1-Vlt trations (approximately 10-Vo 10-#M). The metal-
D ; PAN Ao; 3,4.5A VlUe
D; Cu-PAN Ac; 3 3 . 5 A Re-Ye lochromic indicator is itself a multidentate chelating
B; (Pb-Zn); Erio T NH1; 9.5, tar. BI-Re agent containing, for example, polyaminocarboxylate,
D; Erio T NHa, tar., A Re-BI hydroxy, basic nitrogen, and/or azo ligands. One of
D; PAN or Cu-PAN Ac; 2.5-3.5A Re-Ye
B; (Mg, Zn); Erio T Ethylene- BI-Re the protonated ligands is potentially conjugated to the
diamine; 10 ring and hence chelation with this group removes the
D; Cu-PAN Ac; 4.5A VLt-Ye
D: sal.. sulfsd., Tir. Ae: 2-3 Br: Re: B1 proton, alters the resonance properties of the dye, and
&Ye causes a color change.
D; ErioT tar; NHs, 10 Vlt-BI. For a metallochromic indicator to be useful, a proper
D; Cu-PAN Ao; 4.6A Re-Ye
D ; X. Or. Ao; 5 6 Re-Ye sequence of effective stability constants must be met:
B (Mg, Zn); Eno T NH1; 10 BI-Re the effective stability of the metal-chelon must be
D; Erio T NHa; 10 Re-Bl greater than that of the metal-indicator and yet the
D;ErioT NH3;10, Asc. or Re-Bl
NHIOH metal indicator must be sufficiently stable to exist as
B (Mg, Zn); Erio T NHa; 10, Asc. BI-Re metallized complex in extremely dilute solutions.
D; Cu-PAN Ac; 3-3.5A Vlt-Ye
B (Mg, Zn); ErioT NH8; 10 B1-Re Few substances allow this necessary sequence. Hence
D; Cu-PAN Ac; 3A Re-Ye a given metallochromic indicator may be useful for a
B (Mn, Zn); Erio T NHa; 10, Asc. BI-Vlt few metals under highly restricted pH and buffer
B (Zn); Erio T NHs; 9-10 B1-Re
D; Erio T NHs; malic wid, Re-B1 (type and concentration) conditions, and yet may be
9-1OA entirely unsuitable for other metal ions or under other
B (Cu); PAN Ac; 2.5A Ye-Re. Vlt buffer and pH conditions. The situation is further
S (MgY)p; Erio T NHs; 10 Re-Bl
D; PVlt HNOa;40°, 2.5- Re-Ye complicated by the acid-base properties of the metal-
3.5 lochromic indicator itself. Obviously chelometric ti-
D ; X. Or. HNOa;2.5-3.5 Re-Ye
B (Bi); PVlt HNOs; 2.5-3.5 Ye-B1 trations with metallochromic indicators are actually
D ; Cu-PAN Ac; 3.5, A Re-Ye much more involved than simple acid-base titrimetry.
S (MgY)-%,Erio T NH1; 10 Re-BI I n the former as many as 13 competitive equilibria can
Y & R.E.'s D: Eno T ..
NH.: tar. or cit.. Re-B1
at,A be considered, whereas in most acid-base titrations only
B (Zn); Erio T NH8;8-9 Bl-Re 3 or 4 competitive equilibria are usually involved.
Zn D; Erio T NHa; 10 Re-BI
D; Cu-PAN Ac; P 5 , A Vlt-Ye A full description of these competitive interactions
D; Zno NHs: 9-10 Bl-Te has been given (18).
Zr (Hf) D; X. Or. HN03( 1 M ) ;A Re-Ye Many metallochromic indicators are blocked by
B (Fe+J);sal. acid NH&; 5-6 Cls-Br
traces of Cu, Co, Ni, and Fe, for example. This is
Conditions for Some I n d i i t Visual EDTA Titrations often caused by their slow rate of reaction or by an
N (as NHa) Add excess HgY-2; pH 6.8 Ye-Grey unusually high stability of their complexes. De-
titr./w. NaOH, spite these limitations on the use of metallochromic
Bromthymol blue
and red screening indicators for end point detection, the experiments
S (as Pree~pitateas BeSOd See Bet+
SO4--) titr. excess Ba++w. Reeder indicator(,d. sal., salicylic acid; sulfasal, sulfosalicylio
EDTA acids; Tir., ~ i r o n n ~ dX.; Or., Xylenol Zcn, Zin-
P (as Preoipitate as NHs; 10 Re-Bl B1, blue; Vlt, violet; Pi, pink; Br, brown; Cls, color!ess
PO,--) MgNH4P04.6H20; or gray; Re, red; Ye, yellow; Ae, acetate buffer; NH3, ammonla
titr. precipitate for buffer; Asc. aswrbic acid; tar, tartrate; cit, citrate; A, heat to
Mgt+, Erio T ""0,-
a" ".
