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Chapter V.

Risk Analysis and Security Hazards

Security Hazard – any act or condition which may result in the compromise of information, loss
life, and loss of destruction of property or disruption of the activity of the installation.

Types of Hazards:

1. Natural Hazards – hazards which arise from natural phenomena.

2. Human-man made hazard – result on the state of mind, attitude, weakness, or character
traits of one and more persons.

Sabotage – he is the most dangerous which deal of planning and implementing security,
experiential and he can work alone in several places.

Espionage – and very dangerous and underestimate with extensive training and highly
effective information and he can defeat his own game if proper techniques are undertaken.

Subversive activity – their activity is to know the weaknesses of organization in form of

propaganda, morale and etc.

VIP Security – aims to protect people from physical violence, whether external states from
violence, sub state actors and domestic abuse from predatory adults.

VIP – Very Important Person.

Escort – one and more person accompanying to give protection or to pay honor.

Bodyguard – a person or group of person responsible to protect one of more specific person.

Organization of VIP Security:

1.Area Security – covers and prophylactic (neutralize) the surrounding areas of engagement.

2. Perimeter Security – uniformed men secures the immediate areas surrounding the

3. Advance Security - sanitize and at the place before the arrival of the VIP.

4. Close-In security – accompanies the VIP wherever it goes and maximum 4 persons.

5. Reserve Security – on standby or possible back-up or reinforcement.

6. Routine Security – neutralize the possible route of the VIP party.

Importance of VIP or Dignitary Security

1. To ensure protection of the very important person of dignitary
2. To clear the routine routes
3. To avoid assassination plot and or ambuscade to visiting VIP
4. To establish coordinate efforts with foreign and local agencies

Four (4) Common Elements in all Assassination:

1. Victim

2. Assassin

3. Modus operandi (Mode of Operation)

4. Opportunity

Crisis – is a decisive points of a condition, improper handling in which immediately places

under threat or danger of one’s life, limbs, freedom and property.

Crisis Management – is the totality of action of handling or responding to a given crisis


Crisis Management Plan – is a complete and comprehensive plan of actions designed to

protect life, limbs, freedom and property, before and during any given situation.

Two Kinds of Crisis according to Origin:

1. Natural Crisis – events caused by force of by nature.

2. Man-made Crisis – events caused through instrumentality of men.

Work Stoppage – is a condition of an enterprise whereby normal work operation is stopped as

a result of strike or lockout.

Two major causes of Work Stoppage:

1. Strike – is a temporary stoppage of work because of labor industrial dispute.

2. Lockout – is the temporary refusal of any employer to furnish work.


is associated with almost every activity especially in the business world. Risk is a potential
loss or damage to an asset. It is a financial loss to an enterprise, business or organization.

Risk Analysis is a management tool, the standards for which are determined by whatever
management decides it wants to accept in terms of actual loss.

Chapter V. Security Survey, Security Inspection and Security Investigation

Security Survey and Inspection

- the basic instrument for determining security vulnerability id the security survey.

- critical on site examination and analysis of properties to determine what protection

needed and improved and also what recommendation should develop.

Security Planning
Planning is a corporate and extensive responsibility. This is a decision making in order to
answer the precepts of knowing where we are, where we are going, and determining the best
way to get there.

Security Survey

A critical on-site examination and analysis of an industrial plant, business, home or public
private institution done to ascertain the facility’s current security status, to identify deficiencies
or excesses in current practices, to determine what protection is needed, and to make
recommendations for improving the over-all level of security at that location.

Objective of Security Survey :

1. To determine existing conditions of physical security of corporate property.

2. To measure the compliance of employees to security.

Planning of Security Survey:

1. Verify the need.

2. Obtain organizational support.

3. State the survey’s executives

4. Determine how data will be gathered

5. Develop alternatives

6. Prepare schedule of activities.

Security Inspection

Inspection is one of the most important parts of security management process which
insure that risks are recognized and covered in security programs, and that programs are
necessary and cost-effective. The assessment of what is happening from a security point of
view is made through an inspection program.

Types of Security Inspection:

1.Continuous Inspection – constant changes in the organization, in terms of attitudes life style,
moral and values and advancement of technological modifications.

2. Formal or Informal – hired a new security administrator or initiated a security department or


3. Structure or Unstructured Inspection

Structured inspection – is the one moves systematically from one area to other while
Unstructured inspection which means to a conduct in random manner.
Dr. Norman Bottom and Professor John Kostanoski – have applied a system approach to the
problem of assets protection. Formulated as a new way of considering security and loss
prevention and called “WAECUP” (an acronym for waste, accidents, and error, crime, and
unethical practices).

