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Luyen thi vao lop

10 chuyen Anh


WORKING (Part 2)
Keyword Collocation Meaning and example
Employ To employ sb to do/as to give somebody a job to
something do for payment

To employ sth (a method, to use something such as

force,…) a skill, method, etc. for a
particular purpose

To be fully/gainfully in a way that earns money

employed for the useful work that
you do

To be temporarily/ The fifteen-year-old can’t

permanently/regularly/irregul be regularly employed.
arly employed

To be employed (in sth) to be busy doing sth

Earn To earn something (a living/a


To earn sb something Eg.: Her science project

earned her $25.000.

To earn something 1-to get money as profit or

2-to get something that
you deserve

Engaged Engaged in/on sth busy doing something


To be engaged (of telephone to be used

line) Eg.: engaged line/tone

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Luyen thi vao lop
10 chuyen Anh

Function Fulfill/perform a function

Bodily functions an organic process that

takes place in the body
Eg. respiratory function

Stress To be under/to cope with/

suffer from stress

Stress and strains all worry caused by daily


Emotional/mental stress

A stress fracture on sth (eg. pressure put on something

a foot) that can damage it or
make it lose its shape

To lay/place (great) stress special importance given

on sth to something

Task perform/carry
out/complete/undertake a

To be no easy task to be difficult

Thankless task an unpleasant one that

nobody wants to do and
nobody thanks you for

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