= J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N. J.
'. Chemapol Chemical Co., Panske 9, Prague 3 , Czeohoslo-
Additional information on many of the mentioned procedures vakis.
and references will be found in the Baker brochure (3) and refer- = Doiindo and Co. Ltd.. 718 Izumimaehi-Ima, Kumamoto-shi,
ences 5,30,and 37. Japan.
Abbreviations: D, direct titration; B, back titration; 5, sub- Fisher Scientifio Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
stitution titration; Erio T, Eriochmme Black T*-*; Calcona, e; Haeh Chemical Co., Ames, Iowa.
PAN, 1-(2Pyridylsso)-2naphth01~~~~~; PVlt, Pyrocstechol Vio- LaMont Laboratories, 5WZ Mockingbird Lane, Dallas 9, Texas,
MTB, Methylthymd Blue'; P and R dye, Patton and supplies a number of these indmtors.

Volume 36, Number 1 I , November 1959 / 559

described in this paper all utilize this means of end Table 5. Potentiometric Titration Conditions of Metol Ions
point detection because of its inherent simplicity and pH Buffer systems Metals that may be titratted
low cost and because of the fact that such blocking can
often be avoided by appropriate conduct of the ti- 12 HNOZor chloroaoetic Dired titratim with EDTA
acid Thf? Hg+=, Bit"avoid
tration or addition of suitable marking agents. Some chlonde contaminations)
of the better titration conditions are summarized in 4.0-5.5 Acetic acid or hexa- Direct titmtions with standard
methylene- EDTA sol.: Sc+' Yt3
Table 4. tetramine LatJ, R.E.+', V O + ' , ' M ~ + ' ~
CU+% Zn+x, ~ d + : H ~ + $ :
Potentiometric Indicoiion Using the Mercury Electrode Back tibation with Cut%,Znt2
A mercury electrode may be employed for end point Cdi', H g + q or Pbt' standmi
solutions: FetS Ni+? AlfJ
detection and also for the determination of metal- Ga+a Znt', i r + 4 , ' Hfi4:
chelon stability constants (16, 17, 19, 21, 85, $7, 36). ~ h + { Sci3 Y+J La+8
Because the end point can be detected in the titration R.E.+a,VO+;, M&, CU+<
Cdf: Hgt: Pbta, Bi+s
of almost all metal ions and under a wide variety of 8 .0-10. 0 Ammonia, triethanol- Direct titration mih standard
solution conditions, this technique is not as restricted amine, ethanol- EDTA solution; Mg+'
smine Cei', Srfa, Ba+' (pH 10.6
as metallochromic indicators. and remove dissolved oxy-
A mercury electrode, in contact with a sample gen by bubbling nitrogen)
solution containing a metal ion, M+i, and a small Go+% Ni+>, C U + ~ ,Zn+',
Gd'4 In+< Pb++Z(far In+a
added quantity of mercury(I1)-chelonate, HgY2-, and Pb+%add tartrate)
exhibits a potential corresponding t o the following Back titration v i t h Znt2, Cat',
Mg+l, Cu+' or CdtPstandad
half cell: solution: kc+', Y+' La+s
HglHgY2-", MY'-, M* R.E.+tHg+l, ~ i + ~co+*: :
Ni+QutZ, Zn+P, In+',
where Y-l stands for the completely dissociated chelon. ~ b + ( Tl+J (remove dis-
solved oxygen for larger
The following exchange equilibrium is established: hren,k)
M+* + HgYa- + H g + l + MY'- (8)
The equilibrium constant expression for the exchange
reaction can be solved for the concentration of [Hg+=] pertinent Equilibria and Choice of Titrotion Conditions
and its value substituted into the Nernst equation for
the Hg+2'0 couple. Hence the potential for this For successful chelometric titrations, certain solu-
indicator electrode is (at 25'C) tion conditions-selection of pH, buffer type and
concentration, and masking agents-must be estab-
Eas = EaQ + 0.0296 log [M+*] [HgY2-*]KMy
lished according to the metal ion titrated and the
particular chelon used. The reaction of the metal
where K M yand KHgYcorrespond to the stability con- ion with the chelon should, of course, be extensive for
stants of the metal-chelon and Hg(I1)-chelon complexes, the metal ion being titrated and slight for the foreign
respectively. The mercury electrode therefore re- metal ions. The various competitive equilibria are
sponds directly to pM (-log [MI) in the vicinity of summarized (charges omitted) :
the end point where [HgYZ-"1and [MYZ-n]are constant
and is applicable to the chelometric titration of metal
ions in a manner analogous to the titration of acids