The Purposes of Plants/Establishment Security and Protection:

1. To protect the establishment in order to facilitate the operation of facilities, equipment

and machineries.
2. To protect the factories its utilities and facilities against activities that would
slowdown, interfere with or halt its production.
3. To protect the establishment against activities which would stop machineries,
equipment, facilities and personnel performing their intended function.

Security Education

The basic goal of security education is to acquaint all the employees the rationale behind the
security measures and to ensure their cooperation at all times.

Phase of security Education;

1. Initial interview - it is the first contact with security and should be formally conducted. Its
purpose is to impart security concern, its importance to the company and the penalties that
would result to violation of company rules, regulation and security measures.

2. Training conference- it is normally held in the training period. Conducted for at least a period
of hours, its concern is to reiterate to employees that security is an additional burden imposed
on them as part of the company.

3. Refresher reminders- it reminds individuals of their job responsibility. It is also serves a

forum to resolve security problem and explain new rules and regulations.

4. Security reminders- it is commonly manifested in office memorandum, announcement,

posters place at strategic areas within the company.

Security promotion- it is a positive effort to sell security or make the employees more involved
in the implementation of security measures.

5. Special interviews- it is conducted with the aide of senior company officials to facilitate
compliance by means of example.

6. Debriefing- serves to place the person ion special notice of his continuing responsibility to
protect classified information which he has knowledge of.

Security Audit – it is essentially an assessment and efficiency of the implementation and

enforcement of the organization’s security policy.

Newel Andrews
W – wearing of the uniform properly with sense of pride which includes passion and
O – observing and reporting incidents through person, object, place or event (POPE).

R – responding to emergencies
K – know your post, specific duties and responsibilities as a part of the established standard.

Best Practices in the Conduct of Security Assessment:

1. Interview the police
2. Drive the neighborhood.
3. Inspect the property.
4. Look for graffiti.
5. Visit the merchants or tenants.
6. Assistance from non-security personnel.
7. Review prior security reports.
8. Evaluate the security needs.
9. Update the emergency procedures.
10. Discuss audit findings with top management.

Security Investigation – is a planned and organized determination of facts concerning specific

loss or damage of assets due to threats, hazards or unsecured conditions.

Objectives of Security Investigation:

1. To determine the circumstances of an event that caused loss, harm, or damage of
person or properties.
2. To determine who are responsible in the incident.
3. To determine who are liable for loss, harm, or damage as a result of the incident.
4. To recover or find restitution for the loss or damage.

5. To find ways and means to prevent the incident from recurring.

Guidelines for a Successful Security Investigation:

1. Review the incident report – this is the process of determining the veracity and authenticity of
the source and stated information.

2. Prepare Investigative Plan – there must be a prudent chronological steps in the execution of
the investigation.
3. Prepare of Investigative File – use a standard size of folder with case number and label upon
the conclusion of the case it should be kept and secured according to the policy of the
company in keeping records cases.

Systematic Approach to Investigation:

1. Define the Investigative Problem
2. Collection of Relevant Data
3. Methods and Sources to be used
4. Analysis and Verification of Information Gathered
5. Verification Methods
6. Drawing the Conclusion

Difficulties in Investigation:
1. Absence of eyewitness/witnesses.
2. Motive unknown
3. Lack of physical clues (evidence)

Qualities of Effective Investigation:

1. Objective – all facts are discussed as perceived without any distortion and the manner of
presentation is free from unwarranted opinion.
2. Thorough – full detail, exhaust all available means, factual to arrive in a sound and
convincing conclusion.
3. Relevant – significant and demonstrated its relation to one another.
4.Accurate – free from error.
5.Current – terminology is generally accepted.

Emergency and Disaster Management

Emergency – is a sudden, generally unexpected occurrence or set of circumstances

demanding immediate action.

Disaster – is the unscheduled event that causes emergency

Crisis – is the turning point of a disaster or emergency, if not contained or controlled.

Disaster Management – is the systematic management of disaster from the initial stage to its
termination using various tools to minimizes lost of lives, damage to property and enhance

Types of Emergency:
1. Earthquake
2. Typhoon
3. Tsunamis
4. Volcanic eruption fire
5. Fire’
6. Explosion
7. Building Collapse
8. Leakage of gas or toxic fumes
9. Bomb threat
10. Strikes
11. Work Accidents
12. Enemy Attack

Emergency Response Team – must be established to become active during increased threats
levels or when emergency situation occurs.


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