with base using a glass electrode. Table 5 summarizes +

y -

the different metal ions which may be successfully nH+ +OH-

titrated with EDTA potentiometrically. 1 1 -M(OH)Y
Most of the metal ions listed for the pH 4.0-5.5 group
MZ, HA' +NHa
or the pH 8.0-10.0 group do not interfere with titra- (Hydrolysis (Complex (pH Effect) (Metal-~hel'on&
tions performed a t pH 2.0. Further, the alkaline Effect) Effect) Derivatives)
earth ions do not interfere with titrations performed pH Effect
a t pH 4.0-5.5. Thus, for example, a bismuth-cad-
mium-calcium mixture may be estimated by a step- Equation (10) shows that the hydrogen ion competes
wise procedure, the pH being increased after each with the metal ion for the chelon. For this reason,
end point. Halide, sulfide, cyanide, and similar metal ions which form weak chelonates can be titrated
substances that react with H ~ zor+Hg+2~ interfere with effectively only in alkaline solution. On the other
the electrode response. hand, metal ions which form very stable chelonates
can be titrated even in acid solution. The minimum
pH a t which metal ions of given stability can be ti-
Other Techniques trated is calculated by taking into account the abso-
Photometric (6, 22, W ,24, 36, 37, 58), conducto- lute stability constant of the chelonate and the acidity
metric (7), high frequency (8),thermometric (lo), constants for the chelon. The acidity constants
amperometric (14), and chronopotentiometric (20) (that is, the stability constants of the proton com-
methods have also been employed for detecting the plexes) can be defined as k, and are given by the follow-
end point of the chelometric titrations. Because of ing expressions
the rather limited applicability of these techniques
(with the exception perhaps of the photometric one),
no discussion of them is presented here.
560 / Journol of Chemical Education
and the absolute stability constant by apparent, or conditional stability constant necessary
for a practical titration is given by
log Keir = T - log C (19:
Actually the unmetallized chelon exists in solution where C is the initial concentration of the metal ion
in several forms, the total stoichiometric concentration to be titrated and T is an arbitrary "titration factor"
being designated as [Y]' whose numerical value depends on the mode of end
[Yl' = [Yl +
[HYI +
[Hay1 . . .+ (13) point detection and the accuracy required. For
end points obtained through extrapolation of straight
By substituting in the values for the acidity constants, lines (amperometric, conductometric, photometric)
expression (13) may be written the value of T can be as low as 2 (2% reading error a t
[Y]' = [Y] [H+]k, + [Y] [H+]%k? + half titration point). For potentiometric titration,
. . . + [Yl [H+Inr.k. (14) the value of T should be above 4 and for color indicator
The term [Y] can be factored from this expression titrations 5 or larger. With values of T greater than
minimum, the end point sharpness improves markedly
[Yl' = m~[Yl (15) and the control of solution conditions will be less
where critical. From equations (18) and (19), the maximum
value of log a, and thus the minimum pH, for a satis-
factory titration can readily be calculated
The pH-dependent term ay, is extremely useful lag a = log C + log K - T (20)
in all types of complex reactions facilitating the cal- Thus for the potentiometric (T = 4) titration of 0.01
culation of the concentration of the completely ionized M metal ions with EDTA, copper (log K = 18.8)
chelon [Y] in terms of the stoichiometric concentration requires a pH of 2.2 or higher, whereas calcium (log
[Y]'. Because of the frequent need of its use, the nu- K = 10.7) requires 6 or higher. These calculations
merical values as a function of pH are given in Figures have neglected the "complex effect" and consequently
1and 2 for the important chelons. the minimum pH values may be too low for many
Substituting 15 into 12 yields titration conditions.

Approximoting Cakulation o f Log a

which can be rearranged to yield Because of the frequent use of log a values, a simple
but approximate method for its calculation is useful.
The answers agree very well with the values calculated
by equation (16) except in regions where the pH is
where K.,,, the effective stability constant, denotes approximately equal to log kt. Even there the answers
the effective tendency for reaction between the metal and are sufficiently accurate for most analytical purposes.
the chelon at any particular pH value. The effective, The method is based on calculating a from the most
predominant term of equation (16).
Consider the determination of log a a t pH 5 for
EDTA. The various species of EDTA which will
be prevalent in solution a t different pH's may be
log k, log k. log k. log kt
HIY 8 HIY z 3 H2Y F? HY F? Y (21)
pH = 2 2.76 6.16 10.26
Thus a t pH 5 the prevalent form in solution is HzY
and the value for log a is simply obtained by adding
together the log ki values greater than 5 (the pH)
and subtracting the pH times the number of hydrogens
of the prevalent form of the chelon. Thus log a
(pH 5) = 10.26 +
6.16 - 2 X 5 = 6.42. At pH
7 the value for log a would be 10.26 - 1 X 7 = 3.26
and a t pH 2.5, 10.26 +
6.16 +
2.76 - 3 X 2.5 =
Hydrolysis Effect
The pH effect points to the use of alkaline conditions
for most effective titrations. However, the hydrolysis
of metal ions under such conditions lowers the effective
stability constants as seen from equation (10) and coun-
teraots the improvement gained by a decreased "pH
effect." Because of the opposite influence of these
effects, an optimum pH value exists for the titration
Figure 2. The dependence of log a on pH for NTA, HEDTA, EDTA. of the given metal ion, the exact pH depending on the
a n d DTPA. stability of the metal complex, the ease of hydrolysis
Volume 36, Number 1 7 , November 1959 / 561
of the metal ion, and upon the pH-log or relationships cipitates are extremely slow and, where metallochromic
of the chelon. The concentration of divalent metal indicators are used, the end point is obscured by ad-
ions (expressed as pMa) which decreases because of sorption of the indicator on the precipitate. For
hydrolysis may be given most simply by: these reasons precipitates are generally brought into
pMn = pK., + 2pH - 28 (22) solution prior to titration by the addition of a complex-
ing agent. For the precipitate to dissolve, the com-
where K,, is the solubility product constant of the plexing agent must increase the pM value slightly
metal hydroxide. The effective equilibrium constant above the value, pMs caused by hydrolysis. As a
for the reaction between metal hydroxide and the ti- result, the log K.,, value will he diminished by its
trant then becomes addition. In the ideal case the complexing action
log Kerf = log K - log n - pMo (23) will be just sufficient to dissolve the precipitate and
hence the log K,,, will he only slightly smaller than those
For the chelon EDTA, the effective stability con- plotted in Figure 3. Thus the conclusions drawn from
stant of mercury (pKHeo= 25.5), copper (pKc.(oa,, Figure 3 are still valid.
= 18.8), zinc (pK,,,,,,, = 16.3), and scandium
(pKsecoa,, = 27) were calculated as a function of pH
and are illustrated in Figure 3. The Complex Effect
The very striking result is that only a fraction of the The presence of complexing species other than chelon
absolute stability constant may actually he utilized shifts the metal-chelonate equilibrium equation (10)
for the reaction. The region between the dashed to the left. Addition of a selective complexing agent
and the solid lines for each metal ion is lost because of often allows masking of certain metal ions, permitting
the hydrolysis effect. The optimum pH value of the titration of others. Furthermore, chelometric ti-
titration constant is obtained for mercury between the trations are generally performed in the presence of
broad region from 3 to 5 but occurs a t a rather well buffer since the titration reaction ordinarily liberates
defined pH of 6 for copper and a t 8 for zinc. At the hydrogen ions
optimum pH values the sequence of reaction between
chelon and the metal ions is actually just the reverse
predicted solely from the relative values of their ab- As most buffer chemicals are also complexing agents,
solute stability constants. Furthermore, the order they will decrease the value of log KSrt. For this reason,
of titration a t pH 3 is just opposite to the order of one must avoid the temptation of adding more buffer
titration a t pH 10. Plots of this type for the various than is really necessary to maintain reasonably con-
metals which complex with EDTA reveal that the larg- stant pH. The effect of buffer can be calculated
est effective stability constant obtainable is for scan- from a knowledge of its stepwise formation constants,
dium (log K.,, = 18.4) although a number of other Kc, and from the acidity constant, kt, of the buffer in
metal ions have a larger absolute stability constants a manner analogous to calculation of or for a chelon.
than scandium (log K = 23.1).
Knowledge of hydrolysis is now in a much more ad- [MI, = [MI + + + + .
IMZI [MZzI [MZsl .. (25)
vanced stage than presented above, and detailed ac- = [MI + [MI [ZIK, + [MI [MI
lZ12KJG +
LZIaK,K~Ka+ . . . (26)
count can be taken of the various hydrolysis equilibria
using relationships similar to those presented here. = [MI0 (27)
where [MIt corresponds to the total stoichiometric
concentration of unchelonated metal ion, and [Z] to the
8 =1 + [ZIK, + [ZI%K,K,+ [Zl8K,K~Ks+ . . . (28)
Thus 6 is [Zldependent. Because [Z] is pHdepend-
[Zl, = [Zlnz (29)
where [Z], is the stoichiometric concentration of un-
metallized complexing agent, 0 is also pH-dependent
for a given quantity of [Z],. Fortunately a recent
compilation of the pertinent equilibrium constants
exists (1, 8 ) hence allowing calculation of the complex
effect in many cases. An approximate method to cal-
culate log 0 is to follow the same procedure as for log cr
but employ pZ and Ki in place of pH and ki.
Substitution of (27) into (20) yields the condition
for a satisfactory titration
Figure 3. The effective stability constant for Ssttc, Hg++, CuC+, and T = log K + log C - lag n - log 0 (30)
Znt' ar a function of pH.
Metal-Chelonate Derivatives
Frequently titrations are performed in pH regions The ability of metal-chelonates to form acid ds-
where the metal ion ordinarily precipitates as a hydrous rivatives (HMY) tends to increase the effectiveness-
oxide. Direct titrations of such metal precipitates is of the titration of certain metal ions in acid solutions.
undesirable because titration reactions involving pre- This is especially prominent with DTPA, and this
562 / Journal of Chemical Education
chelon becomes actually superior to EDTA! For pH 12.5 and equation (34) is operative above this pH.
other chelons, the formation of the acid derivatives As EDTA is added a t pH 12.5, calcium is titrated and
occurs only in pH regions where the metal chelonate the pM value increases. Eventually line B, corre
is already too unstable for titration. Nevertheless, sponding to the indicator color change, is crossed, thus
their effect often has to be taken into account since marking the end point. The pM for this iudicator
metal ions which form acid derivatives will tend to line is given by equation (35) and is derived from
interfere more than one would expect solely from equation (31) under the assumption that the indicator
consideration of the log or-pH curve. Similarly the is present in equimolar concentrations in metallized
formation of M(OH),Y in alkaline solutions indicates and unmetallized forms,
enhanced metal-chelonate stability under such con- IMIn] = [In]' ,
ditions. Some metal chelonates also form derivatives PMB = log Kmn - log a,.
of the type MXY where X = NHa, C1-, CNS-, . . .
Upon the addition of more EDTA, line C , corresponding
to 100% excess of EDTA, is reached. The equation
for this line is then given by substituting [Cay]
Factors Influencing Metol-Indicator Formation
= PI' into equation (18)
Because most metallochromic indicators form 1 :1 pMo = log Kxu - log mu
soluble chelates with metal ions, the algebra employed (36)
for calculating the various effects is identical in prin- The right side of Figure 4 shows the resulting pM ti-
ciple with that described for metal chelonates. Thus tration curve.
for MIn
log K.rr = log Kxrn - log ax. (311
Similarly account must be taken of the occasional
occurrence of complexes of the type MXIn. Thus
the red Zn-Erio T complex reacts with ammonia to
form purple Zn-NHa-Erio T.
The colors of the various forms (e.g., H21n-, HIn-%,
In+) of the indicator are important. For Erio T,
HJn- is pink, HIn-2 blue, and In-' pink. Because
most metal-Erio T complexes are pink, a significant
color change (pink to blue) occurs only when the pre-
dominant form of unmetallized indicator is blue, HIn-a,
This places a further restriction on the pH conditions
for titration.
Summary of Competitive Equilibria
pM-pH and pY-pH diagrams allow presentation Fibre 4. pM-pH diagram llefll m d corresponding pM titration c v n e
in an easily digestible form of the competitive equilibria (right) for the titrotion of calcium with EDTA wing Calcon as indicator.
involved in chelometric titrations and are consequently
quite useful in predicting suitable titration conditions. The distances on the pM diagram denoted by
From such diagrams the sharpness of the end point A1 and A2 characterize quantitatively the sharpness of
can be quantitatively characterized and the effect of the end point. Values of A (in pM units) below 2
pH, buffer, type of chelon, and indicator can be readily correspond to dragging end points. Values of A
seen (18). The pM-pH diagram is the ideal choice of greater than 4 do not offerany significant improvement
presentation when comparing the applicability of over the very sharp one obtained when A equals 4.
various chelons and indicators for the titration of a A1 designates the sharpness prior to the end point where-
single metal ion. If more than one metal ion is present, as A2 corresponds to the sharpness beyond the end
a pY-pH diagram is more suitable (18). point. A symmetrical color change titration curve is
A typical pM-pH diagram is illustrated in Figure 4 obtained when Al = A2 and the 50% color change
and refers to the EDTA titration of 0.01 M calcium point occurs a t the equivalence point. The values
using Calcon. In this diagram, three main lines are of A, and A2 vary significantly with pH and the vertical
drawn corresponding tovarious points in the titration (A solid line a t pH 12.5 indicates where A1 and A2 are
a t the beginning, B a t 50Yo color change point, and C both reasonably large. Under these conditions, the
100Yobeyond the end point). In pM-pH diagrams, the titration would be predicted as feasible and such is
titration curve a t constant pH proceeds from bottom to found in practice.
top in the sequence indicated and this accounts for At pH 10.4 lines A and B intersect, or, more precisely,
the simplicity in its use. Line A, corresponding to merge. The intersection point, as drawn in Figure 4,
the initial concentration, C, of the metal ion in the represents the pH a t which the iudicator complex is
sample, is given by (32), (33), or (34) : essentially completely dissociated by reaction with
MA = -log C (no complex or hydrolysis effects) (32) hydrogen ions, equation (10). Similarly, the inter-
= -bg C + log P (complex effect) (33)
section point of lines C and A indicates complete
dissociation of the calcium-EDTA complex a t pH 4.2
= zpH + pK,, - ~ ( 1 4(hydrolysis
) effect of M(OH),) (disregarding the formation of hydrogen complexes).
(34) At pH values, corresponding to the log k, values of
For 0.003 M calcium ion, equation (32) holds up to the indicator (vertical dashed lines), the unmetallized
Volume 36, Number 1 1 , November 1959 / 563
indicator exists in two forms in equimolar concentra- (13) MARTELL,A. E., AND CHABEREK, S., Anal. Chem., 26,
tion: a t pH 13.5 as H I r 2 and In?, and a t pH 7 1692 (1954).
(14) PRIBIL,R., AND MATYSKA, B., collection Czechoslou. Chem.
as HJn- and H I n F . Thus if the pH of the sample Communs., 16,130 (1951).
solution containing indicator is varied, the following (15) REILLEY, C. N., AND SHELDON, M. V., Chemist-Analyst, 46,
colors would be observed: pH up to 7, pink; pH 7 -- 110571
54 \ - - - . ,.

to 10.4, blue; above 10.4, pink. I n contrast, for the (16) REILLEY,C. N., AND SHELDON, M. V., Talanta, 1, 127
over-titrated solutions the colors observed would be: (1958).
(17) REILLEY, C. N., AND SCHMID,R. W., Anal. Chem., 30, 047
pH up to 7, pink; pH 7 to 13.5, blue; pH above 13.5, (1958).
pink. Hence the vertical solid line also indicates a (18) REILLEY,C. N., AND SCHMID, R. W., A n d . Chem., 32, 887
pH where suitable color transition occurs a t the end .
119591. ,
point. Further the equivalence point does not occur (19) REILLEY, C. N., SCHMID,R. W , AND LAMSON, D. W., Anal.
Chem., 30,953 (1958).
a t 50% color change and the end point should there- (20) REILLEY,C. N., AND SCRIBNER, W. G., Anal. Chem., 27,
fore be taken when the last tinge of pink has just 1210(1955).
disappeared and the solution is pure blue. (21) REILLEY,C. N.> AND VAVOULIS, A., Anal. Chem., 31, 243
A second paper will follow giving experiments suitable ,A""",.

for laboratory classes and illustrating the methods of (22) RINGBOM, A., N o ~ d Kjemskefmote,
. 96 (1953).
(23) RINGBOM, A., SvenskKem T i d s k , 66, 150 (1954).
titration, ways of achieving selectivity, and precautions (24) RINGBoM, A., AND W~~NNINEN, E., Anal. Chim. Acta, 11,
necessary for good results. 153 (1954).
(25) SADEK, F. S., AND REILL~Y, C. N., Mimoehemieal J., 1 , 183
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564 / Journol of Chemical Education

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